《Sleep With Me | KNJ x Reader》Ch 29 | Tequila Sunrise
"His ex tried to poison him?!" Boram exclaims, slamming her cup on the table.
"Yeah," you sigh, taking a bite of the tteokbokki. "His story is that he was trying to protect me."
"Do you believe him?" Jeffrey asks, setting a piece of bulgogi onto your rice bowl.
You, Boram, and Jeffrey stopped by one of your favorite local cafes for dinner after work. It's been four days since you've been able to see Namjoon, but he has made it a point to text you every day and update you on if he can see you that night.
"I do," you nod. "He showed me the police report."
It wasn't actually a police report, it was a non disclosure signed by Hae-Ran's father, promising to send her to another country for a few years. Namjoon is having to get the company involved again since they broke the agreement.
"That's nuts," Boram scoffs. "I'm glad you were able to talk it out with him. It sounds like this girl really did a number on the poor guy. But seriously if you ever show up at my doorstep like that again I'll cut his dick off."
You snort and choke on your rice, and Jeffrey is quick to hand you his water.
"Thanks," you smile. "And seriously, thank you both for taking care of me. Especially you Jeffrey, I really owe you one."
"If you want to make it up to us, you should come out with us tomorrow!" Jeffrey beams, clapping his hands together. Him and Boram go out almost every weekend and they're party animals. Two hours with them results in the whole party being blackout drunk.
"I don't know," you groan. "You two are ruthless." The last time you went out with them you woke up in a random hotel with Boram and Jeffrey — you and Boram cuddling on the bed, Jeffrey kicked to the floor.
"We won't get that crazy this time," Boram giggles. "Jeffrey actually has tickets to one of the high end bars in the area, it's strictly invite-only. We could just go for a few hours and leave if it's lame."
"It won't be lame though," Jeffrey smirks, leaning closer to you. "I heard celebrities go to this bar often, maybe you'll be able to see your celebrity crush, IU."
"I'm fucking in," you respond immediately.
"Yay!!" They both cheer in unison. "I have an extra ticket if you want to invite Nanami too," Jeffrey grins.
"Sweet!" you say excitedly. "I'll let her know."
"I'm sorry baby, I'll be stuck here again tonight."
"It's fine," you giggle into the phone, crawling in bed. "I'll get to see you this weekend."
"I'm hoping to at least be able to go home tomorrow. It's a Friday, I deserve to sleep in my own bed," Namjoon pouts.
"Ah, I won't be back until really late tomorrow anyway. I'm going out with my coworkers."
Namjoon's quiet for a few moments. "If I'm able to get off in time, can I pick you up afterwards?" He asks; you can hear the puppy dog eyes in his voice.
"Of course you can," you smile, your face is practically numb from how much of a giggly bitch you turn into when talking to him. "Also, just a heads up. I do not have to be sober for you to fuck me."
You hear choking on the other end of the line. "W-what?"
"I'm saying that once I've established that I'm seeing someone, I give consent to sex. Even when I'm drunk," you shrug, snuggling your Chimmy pillow. "I mean obviously within reason. Not if I'm passed out or something. But I know you're the chivalrous type, and I can guarantee I'm going to beg you to rail me if you pick me up tomorrow."
Namjoon snorts before busting out laughing. "Okay baby, you know I can't say no to you. As long as you're sure."
"I am," you grin. "Hopefully you can get off at a decent time tomorrow."
"I hope so too," he says softly. "I miss you."
"I miss you too, Joon," you blush. Your cheeks get rosy every time he says that he misses you, which is every day. You're not sure why but you can't seem to get used to it.
"Unfortunately I've got to go," he frowns into the phone. "Goodnight baby, I'm glad I got to talk to you for a bit."
"Me too," you hum into the phone. "Try to get some sleep tonight. Nighty night."
• • • • • • • •
"Why do you have to be so damn sexy?" Nanami rolls her eyes, putting on her other shoe. "Can you be ugly for one fucking day? That's all I ask for. My bisexual panic increases because of you."
"Oh shut up," you laugh, fixing up your hair. "That's my line to you. You look like a goddess right now."
Since the bar is high-end, you both went for classy yet sultry attire. Nanami has on a pale yellow jumper that extends all the way to her khaki high heels. The halter neckline perfectly accentuates her shoulders and collarbones, making her look like a model. She probably could've been a model if she wasn't so damn short. Her hair is half up in a bun while the rest is lazily curled, lightly brushing against her shoulders.
As for you, you're wearing a scooped mandarin crop top with a long pearl skirt that has a slit up to your mid thigh. Not wanting to potentially tower over someone famous, you're sticking with tan sandals that wrap behind your foot. A gold shimmering necklace rests just between your collarbones.
Jeffrey has already picked up Boram and is on his way to your place to grab you and Nanami. You both pile into his new Mercedes Benz as soon as he pulls up.
"Okay big daddy," Nanami teases. "I see you sporting your new ride."
He flashes his flirty grin in the rear view mirror at her. "You're damn right. This is how I stay impressing the ladies."
Yeah I'm pretty sure Nanami is wrong. There is no way this guy likes me.
Jeffrey's in a charcoal gray dress shirt, half tucked into his black slacks. He has his blonde hair messily styled back with gel, and knows he looks damn good.
Boram is in a cute maroon cocktail dress paired with white pumps. She straightened her hair for tonight and looks absolutely gorgeous.
It takes about 25 minutes to reach the bar from your place; your jaw drops as chauffeurs swarm Jeffrey's car to open the doors. The bar is a beautiful two story building with elegant vines tastefully sprouting from the burnt orange walls, giving it a dignified yet vintage ambiance.
Jeffrey notices you're still gawking as the others have walked in. He chuckles and places his hand on the small of your back, ushering you into the door behind the others.
Your eyes scan the room; the inside is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside. The lights are pretty dim, but they shed enough light for the customers to move comfortably. Three beautiful chandeliers hang from the low ceiling that reflect the beautiful burgundy painted walls, tables scattered throughout the floor and booths surrounding the outside, connected to the walls.
There's a large bar at the end of the room with at least ten different bartenders scurrying behind, quickly preparing orders for everyone. To the right of the bar is a spiral staircase that leads to the second floor, which sounds like it might have a dance floor.
"This way," Jeffrey grins, keeping his hand on your back to steer you towards his table.
"[Y/N]?" you hear a voice chime as you pass by.
Looking over you see none other than Jackson Wang, flashing that dazzling smile your way. He's got a beautiful female on the other side of him you've never seen before.
"Oh my god!" you exclaim, clapping your hands together. "I've been meaning to get your contact info."
"I bet you were," he smirks, speaking in English. "Or maybe not?" his brows raise as he sees the beautiful Englishman with his hand still on your back.
"Oh," you giggle, turning to Jeffrey, who seems pretty stunned to see you casually chatting with one of Korea's most popular idols. "Jeffrey, Jackson. Jackson, Jeffrey. We work together."
"Nice to meet you, man," Jackson smiles, extending his hand.
"Oh, wow," Jeffrey chuckles, returning the handshake. "I knew some famous people frequented this place but it's crazy to actually meet someone in person. How do you guys know each other?"
"We met at a party," Jackson winks at you. "But damn dude you are hot. I thought [Y/N] was walking in with some famous actor or something."
"I get that a lot," Jeffrey smirks, making Jackson laugh.
"I respect the confidence," he grins.
Two beautiful men who know damn well they're beautiful. Great.
"[Y/N]?" A familiar voice questions behind you.
"Wait, you know Kim Taehyung too?" Jeffrey gawks as you turn to see the beautiful brunette sporting a white dress shirt tucked into brown slacks. He looks fucking amazing tonight with his hair slicked back.
"It is you!" he smiles, wrapping you into a hug. "Oh my god Namjoon is going to be so pissed. We tried to convince him to come but he refused. Here, let's take a selfie and send it to the group."
He pulls his phone out and snaps a quick picture of you, him, Jackson, and a very shell-shocked Jeffrey.
"It's so funny to run into you both," you giggle, noticing Jeffrey still frozen next to you.
"This is Jeffrey, one of my coworkers," you smile, motioning towards him. "Nanami is here somewhere with another coworker of mine."
Taehyung stands a little straighter once he hears Jeffrey's name, knowing he's the one who comforted you when you disappeared. He turns to him and gives him a tight smile. "So you're the one who took care of our little [Y/N] the other night."
"Is Kim Taehyung your fake sugar daddy?" Jeffrey gapes, his hand unconsciously moving up your back.
"Ugh, no." You rub your temples, realizing this is probably a terrible situation. "Who else is here? There's too many of you."
"I'm here with Jimin and Hoseok," Tae grins. "You guys should come sit with us."
You look over to the booth he's motioning towards to find Nanami already in Jimin's lap, and a shocked Boram gaping next to them.
"Christ," you groan. "It's going to be a long night."
Jeffrey and Boram ended up buying the story that you and Nanami had randomly met them all at a party, and that an NDA prevented you from telling anyone else. Boram is starstruck as she sits between V and Jhope, listening as they laugh about a story of when Taehyung got lost in Canada. Jeffrey is an extrovert, easily chatting with everyone like he's known them for years. Even Taehyung is clanking glasses with him.
You are all a few shots in, and you're working on your third tequila sunrise, definitely feeling the effects of the magic juice. You're very weak against tequila but Jhope is the one ordering for everyone so you drink it anyways. Nanami is already drunk as fuck, making out with Jimin across the table.
"I'm still in shock," Jeffrey leans in so you can hear him better, his arm resting on the back of the booth behind you. "You two are basically friends with BTS. And Nanami is sleeping with one of them."
Well it's not just her.
"Yeah," you giggle, taking a swig of your drink. "It took a while for me to even process it. I still don't believe it sometimes and it's been almost three months."
"Is the guy who hurt you an idol?" He asks, phrasing it that way on purpose, but you choose to ignore it. Jeffrey is the one who picked up your broken pieces that day, it's normal for him to be bitter towards whoever hurt you. "Is that why it's very hush-hush?"
You pause, biting into your bottom lip, unsure if you're allowed to answer that question.
"That's all I needed," he chuckles, leaning closer to your ear. "You probably aren't allowed to tell me so I'll just make my own assumption."
You give him a small nod, understanding only half of what he's saying due to the noise and the alcohol.
He's so close his breath tickles your neck, making you backup a little. He's not being inappropriate with you, it's really loud in here, but you see V side-eyeing you on the other side of him.
"Namjoon, my bro!" A very intoxicated Jhope exclaims.
You drunkenly look up to find the sexiest fucking beefcake you've ever seen standing before you. He's in a petal pink button up that's tucked into tight black pants, perfectly showing off the definition of his thighs. He's opted for green contacts tonight and has his hair pushed back, a few blonde strands resting on his forehead. He looks out of breath, like he ran here.
Namjoon scowls as he sees the position you and Jeffrey are in. His arm in the same place behind you, his face still inches from yours.
He's about to say something but you cut him off.
"You look so fucking sexy tonight oh my god," you drunkenly blurt out, eyeing him up and down like he's a piece of meat while you turn your body away from Jeffrey. Jhope and Tae snort as they try to hold in their laughter while Namjoon's jaw slacks, completely caught off guard.
"Who the fuck told you to look like that in public?" you glare, pointing at him. "Who are you trying to impress?"
Tae and Hoseok are full-on laughing now and even Nanami and Jimin have taken a make out break to laugh at the scene unfolding in front of them. Jeffrey and Boram remain silent as they gape at their coworker, shocked at what they're witnessing.
"Are you cheating one me?" you scowl, standing up to confront him. "Who is she? I'm not afraid to swing on a bitch. And if I go down then Nanami will take care of her for me." Namjoon's mouth is still hanging open as he stares at you in bewilderment, his heart doing back flips in his chest.
"You're fucking right I will!" Nanami laughs hysterically, almost falling out of Jimin's lap.
You press your pointer finger against Namjoon's chest accusingly. "These gigantic man boobs are mine." You lower your hand to point to his legs. "And those fucking thighs are mine."
As the boys begin to slap the table from laughter, you look up to see Namjoon's face even pinker than his shirt, but his eyes are sparkling. He's embarrassed beyond belief but also on cloud nine at your jealousy over no one.
He grabs your hand and cradles the back of your neck, glaring at Jeffrey before gently pressing his lips against yours. "I'm not cheating on you, stupid," he smirks as he pulls back. "I'm dressed up for you."
This time it's your face that's a new shade of pink. "That was hot. Can you please do it again?"
He laughs and brings your face to his, tilting your head and sliding his tongue between your lips, kissing you deeply in front of the whole table.
"Alright kids, that's enough," Jhope sighs, swatting the air. "Don't remind me of how single I am. Take your business home."
"That sounds like a great idea," you smile.
"Are you sure?" Namjoon asks. "I just got here, we could-"
You place your hand on his bicep as you lean against him, your lips grazing his ear. "I want you to fuck me," you whisper, almost sending Namjoon into cardiac arrest.
"And on that note, goodnight." Namjoon says instantly to the table as he grabs your hand and bows, giving Jeffrey a death glare while he stands back up. Jeffrey's still sitting there in astonishment, unable to process anything.
"Bye bye," you grin, waving to the table as Namjoon drags you out the door.
Chappy 29 ~
I love drunk y/n
Get ready for another sinful chapter lol
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We're almost at 1k reads tysm everyone
Who's ready for that CP x JK collab??
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