《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 3- Zack's dare


"You mad?" Dylan said catching up to me.

After the incident, the coach ordered the class to walk a mile around the track while he looked for Quinn. Come to find out the REAL Hannah came to class and we discovered that Quinn's friend was skipping. She was sent to the principals office. I don't know where Quinn went but I hope she doesn't come back. Not after how Dylan called her a whale. I kind of felt bad for her. The more I thought of the incident, the angrier I got.

"Come on Jin..why are you mad?" He said poking me again

I pushed him back " I told you not to poke me!"

Dylan almost knocked into three freshmen girls. His smile turned into a complete frown once he got his balance together "did you really just push me?" He asked walking towards me slowly. I knew he was going to try to get me back for the push and I was ready to knock some complete sense into his head.

Luckily Zack and his brother got in between us. "Come on guys! Stop this, we are friends remember?" He said now holding me back while his brother held Dylan back.

I backed away from him. I hated when people touched me. "You guys are so immature..how can you bully someone you don't know-

"Bully? I told the coach we were talking about whales, why did you assume I was talking about that girl Quinn? Unless you believe she looks like a whale..so whose the real bully here?" Dylan asked smirking. It made me want to punch him in the face.

I rolled my eyes and started walking away from them. I heard them running towards me. "Okay you can't get at mad at me over a fat chick, come on what's really the matter?" Dylan asked putting his hand on my shoulder to halt me.

Even though he was a dick. He was the only one that knew me better then anyone.

"Is it Roxy?" He asked

The sound of her name made me wince. I really wasn't looking forward on seeing her again. Don't get me wrong, she is a total babe but all she talks about is herself. I've been trying to break up with her for the longest but she never once let me to. She was too busy talking about herself. I wasted two years of my life dating a girl that doesn't know anything about me. Today she wants me to take her out to dinner, and it's my chance to finally let her go.

"Just break up with her Jin! She's annoying anyways" Dylan said

Zack started laughing "oh yeah? But didn't you try to get with her in sixth grade...but she rejected your ass"

Dylan shrugged "it was a blessing in disguise..look what she did to Jin..turned him into a straight pussy"

Zack nodded agreeing "yeah, what happened to the savage Jin? The one that broke hearts? The one that didn't give a fuck? Roxy turned you into a straight housewife, because she clearly wears the pants in yall's relationship" he added, dabbing Dylan like this was suppose to make me feel better. I sighed and looked for Nick to defend me like he usually does but I caught him staring at something. I stopped walking and followed his eyes.

It was Quinn

She was on the bleachers looking like she was melting to death. Even far away we could see the sweat pouring down her face. It's like 100 degree outside and she refuses to take of her heavy clothes. She was wearing sweatpants and a sweater as if it was winter.


"Wow....could you guys see her with someone?" Zack asked

"No!" Nick and Dylan said at the same time

"Hmmm...what about I dare one of you guys to ask her out and date her for a week...let's spice up our first day"

"What?!" I said almost screaming. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

Zack shrugged "okay Jin is out of the dare..what about you two?" He said pointing at Nick and Dylan.

"I'd rather have sex with my own mother then date her" Nick said so fast I believed him. He started shivering in disgust and walked away from us.

Dylan raised his hand "I'll do it! Finally something fun to do..I bet I can even get her into bed the first day..she looks so easy" he said judging me like I was suppose to agree. "You guys are idiots" I said

"You don't have to do it Jin, be miserable with Roxy and let us have our fun okay.."

"But what are you getting out of this?"

Zack shrugged "a good laugh?"

I wanted to knock his teeth in

"How about....we put money into this...spice it up a little bit" Dylan offered

I rolled my eyes.

Zack saw this and frowned "okay fine..whoever can date her and actually SLEEP with her in less then a month can have my black Mercedes, I've been anxious to get rid of it anyways and I didn't know which one of you guys to give it to" he said so slow the words flowed around my head like I just got struck by lightning. Zack and Nick were filthy rich. Both there parents were doctors plus they owned some kind of business. So him giving away his Mercedes was nothing. My parents were rich but not that Rich for me to give away my car.

I recently got into a car accident and wrecked my Lexxus my mom bought me, and Zack knows this. He knew exactly what to say to have me on board.

"Deal!" Dylan said

Zack gazed at me "what about you, Mr boring?"

I thought for a second "...so..only date her and sleep with her?...then what?"

Zack shrugged "break up with her I don't know"

Dylan and I both looked at eachother. I crossed my arms "okay what if I'm in ...Dylan also wants to do it..so how will that work?"

Zack gave us an evil smile "I mean she's going to say yes to one of you...so whoever she chooses then I guess the dare will start. Good luck boys...I commend you both because there is no way in hell I'll even touch that thing" he said looking at Quinn

He stuck out his tongue in disgust and started running to catch up to his brother to tell him the news

Dylan turned to me "good luck, may the best man win"

Sleeping with a female is no problem for me. But Sleeping with a female that was bigger then me? I cringed. I didn't find her attractive at all...but the more I thought about it..the more I thought of the car. I really need that car.

"Yeah, you're going down" I responded back smiling

He grabbed my neck and rubbed my hair "oh yeah! I finally got the savage Jin back!"

Gym was awful! The coach literally chased Cindy down the hallway. I was crying like a river by the time he got to us. He asked me why I was crying but before I could even get a word out the real Hannah came walking by.


The coach immediately asked for her name. She was a short little girl that looked too young to be in high school with her two pig tails and little dress. "I'm Hannah..I'm sorry for being late, I overslept"

The coach turned his attention back on us and asked for our names again. That's when Cindy made a run for it. She could not out run the coach, he tackled her to the ground like an UFC fighter and took her straight to the office.

And to make matters worse while the coach took my best friend to the office, I went to the bathroom to straighten myself out. I started hearing moaning noises in one of the stalls.

It was the first day of school and people were already having sex in the bathroom. I washed my face furiously and made sure to call whoever was under there disgusting.

The person opened the stall so quick I jumped.

It was my brother and Sophia.

They were skipping first period! No wonder I didn't see her in gym class

Their clothes were all over the place and it just disgusted me. So what Cindy said to my brother before obviously didn't get to him if he was quick to have sex with Sophia.

My brother is a manwhore.

I shook my head in disgust

"Have you been crying?" Jackson asked rubbing his shirt

I frowned more drastically as I got my book bag "go fuck yourself "

I stormed out the bathroom only to meet the Coach. He looked pretty upset, he looked like he was going to body slam me. "I hope you're the real Quinn and not lying right?"

I slumped my shoulders and nodded.

He frowned "good...now go to the tracks..you have a mile to walk..

"Wait but-

"No buts!"

"I can't...I'll die...trust me on this" I said showing him how fat I am

He squinted at me not looking fazed at all. "I don't care if you're on your death bed! You're going to walk that mile!" He barked making my eyes bleed from his smelly breath.

"I'm not walking the mile...I told you..I'll die.."

I mean it almost happened few years ago so I wasn't going to take the risk. I didn't care what he said. I. Was. Not. Going. To. Walk. That. Mile.

He was looking at me with so much hatred that I tried to think of something to get me out the situation. "Is Sophia in your class?" I whispered

He crossed his arms "I marked her absent..are you her?"

I shook my head "nope, she's in the bathroom having sex with an ugly boy.." I said moving aside so he could go in.

I already heard my brother cursing at me. The coach told me to sit on the bleachers outside before he raced in there like one of the members in the swat team. I cheesed so hard and started walking outside so I wouldn't see my brother go crazy. Knowing him, he could beat up the coach if he wanted to.

I found the bleachers rather quickly and roamed the area for Jin. It was getting so hot I was literally melting like an ice cream cone. I caught a few eyes from other students and my anxiety rose up. I didn't want to start thinking about how Jin's friend called me a whale..I mean I've heard it before so I couldn't really get upset with it, the only thing that bothered me was that Jin heard it.

Once I spotted him I lit up a little bit. He was standing with his friends in the middle of the track talking. I could see he was sweating as well but it made him look more attractive.

The way he raked his hair back every few seconds was just sensational. His whole body was glistening right now. He had on gym shorts and a tank top. I saw every muscle imaginable and to top it all off, his leg hairs was looking really manly.

He stopped to talking to tie his shoes and once he made his way back up, we locked eyes again. But this time he didn't look away. He just stood there.

I slowly placed my hand up and let out a little wave.

To my amaze, he actually smiled and waved back bringing attention to his friends. They were all now staring at me. The one that called me a whale waved too and as soon as I saw that I placed my hand down in complete anger.

Was he mocking me? Hasn't he done enough?

I sighed and picked up my stuff. I couldn't stand the heat anymore.

But as soon as I grabbed my books, I tripped over my feet and tumbled all the way down the bleachers screaming in pure agony.

I fell on my ass with a loud thud feeling like I just created an earthquake.

My ass hurt, everything hurt. I lifted my knees up and discovered I scraped them. Fuck! everything hurt. I wanted to cry so bad especially since I started hearing laughing again.

"She's so pathetic" I heard one girl say

Not wanting to stay on the ground longer, I lifted myself up but found myself falling again.

The students started to roar with laughter. It increased every second and I bit my tongue to keep from crying. But it wasn't working. I felt tears stream down my face as I grabbed my scattered books from the floor.

I blacked out. I didn't focus on anything then to get the hell out of there. I didn't even notice someone picked up one of my books.

All I saw was their shoes. White Nike shoes to be exact. I lifted my eyes up to analyze every part of their body.

Once I spotted the sexy muscular hairy legs, I knew who it was. I didn't even need to see their face.

I stood up so fast I think I pulled a muscle. But I didn't care. My nerves made the pain numb.

Jin was standing above me with one of my erotic novels. He didn't even realize it. He just stood there with a warming smile with my novel in his hands. I was so mesmerized I lost my voice. How can someone be so perfect? A strong wind erupted making his long hair flow beautifully in the wind. It went all over his eyes but he didn't even attempt to remove it..he just gazed at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

He parted his lips and slowly said "are you alright?"

Even up close his voice sounded better then Brad Pitts.

I slowly nodded now looking down.

There was some silence. I looked up and tensed up when he started looking at the book. "His sexy body?" He said reading the title.

With reflex I took the book away from him afraid he would open it and discover his name written all over the first page.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see some freshmen girls looking at us, giggling with entertainment.

"Thank you, I have to go" I said and tried to make my way around him but he wouldn't let me escape. He just pulled out his hand "you don't look too good, come, I'll take you to clean up..the bruise on your knee looks nasty"

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