《texting you | jeon jungkook √》five.


hi sominnnnnnn

you are actually so annoying

ha i still take that as a compliment

did you have a nice sleep?

why you asking me that

probably dreamt of me since

you saw that picture right

ew i hate boys like you


i looked good in that picture

didn't i

why do you take everything as

a compliment

it's because i love myself

and i don't need your dumb


ouch that hurt

they are not opinions, they

are facts

okay idc

i've been looking for your

picture but i cant find it

could you perhaps send it?

my picture is your lost bag

but i found it so that means

i'm gonna find your picture :)

you annoy me

i bet you look as lovely as

your name and personality

you actually think i'll send it after that

it worked last time

come on, i bet you're beautiful

go play with your games

taehyung is hugging them

taehyung seems like a nice


oh so you have never talked to him

before but u think he's nice.

you've been talking to me for 3

days straight and i'm annoying


i hate you

good, now we are even :)

somin you are different from the other

girls i talk to

you sound like a fuckboy and

you look like one too

trust me i'm not...

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