《COMMAND》Twenty Four
I sunk into the couch, pulling the warm robe more firmly around my legs. The air was heavy with fresh-cut flowers and herbal aromas that soothed my breathing and calmed my nerves. Soft sensory music played overhead as I looked around the reception area that was surrounded by comfortable chairs and sofas. The decor was warm, with cozy colors, dark woods, thick carpet that felt soft under my feet.
Magazines fanned out on a table in front of me, and behind me were shelves of cosmetics and beauty products for sale. The brochures for spa products and services that the receptionist had handed to me was sitting on my lap. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. Today, I was going to enjoy my day. Hanna had invited us for a spa day along with three of her friends, which had sounded like a good idea to me when she offered. I could use a day like this to relax and take away the stress.
I had already changed, being the first one to do that. Hanna was still in the locker room, as were her friends. There weren't a few of us in today, which I thought was good. As I sat and waited for them to come out, finding peace from the soft music and magazines being flipped by other clients in the reception area, my phone buzzed in the pocket of my robes. I had meant to keep it in my locker with my other stuff, but I decided against it. Something told me that I needed my phone with me, and when I saw Rogue's name flashing on my screen, my heart gave a skip.
"Hello?" My voice sounded husky as if I had just woken up from sleep, but in honesty, being around Rogue made me feel weak.
"You missed me?" he asked. I couldn't see him, but I could picture the cocky, sexy grin on his face right now.
"It depends on who is calling."
He gave a small chuckle. "Are you saying you don't have my number saved?"
I did, but he just didn't know what name I used to save his number, and he would never know. I took in a deep breath before replying, "That will imply that I recognize who is also talking, which I don't, so who is this? Tell me, or you will catch a block." I watched as the receptionist placed a cup of coffee on a table by another client's chair and slipped back into her desk.
"Funny," he drawled, all low and husky. "Where are you?"
"Somewhere that men can't get in, can you believe that? How lucky I am. Somewhere you won't be able to storm in however you like."
"How sure are you that I won't be able to do that? No place is restricted to me."
My stomach twisted at that, and I tried not to laugh in disbelief hearing him say that. "So, you're saying you can walk into a female's restroom too?" I arched my brow even though he couldn't see me.
"Been there, don't that. With you, remember?" His voice was full of humor. "Ah, sweetheart, how could you forget our first moment after three months. It's one of my most memorable memories."
I glared at the wall, wishing he was right there for me to glare at. "Of course, it is," I let out sarcastically.
"You still haven't told me where you are. Should I pull the tracking app?"
"That won't be the weirdest and craziest thing you've ever done." Asshole. Who even threatens to track someone's location? Wait, did he put a tracking device on my phone? Tracking app? What the fuck. I wouldn't put it past him to do that, but something told me he wouldn't do it. Rogue may be a psycho, but he wouldn't do that unless he knew I would seriously kill him.
Rogue sounded slightly annoyed and impatient when he asked, "Are you trying to divert my attention to something else? Where are you right now?"
"I'm out with Hanna and her friends," I informed him without disclosing the location. I wanted to have this day to myself with Hanna without Rogue butting in.
"Interesting," he drawled. "What are you girls doing today?"
What's his business? I pulled the phone away from my ear for a second to glare at it, then pressed it to my left ear again.
"Oh, you know, girl stuff. Having fun, boys talk, playing matchmaker," I retorted dismissively.
"You don't need all of that."
"Are you offering to do them with me? Are you sure you will be up for the boys' talk? It kind of gets interesting and fun, which you're so good at taking away."
He sighed, an evident that somehow I just annoyed him. Good. "You talk too much," he stated calmly. He paused for a second, then added, "I want to see you." His voice was soft but rough to my ears, and my heart somersaulted.
I started to rub my wrist absently, a small trace of a smile on my lips. "I told you, I'm busy. I have a life outside of you, Mr. Slade."
"That's good to know," he murmured and then hung up on me.
Surprised, I stared at the phone in my hand, wondering if I should call back, and then what? What would I say? Sorry for being a bitch? He had done quite a lot to me. This couldn't possibly make me sad when he had done enough not to earn any sympathy for him.
Deciding that I wasn't going to call him but kept thinking about how we left things off, Hanna and her friends came out of the locker room, which was a good thing because I needed to distract myself right now.
Rogue didn't call me back again, which I thought he would have. It was unlike him to leave things off with a fight, but he was also unpredictable, so I wouldn't know what he could and would do. The girls and I spent half an hour in the private massage room. The massage I had was nice. It made me feel less stressed, and all the knots that seemed to have been in my shoulders were gone. I felt so good for the first time in months.
Next, we had a mud bath, where we kind of got to know each other more. I learned Danna, the pretty brunette, had been dumped by her fiancé of four years, which added to why we were out today, to cheer her up. Then there was Lucia, the tall blonde working in the music industry and knew quite a few of my favorite artists. I almost screamed and jumped in excitement when I learned of her profession, but I squashed down the urge so that I wouldn't look like one of those crazed fans. She was single. And lastly, was Annie.
We spent half of the day treating ourselves at the spa, also getting our mani and Pedi, and then heading off to the salon, where the girls decided I needed to dye my hair. It wasn't something that I cared about, so I let them cut my hair a few inches shorter and got it dyed platinum blonde. When I saw it, I couldn't deny that it looked great on me. Along with the rest, I also got my brows waxed. By the end of it all, I was so happy it was hard to fight off the smile on my face, and it had proven to be a good day because I didn't think about Rogue.
Sweat and overheating electronics were the things I could smell the second we walked inside the club. The Dj was making announcements that came over the speaker, and people were screaming and jumping. The air was so hot and stuffy as we pushed through, pressing against people to move past them. We finally reached the bar, where we took our seats and ordered drinks.
"Hey, how about that one?" Lucia asked Danna, watching as the guy in question stopped by the bar to have his glass refilled. "He looks kinda cute." Lucia was on a mission to get Danna to forget about her asshole ex-fiancé by setting her up with another man. It works but never always did.
I was on my third drink without even realizing it, but the drink tasted so good, and I didn't remember the last time I had been out and enjoyed myself. The music pounded through the darkened club, and the atmosphere was crazy enough to make me want to lose more control, have another drink until I could stand on my own. Thank god I was not the designated driver.
"I don't know, Lucia, he doesn't seem like my type, and I'm not sure I want something right now," Danna said with a groan. "Why don't you flirt with him, Hanna?"
"I might," Hanna replied with bright eyes, wearing a sexy halter dress. "Maybe he will commit."
"Why would you want him to commit?" Danna asked, nursing her drink. "Look at what commitment did to me."
"Which is why we're here to make it go away," Annie retorted. "or at least for today. Drink up. Your asshole ex is out there enjoying his life. You can't be in here moping around."
"You're right." Dana tilted her cup to her lips. "I'm a single lady now. I should enjoy it. There's no need to cry about a man who threw away four years of a relationship because he got bored. I can't believe I was crazy enough to go out with him." She took another shot.
In a way, I was in a similar position, but mine was worst than hers, and I couldn't even share with anyone else. They would probably advise me against Rogue, which my head was telling me to, but if I had the strength to walk away, I would. Danna was crying for a man who threw away their relationship. What would I do for a man who wanted me but kept another woman tightly by his side?
Grabbing one of the six shot glasses and a lime wedge, I shouted, "Let's do shots and dance!" Because I had somehow thought of Rogue when I was proud of myself for the opposite, but it seemed it was harder to forget him than anything else.
"Hell yeah!" Hanna tossed back her shot without waiting for the rest of us, then shoved a lime in her mouth. Dropping the wedge into her glass, she shouted, "Come on, hurry up! I want to lose myself." She raised her hands and started waving them around to the beat of the music.
Laughing, I went next, scrunching my face at the bitterness that washed down my throat. Lucia and Annie went together, toasting each other. Danna was the last one, who toasted to the beginning of her life without her ex before downing her drink.
We hit the dance floor, and Lucia led the way in her electric green dress that was attractive and different from what the rest were wearing. We were swallowed into the mass of writhing dancers, quickly finding ourselves pressed between steamy, sweaty male bodies. I let myself go, dancing, screaming, and jumping to the music. Hanna grinds against me, lifting her hands in the air as we both swayed.
I knew we were dancing for long because sweat started to trickle down my neck and back, my clothes sticking to my skin. My calves and feet ached from dancing in heels, but I didn't bring myself to stop. Hanna eventually started dancing with a guy. I was left to dance alone because everyone seemed to have gotten a partner. My body was swaying to the music, so out of the world that the only thing I could hear was the bass thumping in my chest. A drink was passed to me, and I took it, swallowing it down my throat.
"You're such a good dancer," someone yelled in my ear. I looked over at the dark-haired guy curved against my back. "I couldn't help coming over to dance with such a beautiful woman."
I didn't care. I just shrugged and let him hold onto my waist, grinding my ass into his dick as the music raged on, blasting through us. The guy was a little touchy, and I would have cared if I was sober, but not right now when I felt out of my mind, and the only thing I needed was a release. I swayed against the guy's body, reaching my arm to wrap around his neck, letting his hand roam over my stomach, increasing the pace of my grinding. I let him do all of that.
When I got tired of dancing, and I thought my heart would explode, I shouted to him, "Let's get a drink!"
Happy with my invitation, he grabbed my hand and led me out of the dance floor, guiding me to a table that must be his. The moment we sat down, a waiter was there with another drink. I should have declined. I didn't. Since no one was stopping me, I didn't mind too many drinks. Hangover will be a bitch in the morning, but that was something to worry about tomorrow.
"So," the guy began, moving a little closer to me. "I should know the name of the woman who danced sexier than anyone tonight."
I snorted, welcoming a sip of my new drink. "Don't try and flatter me by lying. I already know I'm not a good dancer, and I don't care, but I guess you don't care about that too. You just want to get into my pants, right?"
He wasn't too ashamed not to smile. "It wouldn't be so bad," he retorted, spreading his mouth into a grin. Now that I was looking at him, he looked like a creep and gave me some type of feelings, which were not good. He continued, "My place is just around the corner. Do you want to get out of here?"
My heart did a pang, but I kept my gaze straight and even laughed enthusiastically to hide the fear beginning to creep up inside me. I was drunk, and a creepy man was sitting next to me who invited me to his place. If I declined right now, who knew what he would do. I didn't want to alarm him yet.
"Come on," I pushed him a little, smiling. "Who would want to leave right now? Give me ten minutes. I haven't finished dancing." I went to get up, but he reached out and pulled me back down.
"We can dance at my place too, baby. You can ride me all night long."
I maintained my smile. "But I'm here with my friends. If I leave, they will worry. Let me tell them, and then we can head out. Sounds good?" I stood up, and he followed suit. When I almost tripped, he grabbed my waist to steady me.
"You can't even walk," he pointed out. "Point me your friends, and I will tell them you're leaving with me."
Swallowing bile, I nodded and jerked my head toward Lucia, who had returned to the bar. The rest, I couldn't see, so she was the only one I could rely on to save me. When the creepy guy walked up to her, he started talking to her and then turned to me. When Lucia saw me, I waved, and then she gave me a thumbs up.
Shit. Shit. Shit. It wasn't what I wanted. Dammit. Lucia was too drunk like me to realize what she was doing.
I turned away from them and tried to think of something fast before the creep returned. My hands were so quick in dialing Rogue's number, hoping he would pick up. He was the only one I could think of right now.
"Hello?" he answered briskly.
I nearly collapsed on the ground at the sound of his voice. "Rogue!" I yelled, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. I couldn't alert him of what was happening. I just needed him to save me a bit. "As you can hear, I'm drunk, drunk."
Please, don't hang up on me.
"I can hear." His voice changed, slowed, and warm. It captivated me over the music. "Are you and your friends having a good time?"
"Yes!" I answered instantly, almost yelling. "Yes, yes, we're having a perfect time! Too bad that you are not here, or should I say, I'm glad you're not here to ruin my fun."
There was a brief silence. "Beth, are you alright?"
No! Save me!
"I'm fine. Very, very fine. I'm having a blast right now." I glanced around to see the creep almost reaching me with excitement, and my heart sped up. "I have to say, you're missing out on a great night, and that's just too bad." I laughed weakly. Even a blind person could hear the panic in my voice that I was trying so hard to hide.
Rogue grew silent.
"Baby, are you ready to go?" the creep asked as he pressed against me. I tensed when I heard and felt him.
"Who the fuck is that?" Rogue yelled down the phone.
I turned around to face the creep, finding him grinning at me. "Oh, it's someone that I met at the club. Do you want to say hi?"
"Baby, come on." The creep tugged at my hand. I stayed rooted in my place, a smile plastered on my face, and the phone pressed to my ear. "I already told your friend, and now you can come with me."
I heard Rogue's growl. "You better not fucking think of leaving with him!" His voice was pure sadistic. I would have trembled in fear if I already wasn't scared for my life. His anger was nothing compared to how I was feeling right now.
The creep started to get anxious and impatient. I could read it on his face. Who knew what he would do to me when he realized I wasn't leaving with him.
Turning away slightly from him, I yelled into the phone, "What are you saying? You're just right outside the club?"
"Beth," Rogue dragged my name out breathlessly. "Are you in trouble? Say yes." I could hear him moving around.
I gripped my phone. "Yes," I uttered softly. I faced the creep and beamed. "Why don't you come inside and let's meet? I haven't seen you since you won that medal—my friend..." I pointed at my phone to the creep. "He's an MMA champion," I lied with a small laugh. "Rogue, hurry up! The friend I made here wants me to leave with him to his place. If you don't hurry your ass here, you might miss me."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Rogue kept saying. I could hear him rushing around, listened to the sound of the car door closing. "Please, don't leave with him," he pleaded. "Stay there, I'm coming. I'm coming to you, Beth. Just hang in there."
The creep looked annoyed now as he stared at me.
"Sorry," I apologized to him. "It's just my friend wants to see me. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. I will just say hi to him, please."
"Where are your friends? Find them!" Rogue ordered. I could hear the breaks and the sound of car horns on the road. He was coming to me. "What club are you at right now? Never mind, I'll find you."
"Hang up the phone," the creep ordered, his face morphing into anger.
"No!" Rogue snapped, alarmed and frightened. "Don't hang up. Stay with me, Beth, stay with me," he rushed out, cursing and honking. "Find somewhere to stay. Don't leave the crowd. Find your friends, do fucking something, but don't leave with him!" I shivered at the familiar command. I heard him hit something, perhaps his steering wheel.
I turned and whispered into the phone so that the creep wouldn't hear. "Will you be able to find me inside the club?"
I heard the brakes. More honks. Cars driving by, then his voice, "In a crowd of thousands of people, I will find you. I will always find you. You can't hide from me."
Fear and longing seared in my voice. "Please, hur—" The phone was snatched from me, and I whirled around to face the creep. "What the hell are you doing? Give me my phone back." I stretched my hand out.
"If you come with me," he said with a smirk. "You have already agreed to come with me. You can't take it back."
I decided to forget the phone and went to walk away from him and find Hanna like Rogue had suggested, but after taking two steps, my head spun, and I stumbled, almost crashing into a table. The creep was there to prevent me from falling, but I would have preferred it to his hands, which felt like ants crawling over my body.
"See, you can't even walk. You will need my help." He sounded happy about that, and when I tried to push him away, I failed because I was drunk, and I couldn't keep myself upright anymore.
The creep wrapped his arm tightly around me and used his body to support me. He started leading me out of the club, despite trying to push him away. We walked out of the club, and no one noticed that I needed help or that I was trying to get away from him. I guess it was expected since it was a club, and everyone was too deep into their thing to notice anything.
"I don't want to go with you," I groaned, but the creep ignored me and pulled out his car keys. He started to drag me to a black car with tinted windows, and my fear intensified. I began to hit him.
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Marriage of Benefits
Two people are forced in a marriage and they find out that they already know each other but the girl hates the person for something he did in the past. He proves his innocence and their love grows stronger as they face difficulties together. Read to find out what brings them closer and what happens next.
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𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃. ❝love me harder. ❞━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━an array of therapeutic haikyuu oneshots written under somersaults of fresh-baked poetry. VARIOUS HAIKYUU + READER INSERT !written by ©wreighe2020
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TRAILER IN CHAPTER 1#1 Memories 10/10/2019#1 Hurt 27/09/2019#1 Werewolf 04/07/2019#1 Blind 09/02/2020#1 Time 10/06/2020There are three of themThey are ruthlessThey are cursedThey are ImmortalThey are the HellHounds.******They were a legend. A story. But all legends are based off of truth. "Don't go out after dark," My father said. "Don't go anywhere alone," My father said"Don't go deep into the woods, for that is where he waits," My father said.I never broke a rule. I was a good girl. But my question always was, what do I do when the monster comes out to play? ***I was blind, so I slowly walk forward, not knowing where he is exactly. But I use my senses. I let this connection pull into a direction. As I slowly walk ,I reach my hand out, "Where are you?" I asked quietly. A big and calloused hand touches my own. From that one touch, electric shocks courses through my body, a strange and warming sensation. I flinched and gasped in fright. The big and strong hand gently grabs mine and softly pulls me forward. A breath hits my face slightly. I was right in front of him. He leans down toward my ear, his lips almost touching it. His breath makes chills run over my neck as he whispers very quietly with a deep and rough voice, "Here I am."***If you want this book to make sense to you, I would suggest you read Book 2 of my Blood Moon Pack series, it completed and ready to read. You can still read this as stand alone, however there is more information held in Book 2.
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His Angel
Rana Jai Singh, the chief minister of Rajasthan and the only son of one of the most respected and powerful family of Rajasthan, very closely tied to the Royal house of Jodhpur was a man to beware of. The proud politician commanding immense power and money was respected and loved by all....A true gentleman.Sweet.Kind.Beautiful.Bubbly.Clumsy.Innocent.The adjectives that best describe Siya Rajput. a true ray of sunshine,full of life and innocence.This angelic beauty lives in her own little world amidst the beautiful hills of Shimla with her two very loving parents.Being the only child she is the the diamond of her father's eyes.But unforeseen circumstances pushes Mr Rajput to tie her angel's destiny with the big bad lion of the jungle.New chapter will release every Monday:)
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Poet In Paris
He stands watching ahead with his emerald eyes fixated on the red rose his mind running with a magnificent amount of ideas all itching to be written down. The wind picking up it's pace blowing each petal he seems to be mesmerized by it all, the beauty of nature. "Isn't it a bit too cold to be out right now?" A sweet melodic voice whispers barely audible but he catches it. Turning his head to the side, eyes land on an angel her hair so soft and her lips so kissable. Her body clad in a black dress, goosebumps from the harsh winds appearing on her soft skin. "I could ask you the same thing." He retaliates in a hushed tone turning back around to face the roses. Silently she walks and stands beside him both eyes watching the rose petals move from the rushing winds, her hair flying in all directions. Almost sneakily he turns his head slightly to the side, eyes landing upon her alluring beauty. His mind erupting in a million thoughts.He's found his inspiration. He's found his muse.An aspiring fashion designer and a poet, two very different personalities working in different forms of art. #1 in cityoflove 29/12/2020#98 in harryedwardstyles 31/12/2020#19 in katgarham 01/1/2021#50 in hs 01/1/2021#26 in fashiondesigner 02/1/2021#21 poetry 02/1/2021#129 in fashion 02/1/2021#188 in France 02/1/2021#184 in Paris 02/1/2021#2 in pianist 15/01/2021#12 in poet 25/01/2021#65 in softharry 25/02/2021#1 in literature 08/03/2021#20 in softharry 08/03/2021
8 67