《One Hour Switch (Under Editing)》Chapter 4: 6 hours


The day ended fairly quick. Too quick. I was still not quite ready for my birthday... And it was only 6 hours away.

Heading down stairs, I went into the kitchen and saw my mom cooking dinner.

"Whatcha making mom?"

I asked peering over her shoulder.

"You'll know when it's ready."

She said, the smirk on her face clearer than crystals.

"Urghhhhhh fine."

I said and sat on the counter and continued to watch her cook dinner.

"Speaking of, what do you want for your birthday dinner tomorrow?"

She quizzed looking up at me briefly before going back to what she was previously doing.

"Mom. In the 20, almost 21 years you've known me... I thought you would have known my favorite dinner by now?"

I stated placing my hand over my heart and pretending to be sad by the question she just asked.

"Got it."

Was all she said glaring at me playfully.


Mom yelled to my father who was upstairs doing god knows what. I chuckled at her silly behavior and made my way to the dinner table setting it.


My father said sitting down.

I looked up at him with a "what" Face to which he responded,

"Are you excited?"

I scoffed.

"Yes dad. I am so utterly excited to switch bodies with a random person for an hour everyday for a month. Thank you so much for asking."

"He is not some random person!"

My mom chimed in.

"He is someone made just for you!"

Stuffing food in my mouth to stop the snarky remark about to come out of my mouth, I looked at her and just simply nodded.

"Oh yeah, honey when are you moving out again?"


My dad asked.

"I get into my new apartment in 2 weeks."

I said now finally getting interested in the topic at hand.

"Awwwww! I'm gonna miss my precious baby!"

My mom exclaimed.

"Mom. You still have Owen, Jax, and Chris." I stated matter of factly.

"But they already moved out and Owen is at collage in Korea and Jax is at collage in New York! Not to mention the fact that Chris is already married! Your my last baby! You're my babiest of my babies!"

"Ok ok, I get it mom."

"Good." She replied.

"Now go get some sleep! You have a big day tomorrow!"

I took my last bite of food and did what she said... In a way. I went to my room and pretended to be asleep. Correction, I tried to sleep. But at the same time, in order to fall asleep you have to pretend to be asleep anyway. But, guess what? It didn't happen. Hell, it never happens. Screaming into my pillow, I layed back down and thought about what I would do when I switch...

I got it! I know exactly what I will do... Ok, here's the game plan. Step 1. Call my phone. Step 2. Put my contact in his phone. Step 3. Look in a mirror to see what he looks like. Step 4. Ask him to take notes if it happens in class. Wait, that should be step 2. Argggg whatever. I'll figure it out when it happens. Finnaly falling asleep, I fall into what seems like the black abyss of dreams. Of all the dreams I never have.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!"

My mom and dad sang, waking me up from my dreamless sleep. Still dazed from being woken up abruptly, I managed to notice that my mom was carrying a beautiful cake. White frosting, purple flowers, 21 candles and "Happy 21st" Written in big blue letters. I managed to blow out the 21 candles and smiled at my parents.


"Go get dressed sweetie, we'll be down stairs... Anything specific you want for breakfast?"

My mom asked, I was about to respond when she cut me off. "Not that. We are having that for dinner." She said again.

"Aw ok. Fine. Hmmmmm... How about those pancakes with the little bit of cake mix and sprinkles?" I said hoping she would make them.

"The confetti pancakes? Sure... Come down stairs when your done getting ready, we have gifts for you as well!"

I smiled at her again

"Thanks... You really didn't have to."

I said feeling bad that they spent money on me. They left my room and headed down stairs while I got up and closed the door to change. I wore this and did my hair and makeup. Glad that I was in collage and didn't have a dress code.

After I was done getting ready, I grabbed my backpack and headed down stairs like my parents told me.

"Oh my god! Honey you look so beautiful!"

My mom said looking at my outfit. This caught my dads attention. Sighing, he spoke.

"I knew this day would come eventually... Here. Take this and if anyone you don't know comes near you, spray them!"

He said and handed me pepper spray.

"I'll be fine dad! Besides, I'll be with Lisa and Rosé basically all day!"

"I know I know... Just be careful ok?"

He said

"Ok dad, I promise."

I looked over to my mom and saw her setting the table and putting the pancakes there as well... I looked at my father, and he looked at me. I knew what this meant. We only get these pancakes on very special occasions, so when they are made, we have to make of the most of it. Running full speed ahead towards the table and stuffing my plate full of the delicious pancakes in an attempt to beat my father at getting the most... And by the looks if it I did. Doing a little happy dance in my seat, I ate a ton of pancakes.

I was about to head out when my mom handed me a present.

"Open this before you leave!"

She said and I began unwrapping the gift to find the BE album. The look of shock on my face made my parents smile more. It had been sold out and so I hadn't been able to buy it. Hugging my parents, I said over and over again how thankful I was for them and I told them I loved them... I was about to leave for school again when my father stopped me this time.

"Forgetting something?"

He said. What was I forgetting? I was genuinely confused until he held up the pepper spray. I grabbed the pepper spray from my dad and finnaly headed out.


Sorry for not updating... But here it is- the story is about to get interesting! Word count is 1133.


(:3 っ)っ

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