《Mate for life》The date


Spider-Man was back in action, he missed a lot while he was gone.

Deadpool was a big help when the hero was gone, it was a big surprise when they met up and Deadpool wouldn't stop bragging about it.

"So, tell me why you were gone for so long?"

"Um, well I had my heat."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you were an omega."

"Yeah, still not interested." The spider kept his defense up.

"Oh you're not on my radar, you remember me asking for your advice? I actually got close to the guy I like. I even asked him out, but he hasn't given me an answer yet."

"Wow, well I hope it goes good for you." He internally yelled at himself for sounding like a hypocrite, he couldn't even tell wade how he felt.

"And what about you, did you have anyone help you?" Deadpool gets closer with goofy body language.

"No, I um, there's someone but...I'm still figuring out if I like him for real or if it's just my instincts telling me too like him."

"But that is real, your instincts are a part of you." Deadpool almost sounded wise.

"But what if another alpha comes around and I just have instincts to be with him?"

"Do you like this guy because he has strong pheromones or because he's nice to you?"

"What? Um, he is nice, and funny, I can sense he has strong pheromones but that's not what draws me to him." He thanked the gods he had a mask on because he was starting to blush.

Deadpool could start to smell the excitement coming from Spider-Man, it smelled familiar.

"I can tell you really like him, I can smell it." He smiles but his mask covered it.

"Don't smell me." He stands up defensively.

"Sorry, but you like him so tell him how you feel." He said supportively.

"I never thought I'd get any kind of advice from you, especially dating advice."

"Yeah, I'm full of surprises." He laughs.

Peter was back at home, feeling worn out and conflicted.

"I need to give him an answer, he is really fun to be around, and isn't like other alphas who only want one thing."

Peter made up his mind and called wade, it seemed like time was slowed and took forever for the phone to ring. When he heard wades voice, he started to blush.

"Hiya Peter."


"I was wondering when you would call me."

"Sorry, I know my aunt told you, she wouldn't let me have my phone either."

"Yeah that's okay. So, have you been thinking about what I asked you?"

It was right to the point with wade, peter liked that, he was determined.

"Yeah, and um I've never really been in a relationship before, so, please be patient with me."

"Does that mean you'll go out with me?" Wade was already jumping around his apartment.

"Yes." He blushed, even though wade couldn't see him.


"Yes! I'm so happy, I want to take you on a date Saturday."

"Um, okay." His blush got more red, so glad that they were talking on the phone.

"I'll see you then, Peter."

"Yeah see you, Wade."

Saturday couldn't get here faster, college classes was a blur for the most part, Peter was nervous but all he thought about was the date with wade.

"Aunt May, what should I wear?"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Um, I have a date." He said shyly.

"A date? With who? That alpha that called you?"

"Yeah." He shyly said.

"I want to meet him before you go out, if I don't like him then you are not going." She said sternly.

"Aunt May, I'm not a baby, you can't do that." He whines like said baby.

"You want a bet?" She stands with her hands on her hips, and a fierce look in her eyes.

Peter didn't fight her, he went up to his room and picked out a nice outfit for tomorrow.

The next day was nerve racking to say the least, Peter was texting wade while he was frantic to get dressed.

"Aunt May, does this look okay?"

"Peter, calm down. You look good in anything you wear."

"But I want to look nice for him." He blushed after saying that.

"You look very nice, handsome, stop worrying." She caressed his cheek.

"He'll be here in ten minutes." I should brush my teeth.

Wade pulled up to the house, he was nervous too, he's been on plenty of dates, but for some reason he was really nervous about messing something up.

"Okay, you can do this. Maximum effort."

[don't trip up the stairs]

He ignores the voice and gets out of his car.

The front door looked so intimidating to wade, he slowly raised his fist and knocks softly, then a little harder so it was actually heard from inside.

"Hello, are you wade?" Aunt May asked as she opened the door.

"Yes, ma'am. Is Peter ready?"

"Um, hi wade." Peter said sheepishly behind aunt May.

"Hey-wow, you look adorable."

"I'm not adorable, I was going for dashing, or um..." he faulted, face glowing red.

"You look handsome, I would say other things but your aunt is here." He winks playfully.

"Okay, um let's get going then." He tried to push Wade out the door, but aunt May stopped him.

"Don't get too hasty, I will say he seems nice, have fun, just not too much fun." She whispered to Peter.

"May, don't embarrass me." He whispered yelled.

She giggles and pushed him out with wade.

Wade was giggling as they walked to the car, "she's cute."

"She's embarrassing." Peter blushed.

"I wish I had someone like her, you don't know how good you have it." That came out more cynical than he meant it, and it darkened the mood a bit. "Sorry."

He opened the passenger door for Peter, then closed it once he was in.


"Let's go have fun." His playful smile beams brightly.

They went to an amusement park, Peter was excited to see all the rides and eat lots of food.

"What should we do first?" Peter looks around.

"Where do you want to try first?" Wade looks at him sweetly.

"The monster. That's the biggest roller coaster here." Peter was just full of excitement.

"You wanna start with that? Okay."

They went to the line for the roller coaster, of course it was going to be a wait. A lot of people wanted to ride it too.

"Ugh come on, I wanna feel the rush." Peter was impatient.

"Calm down adrenaline junkie, you have to wait." Wade giggles at him.

Eventually they make it to the front, climbing into the seats and the belts and bars are safely secured.

They inch up the incline, anticipation building up, until they fly down at a 70 degree angle, going 80 miles per hour.

Both of them and everyone else was screaming to their heart's content, the rush of wind in their hair, and whipping back and forth felt amazing.

When the ride was over Peter was jumping around rambling about how amazing it was, Wade smiles softly at how adorable the omega was.

"Okay, where next?" The alpha asked.

"Let's do the bumper cars." He grins.

"From the monster to bumper cars, you're doing it backwards." Wade laughs.

"So? It's more fun doing it differently."

They went on the bumper cars, hitting each other and anyone in their way.

Next was another roller coaster, after that they sat down and ate some food.

A large greasy pizza and nachos, followed by cotton candy.

"You sure can eat for an omega."

"I have a pretty fast metabolism." He said with his mouth full of nachos.

They walked around to let the food settle, Wade wanted to play some games and win Peter a stuffed animal. It was cliché but he wanted to do it.

Thanks to his skills of being a marksman, he easily got the little bottles off the shelf, and chose the giraffe as the prize.

"This is for you." He hands it to Peter.

"You're so cheesy." He blushed.

"But you like it."

They went on a few more rides, then to make the date more cliche, wade wanted to end the night riding the ferris wheel.

"Wow, extra cheesy. Did you watch a romantic movie last night?" Peter laughs.

"Are you saying this isn't romantic?"

"No it is. Let's go."

They climb into their seats, a glass covered pod, so they could safely have a panoramic view without falling out.

"This view is amazing. I never get tired of seeing it." Peter sighs.

"You don't have a big house, how do you have this view all the time?"

"Huh?" Peter looks at him confused.

"You never get tired of seeing it, suggesting that you see it all the time."

"Oh um, I've been on top of buildings that have public roof access. Haha, that's all I meant by that." He felt a nervous sweat go down his back, and the alpha picked up on it quickly. Wade moves away a bit, so that Peter would calm down.

"Hey, I'm just joking with you." He said softly. "Look the sun is already setting."

"Wow, we've been here all day."

"Yeah. Did you have fun?"

"Of course I did. I wanna do it again."

Wades heart skipped a beat when the omega said that. With a blush, peter looked out at the cotton candy colored sky, it was the perfect opportunity. Wade leans over and kissed his cheek; the soft skin becomes more red and peter couldn't contain his rambling embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, you just looked so cute."

"Um, please warn me, I wasn't ready."

"Does that mean I can kiss you again?"

"Um, yeah." He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. Ready for wade to kiss him again.

He felt chapped lips plant on his cheek, and they pepper around softly and grazed near his ear.

"Were you expecting me to kiss your lips?"

He opens his eyes and shakes his head no, unable to verbally speak at the moment. Wade couldn't help but giggle at him.

Before they knew it, the ride was over and they exit the pod. Wades hand found peters quickly and their fingers intertwined.

"The park is closing soon, let's go." Said wade.

"I had a lot of fun." Peter blushed.

"Me too."

Wade opens the car door for Peter, once they were both in, wade grabs his hand again then starts to drive off.

It was all too quick that they were already in front of peters house.

Wade gets out and opens the door for Peter, again.

He had his stuffed giraffe with him as he slowly gets out of the car.

"You have college in the morning, right?"


"I'll let you get some sleep then. I had a lot of fun today."

"I did too, I can't wait to do it again."

Wade couldn't help but to caress his cheek, softly stroking his thumb against peters cheekbone.

"You're so cute when you get excited."

The omegas face lit up with blush, he could have feinted.

"Um, I, i, should go, sleep to get too and college..." he trails off and hurried into the house.

He mentally kicks himself for the stupidity that just came out of his mouth, and went straight to bed.

Wade laughed to himself as he drove home, the omega was so cute to him, he's never felt so happy to see someone get nervous around him. He reveled in the feeling he had in his chest, as he remembered peters face lighting up at every little thing.

"Oh man, i think I'm falling, hard." He hums to himself.

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