《Alpha - Hell Rider's MC #2 -》Chapter 8


Sitting there and watching Lilly and Scarlett interact I was conflicted. I knew that Lilly needed someone who she trusted to fill in the place as her mother, and so far the only girls besides Scarlett that she's gotten really close to are already married.

Why was it so hard to get close to people?

I sighed and sat down at the bar a couple seats away from Scarlett.

"Can I get a bacon burger with a water?" I asked the girl, Candy, who was working behind the bar.

"Sure thing cupcake," she winked. I rolled my eyes and looked away while she went and told the cooks my order while getting my drink.

"Thank you," I told her as she sat the water down in front of me.

"If you need anything else just call," she winked yet again before walking off to tend to someone else. I shook my head before beginning to eat my food.

"Not a fan of her?"

I turned and saw Scarlett staring at me with a small smile. As I finished chewing my bite I shook my head.

"She's been coming to this club for years. Never wants to settle down and is only here for sex. And honestly that's not really my type," I chuckled. Scarlett smiled.

"Well what is your type?"

"Someone who is kind, funny, and cares about people but isn't a pushover. I want to have someone loving but who can also beat someone's ass if needed. Granted I can teach them how to fight, but it would be nice if they already know how to."

"Any preference for looks?"

I shook my head. "As long as the person has a vagina and meets the personality requirements I really couldn't give a damn with how they look."

She smiled and turned away to talk to Jessie who was trying to get her attention.

I finished off my food and stood up. "I'm going to go to sleep. Enjoy the rest of your night," I told the little group before leaving.

Shutting the door to my room I started to immediately strip as I headed towards the bathroom. After spending all day with the girls shopping I was more than eager to take a warm shower and go to bed.

My shower was quick and I walked out of the bathroom to get clothes with a towel wrapped around my waist. I picked out a random pair of boxers and put them on.

After a full day of walking around and being active nothing felt better than laying down on my bed and relaxing.

I was out like a light in seconds.



I groaned and shoved a pillow over my head as knocking on my door woke me up.

When the knocking didn't stop after a minute I stood up and put on a pair of sweatpants before stomping over to the door. Ripping it open, I came face to face with a nervous Smiles.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked quietly.

I nodded and let him in.

Motioning for him to sit on the bed, I stayed standing.

"What's going on?" I asked.

He took a deep breath. "Would you ever kick out a member for being gay?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "No of course not why?" I watched as he let out a visible sigh in relief. "Are you gay?"

He flinched when I asked that. I moved forward and squatted down in front of him.

"Smiles?" I asked. "Are you gay?"

"Yes?" He answered, even though it sounded more like a question. "No? I have no clue! One moment I'm attracted towards a girl and the next I want to be with this guy so bad and I don't know what to do! I don't even think that the guy I like is even a little gay so I don't want to ruin my friendship with anyone but damn it! I don't know how to do anything anymore!" He cried as he buried his head into his shoulders.

I put a firm hand on his knee. "Smiles. It's okay to be confused. You've probably lived a good majority of your life thinking that you weren't gay. And you are the youngest male here after Ripper at 20. You have a full life ahead of you to figure these things out. Coming out has no time frame. You could come out right now and it would be okay and you could come out when you're my age and it would still be okay. And if the guy you want doesn't accept you let me just tell you there would be a lot of us in this club that would have an issue with him then," I chuckled. He smiled at me a little bit.

"You know, for being a big and scary leader of an MC you actually give pretty good advice."

I rolled my eyes. "I've had experience. Maybe not my own experience with this but I have plenty of gay friends that I've had to comfort in the past."

"Could I meet them??"

"Maybe someday. We don't really keep in touch that much anymore but I'm sure if I asked them they would be more than willing to visit."


Smiles was grinning from ear to ear.

"However," I stood back up. "Wanna tell me who this guy is that you like?" I smirked.

It was amusing to watch as he blushed profusely and refused to make eye contact with me.

"Well um you see, you're around him a lot," he stuttered.

"I'm around a lot of people all the time."

"That's not what I meant! He's around Lilly a lot too. He's around me a lot more than the others..."

"Go on."

He bit his lip and sighed. "It's Key."

"Key?" He nodded.

"It started about a week before we had to rescue Lilly. We got really close one night and that's when I realized that I was starting to develop feelings for him that was a bit more than friendly," he chuckled. "And then we started talking more and when we rescued Lilly he was there to comfort me. I'm sure he didn't read into it much and he was only doing it to be nice, but now I really really like him and I don't know what to do," Smiles groaned as he put his head in his hands again.

"You sound like a middle schooler who is discovering the world of liking someone for the first time."

"Technically this is only my second ever crush on a guy before so it's still pretty new to me."



We both paused and looked at the door.

"Who is it?" I called.

"Me dad!" Lilly shouted back.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything's fine but you're normally out by now so I was a bit curious."

"I'm talking to someone right now."

"Is it Smiles?" She asked. I looked at Smiles confused and he looked equally dumbfounded.

"How did you know that?"

The doorknob wiggled before the door was pushed open gently and Lilly poked her head through the opening with a grin. After seeing we were near my bed, she walked in fully and shut the door behind her. Skipping over to us, she took a seat next to Smiles.

"Are you talking about you're little crush?" She whispered to him. It was loud enough to where I was able to hear it.

"How did you know?" Smiles asked her, shocked.

Lilly rolled her eyes. "You aren't as secretive as you think. No one else sees it because they're not as observant."

Smiles and I looked at each other in shock before looking back at her. "You figured it out on your own?"

She smiled and nodded. "But don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"Promise?" Smiles asked hopefully.

"Pinky promise," Lilly told him as she held out her pinky finger. They hooked pinkies and the both of them grinned.

"Now how are we going to get you two together?"


I was sitting on the couch in the living room area of the compound when Hacker came up to me.

"Alpha, we need to talk," he said nervously. I could see him looking around the area like he was waiting for something to happen.

I stood up quickly and led him into the church room. We walked in and I shut and locked the door behind us. "What is it?"

"The security cameras at Scarlett and Spiders parents house was difficult to tap into, but I got it. Watch this," he pulled out his laptop and after tapping a few things, he turned the screen so it was facing me.

On the screen I could see several different views, all from different cameras. On one of them, it showed three men waiting in front of the house looking aggravated.

"This is a couple days ago." Hacker explained. "The one in the middle is Adam, the one on the right is Snake who owns the pedophilia ring, and Kyle who was the one charged with assault and child pornography."

As I watched the video I saw Adam get more agitated while the other two just looked bored. From another view, I could see a man and a woman conversing with another woman on the couch who wasn't entirely visible from the angle the camera was at.

The man and the woman who I assumed were Scarlett's parents talked to the mystery woman for a while before they walked out. I watched through the different views as they walked through the house before they went outside to where the three guys were. Adam was agitated as they conversed shortly before he and the other two followed Scarlett's parents inside.

I turned my attention away from the screen when I saw how fidgety Hacker was becoming. "The hell is wrong with you?"

He shook his head. "Just watch."

I sighed and turned my attention back to the screen to see the group of five arriving back into the room where the mystery woman was.

I froze as she stood and turned where I had a good view of her face. Nothing had changed about her since anyone had last seen her, and her grin as she looked at the three men made me uneasy.

"That's not good," I muttered. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Hacker shaking his head in agreement.

"Not good at all."

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