《I Will Always be his REPLACED BRIDE》Chapter 18


Sania's pov

I was so hurt and was crying continuously thinking about his words...his words pricked on my heart like needles...But I was consoling myself by telling that..'Maybe he was very tensed because of todays situation and only said all that because of anger...'

But I was not sure if my assumptions were right...

I dont even know when I slept while crying...I directly woke up at the time of fajr and prayed my prayers...

I read few verses of Quran and prayed to Allah to give Rehan some hidaaya...

I kept breakfast for him and left towards my room..I did not stay, as I thought he might get angry.. because last night he said..

He did not want to look at my face...

I then continued with my daily house chores...

3 weeks later...

Its been 3 weeks since I last saw Rehan...It is the same encounter we had that night, when he showered me with his wrath..

I prepare all the meals for him..But I dont know when he comes and goes to his office...Even for once he did not came and talked to mee or meet me...

In these days I continued my Banking job...But used to work, as, work from home...

I miss my friend Jennie alott..I talked to her last week and she informed that..she is going to New york..As she got job there...I am so happy for her success...

But I cannot just call her and disturb her everytime..though I call her once every week...

I think that my and Rehan's relation is back to square one, because he is back on ignoring me..

I was in my thoughts and was walking towards my room..When I heard someone rang the doorbell...

I wondered who came at this time, As I was not expecting a guest...

But immediately got down and opened the door...

I opened the door and saw.. Rehan standing with swollen and teary eyes..his nose was so red and he was again and again sniffing...

His suit was also hanging on his hand and hair were a total mess...

He did not spoke to me anything, and directly went upstairs to his room...

I decided to give him some space...but was getting worried about him, at the same time...

I went towards kitchen to prepare something for him to eat...I was busy cooking when I heard the voice of shattering and breaking of glass...It was coming from his room.


I hurriedly climbed the stairs and went towards his room..I could hear his voice...he was crying...

Thankfully his room was unlocked so i pushed the door.

What I saw broke my heart...Rehan was sitting on the ground, leaning towards bed and his head was in between his palms and was crying loudly...

His room was a total mess...

Everthing was thrown here and there...It looked as if some earthquake occured, and destructed every single thing...

I immediately went towards him and said,"Rehaann..." he lifted his head, and looked at me I went and sat down next to him.

He was staring at me continuously.

He took hold of my hand...

But was still sobbing and said "Sania..(hiccup) Sania you came...

Sania see what they are saying...Sania why this always happens with me.." He completed and started crying again...

I held his face in my hands and made him look at me...

I then asked him,"Rehan tell me properly what exactly happened...? You are scaring me...Rehan"

He looked at me and said,""he said and cried loudly...

I muttered, "Inna lillahe wa inna elayhe rajeoon..." ("Indeed, we belong to Allah and we will have to return to Him.") After hearing him I could not contol my tears...

I hugged him tightly, he placed his head in the crook of my neck and cried with him...I very well know, how it feels when we loose someone dear to us..As i have been through this situation.

"You know Sania, he is not my real brother...he is my step brother...But he never treated me less than his own brother...

He was not at all like his father...

He did not wanted my property nor wealth...

His father was forcing him to do so.

So he cut all ties with his father and went abroad...to USA.."he said and I was listening to him with full concentration..

"We both were still in touch..even after he went US...

There was one girl, he used to talk about alott...She was his childhood sweetheart..

He was madly and truly in love with her...

But I dont know what happened, that he got married to some other woman there...I did not asked him, as I was going through a breakup.." he again continued...


I did not interrupt him, because I wanted him to share his life story with me.

"He used to always help me in business and give me good advices, he truly loved me Sania...but Allah even took him away from me..."I heard all this...and tried consolling him by saying..

"No.. Rehan..dont tell like this.. You have to try and be strong...

your brother is watching you everywhere..

he will be very sad to look at you in miserable state..."

He heard me but was still sniffing..I broke the hug and said,"Come on get up and sit on the bed...floor is very cold..

you will fell ill.." I wiped his tears, and made him stand up. He obliged to my order sat on the bed.

"Rehan you freshup by the time I will go and bring you dinner.."I said and looked at him.

He nodded his head as an answer and I left towards kitchen...

I took a plate full of food and was going towards his room when I again heard shattering sound of glass..I immediately ran to his room..

There Rehan was standing in front of the broken mirror...he punched the mirror so hard that his knuckles were bleeding..

"I dont want to live...I am coming to you baba and Aayu..

You both left me, but I will not leave you both..." he was talking to himself...(Aayu is the pet name Rehan kept for Aryan..)

My eyes widened in shock and I ran towards him I held both his shoulders and shouted,"What is wrong with you Rehan..Are you out of our mind..

What are you trying to do..?"

He did not answered me and just kept his gaze downwards...I again said," Rehan all these things are done by cowards. I know you are not one..so dont do such stupied things..."I told him angrily.

He looked at me and said,"I cannot do Sania..My heart pains alott..they were very important people in my life..."

"Shh... enough now, you have to take hold on your emotions Rehan...And let me clean your wound please, it is bleeding so much.."he kept numb, so I made him sit on the bed,and bought the first aid box.

I started cleaning his wound and he was just looking down.I bandaged it so it does not get infected...

I made him eat his dinner, though he was continuously denying but I threatened him that I will call Rizwan, so he ate quietly. Rizwan was always a great helper...By the time he was done it was pretty late so I decided to leave.

I told him,"Rehan I am going to my room, if you need my help just call me...And I expect that you will not do such foolish acts again.."i told the last part with little bit anger...

"Sania can you please stay for sometime.."he said in so soft voice that i couldn't deny his request...I smiled at him and nodded...

I sat next him on the bed... but what he did next was unexpected..

He kept his head on my lap and curled up like a baby...

I smiled at him and started running my hands through his soft hair...He needed someone to be by his side...And that someone was luckily meee...

After sometime he said..."Sania tomorrow Riffat bi is comming..

She is the one who used to work at my brother's house...

She told me that.. she wants to reveal something important to me..."

"Okey Rehan I will look after the arrangements.."I said...he again continued,"But Sania, I am not ready for anymore things..."

"Who said you are going to face all this alone..I will be with you in every step" I told him...

He gave me a faint smile and nodded..I continued playing with his hair and in no time he slept...I could hear his soft snores...

I placed his head carefully on one pillow..and left the room. I wanted to stay with him, but did not do that..as it would have made Rehan extremely uncomfortable..


Here is your new update muffins... Rehan is in an emotional trauma..

I felt so sad writing this chapter...Rehan is totally broken now😓😓😓

What do think Riffat bi wants to say to Rehan..?

Does Sania know who is Rehan's step brother..?

Do vote and tell me your views on this chapter in comments..

Love you loads...♡︎

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