《Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations》Chapter 4


My hand dug deep into the Pringles can to get another stack of the addicting crisps for likely the 10th time in 10 minutes.

I was comfort eating.

I was tucked up in front of the television, wearing my pajamas even though it was 5 o clock in the afternoon. I was proudly wearing my dinosaur slippers which I had cocked up on the sitting-room table. I really should be getting on with some homework, but it was only Tuesday and the week already felt too long and I needed some well-deserved time off.

As I was munching away, my mum poked her head around the door.

"Hey Mia, dinner will probably be ready in an hour. I just thought I'd let you know, in case you want to ease up on the snacks," she said observing my slob like behavior in concern.

"Eh," I grunted out too lazy to speak words.

"Oh, mum I forgot to tell you Chloe and May are coming over later for a sleepover. Is that okay?" I said turning to look at her.

"Yeah, no worries," she said heading back to the kitchen.


I swivelled around on my desk chair, while May and Chloe lay sprawled out on my bed.

"I'm bored," I whined.

"Can I do your guys' makeup?" Chloe said leaping up with excitement and clapping her hands.

"NO," me and May said quickly.

We learned our lesson from the last time never to let her near our face again. To put it in short, Chloe was not the best at makeup. She may be incredibly stunning, but this had no reflection on her skills in makeup.

"Why don't we do dares?" May said looking up at us with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Normally, I would have shut her down almost immediately, but I had reached a new level of boredom and I was willing to give her game a shot. May smirked as I nodded my head.

"Chloe?" May said, looking over at Chloe for confirmation.

"Yeah, I guess..." Chloe said not sounding too keen.

We all proceeded to get in a circle, and I grabbed a plastic water bottle from my nightstand and placing it in the middle of our circle.

May spun the bottle and we watched it spin around before it finally stopped. We followed the end of the bottle to see it was pointing at me.

May seemed very happy with the bottle's decision and proceeded to clear her throat. I suddenly had regrets about deciding to play this game, I forgot how crazy May's dares could be.

"Hmmm...Let me think......" she said tapping her chin in thought. Her eyes suddenly lit up as an idea sprung to mind.

"I dare you to sneak into Ethan Blythe's house and steal one of his hoodies," May said boldly, with an evil grin on her face.

The room went utterly silent. I patiently waited for May to burst out laughing and admit that she was joking. But that was not the case and she continued to stare at me expectantly. Realizing she was being serious I widened my eyes. 


"WHAT? You can't be serious. I'm pretty sure that it is illegal May. Are you insane?" I said my eyes drifting over to Chloe in desperation, hoping she would back me up.

"I don't know Mia it might be a good idea. Think about it the dude has publicly embarrassed you 3 times in the-span-of 48 hours. You've been moaning about all night. He kind of deserves it don't you think?" Chloe said with a deadly serious expression on her face.

Chloe did have a point. The jackass did deserve it and it's not like he would ever have to know about it, it's like 1am in the morning, he'll be fast asleep.

"I'm in," I said my mouth slowly stretching out into a grin.


"I'm out," I said turning myself back around, ready to head back towards Chloe's car.

May quickly grabbed onto the hood of my jacket to stop me from escaping.

"Hold on Mia you can't wuss out now. Remember why you are doing this. Revenge Mia. Sweet. Sweet. Revenge."

She's right. He needed to pay.

With a sigh, I looked up at the humongous house in which slept Satan or as he is commonly referred to, Ethan Blythe.

I tried to not let the jealousy suffocate me as my eyes scanned over his monster of a house. He had a fucking waterfall outside his house for Christ's sake. Just because the spoilt brat's mother was a lawyer the little prick got everything.

Walking up the driveway, I moved past his black Mercedes which had almost run me over earlier today.

"Which window is his?" I asked turning towards Chloe.

She knew Ethan's house well because their little brothers were friends, so she had been over to his house a fair few times to pick up her brother.

"I think it's that one in the corner." she said pointing at the window which was conveniently situated near a tree.

"Wait a second.... how do you actually know that?" I asked my voice sounding more judgmental than I meant it to.

I felt a strange unfamiliar sick feeling in my stomach at the idea of her knowing exactly where his room was. Not because I was jealous or anything, only because Chloe was far too good for someone like Ethan.

"My brother is sometimes in his room when I pick him up. I think Ethan reads to them or something," Chloe said with a shrug. I started to feel more relaxed for some reason after she said that.

Chloe seemed to clock on to something and a small smirk crawled its way on to her face "Why do you sound so worried?" she teased, cocking an eyebrow up at me probingly.

"I'm just a concerned friend that's all," I said with nonchalantly.

"Whatever you say Mia," Chloe sang seemingly unconvinced.

Deciding to ignore her, I focused back on the task at hand. "Are you guys going to wait for me down here?" I asked.

"Err no." May snorted. "We are going to be watching from the safety of the car. Good luck," May said patting me on the back before heading towards the car with Chloe in tow.


Such supportive friends I have.

I peered up at the window which was on the second floor of the building. Luckily for me, the idiot had been dumb enough to leave his window open. He was basically asking to be robbed.

I walked over to the tree and with much struggle, I managed to reach the lowest branch of the tree. Once I firmly had it grasped, I used the minimal strength I had to clamber my way up onto the branch. I was only at the first branch and I was already out of breath. I needed to start working out. I slowly but surely clambered my way up the tree; almost losing my balance multiple times.

Finally, after what felt like ages, I managed to reach the level of the window. Now that I was actually up here, the gap between the tree and the window seemed far more intimidating. Stretching across I could just about reach the window and I pushed it open wider.

I prayed to God that he was sleeping otherwise things were about to get extremely awkward.

With a leap of faith, I jumped and caught onto the brim of the window. With the last strength I had, I climbed headfirst through his window, trying to be as graceful as possible. Surprisingly, I managed to get through the window without making a sound.

Maybe burglary was a hidden talent of mine.

Internally congratulating myself I got out my phone and turned on the flashlight so I could actually see something in the pitch-black room. I scanned the room with my minimal light source and located his desk which surprisingly had a lot of work out on it, indicating Ethan studied more than he let on.

I searched around some more and discovered a massive bookshelf full of a multitude of various storybooks. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting him to be someone who read for fun.

Maybe I didn't know him as well as I thought I did.....

That thought lasted for all of 5 seconds before I shook my head at the ridiculousness of the idea. He was and always would be a prick.

Scanning around again I jumped in surprise as I shone the flashlight directly onto his sleeping figure.

Luckily, he remained fast asleep.

His covers were loosely strung across his waist exposing the naked muscular skin of his back. I watched his back rise and fall, indicating he was deep in sleep. I couldn't tell if he was completely naked or not, because his covers obscured the lower half of his body, leaving it as a mystery.

I suddenly realized how creepy I was being, and I shook my head to clear my mind, trying to focus back on the task at hand. His hoodie.

I scanned the flashlight around again and managed to locate his dresser and wardrobe. I crept my way over and started to slowly open drawers at random. Opening one draw I was disappointed to only find socks and when I opened another a box abruptly fell to the ground.

I snapped my head around fast to check to see if I woke him. He hadn't and he was still sleeping soundly asleep. Sighing in relief I bent down curiously to see what had dropped out of the drawer.

I held the writing up close to my face to try and identify what it was. I almost threw up when I saw that it was a packet of condoms.

Of course, Ethan had to be a man-whore too, his list of bad qualities just seemed to be getting longer and longer. I put them safely back into the drawer, not wanting to be the reason he accidentally bred a child. I shivered at the thought of him reproducing and their being more versions of him out there. It was truly a horrifying thought. I felt sorry for whatever poor girl in the future, he managed to trick into breeding with him.

Trying another drawer, I smiled in relief when I saw there were lots of neatly folded piles of hoodies. I rummaged through trying to find the cutest one to take and finally settled on a nice cozy-looking forest green one.


Just as I was about to make my escape, I heard shuffling as Ethan turned over in his bed.

Okay, I'm not normally a creep but I just couldn't help myself and moved closer to the bed. I glanced over at his bedside table and saw there was a framed photograph of him and his family. It was taken from a while ago because Ethan looked around 8 years old and he was beaming at the camera with a toothless grin. I would never admit it to his face, but he was an adorable child. He was holding his baby brother in his arms and it was clear to see how much he loved him. Everyone was smiling in the photo except for his dad who was kind of ruining the picture in my opinion.

Moving my eyes away from the photo, I turned to look at him again. His long-toned arms were wrapped around his pillow, he was hugging it towards himself as though it was his teddy. His long eyelashes rested over his cheek obscuring his deep blue eyes from view. He looked different. His face looked calm and his mouth was relaxed instead of in its usual smirk. This drew my eyes to his lips, imagining the softness of them.

Realizing I was being a creep yet again, I ripped my eyes away from him in embarrassment. I felt disgusted that I let myself fawn over him for even a second. No matter how good he looked, he would always be an awful human being.

I turned around to leave before I could do anything else that I might regret. As I took a step to leave, I heard a soft groan followed by a faint "Mia".

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