《The Descendent Protectors》Chapter Seventeen


"I think I'd like to go home," I finally managed to whisper after staying silent for so long.

Xavier glanced up from burning daggers at the floor, his jaw so clenched I feared he might break his teeth. His worried eyes studied me for a fair minute, searching for warning signs behind my eyes.

"There's one more thing we should discuss," he proclaimed.

"What is it?" My heart began to race again - it seemed to do that quite often lately.

His hand came up to stroke the stubble growing on his chin, and his eyes roamed around the floor as if in preparation to whatever he was going to say. That only seemed to increase my angst.

When he finally looked up, his deep silver gaze captured my own in a captive hold.

"I believe it might be safer for you if you returned to Indiana with me."

I was so distracted and bewitched by his heart-warming gaze, that my ears failed to capture the words leaving his mouth.

"What?" I whispered. But a second later, my ears managed to pick up on the echo of his words. It took my brain a few seconds too long to fully decipher the meaning behind them. "What?" This time, my question came out in disbelief.

"It's the only way I can maintain your full protection while simultaneously aiding to my personal affairs." I gazed at Xavier's facial expression for a whole minute, waiting for his serious persona to break with a huge smile and hear him exclaim "just kidding!".

But it never broke.

So instead I broke out into a hysterical laugh. Xavier frowned worriedly, confused by my reaction.

"Ar-" I took a deep breath to compose myself, holding my chuckles in. "Are you seriously asking me to move to another state? With you?" I was beginning to question whether this whole thing was even real. Maybe he was playing a prank on me, trying to impress me? "Shouldn't we perhaps," I puckered my lips, stifling a smile, "wait 'til after the second date?"

Xavier's brows narrowed in disapproval, not enjoying my teasing. "I'm perfectly serious, Nora."

The smile was swept off my face. "Are you out of your mind, Xavier?" I stood up from my seat on the bed to approach him, stopping a couple feet away. He was a fair foot taller than me, so I had to tilt my chin upwards to stare directly into his eyes. "I am not going to leave my home and everything that I know behind just because some sad-excuse of a mobster who failed in successfully delivering his products is holding a pathetic grudge against you."

Xavier studied my facial expression for a while, taking in my words. "It's not as simple as you think it is, Nora," he whispered, the frustration and distress evident in his eyes.

"I don't care." I took a step back . "I'm going home."

I turned to walk away, and in the process my hand brushed against the soft texture of my bathrobe. I glanced down at my attire and face-palmed when I realized this is my best option, since I have no clothes here. Sighing, I continued towards the door.

I reached out for the handle to pull the door open, but was stopped when a hand slammed the door back shut. I spun on my heels to come face-to-chest with Xavier who was standing tall behind me. His hand lowered from the door and fell to his side.

"What?" I hissed, ignoring the sparks igniting within my world from his unusually-warm close proximity.


Xavier took a step back so I could lift my head up and meet his eyes. "Let me at least drive you back." His shimmery silver orbs fell down to inspect my attire, "and let me give you something better to wear."

I thought over his statement for a second. "You keep a spare pair of women's clothing in your home?"

There was a faint pang at my chest the second those words left my lips.

"No, Nora. I don't." Xavier fought off a smile. "The best thing I can offer is a men's shirt and sweats."

It was my turn to hide a smile. A relieved one, for that matter.

I nodded in acceptance and stepped to the side, giving him full access to the door. Xavier chuckled once he noticed my relieved expression, and shook his head - heading out of the door. A warm blush crept up my cheeks, spreading over my skin and nestling over my nose.

He returned less than a minute later and handed me a pair of black shirt and sweats two sizes too big. I thanked him and returned to the bathroom, switching from my bathrobe to the new outfit.

I turned to study my reflection in the mirror before leaving, and my eyes widened in embarrassment noticing how revealing the black shirt was on me, considering it was made of a thin layer. My cheeks reddened as I began panicking. Maybe I could ask for a jacket as well?

But who'd wear a jacket in this summer heat?

I groaned loudly, I have no other choice.

Reaching for the bathroom door, I pulled it an inch open, shoving my head through the small opening and searching for Xavier in the room. He was seated on the edge of the bed, his palms fisted on his lap as he waited patiently. His head snapped up when the bathroom door creaked, and I had to resist the urge to burst out laughing as I witnessed his reaction. His eyes widened in horror as he saw a single head sticking out of the door, my body being hidden behind it.

"Do you have a jacket?" I asked hopefully, praying he won't question my request.

Xavier stood up instantly, and cleared his throat. "I-I may have something. Let me check." And he walked out the door.

I sighed and stepped inside the bathroom, closing the door behind and leaning against it.

Stupid boobs.

A faint knock sounded behind me. I turned and unlocked the door, seeing Xavier standing on the other side with another article of clothing in his hand, which he was offering me. His eyes, however, didn't find my own as he respectfully lowered his gaze and kept them on the floor. My heart fell to my stomach and burst into a thousand little butterflies.

"I could only find an old sweater. I hope that's okay?" Xavier asked.

I grinned, "perfect."

I took the navy-blue sweater out of his hands and stepped back inside. As I was putting it on, my arms got lost in the length of the sleeves. This one was probably three sizes too big, but that wasn't an issue. It meant more coverage while also offering more space for airing, in case it got unusually hot outside.

Offering a satisfied smile to my reflection in the mirror, I ran my hands through my hair to straighten the wet knots before heading out the door.

This time, Xavier wasn't in the room. I left through the bedroom door to search for him down the extending hallway but it was just as empty; so I travelled along the house searching for him. I reached the staircase at the end of the hallway, and it swirled elegantly down two floors. The railing was a vintage gold and was slightly chipped off on some areas, but it felt so smooth I couldn't resist the urge to run my palm over it as I descended the stairs.


The first floor was brighter than the second, with a large window down the hallway illuminating the path. There was an equal amount of doors to the second floor, and I wondered how many lived in this house with so many bedrooms.

I continued down the stairs until I reached the ground floor and was met with an extravagant hall, a wide table set in the front with a large vase of fresh roses, and the front door directly behind it - bearing windows so wide the house was entirely brightened by the natural daylight. Above me hung the most grandeur golden chandelier I had had the pleasure to see, and by that point I lost all control on my jaw muscles as it fell to the floor.

"Do you like it?" A voice sounded from behind me. I spun around on my heels and my nose nearly bumped into a broad chest. I looked up to see Xavier standing a step above me, glancing down at me with hopeful eyes.

"It's the most beautiful house I've ever seen," I admitted. It truly was the most elegant house I'd ever been to.

"There is one exception," Xavier began as he moved past me to descend the few remaining steps. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and turned around to face me, his hands inside the pockets of his dress-pants and a faint smile on his lips. "My house in Indiana."

He trailed off, and I didn't need a smarter brain to take on the hidden meaning behind his words. He thought that would tempt me to accept his offer.

I smiled, "that's nice. Can we go now?"

Xavier nodded with a slight frown, disappointed by his failed attempt, and gestured towards the front door. We walked out, side by side, and set right in front of the house was his black Range Rover. We were in a different neighborhood - one I've never been to before - and his property was bigger than I imagined, with a wide front garden bearing gorgeous flowers.

"Where are we?" I asked Xavier once we settled inside his car.

"About an hour away from your place," he glanced at me sideway to study my reaction. "Do you like the area?" He asked as he began driving away from the house.

I nodded, "it's beautiful. Do you often come here? Is that why you bought this place?"

"I only visit once every few years. And this place actually belongs to my uncle, but he's currently away on vacation."

I found myself wanting to hear more about his family. "Does your uncle work with you in the family business?"

Xavier shook his head. "He did many years ago alongside my father, but once he got married he decided he wanted to maintain a low profile and live away from the troubles associated with the business."

I nodded. That's understandable.

Xavier glanced my way. "Do you remember what happened last night? I thought your friends were staying with you, but you were all alone."

The memories came flooding in on cue, but the part that remained blank was what went down after cold fingers inspected the wound on my left eyebrow.

When the word "friends" registered in my brain, my eyes widened. Ariel!

"Oh my God, Ariel!" I exclaimed, my heart dropping. "Sh-she was supposed to come home later that night! What if they-"

Xavier cut me off, shaking his head. "Don't worry, she's alright."

"How do you know?" I whispered through a tightened throat.

"We checked in on her. She's safe."

I let out a breath, relaxing in my seat. A few seconds of silence passed between us as I tried to recall last night.

"I don't remember much after I fell off that man's shoulder," I admitted after a while.

When I didn't receive a comment, I took a glimpse at Xavier to see him coldly staring ahead at the road with a clenched jaw, the tight muscles prominent under his trimmed beard.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked hopefully. I hated blacking out and not knowing what went down while I was out.

"After you were brought here by a trusted guard, I had a doctor aid to your injury. She later changed you into a more fitting clothing and I carried you to rest in my room." Xavier glanced at my reaction, and my eyes widened as I realized it never occurred to me to ponder over how I'd been changed into a shirt. Now that it was mentioned, I was beyond grateful that a woman had done it.

"Thank you," I whispered. And I truly was so thankful Xavier had someone keep an eye out for me, no matter how unsettling it sounded at first, because God only knows where I'd be by now if he hadn't stepped in at the right moment. The thought tightened my stomach into a knot, and I had to focus on regulating my breath to avoid panicking.

"You shouldn't be thanking me, Nora." His voice came out rougher than before, and his chest rumbled with a restrained growl. "I'm the reason all of this happened to you."

I shook my head. "You didn't do anything wrong. It was their doing."

His knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "And I swear to you, they will pay for what they did."

I could only stare at his knuckles in response. Seeing this side of Xavier stirred a fearful, all-too-familiar emotion deep within my heart, I felt my throat tightening.

And I didn't like one bit of it.

Knowing better than to argue against his word, I kept my mouth shut, my heart racing as I began to panic - the memories I buried so deep within my unconscious resurfacing. I turned to stare straight ahead as we neared the city center.

Xavier must have sensed the uneasiness I felt, because he shifted in his seat to look at me - but I kept my eyes straight ahead.

"I-I mean," he cleared his throat, "I'll deal with it. I'll make sure this never happens again."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, Xavier."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, soon you'll return to Indiana. And I'll stay here. It doesn't matter, because it'll never happen again." I explained. The words pulled at my heart-strings and I had to curl my hands into clenched fists to compose myself, the nails digging into my palms and surely leaving a mark behind. Xavier repeatedly glanced from the road to my face then back again. But I avoided his eyes, knowing they would surely break me with the power they held over me.

"Nora..." he began to argue, understanding perfectly what I was insinuating.

"It's for the best." My voice came out stiff, hard as ice. I kept my eyes on the road, avoiding him.

I could tell he was trying to find a way to argue with me, but he couldn't find the proper words - probably too taken aback by my sudden decision to end whatever was on the verge of beginning.

But I couldn't repeat histroy. I could never relive my past.

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