《Mate for life》Omega hero


"Peter, wake up." May said as she knocked on his door.

"Yeah." He groans tiredly.

He fumbled down the stairs after he got dressed in a pair of jeans with cutout holes in the knees and a red flannel shirt.

"Mornin, what's for breakfast?" He kissed his aunt on the cheek as he passed her to get to the fridge.

He grabs the orange juice and pours himself a glass.

"Pancakes, bacon, and toast."


"Have you been taking your pills?"

"Yeah. I took them before I came down."

"Good. I want you to find your mate, but not get attacked by every crazed alpha in the city." May worried.

"I'll be fine aunt May, I promise."

Peter is stronger than the average omega, he's even stronger than most alphas, but whenever his heat came, he would get weaker than his normal and have a hard time fighting against average alphas. If they were super powered it was worse, that's how he learned to never go out when it was his heat.

He had to learn the hard way, during his last heat he fought doc ock, good thing Ironman helped him take him down.

After breakfast Peter was off to college, he walked to the bus stop and waited for his ride.

He had headphones on listening to music; currently fly high by burnout syndromes was playing.

He didn't notice that someone was standing next to him, his spidey sense didn't say danger.

Suddenly his headphones were taken off his head,

"Hey?" He turns to the person, who was dressed in a red suit and a mask with swords strapped to his back.

"Ahh! What the?" He jumps away, because it was deadpool, and he didn't know what to expect.

"This is a good song, I love the anime." Said deadpool.

"Don't take things from people." He recovered from shock, and took back his headphones. "And why are you dressed like that?" He acted oblivious as to who he was.

"Oh, that's a long story, do you wanna hear about it?"

"Not really. I have to go to college." Thankfully the bus was coming as he said that.

"Well then, college boy have fun learning."


Peter ran on the bus as fast as he could.

On the bus, peter breathes freely, still feeling awkward from the encounter he just had.

"God, the first thing in the morning, I run into deadpool." He says to himself with a frown.

School was great, Peter being the nerd that he is actually loved to learn.

He is going for a PhD in quantum mechanics, he wants to work with NASA one day.

"Peter, wanna have Taco Bell for lunch?" Ned asked.

"Sure, haven't had that in a while."

"Oh yeah, I heard they have some new items on the menu." Ned was already drooling thinking about food.

Once the class was done, they pack up their things and head out downtown for lunch.

Taco Bell was surprisingly empty at this time, only a few people were sitting down inside, and three people were in line.

Peter scans the room and realized why it was so empty, deadpool was sitting in a seat near the window.

"Oh man, that guy is so weird." Peter hides behind Ned.

"Oh is that deadpool? Have you ever fought him?" Ned whispered.

"No, he's not really a villain but he's just a little crazy."

"So, why are you hiding from him?"

"He stood next to me at the bus stop and took my headphones off to listen to my music."

"That's a little weird, but not crazy." He walks up the to counter.

"Hi, what can I get you?" The cashier asked.

"I'll have a number four, large Baja blast freeze, and Cinnabon's." Said Ned.

Peter was in thought and didn't hear her speak to him, until Ned hits him in the shoulder.

"Sorry, um nacho bell grande, two Doritos locos tacos, and large Baja blast freeze."

They sat on the other side of the restaurant, away from deadpool, Just like the other people that stayed to eat.

Peter couldn't help but glance at him every so often, making sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt someone.

He watched as the merc lifts his mask just enough for his mouth to be exposed, and eats his taco.

Peter noticed scars all over his face and neck, and looked away quickly before he got caught.


"Dude, just eat and don't worry about him." Said Ned.

"I know, I just- have this feeling and I don't know what it is."

They finish eating and get up to leave, Peter made the mistake of looking at him one last time and made eye contact, well eye to mask contact.

He noticed Peter and jumps up, "hey college kid, what are you doing here?"

"Um got done eating lunch." He answered awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, I thought you were gonna say robbing the place." He laughs.

Peter and Ned cringe and quickly leave, but he followed them.

"Please don't follow us." Said Peter.

"Why not, you guys seem interesting."

"We're going back to college, you can't enter the building if you're not a student." Peter continued.

"Well that sucks, whatever I'm sure I'll see you around." He skips off to do whatever, peter and Ned breathe a sigh of relief.

After classes were all done, peter went back to his house to get his suit, hiding it under his clothes he goes into town, when it was all clear he climbs the tallest building.

Once at the top, he puts on his Spider-Man suit.

"Nothing could ever beat this." He looks out at the horizon, the scenery was beautiful.

He heard the roof access door open and turns to see the one and only deadpool.

"I knew I'd find you up here, spidey."

"How many times have I told you, don't call me spidey." He groans.

"Oh let's see, I lost count." He giggles.

"What do you want deadpool?"

"Oh you know, still looking for the bag of dick tips named Francis. What are you doing?"

"Just waiting to stop a bad guy."

"Lame, you don't have archenemies?"

"No, but there are a lot of guys that want me dead."

"Don't worry, I'll save you if you ever need help."

"No thanks, I'm good." With that he leaps off the building and swings away.

"Run but you can't hide, spidey." Deadpool smiles to himself.

Then does a barrel roll off the building to the next building, and made his way to ground level like a badass.

Spider-Man swings around until he hears sirens and goes toward the sound, a jewelry store was being robbed.

He spots two guys running with bags in their hands and ski mask on.

He webs them up quickly, "you know, you shouldn't steal, it doesn't look good."

"Damnit, stupid freak." One spats at him.

"That's not nice." Just for the reason of teaching him a lesson, Spider-Man slaps the guy in the face.

"Bad." He treats him like a disobedient dog.

The police sirens were getting closer and Spider-Man stood at the road and flags them down.

"Thank you, Spider-Man. Always a help when we aren't fast enough."

"No problem. Have a good day." Off he went to climb a building.

He sat and watched the horizon again, wishing he had his camera to take a picture of it.

"It's like fate keeps bringing us together."

He turns to see deadpool, again.

"What are you talking about?"

"I always find you at the top of buildings, it must be fate." He flirts.

"It's not fate, you literally stalk me, weirdo."

"And yet I don't know who you really are. I'm not a good stalker." He giggles.

"Leave me alone. Why do you bother me?"

Wade walks closer to him, "I like your smell, it's different from most omega, maybe because you're super powered. But it's nice."

"How can you smell me? I take suppressants."

"I have a good sense of smell, and to be honest I didn't think you would be an omega."

"Don't get any weird ideas, I may be an omega but I can still kick your butt."

"Oh, I'd like to see you try, little omega hero."

Spider-Man could hear screaming, it was just children playing but he jumps from the building, "sorry, duty calls."

"I wanna see who is under that mask." Deadpool smirks under his own.

The night became silent and Spider-Man slipped into an alley and changed back into his normal clothes.

Peter made his way back home and into his room without waking May.

Sleep sounded good, so he takes off his clothes and flops on his bed and under the covers.

Quickly falling asleep, dreaming of what tomorrow will bring.

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