《Sleep With Me | KNJ x Reader》Bonus Ch 3 | Sweet Spot
"There's not enough rooms so a few of you will have to share," Bang PD says to everyone.
"That's fine," V laughs. "We lived together for ten years, we can handle a few more nights."
"I don't want to be with the couples though," Hoseok groans. "I'm sick of them. They're so cute I want to throw up."
"We'll pair the couples up," Mr. Song laughs. "Namjoon, [Y/N], Nanami, and Jimin will be in one room and Yoongi, Nari, Boram, and Jungkook will be in another. Jin, you room with Hoseok and Taehyung, you take Jeffrey."
"Hell yeah!" V and Jeffrey high five.
It's been two months since their stop in France and you're all now at a boujee hotel in Dubai that looks like it's straight from a movie. The building is a whopping 65 floors tall with 12 different restaurants on the first four floors, and a bar and club on the fifth floor.
There are no actual exterior walls, they're all one-way windows. The glass extends all the way to the top so those on the inside can see everything looking out, but no one can see anything looking in.
"Hopefully none of you have a fear of heights because the only floor with enough rooms for everyone is the 54th floor," Mr. Song chuckles as Hoseok's face pales. "You can close all the drapes so you don't have to look out the windows."
"That's fine with me," Jin shrugs. "I just want to sleep."
"I want to go exploring first," Jeffrey grins, grabbing Taehyung's hand in his. Jeffrey doesn't seem to notice V's cheeks flush pink but you and Namjoon sure do.
"I want to go too!" JK chimes in, along with Jhope and Nari.
"Y'all go ahead," Boram smiles. "I want to rest, we just flew for ten hours straight."
"Are you sure?" JK asks like a puppy, grabbing her hands in his.
"I'm fine, Kookie," she giggles. "Go out and have fun, I'll be here when you get back."
"Same with me, love," Yoongi says as he pecks Nari's forehead. "I'm going to go to bed but you go have fun. Jungkook, keep an eye on her."
"Yes sir," Jungkook stiffly salutes his hyung.
"Baby, what do you want to do?" Namjoon asks. You kind of want to go exploring and you can tell Namjoon doesn't want to, but he'll make himself go because he can't spend more than ten minutes away from you.
"Let's rest and explore tomorrow," you smile at him, seeing the relief flood his eyes.
"Same here," Jimin says. "Nana you're not going anywhere, you need to rest."
She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. It's been almost a year since her surgery and she's been completely cleared for all forms of physical activity but Jimin still makes her rest. She used to protest but it never does her any good so now she just rolls with it unless it's something she really wants to fight about.
"Your luggage is already in your rooms," Mr. Song says as he hands everyone their key cards.
"Let's go, bitch," Nanami grins, lacing her fingers in yours to head for the elevators. She starts practically dragging you behind her as she skips through the foyer, Jimin, Namjoon, and the others following behind.
For how high up your floor is, the elevator ride is relatively short. "Here you are," the attendant smiles, speaking in English as she ushers you through the doors. "Your room is to the left and at the end of the hall. Please enjoy your stay."
"Thank you," Namjoon says to her as you let the others know what she said.
You all trudge down the hall and Boram and Nari say goodnight while the rest of you reach room 54572. Your jaw slacks as you take in the gorgeous room that has to be at least 1800 sq feet with a dining table in the middle and two queen mattresses straight across, pushed up against the windows. To the left is a long wooden desk and an indigo makeup vanity with two large circular mirrors hanging on the wall. On the right is a large painting of the ocean, with two sliding doors next to it which probably leads to the bathroom and closets.
"We get this side," Nanami grins, jumping onto the bed on the right. The only thing separating the two mattresses is a small lamp perched on a wooden side table. "Oh shit this is nice." She grips the white comforter in her hands and reads the tag on the end. "100% cotton, damn I'm sleeping good tonight."
You walk past the mattresses to look out the windows that reach up to the ceiling, looking down at the view over Dubai. It's night time but everything is pretty well lit from the city lights.
Namjoon's strong arms wrap around your shoulders from behind as he takes in the view with you. You gently grip his forearms and melt into his embrace.
"I'm going to shower," he says, nuzzling your ear before giving your cheek a small peck.
As he grabs his shower essentials you start to unpack your things since you'll be here for a week. It's definitely exhausting traveling around all the time, plus having to work on top of that. However as tiring as it is, the experience has been incredible. You get to travel around the world with your best friends and the love of your life. You still can't fathom how Hae-Ran could've become bitter about this situation.
Jimin orders room service for everyone and you all sit around the table, laughing and enjoying your shawarma and kebabs before it's your turn to shower.
You return to find Nanami and Jimin already snuggled up next to each other and Namjoon leaned up against the headboard reading a book. He looks up to flash his dimple smile at you and even after almost two years your heart is doing backflips. He no longer has his shaggy blonde hair and you're absolutely loving his short jet black cut that makes him look even larger.
You turn off all the lights and leave only the dimly lit lamp in between the mattresses before crawling under the comforter and squeezing yourself against Namjoon's side. He chuckles and sets his book down to lay back and wrap you in his arms.
As usual, he showers you with small pecks all over your face, making your heart swell from how such a big beefcake can be so adorable. Your eyes flutter closed as he presses his lips against yours, trailing his hand up your arm and back to cradle your neck. As your lips part he slips his tongue between your lips, slowly tasting you and making you shiver.
You begin to hear heavy breathing but it's not from you or Namjoon. You turn over your shoulder to see Jimin on top of Nanami, kissing her deeply and gripping her breast over her loose t-shirt.
Jin was right, when you spend so much time with a certain group of people it kind of becomes normal for people to have sex with others around. You've been next to Yoongi and Nari fucking in the tour bus and you gave Namjoon head with Taehyung in the seat across from him. It doesn't turn into a big orgy or anything, the only one you've had sex with is Jin when he and Namjoon Eiffel Towered the fuck out of you. Last week you rode Namjoon as Boram rode Jungkook a few feet from you in the dressing room after a concert.
Looks like something similar is about to happen now.
Namjoon turns you back towards him to slide his tongue between your lips again, shifting his weight to his left arm to hover over you. You whimper as he grabs your ass and trails his lips across your jaw and down to your shoulder.
The only thing that bothers you about having sex with the other members around is how fucking loud you are. Out of all the girls you're definitely the most vocal, though Jungkook makes quite a bit of noise for a guy.
You've never had sex next to Nanami but you know she's pretty quiet in bed so you'll definitely be moaning way louder than them. You bite into your lip to stifle your moan when Namjoon lifts your crop top to suckle your nipple with his hot mouth.
"Why are you holding back?" Namjoon asks as he licks a long strip between your breasts that makes you shiver.
"Because we're- fuck," you cut yourself off as he lowers his length against your heat. "Because we're not alone."
"I already know you're loud as fuck," Nanami snorts, flipping over Jimin to straddle him with her top off. "Just let your voice go."
Your eyes widen when you see your old bias on his back, his eyes full of lust and desire as his tongue runs across his bottom lip while looking up at your best friend. Your eyes travel down to his Nevermind tattoo and take in his small yet beautifully toned body.
"I can't- fuck, Joon," you moan, snapping you back to him as he grinds against you. You slap your hand over your mouth. "I can't, it's embarrassing."
"Why?" Jimin laughs as he kneads Nanami's breasts with his hands. "There's nothing hotter than a woman screaming from pleasure. I feel like a champion when I get Nana to make noise."
"He's right," Namjoon smirks as he sits back, hooking his fingers into the hem of your shorts to pull them past your thighs and drop them to the floor. "I love the way you can't help yourself."
You pant, still trying to hold back your voice as Namjoon's fingers find your bare heat and he begins to circle over your sensitive bud. Looking over you see Nanami stand up to remove her bottoms while Jimin lifts his waist to do the same.
You salivate a little at the way Jimin rolls his hips upward to slide his boxers off. He was your bias for years and you've certainly pictured this a hundred times.
"Fuck, baby," Namjoon groans as he slips his fingers between your folds.
Your head snaps back when he enters his middle finger inside of you as his thumb continues to circle over your clit. Namjoon enters another finger and you moan out, "Oh my god," before slapping your hand over your mouth again.
"[Y/N] you're so sexy," Nanami whines. "I wish I was vocal but I can't help it. My instinct is to inhale instead of exhale."
She proves her point when Jimin guides himself to her entrance and she makes a sharp inhale as she eases down onto him.
"Fuck, Joon," you whine as he stretches you, gripping the sheets underneath your body. You're almost to the point of not caring how loud you are anymore. You let him pump his hand in and out of you until the burn eases up and you say, "Enough, I want you inside me."
Nanami and Jimin both groan and you're not sure if it's from their own sex or if it's because of your words because your eyes are locked with Namjoon's.
"I want you to ride me too," he smirks, pulling his fingers out to lick them clean before flopping onto his back.
You obey and push yourself up as Namjoon removes his boxers. A groan escapes your lips as his length slaps against his stomach.
"Can I see it?" you hear Nanami ask from behind you.
You turn over your shoulder to see her hooded eyes as she continues to bounce up and down on Jimin. The way you and Namjoon are positioned prevents either of them from seeing his midsection, you're in the way. Your eyes shift to Jimin and he's just staring straight at you, seemingly unbothered Nanami wants to see your boyfriend's dick, but the look in his eyes sends a small shiver down your spine. "You always talk about how big and perfect it is and I'm curious," she adds.
Your eyes meet hers again and she seems genuinely curious. Looking down at Namjoon he's just staring up at you with an unreadable expression.
"Do you care?" you ask him.
"Not if you don't," he smiles, gripping your thigh.
You nod and move out of the way, nestling yourself between Namjoon's legs instead.
"Oh, shit," Nanami gapes, still sliding up and down Jimin's length. You can tell she's still enjoying herself even though she's distracted because of how hard she's panting. "That's almost Jin level."
"Thanks," Namjoon chuckles.
Nanami's head snaps back and a small moan actually escapes her lips as Jimin thrusts up into her. He doesn't seem to care that she thinks Namjoon is big from the smirk on his face. He knows she loves his dick the most.
"Come on, baby," Namjoon smiles, pulling your wrist towards him.
You straddle Namjoon as he's laying flat on his back, whimpering as you feel him guide his bare tip to your entrance.
You're double birth controlled right now, with both an IUD and pills which allows you and Namjoon to have your kinky raw sex more often.
"Joon, oh god," you pant as you sink further onto him, swallowing his length with your walls. You get about halfway when you have to take a break.
"Do you have to ease him into you like that every time?" Nanami gapes. "That seems awful."
"Yeah," you snort, taking another inch of him. "Having a huge dick isn't always a good thing." Your eyes roll back as Namjoon circles your aching bud with his thumb to relax you.
"Damn," she giggles, making Jimin moan as she grabs his shoulders to buck her hips over him. She looks down at him and smirks. "I told you your dick was perfect for me."
"I know it is," he arrogantly smirks back, grabbing her hips to take back control of the pace.
You moan as you're finally able to take Namjoon to the hilt. "Fuck, oh my god," you exhale as he continues to circle your heat, giving you more time to relax.
After a while of you trembling, Namjoon feels your walls unclench and grabs your waist to stabilize you. Your hips begin rolling forward to get used to the sensation of him inside of you.
"God, baby," he groans, pinching his brows together. "You're incredible."
You begin to slide yourself up and down his length, the slick sounds of your raw sex mixing in with Nanami and Jimin's. As usual, Namjoon lets you bounce up and down at your pace but becomes greedy and begins to take control of your movement.
You feel him start thrusting up into your sweet spot, uncontrollable breathy moans escaping your throat as your eyes roll back.
"[Y/N] do you remember when you told me you always wondered what sex with Jimin was like?"
You and Namjoon freeze in your place as your eyes snap open. Slowly, you turn your head towards Nanami who's no longer bouncing up and down on Jimin. He's still inside of her but they're both still, just staring at you.
"W-what?" you finally choke out, avoiding Namjoon's eyes and boring into Nanami's.
"You told me you wanted to know what it's like," she says casually, making your mouth hang open. You flinch a little as you feel Namjoon grip your hips a little tighter.
"F-first of all," you stutter as your cheeks flush red, "I said that before I was dating Namjoon, he was my bias for like five years."
Nanami just rolls her eyes as Jimin smirks at you.
"Second," you continue with a clenched jaw, "how about we don't bring that subject up while I'm literally fucking my boyfriend that's not Jimin?"
"You can fuck him if you want to."
Your eyes almost pop out of your head when you look down at the man who just said that.
"What?" you ask in shock, seeing nothing but amusement and curiosity behind Namjoon's eyes.
"I assume that's what you were alluding to," Namjoon says to the couple on the other bed who simply nod their heads.
"You want me to have sex with Jimin?" you turn to ask Nanami with your mouth still hanging open.
"I think it would be kinda hot," she smiles mischievously, beginning to roll her hips again and causing Jimin to groan. "You could be the one to make him look like this."
Your curious eyes dart to Jimin's face that's contorted in pleasure and you feel yourself clench involuntarily.
"Fuck, baby," Namjoon grunts, squeezing your thighs with his strong hands. "Don't tighten like that."
You can't help it. Your eyes are glued to where Nanami and Jimin are connected, getting more turned on as you watch his length disappear inside of her over and over again.
He could be disappearing inside of me.
Of course you had the biggest fattest crush on Jimin for years, and you're no saint. You've imagined him fucking you senseless multiple times.
You look back down at your boyfriend who now has an amused smirk across his face.
"You seriously wouldn't care?"
"Not if I can see you doing it," he says huskily, lifting you up slightly so he can slowly pump into you. "As long as I'm involved and it makes you feel good I don't mind."
"Fuck," you say shakily as Namjoon slowly hits your sweet spot from below.
"Plus I thought it was kind of hot when you came from Jin in the limousine."
"You fucked Jin?!" Nanami and Jimin exclaim in unison.
"She sure did," Namjoon smirks as he looks up at your trembling body. "She took him with her pussy while she took me with her mouth."
"Biiiiitch," Nanami gapes, stopping her movement again. "You are nastier than I thought."
You can hardly even hear Nanami as your moans fill the room, Namjoon continuing to pump into you painfully slowly. He doesn't want to make you cum yet; he wants Jimin to have that experience.
"W-would you have sex with Nanami?" you ask breathlessly, trying to form sentences.
"No," he shakes his head. "You told me it would break you if I did."
Your eyes bore into his as the sounds of your raw sex spreads goosebumps over your body.
"I think I'd be okay with it," you finally say, making Namjoon's eyes widen and his hips freeze in place.
"What?" Namjoon asks, this time him being the one shocked.
"I mean this situation is different," you breathe out with hooded eyes. "It would break me if it's something you were forced to do. It wouldn't break me if you two were consenting."
You turn your head and your eyes mean Nanami's. "Do you want to try having sex with Namjoon?"
"I won't lie," she smiles as she eases Jimin out of her to sit next to him. "I've been really curious about his dick since you're always bragging about it. But if you aren't comfortable I'm fine with just watching you and Jimin."
A mental image of Namjoon and Nanami having sex flashes through your mind and you're taken by surprise.
It doesn't bother you at all.
"I think..." the whole room holds their breath as they wait for you to answer. "I think it's okay."
"Baby," Namjoon says with a serious tone, gripping your hips tighter. "Are you sure? I'm fine with just a blowjob afterwards or something."
"I'm sure," you say confidently. "I trust you and Nanami."
You flinch as you feel him get harder inside of you.
"Hey," you punch his chest. "Don't get too excited about fucking her."
"I'm not," he chuckles through the pain. "I'm turned on by you. You're so sexy right now." Your cheeks flush pink as his eyes bore into yours.
"Okay now get the fuck out of my way, bitch," Nanami laughs, standing up off the bed. "I want some Namdick."
"I want us to use condoms though," you say to her as you ease Namjoon out of you. You walk over to Namjoon's bag and pull out two slips of foil and toss one to Nanami.
"Smart," she smirks, tearing the foil and immediately turning around to Namjoon who's now propped up against the headboard. "You'll definitely have to stretch me."
You watch as Nanami crawls onto his lap, catching him off guard as she crashes her lips against his. Your heart is almost beating out of your chest as he begins to kiss her back, cradling the back of her neck and snaking his tongue between her lips.
But you're not upset. You're excited.
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