It was nearly the end of the week, which marked eleven days of being kidnapped by Rogue Slade. The knowledge that I would never see the sunlight or my family for a while had settled inside me. Finally coming into terms with that didn't help me in any way that I thought it would. I haven't seen Rogue ever since our encounter in the theater room, which had freaked me out. I was glad he had gone on his business trip. I couldn't have possibly bear to be in his presence after that.
Miriam made sure I was comfortable in the house while making sure that I wasn't comfortable. I spent the rest of the days in my room, scared to run into Rogue. Not going to lie, if he had aimed to scare me, he had successfully done so. I couldn't even walk out of my room. It was embarrassing, but when I thought he might have done it so I couldn't think about escaping or snooping around in the house while he was on his business trip, it made me think about what a smart move that was. Because I had done exactly what he expected me to do.
That made me mad.
Still, I wanted to do something about it. I may have lost two days, but my body had been fired up. Rogue was coming back from his trip today, and I had to make sure he remembered this day as the day he would taste defeat because I was going to get out.
I wasn't sure how many staff he had, but I could care less about them. There was only one person I needed to look out for. Miriam. She was a tough cookie, blindly loyal to Rogue. With her out of my way, there was a huge possibility that I could walk out of here. That excited me. I didn't show it to her. When she brought me lunch, I made sure to make her believe that I was still going to be glued to my bed. Satisfied with what she had seen, she left me alone.
Rogue's house was a maze, but thankfully, I knew which route to take. A few days ago, I saw a balcony that was in the same hallway as the laundry room. I knew the laundry room also led down to the staff's quarters and the kitchen. I knew all of that because I listened and paid attention. Observation was one of the key ingredients of learning. You learn when you observe. You observe, and you learn.
I snuck out of my room and went downstairs, peeking into the kitchen. Rogue's staff, I realized, had weird schedules. Fortunately for me, they were all off at this time of the day. Miriam would be the only one working. And she was, standing by the sink as she washed the dishes, humming and swaying. I couldn't even feel bad about what I was going to do next. She had it coming.
When Miriam turned, I quickly backed away, flattening myself on the wall. My heart was pounding excessively. I wasn't a violent person, but when the need arose, it was necessary to choose violence in order to protect yourself. I tried not to make any sound when I walked away from the kitchen entrance and walked into the living room. Looking around the beautiful decor, my eyes caught a large vase, and it wasn't heavy enough that I couldn't lift it with my arms.
My plan was simple and easy. Sneak up behind Miriam and smash the vase over her head. It would knock her out, and I would steal the key to the laundry room.
I tiptoed back to my position, poking my head into the kitchen. Her back was turned to me, so I quickly backed away to take a deep breath. My hands started to tremble. I didn't want to think about what I was doing, but I couldn't stay here when I was innocent. If I got out and together with the police, we would find Hanna. I would prove to Rogue that I had nothing to do with it. I told myself that was going to happen, that to end this nightmare, I needed to give myself the courage to bash the vase on Miriam's head. She would most likely suffer a concussion, but I was sure she wasn't going to die.
After what seemed like an hour, my body fired up with enough courage that I needed. Tiptoeing into the kitchen, Miriam had her earphones in so she couldn't hear me come in. My nerve settled.
I went in. I was a length away from her when I lifted the vase, and with all my strength, lifted it over my head before bringing it down on her head. For a second, she stilled, then I saw her falling. Miriam collapsed in my arms right after I caught her. I let her head rest on the floor. I checked her pulse and realized that she was breathing. Maybe for a second there, I thought things would have gone the wrong way.
I started to check her right pocket, which was empty, but I was successful in the left pocket. With the key to the laundry room in my hand, I muttered a quick apology to her unconscious body before skipping over her to the other door in the kitchen that led to the staff quarters. There was a long narrow hallway, which I avoided and climbed up the stairs to my right. When I reached the top, I turned left to the laundry room. I inserted the key and turned it in, pushing the door open. Making sure that no one caught up to me, I locked the laundry room the second I got in. There was a large window on my right, which I strode up to and unlocked it. I climbed through it and jumped down into the balcony.
Feeling the sunshine on my face after more than a week was a blessing. It scorched my skin, reminding me of how much I have missed it. My hands grabbed the railing. I took in Rogue's property, which was large, and when I spotted a huge gate from a distance, my stomach turned. No, I mustn't let anything stop me from trying to escape. Not even a goddamn gate.
I was on the second floor, and if I jumped down, I could either break a few bones or my skull. No way in hell was I going to jump down. I was desperate to escape, but I wasn't desperate to send myself to possible death. Spinning around, I climbed back into the laundry room. There were sheets on the shelves, and I began to pick them out, carrying at least seven in my arms before climbing out into the balcony. I laid the sheets on the ground and began to tie each end of it to another until I had made it longe enough to help me reach the bottom safely. Grabbing another end of the sheet, I tied it around the railing into five knots. I didn't want it to come loose before I reach the ground.
I threw the other end of the sheet over the railing, then peeked down to see it touching the ground. Satisfied, I took a deep breath. I swung my leg and latched onto the sheet. Both legs were through, and my hands were in place, I started to inch my way down. My movements were slow, but I tried to push myself to be fast.
The second my legs touched the ground, I let go of my hands. I didn't have time to cheer over my victory before I was running towards the gate. I ran past a big fountain, his enormous garden, and a trail of cars that I didn't bother to glance at. Slowing down when I reached the gate, my fingers circled the bars, and I tried pushing, then pulling. It was locked.
Two arms circled my waist and lifted me off the ground, backing me away from the gate. I started to scream and thrash around, but the large frame carrying me wasn't planning on setting me down. Rogue's security guard was built for this. He was thrice my size, and even when I lashed out and screamed, seeing the distance that separated me and my freedom kept widening and widening, he didn't take pity of my pleas. How could he? These people were all insane. They were put up to this by their employer.
The big twat dropped me on the ground like a discarded pillow and spun around to walk out of the door. I twisted around to look at Miriam, who had an ice pack to her head, and a laugh almost escaped me.
My ancestors could feel the death glare she was sending me in their graves, but I only rolled my eyes and stood on my feet, brushing away invisible dirt. She thought she knew anger, but she didn't. Anger was almost tasting your freedom, at the grasp of it before being denied. That was anger. And pain. I was mad as hell, but if she was seeking an apology or a plea to keep this between her, it wasn't coming.
"For your sake, I won't tell Mr. Slade what happened today," she surprised me with that.
My throat latched closed. "And why would you do that?" I demanded, running my eyes over her face suspiciously. "I know it's not because of me."
"For what's worth, you seem like a nice woman. I don't want anything to happen to you, which is why I'm going to forget this ever happened.
Was she implying that Rogue could hurt me? "Or maybe it's because you think you deserve it," I said bitterly. "Why won't you help me?"
She rolled her eyes and dropped her hand to her side. "We've been through this before—"
"I just want to get home and find my friend," I cut in. "Rogue is not here, so he won't know that you helped me escape. Please, Miriam, do what you think is right." I gave her a pleading look, which she completely ignored.
"Mr. Slade called. He said I should prepare you for a fundraiser tonight. You will be accompanying him as his date," Miriam divulged casually.
Her statement felt like ten bricks had hit me on the head. I stared at her in disbelief. "You're kidding me."
"You would be ready in time for him to pick you up. We have three available dresses for you to choose from, and you don't need to worry about makeup. I would have that for you shortly."
"You're serious," I marveled, my mind whirling. So many thoughts collided.
"I don't have time to joke around with you, so of course I'm serious. You will attend the fundraiser, and declining is not an option," she notified.
"Have you all gone mad?" It had to be a big joke. There was no way Rogue would invite me to a fundraiser with so many people around, and where I could easily escape or ask for help. I could not imagine this was something he would willingly agree to or thought of. Whether he had a motive or not, or was simply dumb enough to think of throwing us into public eyes, it didn't bother me the slightest.
How could it bother me when I just found my way out?
I was still calling this a new trap set for me. It was hard to believe I was going to a fundraiser, but I still allowed myself to believe it somewhat. I showered. Miriam laid three dresses on the bed when I walked out of the bathroom. They were out of this world, and I couldn't decide which one to pick; the turquoise one that was cut low in the back and neck, shining and sparkling. The red one, which was beaded and off shouldered, or the white dress that was lacy and transparent, the V neck caught low and the sleeves long.
Despite not asking for it, Miriam helped with my makeup and hair, piling it on my head with cascading curls. She had exquisite jewelry set for me, which had diamonds that sparkled. She said it came directly from Rogue. When I put it on, it felt like a collar. Like he was putting a stamp on me and claiming ownership, which he had no right to.
Rogue would be home by seven, ready to pick me up. It would start at eight, and the cocktails at seven. His flight was delayed, so he would miss half of the cocktails.
I chose to wear a white dress, which clung to me like a second skin. With the Ralph Lauren black high-heeled shoes, the length was perfect. Watching myself in the mirror, I had to admit it was the most stunning dress I had ever seen or worn. When Miriam saw it on me, she was hesitant. I knew she wanted to ask me to go back up and change, but I could care less about what she wanted. By the time the clock hit seven, my stomach was churning. Whether with the excitement at the possibility of escape, or with fear and nervousness that Rogue and I were going together as if we were a normal couple.
Miriam gave me a black clutch bag that had powder and lipstick in case I would need it. Appearance mattered to Rogue, she had said. At seven-thirty, I descended the grand stairs. My legs felt wobbly, and I wanted to run back up to my room and hide. Miriam held onto my arm like I was a little child who would run away, and she still held onto it when we stepped out of the house. The cold air chilled my bones as she left me standing there and ushered me to move forward.
Talking on the phone as he waited by his Rolls Royce Black Badge, stood Rogue. My heart rate kicked up. His face was emotionless. Rigid. He looked charged and electrifying, a man who had so many layers to him. I took the opportunity to drink him in, my gaze sliding all over him eagerly. Rogue looked every inch the powerful man he was. So strikingly beautiful that it hurt to look at him. He emitted confidence. His tailored tuxedo looked exquisite as it accented his broad shoulders. There wasn't a piece of his dark hair out of place.
He sensed my presence, or maybe he felt my fear. His gaze slid over me, and the way he looked at me...my pulse leaped. Rogue scanned me from head to toe, as his lips moved, speaking to whomever he was talking to, but I knew his attention was solely on me. I didn't want his approval. I told myself I didn't need it. But I was a tad bit happy with the way he was staring at me.
Rogue lifted a finger and beckoned me over to him, casually turning around to face his car. Thankfully, my legs didn't shake as I came over to him, my strides slow and gracefully. Although his back was turned to me and his attention was now back to his phone call, I could feel the raw energy radiating off him. My breath came short and fast when I stepped up beside him and lingered there. When he turned, his tongue changed to German. He spoke it smoothly, and with ease, his head cocked as his eyes trailed over my white dress. The longer he stared, the more the air charged with electricity. I shivered, cursing the goosebumps to decorate my arms.
When I moved to cross over to the other side because I couldn't handle standing there while he scrutinized me, his hand shot out and grabbed my arm, flattening me against the car. He caged me with his body and his hand that trapped me. His German was too seductive to ignore, and the feel of him pressed against me, staring at me with that blistering intensity of his. Rogue was heat and danger, and I was doing my best to look away, to find something to focus on and ignore the raging heat between us that was hissing in my blood. Every part of him that was pressed against me.
My pulse started to pound when he chuckled huskily, the sound vibrating on my skin. His breath skated against my neck, hot, but I had to fight not to shiver. He knew what he was doing. He had to. He spoke a few words into his phone. I stayed stilled. My eyes closed. I could only feel him now. The heat radiating from his body. His scruff brushing against my cheek, and when he spoke, it was like he was whispering the words into my ears. It was so sensual. It evoked all feelings trapped inside me. I wanted to push him back, but my arms were so weak. I felt weak. I didn't move. I couldn't move as he leaned closer, his thumb grazing my arm. My heart didn't stand a chance. It pulsed and pumped.
Somehow, he wanted to make this seem inappropriate. He was my captor. He had bad intentions. He was fascinating and entirely too frightening. Rogue skated his eyes to where he had touched me and finally said his goodbye.
No, no, no.
His eyes burned, and his lips curved slightly. "Good evening, Bethany," he dragged my name out sinfully. We stood there, staring at each other until I was squirming and swallowing.
"Rogue, stop," My voice came out small, drawing out his name when what I really meant to say was, please. Please, what?
"I see you haven't quite heeded to what I've been telling you," he said, punctuating each word lazily. Then his eyes cast down slowly, scanning me from my eyes to my neck, down to every curve of my body. Rogue stripped me bare with just one look, and he wasn't ashamed to do it. His eyes backed up to mine. "You look exquisite tonight. Who knew a little dress up would make you look so breathtaking. I'm flattered, however, that you decided to look your best for me. As kind-hearted as I am, I would even allow you to stroll outside tomorrow. You deserve it, don't you think?"
My heart tripped in my chest, but I still glared at the insult that was thrown in. "I didn't do this for you. I was forced to."
"I will still take that as a win."
He still refused to move back and let me breathe the air without him filling up my space. I needed something to distract myself with, so I kept talking. "Why are you taking me to a fundraiser? Have you forgotten the definition of kidnapping? It doesn't include parading me around in public."
He slowly grinned, running his tongue over his lip. "And have you forgotten that you're not a missing person?" His voice seemed to trap me in a net, and with his mouth only millimeters from my lips, he added, "Everyone important would be there, and they won't care to know who you are unless I deem you important enough to know."
He was telling me if I planned to ask for help, no one would offer it. I refused to believe him and fall into his games. "What if I scream?" I asked, arching a brow.
He saw the wheels spinning in my brain as his lips spread over perfect white teeth, a feral smile. There was something in it like he was scheming...goading...lying. "You could try, but that would only attract unwanted attention to yourself. There would be people worse than me there, and trust me, you don't want them to be interested. It would be impossible to save you from them."
"Save me from them? I'm the one who needs saving from you." I felt my voice rising in anger and irritation.
"If you're hoping to be saved or get a chance to escape, I should save you the trouble. It's not going to happen. You would be in a room of hundreds of people, and no one would rescue you."
That statement from him had me stunned.
"You don't know that."
His expression changed from utter amusement to boredom. "There would be photographers when we arrive at the venue. Cameras will flash. Reporters will try and get you to talk. I will even give you a moment to disclose what's between us. Tell them I have kidnapped you. Tell them everything. That, I will give you." There was something in his eyes, and it hid behind the pools of gold. It looked so strong and intense.
"You wouldn't do that."
"I would, but then, I just have to tell you doing that would be a waste of time. I have to step in and save you from disappointment, Beth. The media will not be your friends because I control them. I control what gets published about me."
"No," I said, almost automatically. However, my voice had cracked slightly.
One cold hand brushed my cheek. "Yes." He grinned devilishly. "Come." He moved me out of the way and opened the door, gesturing for me to go in first. I got in and slid across the seat to the opposite side, adjusting my dress.
Rogue settled beside me, and the door shut. I became highly conscious of how good he smelled and tried not to breathe him in.
My eyes looked out through the tinted windows, seeing the streets, the lights, and the moving cars. It was overwhelming. I didn't realize how much I missed my freedom until I realized what Rogue denied me.
"You look like a kid on Christmas."
I glanced at the man sitting beside me to see him gazing at me steadily. "I haven't seen the outside world in twelve days. Allow me to enjoy it in peace," I said in annoyance. Rogue sat calmly, one leg crossed over the other, so handsome he couldn't be real. "Can you roll down the window?"
His lips quirked. "And have you jump out of it?"
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