《Working for Him》Chapter 10


Sophia Parker

Today we are leaving and I'm really going to miss London. So many memories were created here, ones that I'll never forget. Mr Wilson and I have just boarded our jet that'll be taking us back to New York. I'm sitting directly opposite him just like I did when we were coming.

Although I had a very short sleep last night, I think Mr Wilson didn't get any. He is looking seriously tired as he works on his laptop and he even has bags underneath his eyes. I wonder what kept him up all night... I hope it wasn't the kiss.

That's ridiculous. He doesn't have time to dwell on a meaningless kiss, he had kissed countless girls before.

On the other hand Mr Wilson was not my first kiss, but he was my best kisser. The rest have only been light and modest but his was so demanding. I had only been kissed by two guys previously and they were both my exs in college.

"Miss Parker, I need the IBAN and Swift numbers for the company's account." He said lazily.

I reached for my bag and got out a file containing the company's account details and handed it to him. He continued to work but after a while he shut his laptop abruptly and tossed it to the next seat. He closed his eyes but it didn't look like he wanted to sleep. He was frowning and there was a crease between his eyebrows like he was thinking hard.

"Mr Wilson, are you okay? You look like something is bothering you." I was worried about him.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. I am no expert in reading facial expressions but he looked angry at me, like I did something wrong. He was staring at me with resentment and it made me feel like crap.

"Sir, did I do anything wrong? Or did I give you the wrong papers?" I asked nervously. I was fiddling with the hem of the short dress I was wearing. His resentful look turned into irritation and I just wished the ground could open up and swallow me.

On second thought, I wouldn't prefer that... we were on a plane.

He wasn't answering my questions so I decided to leave him alone. I gathered my things and put them in my bag. When I slung it over my shoulder and stood up, he decided to speak.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To the bedroom. I'm tired and I need to rest." I said but he laughed at me.

"You can't be tired because I'm sure you slept all night." He said with a hint of irritation.

"You're right. Maybe I'm not really tired. But I'm not going to sit here and what you look at me like I'm some vomit on the floor." With that, I stormed off.

What is wrong with him!

He had been so nice to me throughout the trip but now he's so mean. The way he looked at me made me feel so bad about myself. Why does he affect me this much? I really shouldn't care but I do.

I didn't know when I started crying but my face was now stained with tears. I thought I would never cry again because of him but I was wrong. The last time I cried was last week when I forgot to change the figures on the Sytner Group report. He had scolded me and had felt like a moron.

Apart from then, I had cried severally when he went out with so many beautiful women. Most of them were either actresses or models and I was nothing compared to them. He would always tell me to send them flowers, book dinner tables and even hotels. It was a constant reminder that I was not his type but it didn't stop me from silently wishing he could do the same to me.


Right now I just want to forget everything that has happened between Mr Wilson & I and proceed with my life. I can never be involved with a jerk that has made me cry enough times.

After today, I'm going to suppress these feelings- in fact, I'm getting rid of them! I can't continue wasting my emotions on him.

I wipe my tears and go to the little restroom. I wash all the makeup on my face because I don't need it anymore. I only wore it for Mr Wilson but I'm done with that now.

I decide to work during the flight so I won't have much to do on Tuesday when I resume work. We're landing by 12:00pm on Monday so we're definitely going to take the day off, although Mr Wilson hasn't said it yet. I just know it.

I fill in his diary for Tuesday, not forgetting the solar panel guy. I work on other things and when my eyes get heavy, I lay on the bed to get some rest.


Adam Wilson

To say I'm angry is an understatement. That woman is literally driving me nuts! I'm worried I'll do something irrational!

I have been pacing about since she left for the bedroom about an hours ago, how could she just leave like that?!

Her rejection has been eating at me since, all I can think about is how she had turned me down. How dare she?! Normal women would do anything to get me but I offer myself to her on a silver platter and she rejects me just like that.

Perhaps she's not just a normal woman.

She is better than the rest. She even felt better than the rest when she was in my arms. I'll never forget that moment when I held her. I had felt like the happiest boy in the world on Christmas Day who had just received the gift he had always dreamed of. But everything ended way too soon.

Since then, I haven't been able to function properly because Sophia has dominated my thoughts and I'm sick of it. I can't sleep, eat, drink, think, work or do anything without her on my mind. I'm obsessed with her! And that kiss has made things even worse!

That has been the reason for my anger today. I have never possessed this much feelings for someone before and it hurts my masculinity, I feel like a silly little boy with a crush!

Throughout the night while she was sleeping, I had been awake contemplating about her. Then she has the nerve to tell me she's tired! I wonder what she's doing now. I've been holding myself back from storming into the bedroom but I can't take it any longer.

I walk to the door and open it. Surprisingly, it's not locked. All my anger faded away when I saw Sophia's angelic face sleeping peacefully. She had taken off her shoes so I could see her lovely ankles and her long legs.

She is so beautiful, all I want is for her to be mine.

I have to make her mine at all cost.

Soon she will be mine.


"Sir, wake up. We're here."

I felt something tapping me rapidly on my shoulder. I opened one eye and saw that it was Sophia. I immediately composed myself. When did I fall asleep? I couldn't remember.

"The plane will be landing in 15 minutes. Did you not hear the pilots announcement?" She asked.

I had been so deep in my sleep that I hadn't hear a thing. I must have been so exhausted.


Sophia helped me pack up my laptop and all the documents I have been working with earlier. After organizing my stuff, she sat down opposite me and fastened her seatbelt for landing.

"Sir, your seatbelt."

That's when I noticed I wasn't strapped in. I fastened mine as well and we waited for the plane to land. I turned on my phone immediately it did and loads of text messages started coming in. I ignored them because I only switched it on to call the driver. When I did, he informed me that he was ready and waiting outside for us.

"Miss Parker, the driver is here."

We both got down from the jet an entered the car that was parked close to the jet. The crew also came and loaded the boot with out bags and from there we were off.

"Sir, are we going to the office?" Sophia asked.

"Of course. We have work to do."

"What?! But we just got back today! I thought maybe we would have the day off and resume tomorrow."

"No." I said frankly because I was not ready to let her go yet.

She huffed but didn't say anything. She clearly wasn't happy but I didn't care.

When we got to the office, she got out of the car immediately and walked into the office building as fast as possible, obviously trying to avoid me. Her face was so red because she was boiling with rage and it looked like she could explode any moment. Maybe I went overboard by not letting her go home but I really don't want to. I still want her around.

I got to my office after a few welcome backs from my employees and Sophia wasn't at her desk. Where could she be?

I took multiple phone calls and replied a lot of emails and text messages.

After a while I became concerned. I hope she didn't disobey me and go home. I left my office and went out to look for her only to see her discussing with one of her friends. I presume her name to be Phoebe. She is explaining details of the trip to her.

"Wow, I never knew Mr Wilson had a nice side." Phoebe said.

"Oh he does! He can be really nice sometimes."

She thinks I'm nice? How can she say that after what I just did? I thought she was angry at me, or was she just lying to Phoebe?

"So what did you get me from London?"

"Oh there's this amazing fragrance that I got you. I got it personally with my own money." She handed the fragrance to her friend.

"Aww thank you Sophia... What do you mean by your money?"

"Oh, Mr Wilson always paid for the things we bought. The food, shopping, everything."

"Sounds like you both had a nice time... Sophia, why are you blushing? Is there something you're not telling me about?"

"I'm not hiding anything! I've told you all that happened!"

"I know when you're lying Sophia but I wouldn't force you to tell me anything."

"I'm not lying to you Phoebe. I promise."

I was right, her name is Phoebe. I've eavesdropped enough so I went back to my office. I'm still surprised about how well Sophia is portraying me after what I have just done to her. I am sitting down on my chair thinking deeply when I see her walking into her office. I ring her immediately and signaled for her to come. She does after a while.


"Sophia, I am hungry."

"Ok, do you want me to order from the Turkish Cuisine as usual?"

"No, I want to have dinner. With you."

This is my opportunity to make things right. I know she is still angry at me but I have also discovered that she is very good at hiding her feelings. I really just want to clear the air between us.

"Umm okay, what restaurant is it so I can make a reservation before hand." She said with red cheeks. She is playing with the hem of her dress and avoiding my eyes.

"Don't worry about that Sophia, just come to my office by 6." I smiled at her. I noticed that she was blushing.

"Okay." Then she left.

I just hope this dinner goes well.


Sophia Parker

I closed the door to Mr Wilsons office and took a deep breath. Why does he have to affect me so much! I thought I was done with him but no! Can't these feelings just go away once and for all! I shut my eyes tightly trying to recover from the embarrassment.

"Sophia?" I heard a familiar voice say my name. The voice was deep and masculine but it wasn't Mr Wilson's. I opened my eyes to see Sean.

"Sean, nice to see you again. It's been a while!" I was genuinely happy to see him.

"Actually it hasn't been long. We saw three days ago before you went on your little trip to London."

"Oh, it feels like forever." I said and he smiled.

"Um, are you alright Sophia? I was just walking past when I saw you standing here and closing your eyes like you were on some sort of punishment."

"Oh, uhhh... I was just trying to uhhh... remember something."

"Alright." He said be he didn't sound convinced. "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?"

"Actually, I'm not."

"Good because I have two tickets to see Drunk Shakespeare tomorrow night and I haven't found someone to go with me yet."

"You haven't found someone, or you were just saving it for me?" I asked knowingly and he raised his hands in the air.

"Ok, you've got me." He admitted and I laughed. "Yes I was saving them for you."

"I would love to come Sean."

"Great, it starts by 6 in the evening at Vineyard Theatre. So, maybe we can go after work?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm already looking forward to it. I love Shakespeare."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrow at me. We started moving away from Mr Wilsons door. "You don't seem like someone whose interested in poetry or prose. You strike me more as someone who appreciates art."

"Isn't poetry and prose still considered as literary art?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. I'm talking about visual art."

"I love art. All sorts of it. My favorite Shakespeare book is As You Like It."

"Mine is Macbeth."

"Oh no, I don't like Macbeth. There's barely any romance in it." I said and he laughed.

"So you're a sucker for love aren't you?"

"Yes, I believe in love. Do you?"

"I think so. I believe there's a possibility of me falling in love... someday." He said looking at me intently.

I can see him intricately for the first time now. He has pretty blue eyes unlike Mr Wilson who has green eyes. He was blonde while Mr Wilson's was brown. He-

Stop comparing them! omg!

"Sophia, I have to get back to work now. Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"No doubt you will. We have a play to attend." I said.

"Bye- oh... Ok" He said as I unexpectedly hugged him. He carefully put his arms around me and embraced me back. I'm enveloped with his musky smell and I don't want to let him go. I want to give things with Sean a chance and see how it goes. I first have to give him an impression that I'm interested. We finally pulled apart

"See you later Sean." I said.

"Yeah, you too. Bye."

I went back to my office to resume work. I really hate the fact that deep down, I'm anticipating dinner with Mr Wilson. If I'm trying to get over him I shouldn't be feeling this way.

I just hope the dinner goes well.


Once it was 6:00pm, I started to pack my things. My eyes were so heavy from staring too much at the computer. I usually end work by 5 but because of this dinner with Mr Wilson, I had to stay with him till 6. I looked through the glass and saw him packing up too.

I think I'm going to start using the blinds now because we keep spying on each other. Today as I worked, I saw him looking at me. When we made eye contact, he winked at me. I had to turn my face to hide my blush, I usually find it so annoying when guys wink at me but I don't know why I wasn't upset at that.

As I am going straight to his office, I notice that most people have gone home. I can't believe he didn't give me a day off and even made me work overtime.

Just as I am about to knock on his door, he opens it from the other side and steps in front of me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I chirped.

Surprisingly, he put his hand on my waist as he lead me to the elevator. But he's not supposed to do that...

I jumped when I felt him squeeze my waist gently. I slapped his hand away after that.

"Don't touch me!" I barked at him.

"Relax Sophia, it was just a light touch." He pressed the button for the elevator.

"No, keep your hands away from me."

"Are you sure? That's not how you felt yesterday when I kissed you."

My eyes widened. He said it! I thought we were never going to speak about it but he did. He did it on purpose and now he was looking at me closely, expecting me to say something back.

The doors of the elevator opened and I entered it.

"So you're not going to say anything? Cool." He walked in to the elevator as well.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I know there are a lot of things about that night that you want to say Sophia. I think we should discuss formally about it, like adults." He said pushing the button to descend.

"There's nothing to talk about. You promised it wouldn't happen again."

"Sophia, stop pretending-"

"Where are we going Mr Wilson?" I changed the subject. He took a deep breath, accepting that I was not ready to talk.

"One if by land, two if by sea."

"Okay." I said.

The lift descended and when the elevator doors opened, he lead us to his car. When he opened the door for me, I scoffed at him before I got in. I didn't ask him to open it for me, I'm very capable of doing it myself. He shook his head at me before going round to his side and getting in.

"Where are my bags from this morning's flight?" I asked as he started to drive.

"They're in the car don't worry." He replied me.

"Are you sure? Because this wasn't the car we used from the airport."

"Trust me Sophia, they're in the boot. The driver put it in when we arrived at the office, just after you stormed off."

"Hm." I folded my arms and looked out the window.

I know I'm giving Mr Wilson a hard time but I don't care. He deserves it, after making me work so late today after a tiresome flight. I don't know why he couldn't just let me go home. I think he too realized what he did was a bit unfair so now he's compensating with this dinner.

When we got there, he got down and opened the door for me again.

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to be a gentleman and got out of the car.

"Not even a thank you?" He asked dismayed.

"I didn't ask you to open the door for me. I can do it myself." I admit that was a bit rude.

"Sophia why are you acting this way? If you've got a problem with me then just say it."

"Can we please go in now, it's getting cold." I ignored his apology. I saw him shake his head at me.

I know, sometimes I can be really frustrating.

He lead us into a very beautiful restaurant. There were roses and candles everywhere.

"Hello there, table for two?" He told a lady as we got in. She took us to a table filled with red roses.

"This is beautiful." I couldn't help but to say it.

"It's my way of apologizing for today. I'm sorry for being mean to you on the plane and I'm also sorry for not letting you go home on time."

He pulled out a chair for me but I purposely went to sit on the other chair. He looked at me unbelievably.

"Enough with the attitude Sophia. Now it's getting irritating. Remember, I am your boss so I suggest you toe the line."

"I also suggest you toe the line with those who work for you." I shot back.

"I am trying to apologize here, aren't you listening?" He ran his hands through his hair.

"What I mean is, I did not appreciate you touching my waist."

"Oh so now you want to talk about that? I thought you had nothing to say."

I looked away and didn't say anything.

"Fuck it." He gave up on me. He picked up a menu from the table. I took the second menu and I began to check as well but I was unfamiliar with the food.

"Could you order for me please?" I said, like we just didn't have an argument.

He nodded, not even looking at me.

After a while, he waved his fingers and a waiter came jogging over with a pen and notepad to take our order. He said something complicated to the waiter but I knew he ordered two lobsters.

"Two pan roasted maine lobsters and two cocktails." The waiter confirmed and Mr Wilson nodded. "Right away sir."

I was okay with that because I like lobsters and he knows it. After everything, he was still so nice to me. Maybe I should stop being nasty to him.

"So why is this place called 'One if by land, two if by sea'?" I asked when the waiter left.

"It's a phrase by Henry Longfellow."


That didn't answer my question though...

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