《Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations》Chapter 6


It was finally lunch and I was sat alone at our normal table in the cafeteria. I was doodling on a scrap of paper to make myself look like less of a loner as May and Chloe still hadn't returned from their respective classes.

 I heard the scraping of a chair and a heavy sigh as someone dropped into the chair in front of me. 

I looked up, expecting to see Chloe or May but I was surprised to see Ethan Blythe sitting across from me. 

"Nice bruise Chubs," Ethan said with a smirk, as he gestured to the bruise on my forehead. 

"I always knew you were sadistic but it's nice to get some confirmation every-now-and-then," I spat out angrily.

 "Look I didn't mean to hit you that hard Chubs, I'm sorry," he said his eyes intense and wide, as a look of guilt crossed over his face. I wasn't buying his act for a second, he wasn't capable of feeling remorse. 

"Just fuck off Ethan and bother someone else," I snapped angrily. A look of hurt flashed over his face before he quickly composed himself. 

"We both know you love me. I'm pretty sure, I have a memory of you calling me a sexy beast or something...." he said with a low chuckle, referring to my painfully embarrassing ordeal at Sugar Shake. 

I growled in irritation, as I started to have horrible flashbacks to that day.

 "Never. Speak. Of. That. again," I said slowly, in between gritted teeth.

Ethan just chuckled at me in amusement, clearly having fun pissing me off. 

"Anyway, I think there's something you and I need to discuss. Don't you think?" Ethan said raising an eyebrow in inquisition. 

I froze, prayed to God that he wasn't referring to what I think he was. I decided playing dumb was my best tactic. "What do you mean?" I asked in what I hoped was a convincing and unsuspecting voice.

He just stared at me in silence, his eyes scanned interrogatively over my face as he waited for me to crack. Not being able to take the heat anymore, I broke eye contact.

"I have to admit Chubs, I didn't think you'd have it in you to break into my room in the middle of the night," Ethan said casually as he stared at me in amusement. "You would have gotten away with it too if you hadn't dropped your phone," he said with a smirk, as he pulled out my phone from the inside of his jacket pocket. 


"Pft.... that's not my phone." I lied quickly, hoping there was still a way I could somehow get out of this.

"How stupid do you think I am? Your Screen saver was a bit of a giveaway," he said with a snort.

 Okay, there was officially no way I could convince him that the phone wasn't mine. My screen saver was a picture of the actor, Ian Somerhalder and there wasn't a person alive who didn't know I was obsessed with him. 

"Okay, I admit it is my phone. You've made your point," I said in defeat. 

"Thanks for returning it," I said, reaching across the table to take the phone back

 "Did you really think I'd hand it over that easily chubs?" he said with a snort, holding my phone up higher than I could reach. Being short really sucked sometimes. 

"Look Ethan I REALLY need my phone back. My dad will kill me if he found out I lost another phone," I said in exasperation.

 After I lost my phone for the third time in a year my dad had threatened to buy me a brick phone if I lost another one. 

"Aww, that's too bad. Maybe you should learn to be more careful with your belongings," he said jutting out his lip in fake sympathy. It was unbelievable that he still managed to look cute doing that.

"Don't worry, you can earn it back by HELPING me with something..." he said putting particular emphasis on the word helping. He started laughing as he saw the panicked look on my face. "Relax Chubs, I don't mean anything sexual. I wouldn't have to threaten you if that's what I wanted. Would I?" he said with a sly smirk.

 "In your fucking dreams Ethan," I said with a scoff. "Just get to the point. What do you want?" I spat out angrily.

He cleared his throat dramatically. "Firstly, I would like to know what your mission was in sneaking into my room last night?" he said with narrowed eyes. 

"Erm...I.... was...bored," I mumbled out weakly. 

He just arched an eyebrow up at me indicating that he was not buying into my bullshit. 

"Okay fine. I was dared to steal your hoodie. Happy?" I confessed just wanted to get this over with.


 "That wasn't so hard to admit now, was it? I always knew you fancied me chubs but breaking into my room and stealing my clothes is a little bit creepy, even for you," he said with a suffocating smug expression on his face. 

"I told you it was a dare," I said in between gritted teeth. "Can you just give me back my phone already?" I snapped in irritation as I fought the urge to jump across the table and throttle him. 

"No, as I was saying before I still need you to do something for me," he said with a smirk.

 "And you promise that it's nothing sexual or illegal..." I said looking at him in suspicion.

"I promise," he said with a smile, his face giving no indication that he was lying.

 "Okay fine, sure I'll do it," I grumbled out in irritation. Ethan's smile grew. 

"Excellent. Are you free tomorrow?" he said cheerfully. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I sighed.

"Then here you go," he said throwing me my phone as he stood up to leave which I embarrassingly failed to catch.

 He suddenly turned back. "Oh, and also don't think you can back out of our arrangement now that you have your phone back. I am still very capable of calling the police." 

Well, there goes that plan I thought bitterly to myself. 

"Oh, and one more thing. I hacked your phone and saw that little video of yours. A bit weird to film someone while they're sleeping chubs. Anyway, I deleted it, can't have you spreading that video around. Can we?" Ethan said with a knowing smirk." See you later Mia," he said with a laugh as he finally vacated the table.

 I let out a heavy sigh as he left. Well at least I wasn't going to prison, I guess.

I saw May and Chloe heading my way with their trays in hand. "Oh, you've finally got your phone back. Did he just hand it over?" Chloe said with surprise as she flopped down onto the chair across from me while May took the seat beside me. 

"Nope, I had to make a stupid deal with him to get it back" I spat out bitterly. "And it's all your fault May. Thanks a lot" I said glaring at May angrily. It was her fault I was in his room in the first place. 

"At least you got a free hoodie out of it. You should be thanking me" May said with a chuckle. 

"Actually, thanks to you May, I have to do some stupid weird thing with him after school tomorrow" I whined.

Upon hearing my words, Chloe started choking on her drink and May's head snapped up in shock.

 I suddenly realized it sounded like I was going to something dodgy with him. "Not like that" I screeched out in a hurry.

 Their shocked expressions slowly faded from their faces, likely in relief that their friend was not becoming a prostitute. 

"It might not be anything bad.... maybe he just wants someone to hang out with or something," Chloe said with a shrug. 

"God, I hope not. Hanging out with him sounds like the worst torture there is." I said, shivering in disgust.

As I was busy complaining, May decided to pick up my phone. She immediately burst into laughter, as she looked at something on the screen. Curious, I snatched it back wondering what embarrassing thing she had discovered. My eyes widened as I looked at my new screensaver. 

"What the actual fuck" I whispered in shock. It was a picture of Ethan wearing only his boxers on, as he lay in a rather provocative pose. He was sprawled out on his bed, with one knee cocked up as he blew a kiss at the camera. I felt my face heat up, as my eyes glanced over his body in the photograph. 

"Wait what's wrong, Can I see?" Chloe asked curiously, probably wondering what all the fuss was about. 

"Trust me, Chloe, you don't want to see this..." I said with a chuckle, as my eyes remained firmly glued on the picture. May snorted.

 "Ethan left a sexy photo on her phone for her and she's having a hard time looking away," May said with amusement in her eyes.

 "Shut up, it's not sexy," I muttered, even though I could hear a little voice in the back of my mind telling me otherwise.

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