《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 36-Death
"What happened with us?" I asked my ex-husband. I watched as he chewed some strong steak. When I asked him that question he started choking; like frantically. He was doing it on purpose and I quickly got annoyed. Everyone around us turned and stared at Jackson. There was one table full of females that had their eyes on Jackson ever since we got to this place. It was getting irritating.
"You're asking this now?" He said now gulping down his lemonade. I nodded "I thought that's why you invited me for dinner"
He frowned "I invited Quinn too, but she declined."
My heart dropped. I thought maybe he wanted to work things out. We have been at this restaurant for almost an hour and all he's done is eat. He never once asked about my day or anything. I thought maybe he missed me. All these years..I thought he missed me. I dressed so nice today, and the only thing he said to me was "why are you wearing that?"
My self confidence has totally shut down.
Jackson stopped drinking and gave me a stupid look "what? What did I say?"
I shook my head. "Nothing. It's fine"
He leaned in and said "okay when a girl says that, it surely means something is wrong. Last time I checked, you were the one that asked for a divorce, so why are you upset?"
I tried to hold my tongue but I couldn't hold in my frustrations. "You Let me go"
He raised an eyebrow and looked around as if people were watching. "Cindy, stop playing games. You know I don't like games. You told me what you wanted, and I respected those wishes"
I crossed my arms. "So would you want another man to replace you? Because-
"If that makes you happy" he said stuffing more steak in his mouth.
God why did I even waste my time!
Jackson stopped chewing to examine my face. "What? What did I say now?"
I bolted up and threw my napkin at him. It hit his face and he just let it sit there. He started laughing. "Was that necessary?"
I flipped my blonde locks out my shoulders before storming to the bathroom. I felt strong hands grab my waist and shove me inside the women's bathroom. I turned around and almost groaned when Jackson smiling face appeared "what? Are you going to keep acting stupid now?"
He shrugged and looked over at the stalls. "Get in" He ordered. "I'm good" I hissed. He didn't take my answer lightly, so he shoved me inside one of the big stalls anyways. He then walked towards me like a lion hunting his prey "I missed you"
He grabbed my shoulders and I blushed. "So why did you wait this long?" He paused before lifting his shirt up. God even after all these years, I can still get excited just by looking at him. His perfect body was what I wanted right now. He threw his shirt and started pecking my neck. We never had sex in the bathroom, and honestly I wouldn't complain. I haven't had sex in years. So I was thirsty for him at the moment. He stopped kissing my neck to whisper "I thought divorce is what you wanted, if I knew you didn't mean it then-
"Stop talking" I said already grabbing his belt. I didn't want to talk, I was in the mood for some make up sex.
His phone suddenly vibrated. He pulled it out and checked the caller ID "Why is Matt calling?" He said about to answer. But I snatched his phone from him "Matt can wait"
He crushed his lips to mine and kissed me long and hard, our tongues massaging each other and his hands kneading my lace covered panties under my dress, pinching and stroking and allowing his fingers to trail into my sodden pussy -pushing the lace at my entrance.
His phone suddenly vibrates again. I wanted to ignore it but he stopped kissing me to check again. He answered it and all you heard was static. "Alright lets go"
Not lookin at me, he kept listening. You can hear low moans. He put the phone on speaker and You can hear Matt breathing very heavy. It sounded....scary.
Was this a prank.
Jackson grabbed my arm and lead me out the bathroom. As we headed to the front door, our waitress was telling us to pay. It was not until we spotted at least two ambulance driving past the restaurant that Jackson bolted out. "Don't turn left, don't turn left" he kept repeating.
I followed him out and at that exact moment, the ambulance turned left. "We need to go!" He said already running to his car.
As Jin headed to the front door, he was attacked by some of the witnesses. They were literally begging him to not go inside the house. Four of them; all men brought Jin to the ground and all I could do was watch.
I had two options. Let them restrain Jin and possibly have my brother hate me for the rest of his life, or fight off the men and allow my brother to run inside the house...and burn.
My heart was racing and I stared back at the house. The flames only got worse. There is just no way anyone could survive it. But...if I was Jin...I would go inside that house.
So I raced over to them; picking up a big stick and knocking all there heads in like drums. We were inches away from the flames and it was so hot, it instantly had my eyes in tears. I couldn't see. I didn't even know if I was hitting the men or Jin. I was able to wipe my eyes and watch my brother race on the door step. He tried the doorknob but it was so hot, I could easily see how red his hand got. "Kick it!" I yelled.
I swear the crowd of people only got bigger and everyone was screaming at Jin not to go inside. But my brother started kicking the door. I soon joined him, and we both kicked the door open.
The inside was horrendous
The inside wasn't that bad. Maybe my mind was telling me that since adrenaline rush filled my body. I instantly spotted Matt and Quinn. My brother was on top of her. Just laying over her. The fire was around them. I had to get them both out of there before it got worse. I told Jason to stay back and call for back up. If I wasn't going to come out alive, I wanted him to at least have a chance.
"No, hold on! I'm not leaving!"
I didn't have time to argue
The whole living room was in flames. The kitchen had a mild of fire but it wasn't as bad. There was still a trail to the stairs. So I needed to get Quinn and Matt to safety before they die first. We both ran to My brother and the mother of my children. Quinn was knocked out cold. And Matt slowly got off her. He had his hands now covering his eyes. Jason quickly got Quinn and I helped him take her out. "I'm going to check for a pulse, she's okay, just go get Matt" Jason ordered as a lot of volunteers came as soon as we got outside.
I didn't dare try to look at her face or body. I was afraid. What if she was shot? What if she's dead? I didn't want anything effecting my emotions right now.
Police cars started piling up. A lot of officer hopped out their vehicles screaming at me not to go inside.
But I ran back inside anyways. And before I could see if any one of them chased after me, the fire covered the door. There was no way out. I stepped backwards and my past memories came back. I'm not afraid of anything..but fire.
I started shaking and telling myself that I needed to save my brother and children.
I breathed one last breath before turning around. A hard strike halted me. My eyes sprung open and I gasped. Matt was in front of me, he couldn't speak, but he was shaking like a leaf. I looked down and spotted him holding a knife.
It punctured me a little bit, before I could say anything, he pushed it in deeper. I felt like someone just took all the air that was in my lungs. I couldn't breathe. I fell back and he walked over to me. I placed my hand up to stop him from attacking me. I could have easily broke his neck, or defended myself but..it's like my body forgot to fight. He struck me again on the chest, the pain was so unbearable that it immediately went numb. I kicked him in the shin and he hollered; dropping the knife.
I grabbed it and went to stab him...but I couldn't do it.
I only focused on putting pressure on my wounds. I was bleeding. Pretty badly.
Matt started retreating upstairs. I bolted up. I knew my adrenaline was the only thing keep me alive right now. So I had to act quickly before it slows down and I bleed to death.
My breathing was raspy as I tried to avoid the flames from touching me. I watched as my brother struggled upstairs. His shirt soon got on fire and he immediately took it off. And that's when I saw the blood all over his body.
Did Quinn shoot him?
He was leaving a trail of blood as he went upstairs.
I followed. The fire started trailing after me. How was I suppose to save the kids? What the hell was I going to do once I see them...if they were alive.
Come on think! Think!
I called out for Matt but he couldn't hear me. The noise of the flames and the people outside made it hard to even hear myself.
Once I made it to the top of the stairs I had to say a silent prayer because the fire didn't come up the stairs yet. There was just a lot of smoke. It was enough to kill. And I hope my kids were still alive.
I kept tripping over my feet. I've never been to this house, so I went from room to room calling out for the kids. I started to panic. I didn't even have a chance to really check the rooms because the fire was just coming. All I did was go for the closets. But nothing.
Once I reached the last room, I looked down the hall, the fire was getting angrier and it soon started to rise higher and higher. This room was the only one left. I covered my mouth and opened it. I quickly checked the closet. My heart dropped when I spotted nothing.
....just...the pink blanket.
I went to grab it. I started searching the room desperately yelling for the kids. I don't cry easily, but here I was getting teary eyed, as I searched; under the bed, the bathroom, in the drawers, under the sink...
But nothing.
Look out the window
A voice called out.
I wiped my tears and searched for the voice. "Dream?" I said going up the the window "Junior?"
There was one window. And it was indeed open. I peeked out and my children's life started flashing in my head. All I thought about was their funeral because I couldn't fight the sight I was seeing.
Matt was near the gutter of the roof. He had Dream in his arms and Junior clinging to his pants. Was he planning on jumping?? We were very high! Too high from the ground! If he jumps, he will kill them and himself. Was this his plan?
Anger boiled over me and I looked back to see the fire now taking over the room. I leaped out and yelled out for them. "Matt! What are you doing!? Stop!"
Screaming had blood pouring drastically out my belly. But I didn't care. I was screaming like there was no tomorrow. I crawled my way to them. If I slipped and fell, that would be the end of me.
Matt just stayed balanced near the edge.
..with my kids.
Dream spotted me first. Her eyes illustrated her fear. I told her everything will be alright, even though she couldn't hear me. When I was inches away from reaching them, I heard Matt whisper "what's your favorite Disney movie?"
Dream whimpered still having her eyes locked onto mines. "Cinderella..."
"Wow really? What else?"
You could see her face relax. "Sleeping bea-
Before you know it, Matt flung her; like a football. My eyes widened as I saw my baby girl fly over the roof screaming so loud it would haunt my dreams in the future. I watched as she fell downwards until I couldn't see her anymore. I bolted to my feet not even caring if I tripped and fell. Junior started racing to me. But Matt caught him by the shirt and held on to him. "Your turn"
Once I got close enough, I kicked my little brothers leg. He fell on his butt and I quickly grabbed my son from his grips. My mind was telling me to kick him and let him fall to his death just like he did to Dream. But my heart was stopping me. It was not until I saw him pull out a knife from under his pants that I kicked him. He fell over but held on to the gutter. "You fucking murderer!" I yelled.
His eyes widened and his breathing started to get raspy as he struggled with his words. I was about to kick him down until I heard Jason call out for me.
I didn't want to stare down. I didn't want to see Dreams body.
"What are you doing Jin!? Save your brother"
What? How can he say such a thing after what Matt did?
Junior clutched onto me as I peeked forward. There stood Jason. He had Dream in his arms. She was safe and staring back at me. One of Jasons arms was clearly broken, but I saw the panic in his eyes as he placed Dream down and rose them back up "hurry up and throw Junior over and save your brother"
So was that it?
He was trying to save the kids?
Then why did he stab me?
"No! No!" Junior said squirming in my arms. He started wailing begging me not to throw him. I stared at my brother and his fingers were now peeling off the gutter. I calmed myself and breathed. "Do you trust me?"
Junior stopped squirming and shook his head. "Today you're going to trust me"
"No! Please! No!" He said. I bit my lips and covered his eyes. He started screaming. I don't know how Matt was able to throw Dream blind. But if he could do it, I could too. So I calculated the distance, told Junior I loved him, held my breath, and threw him just like how Matt did. Everything paused as I watched him fly over. Jason was moving from side to side getting prepared for the strong impact. Once Juniors body got close, he shut his eyes and caught my son. The impact was so strong, he fell over. Jason screamed in pain as his broken arm got worse. It was now bent backwards. Junior got off him with no marks on him. He started running around screaming.
My kids were safe. They were safe.
I hurried and grabbed onto my brothers hand. I tried for dear life to pull him back on the roof. He was so heavy I felt every muscle on my arm tear up. But the pain was not doing anything to me. I was not feeling anything at that moment. I just wanted my brother safe.
Once we made it back to the roof, we just laid there.
Within seconds, the fire started making its way to the roof. It happened almost immediately. We didn't even have time to rest. I peeked back down and spotted Jason saying "jump! I'll catch you"
Is he crazy?
If he can break his arm with two kids...I don't know how he was able to catch us. What the hell were the police doing?
I looked over at Matt. He was putting pressure on his belly. "Help is going to come. Alright?" I said
He didn't say anything. All he did was breath really low. I grabbed his hand away from his belly so I can see his wound. I gasped.
It was indeed a bullet wound.
It was worse then I thought.
"Guys! Jump! The fire is getting worse!" Jason said; voice getting higher and higher. He was pleading, begging for us to jump.
"Why did you do this Matt? Why did you stab me? Did you want me out the picture this bad?"
I was so hurt I couldn't even hide it.
He tried to speak but all he could was cough. His lips started to quiver. I told him not to talk. All that energy will make him bleed out quicker. The fire was close to us and I started to panic. I wasn't going to leave my brother here alone on this roof. I had a chance to jump and save myself..
...but he didn't.
I don't know what to do. I was lost. I would fight war all over again then make this choice right now.
I suddenly felt Matt's arms. He put me in a bear hug and whispered "do you trust me?"
He then started walking back to the edge of the roof. I started fighting him when I realized he was about to kill me. He poked at my stab wound and thats when I felt the pain. My body went numb; he then tipped us both over. My heart was down to my belly as we started falling backwards to the ground.
I shut my eyes and prepared for...
Once I felt the loud thud, my head went spinning. Noises were around us, but the only sound I heard was shattering bones. Every time I tried to lift up my head, It immediately went back down to my brothers chest. I had fallen on top of him. I heard a lot of screams and yells, but I didn't know from who. All I heard was a high pitch noise from inside my ears. I finally had the strength to lift my head up. I came face to face with my brother. His eyes were wide and he whispered "told you to trust me"
I tried to move but I couldn't feel my body. Was I paralyzed?
Matt let out one final breath before whispering "I see mom" he said pointing up.
And then I fainted.
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