《Alpha - Hell Rider's MC #2 -》Chapter 3
Spider and I walked into the main area after he got off of the phone with his sister.
"Church!" I yelled, watching as the patched members immediately got up and started walking into the church room. I saw Ripper place a kiss to Lilly's forehead before walking in as well. Once we were sure that all of the patched members were in, we shut the door and made our way to our usual seats around the table.
"We aren't going into another war right?" Chip asked hesitantly. All of the other guys looked nervous for what I would say too.
I shook my head. "No. But we are taking in someone. Spider, care to share?" I asked, leaving no room for arguments. He nodded.
"My sister about five years ago got into a relationship with someone who was always known as the "popular" boy at school. We all went to the same high school, and him and I were in the same grade. We graduated a few years before my sister did. But anyways, he contacted her on Facebook and wanted to get in touch with her. And she was really excited because she remembered him clearly.
"They met up, and went on a few dates before they declared their relationship official. Our parents tried to get back in touch with her after they found out that she was dating a rich boy, but she refused to keep contact with them after they kicked us out when we were teens. But about a year and a half into their relationship, he started to be abusive. She dealt with the abuse for just over half a year, so she was with him for a little over two years."
I could tell at this point that Spider was struggling to continue. He was gripping the table till his knuckles were white and gritting out the words as if they physically hurt him.
"I didn't know. She was able to hide it really well. And I still don't know the details about what he did to her, but I went to visit one day and walked in on him beating her while she was unconscious," he sighed. "He was supposed to be put away for life because he had many other charges against him, but apparently someone paid a good amount to get him released. And we know that he is going to come after her again so her and her friend are on their way here right now so they can be under our protection," he finished.
Taking a glance at the men around, all of them were livid about what they just heard.
"Any objections?"
I was sitting at the bar when Lilly walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. Turning to face her, I saw her grinning from ear to ear.
"Is it true?" She asked excitedly.
I smirked. "Is what true darling?"
"That two girls are coming here!" She exclaimed. Her hands were practically shaking with excitement as she bounced lightly on her toes.
I nodded. She squealed again before running off and hugging Miranda and Jessie. Ever since we found out that Raine was the traitor, the three girls were trying to get closer to the other old ladies to replace what they had with Raine. Sadly, none of them they truly connected with.
I shook my head and downed my glass of whiskey before asking for another. Smiles handed it to me with a shake of his head before getting someone else a beer.
He walked back over. "You know, drowning your sorrows with alcohol isn't a good thing."
I stared at him for a minute before sighing. "I know. But it's hard not to when it makes it easier to cope with everything."
"I know," he smiled sympathetically. "Trust me I know, but if it gets too much you'll fall down a hole that'll take years for you to get back out of. And before you know it, if you're not careful, you could lose someone you love the most," he trailed off and looked down at the bar. Even if he wasn't looking at me, I could still see he was holding back a lot of sorrow. Clearing his throat, he looked back up at me. "Just be careful okay?" He said before walking away to continue serving people with the help of one of the old ladies.
I thought about what he said and looked over at Lilly. Her mother was an alcoholic that abused her for the majority of her life. What would she think if her father became a drunk too?
I shuddered and pushed away the half-full glass of whiskey.
I would never be like that vile woman, and I would make sure of it.
Walking up to my room, I waited until I was behind the door before releasing the tears that had been building. Since Lilly got here it seemed as if the emotions that I built up inside of me for years came crashing loose, coming in waves that I couldn't seem to push back.
I stumbled my way over to my bed and collapsed down onto it while letting out silent sobs.
Why was it so hard for me to find someone to be my old lady?
I woke up with a pounding headache, the alcohol and crying from the night before making its presence known.
My phone lit up with a notification and I picked it up.
Spider: Scarlett and her friend are gonna be here in a hour. Let's get some men and some of the women to go out and greet them.
Me: Alright, I'll be down in a minute. Let me get dressed.
I sat up with a groan and wiped my hands down my face. Getting up was always something that I struggled with considering I enjoyed my sleep and I enjoyed taking the time to relax.
Slowly I got dressed into different clothes, got my shoes on, and walked downstairs.
Almost immediately Lilly came bounding up to me.
"Are we actually going with you guys to meet them?" She cried out in excitement. Miranda and Jessie were behind her with smiles.
I nodded. "I just have a feeling that they'd be more comfortable if we had girls with us. From what we know, the one is running from an abusive ex and her friend is tagging along for the ride," I explained. She nodded and the smile never seemed to leave her face as she walked back over to Ripper. I smiled as I watched her. Before when Bethany was a threat she never smiled as much even when she was happy.
"Let's go," Spider nodded at me to follow him and together we all walked out to the front gate where Joker, Jason, and Butcher were guarding.
We were sitting outside for about a half an hour until a older Ford truck pulled up and stopped in front of us. From where I was sitting, I could see the two girls through the windshield but the one in the passenger seat was asleep. The driver leaned over and woke her up. I couldn't hear them, but I could see that the one who was asleep was clearly upset about something.
They both got out of the truck at the same time, and the one that was in the passenger seat stormed up to Spider.
"Ricky! Tell your sister than she's an idiot and she needs to learn when to sleep!" She shouted, pointing to the girl who got out of the drivers seat.
"Ricky?" Lilly asked, confused.
Spider laughed. "Yeah, my real name is Richard darling."
She nodded. "I think I prefer Spider." We all laughed.
The girl smiled. "My name is Kali, and this is Scarlett."
I couldn't help but stare at Scarlett. She definitely worked out in her spare time, you could see it in the muscle definition that she had.
Her hair fell in dark brown waves down her back, bringing out her bright green eyes. Spider said that she was only a few years younger than him, making her mid-thirties, but she looked to be much younger than that.
"Nice to meet you all," Scarlett said politely.
"Oh I've missed you darling!" Miranda shouted as she pulled Scarlett in for a hug. Scarlett hugged her back just as tightly.
"I've missed you too Mar."
"What did you mean Kali when you said she needed to learn how to sleep?" Spider asked.
Kali rolled her eyes. "I only drove for a few hours before she told me to give her a turn again. And then she drove the rest of the way!" She yelled while throwing her hands up.
Scarlett shrugged as Spider gave her a look that a scolding parents would to a child.
Miranda rolled her eyes and elbowed Spider. "Save the scolding for later. Scar, Kali, I would like you two to meet our family. This is Lilly, Jessie, Ace, Ripper, Joker, Jason, Butcher, and our President, Alpha," Miranda introduced. She pointed to each of us and I made sure to give a polite nod and smile when she introduced me.
"I've been so excited to meet you guys!" Lilly squealed as she practically launched herself at the two girls, pulling them in for a tight hug.
"Lilly!" Ripper spoke sternly. Lilly looked back at him confused.
"You're still healing," he pointed out. She sighed and released the two from her hug and walked back over to him, allowing Ripper to wrap his arms gently around her.
"Healing from what?" Kali asked.
I shook my head. "That's a story for another time. Why don't you girls follow us in and get comfortable. After that we can get down to business and discuss the matter at hand," I told them. They nodded understandingly and hopped back in the truck as they followed us through the gate that Joker opened.
Once we were by the front door, they parked and got out again. "Wow, this place is beautiful," Scarlett exclaimed.
"Sure is," Jessie chimed in.
We walked in and I had a few of the prospects go out and start grabbing their things while I had the three girls show the two their rooms.
I sighed and walked over to the bar.
"Shits gonna hit the fan again isn't it?" Smiles asked apprehensively. I looked at him and shrugged.
"I honestly don't know. By the sounds of it, this just sounds like a psychotic stalker ex boyfriend but then again, we don't know the full story from Scarlett so we don't know what he's capable of," I explained as I took a drink from a glass of whiskey he handed me.
He sighed. "I guess it's better than going to war with another MC."
I nodded. "Sure is."
"Alright ladies," I announced as I closed the door to the church room. "Whatever you say inside of this room that you don't want to be repeated won't be. We figured you'd be more comfortable with the girls here instead of just guys so you have Miranda, Jessie and my daughter Lilly. Whatever you don't want to explain in detail you don't have to, but I do need to know a lot of it to know what we're dealing with here," I finished.
Scarlett nodded slowly and Kali placed her hand on top of hers, proving a silent comfort.
"What all did you tell them?" Scarlett asked Spider.
"I told them that he went to the same school as us, graduated with me, you started dating him about five years ago, and then he got abusive and about how I found out," he explained quickly. She nodded.
"Well, when he started to get abusive it was small things. Like when I would forget to do the dishes he would get mad and slap me, but it was always when he was really drunk so I would just let it go, plus he would apologize for it in the morning." She took a deep breath. "Then it slowly progressed. He wouldn't apologize in the morning and if I brought it up he would say that I deserved it for not listening to him. I should've left when it first started, but I was so scared. He threatened to hurt Kali if I told anyone, so I kept my mouth shut. After about a month of the slaps, they turned to punches, and then kicks. He would scream at me if I came home just a few minutes later than usual from work, even if I tried to explain that one of the appointments lasted longer than anticipated."
At this point she was crying but was still able to continue. I was livid.
"He would start to beat me on those days. I remember the first time I got beat for coming home late. It was only by ten minutes," she took a deep breath. "He was already drinking when I got back. As soon as I shut the front door he chucked his beer bottle at me, and some of the glass cut me as it shattered against the wall. He punched and kicked me until I passed out. When I woke up the next morning, I could barely walk and had to cancel all of my appointments for a couple days and just told them that I was feeling sick.
"He left me alone until I healed. But then that became a daily thing. He wouldn't beat me as bad though unless I did something he didn't like. The day Ricky walked in and saw him beating me was one of the worst."
Pausing, she placed her head in her hands.
"You don't have to continue if you don't want to Scarlett, we won't make you," Spider told her softly. I could tell that he wanted to know the full story, but wouldn't push his sister.
Scarlett picked her head back up and shook it, tears still slowly streaming down her face. "I need to tell you this. This'll let you know truly how bad it would've gotten if you hadn't walked in," she said while looking at him. "You may not realize it, but you saved my life that day."
"What do you mean?" Miranda asked. I could tell that her and Jessie were about to go on a man hunt. Lilly was frozen. I could see the sorrow in her eyes and knew that this story reminded her of Bethany in a way.
"That day I came home about an hour late. A little girl came in last minute and her mother apologized, said that she couldn't remember my number and lost my card, but her little girl wanted a new haircut for picture day. I didn't mind, even though I knew what would happen. I didn't finish until about an hour later than usual. When I got home, he was waiting for me inside. Beer bottles were shattered all over the floor and I could tell that he had been drinking a lot more that usual. He accused me of cheating, saying that I didn't appreciate all that he did for me and was running off with guys. He started to call me a whore and picked up a beer bottle. I knew that he was going to throw it, and I had gotten good at dodging them. But when I dodged it, he pointed a gun at me," she cried.
"I thought he was gonna shoot me," she sobbed. "He said that if I didn't do what he wanted to then I would regret it. That he would kill me and then kill my friends too. I did everything he wanted to that night. I even let him have sex with me as much as he pleased. But that's where it got bad.
"He wanted more. His sex drive had always been higher when he had been drinking, and he wanted to and I quote, 'show me who I belong to,'" Scarlett paused and shook her head. "I ignored him. After so many times my body was tired, on top of the fact that I didn't want to do it in the first place. When I started to get dressed, he got angry. He hit me over the head with a baseball bat when I went to go walk out of the house. I don't remember much after that honestly, all I know is that you walked in Ricky, and stopped him," she finished.
"So," Spider swallowed. "You mean to tell me that this bitch practically raped you?" He asked. I could tell that he was struggling to keep his composure.
New tears welled up in Scarlett's eyes. "When I told the police they didn't count it as rape because I didn't try to fight him off until the end of it. Said that I basically gave him consent even though he threatened to shoot me."
Spider slammed his hands down against the table and stood up, practically shaking with rage.
"Did you ask the police about who bailed him out?" I asked.
Both girls nodded. "We went to the station after we packed everything up. They said that they wouldn't tell us and that it was none of our business," Kali explained.
"None of your-" Spider paused in his sentence as he punched the wall. "None of your business?" He asked, even though it sounded more like a statement.
"They said that since the both of us have a restraining order on him it doesn't matter anyways, but I know that he'll break it. He's never cared about the law," Scarlett added.
Spider shook his head and sat back down.
I chimed in. "Well I can assure you girls that you're safe here. Our guys will do a lot to protect others. But first, is there anything that you don't want us to tell them about?" I asked.
Scarlett shook her head slowly. "No, you can tell them everything. They deserve to know anyways if they're going to be protecting me."
"It is your privacy though," Jessie jumped in. "The guys will understand."
"I know, but I don't mind honestly. Plus it'll help them be angrier when he comes," Scarlett laughed. The rest of us chuckled too.
"I know I'm willing to put a bullet through someone's head after hearing that story, I don't know about the rest of y'all," Miranda smirked.
"Me too." The rest of us said in sync.
I looked over at the two girls. "While you two are getting your stuff settled and organized we'll have a meeting with the rest of the members. After that you can meet all of them if you'd like?"
"Sure thing."
"Maybe they'll be super hot bikers," Kali smirked, nudging Scarlett's shoulder.
"Try to keep your pants up for one day please."
Kali gasped.
"Excuse me?!" She shouted. "I'll have you know young lady that the older I get the more I need me someone. So don't you dare go judgin' me missy." Scarlett laughed and waved her hand, dismissing her friend.
"I have a feeling y'all will fit in just fine here."
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