《The Girl Who Never Smiles | ✔️》Chapter 24
"No way!" I say and bust out laughing while Asher on the other hand is scowling at everyone in the hallway. Asher has just woken up from his long nap. It is the....4th day we have been in Alaska. It is cold as heck, but the scenery is new. There are a lot of big white mountains here, but it looks like a normal place. It has buildings, people, businesses, and malls like every other state.
On Asher's face is written ' I'm an asshole' and next to it is a drawing of a...well a very uh small thing. Zoe has a smirk on her face as she tries to suppress her laughs.
"Who the hell did this!"Asher says and points to his forehead.
Victoria took out her phone and is snapping pictures of it and laughing.
"Was this you Victoria?" Asher booms.
"OH no. Sienna?"
"Yeah it was me." Sienna says with a smirk on her face. This was an act of revenge.
"Fucking bitch. You have always been a bitch. I didn't want you on this trip in the first place." He storms right back into his room and slides the door closed.
"See you calling me a bitch every minute got me angry, so I figured why not expose you?"
"You and me both know that this" he points to the drawing on his head. "Is not my size? There is a reason you keep coming back for more."
"Alright everyone. The concert is in 5 hours. So ladies, start getting ready now. The bathrooms are yours." Armani interrupts the two before someone(Asher) gets punched.
I quickly rush to my room and get my towel, hair products, and soap and go into the bathroom closest to my room, which is fortunately right next to us. I beat Victoria to the bathroom by like 2 seconds and a smile breaks out on my face when she growls from the other side of the door. I quickly hop in the shower and begins washing myself off. I thoroughly wash my hair and once I am done, I step out the shower. I wrap my towel around myself and ring out my hair so it doesn't drip everywhere. I grab all my stuff and walk into my room.
I shriek and i accidentally drop all my stuff on the floor. Issac Evans is in my room. He turns to look at me, but his eyes widen when he sees me in my towel. His intense grey eyes travel from my head to my toe lingering on my legs and I am praying for the butterflies in my stomach to die and stop fluttering. He quickly turns back around.
"Well you ruined my surprise." he says and I look around the room to see small silver and purple bags containing chocolate all around the room. Next to each bag of chocolate is a bright pink peony and a note on top of it.
"What is all of this?" I ask and turn around to close the door. While my back is turned, I adjust my towel to make it tighter, so it won't fall. I walk around the room looking at everything. I pick up the first note that says 1. I open it up to reveal Issac's surprisingly good handwriting.
In the hallway when TMZ approached you about me.
I walk over to the note that says 2 and open it up.
When I made the joke about your name the first time you told me your name at the lockers.
I walk around the room to see heartfelt notes about all the times, I have smiled since I met Issac Evans. There are 60 notes scattered around the room and so many bags of chocolate. I have put each peony into a little bouquet in my hands. Once I am done reading every single note, I have a full bouquet of flowers and tear filled eyes. I look at Issac to see a smile on his face, but when he looks at me crying, he rushes over to me.
"What's wrong?" he asks and embraces me into a hug.
"How long have you planned this?"
"A while now."
"This is the most thoughtful and kindest thing anyone has ever done for me Issac. I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything. And please don't cry." he says and wipes my tears off my face.
"You are too good to me Issac. You are too good for me. I am a mess who hasn't told you about her past, I push you away when you get too close, and just overall, I am totally bad for you" I croak out feeling a lump grow in my throat.
"No you aren't Bay. I....I" he says but then begins stumbling at his words. "You are perfectly imperfect and I don't want you to change a thing about yourself. The world is nothing, the world is shit without Bay Stewart and her beautiful smile and feisty words in it."
My cheeks and neck feel hot and I already know I am blushing.
I pull away from Issac and I remember that I have to get ready.
"Uh- you have to um go" I stumble across my words and I mentally face palm at my utter stupidity.
"Yeah." he says and walks out the room and closes the door behind him. I sit down on the bed and everything that just happened replays in my head. I smile spreads out on my face and I can't stop smiling. I try willing myself to, but I can't and I think deep deep down, I really don't want to.
I get up and begin getting ready for us to leave to go to the rock concert.
"Zoe stop moving your head or else, I will break your neck." I say and curl the last strand of her hair with the curling iron.
"Alright I am done. You should've just diffused your hair."
"Shut up Bay." she says and gets up and puts on her shirt.
"Your welcome.....bitch" I mutter the last part knowing if Zoe heard me she would flip. She has been in a bad mood and I don't know why.
Today is probably the only day we have been here and it isn't freezing cold. So, no one had to bring a parka. Plus, the concert place is going to be hot. I heard people from Canada are coming in to view the concert.
"Ready?" I ask Zoe and she momentarily stops taking selfies and looks at me and nods. The concert starts in 2 hours, but we need to get our seats. I look in the mirror at my outfit that i picked out from when we were back at home specifically for today. I have on a black cropped tube top with high waisted black jeans and black heels that make me 5'9 for the night. I have a black leather jacket with me just in case. My hair is in loose curls and they cascade down my shoulders. The blond highlights in it compliment my hair and I praise myself for making the good beauty decision. I put on a light amount of mascara and nude lipstick. I didn't cake my face because I strongly disagree with that. I just put on some blush to give my light skin a little color. I put my phone in my back pocket and head for the door. Something pops up in my head and I turn around to look at Zoe.
"You talked to Asher didn't you?"
"I..I did." she says and looks down at her outfit. She has on a cropped top that has a picture of a black guitar on it and light blue denim shorts and black boots that reach right above the knee. Her glasses she usually just wears for style is rested on top of her head.
"What did he say?"
"Same thing. He wants me back and just me. He will drop all of his side pieces to be with me exclusively."
"Did you...go back to him?" I ask hoping she didn't because that would be a mistake. A leopard never changes its spots. It's the same story with our father.
"No. I am just confused. My mind is screaming that he is bad and I will make a big mistake by going back to him, but my heart is saying to just fall into his arms and let him hug me and kiss me. I am just hoping that tonight will get my mind off of him." she says and smiles, but I know it's all fake.
I let the matter drop knowing she is right. Tonight, we let go of our father, our mother, boy problems and confusion, everything. I take Zoe's hand in mine and I squeeze it letting her know I am here for her. I walk out the room hand in hand with my best friend and we walk down the corridor. No one is in their rooms, so I am guessing we are the last ones. There is a lot of noise coming from the main area of the jet and I stop before we would be visible to everyone else.
I look to Zoe. "No matter what happens tonight or with Asher, just remember one thing: You are stronger because you survived being broken by the most important man in a young woman's life, her father. Okay? Don't make the same mistakes mom made with Chris either."
"OK. I am ready." she says and nods her head. We walk out the hallway and into the view of everyone in the main area. The conversation dies down while we make our entrance. I can feel my curls bounce as I take every step. My eyes look among the small crowd in front of us and I feel slightly self conscious with the amount of eyes on mine, but no one's eyes are as intense as the grey eyes belonging to one Issac Evans who is seated near the corner with Asher and Armani. His intense eyes darken a few shades of grey as his eyes slowly travel down my body. I bite my lower lip feeling slightly nervous and look away from him. Asher's eyes are trained on Zoe and I know Zoe knows he is staring, but she refuses to look at him. We sit at a table that is empty. Two wine glasses are on the table and Zoe picks up the bottle of wine and pours wine in both glasses.
Zoe quickly downs the drink which is scaring me because aren't you supposed to drink alcohol slowly? She pours herself another glass and downs that one too. I slowly sip my glass of wine ignoring the prickling on my skin. Someone is staring at me or glaring at me rather.
I look in her direction and meet her angry hazel eyes. A small smirk makes its way to my face and it has brought along a newfound confidence in me. Victoria gets even angrier when I smirk at her and I start quietly chuckling and I look away from her.
"Alright lets roll out bitches" Armani says and gets up and walks out the jet.
I stand up and follow everyone out the jet. A big black Cadillac Escalade is parked right in front of the jet. Armani and everyone pile into the vehicle and I take the seat next to Issac and Zoe sits next to me. Once the car drives off, I start to feel my nerves kick in and I am getting more and more pumped to go to this concert. I look to my left to find Issac staring at me. When our eyes meet each other, he smiles and then looks away.
"Why are you staring at me like that? Is this the part where you tell me I look hot because you might as well get on with it."
Issac looks at me with a funny look on his face and then he shakes his head. "You aren't a cup of tea Bay. You look beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, perfect even." he says and his grey eyes burn bright with an intensity I have never seen in him.
"AWWWW" Armani says and puts his hands over his chest. Issac and I burst out laughing and I have to clutch onto my stomach because I am laughing way to hard for my liking. I consider Armani as very good friend. He is quite humorous and he has gotten under my skin. He is annoying at times, but overall, he is a pretty good person.
Victoria growls at Armani and his eyes widen and he raises his hands up in surrender. Something flashes in Armani's eyes as he looks at Victoria and my eyebrows raise in curiosity. They glare each other for a while, but for some reason, I am getting the vibe that something...i don't know is just different with these two.
"I actually like tea. Chamomile Mango, Peppermint, Green, and my all time favorite, pomegranate."
"Bay...just...no" he says and laughs. I look to my right and i finally acknowledge the bottle of champagne and glasses in the compartments. I reach for it and take it out. I balance the cup between my legs and pour some of the foreign liquid in my cup.
"Bay I don't think that's a good idea." Issac warns. I take a sip of the champagne and I let the liquid roll down my throat. I don't feel any weird sort of discomfort. This is probably my favorite alcoholic drink yet. I down my champagne quickly and my lips purse and my eyes close as the effects are already activating.
"Bay...this isn't really smart. You know for someone with good grades, you are pretty clueless about stuff."
"Are you my daddy Issac?" I ask wondering why he is pestering me over some champagne. Armani snorts in laughter but quickly covers it up with a sneeze. A few snickers escape my mouth as I think about my father. That was a pretty ironic joke.
"I could be." he says and winks at me causing a swarm of butterflies to start fluttering around in my stomach.
"Oh, I see what you did there. You dirty little thing." I gasp and Zoe snatches the champagne bottle from me and puts it back in the compartment. She hands me a bottle of water and I quickly chug it down. The alcohol effects are slowly becoming a distant feeling in my system, but little remnants of it are left back.
"Only for you."
"I bet you say that to all the girls Mr.Golden Boy Issac Evans."
"What other girls?"
"There you go again. Being charming and-" I get cut off by a slap on my leg and sharp tingles shooting up my leg. I look over to Zoe and she is looking at me with 'that' look.
"Why the hell did you slap me? I will punch you in your face in your sleep if you try that again."
"Bay and her stupid threats" Victoria mutters and Sienna chuckles beside her.
"Stupid threats? Did your friend already forget about our her unfortunate hand print on her face last month." I ask feeling a little petty and a little angry.
"You know what your issue is?" Victoria says and spins around to face me. "You just want everything to your self and you want to be in everything. You steal Issac. You turn him against me. You wiggled your way into a friendship with Armani and a frenemy relationship with Asher. If you would just stay in your lane, you know the one for losers like you, life would be easier."
"Life would be easier for who exactly? You or the people around you who have to succumb to the drama that is always surrounding you. The drama that you love. The drama you feed off of. You know what you need. You need to try this champagne. Really?" I say and reach over and grab the champagne bottle and quickly hand it to Victoria.
Maybe just a little too quickly though.
In my acts of trying to kill people with kindness, I accidentally shoved the champagne bottle in Victoria's nose and she is now crying out for pain. I cannot get anymore stupid. And on top of that, Issac is snickering next to me and probably laughing at my stupidity and clumsiness.
"I am soo sorry. It was on accident, well maybe subconsciously i wanted to do it on purpose..but that doesn't count.
"YOU BITCH!" she yells and then digs in her bag for a mirror and looks at her nose. It isn't red or anything, but she still retouches her makeup.
I look to Issac who is looking at me with pure curiosity, "What is going on in that head of yours?"
"You don't want to know."
The arena is filled with thousands of people and the bright lights shining down from above illuminate the crowd showing many excited faces. People have on different rock band shirts like Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Guns N' Roses, Twenty One Pilots, etc. I thought most of those rock bands were outdated like they disbanded or they died.
Issac's hand is wrapped around my waist as he navigates me through the crowd, but I still have to elbow a few people to get by. We reach to the front area of the arena, so we could see the bands perform easier. I look around. Everyone is here except Asher.
"Asher went to get the drinks." Issac screams over the music. I nod my head and look around wondering which band will play first. A few minutes later, Asher comes back with a tray filled with shot glasses. Issac and I share a look and I already know we are both thinking about the night we went to the paint party and a nostalgic smile spreads on both our faces.
Please don't be tequila or brandy.
"Come and get your tequila!" Asher says and he takes 4 of the 12 shots for himself. I grab one already knowing what would happen if I drink 2. I down the one shot and then I put the cup back on the tray.
Please don't let me get drunk again.
1 hour later(Concert has started)...
"IS EVERYBODYYY READYYYY!!!!" the guy screams through the microphone. So apparently, only two bands are playing tonight: Imagine Dragons and Twenty One Pilots. Right now, Imagine Dragons is playing.
The crowd screams in excitement and anticipation and a smile breaks out on my face as I join in the loud cheer. I can't believe this is my first rock concert. I really have been living under a rock.
"That was the coolest thing EVER! The way the music flowed together and the way how the music captivated the crowd, captivated ME. It was incredible." I say to Issac to a smile on my face.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Issac says with an equally as bright smile on his face as I do on my mine. "Our friends on the other hand are drunk off their asses." he says. I look over at everyone. Asher is stumbling around with a bottle of Hennessy in his hand as he mumbles several words. One in particular catches my attention: 'Zoe'. Armani is yelling at the top of his lungs and sipping tequila. Cartier is looking up at the sky with a dazed look on her face. Victoria is ranting about..well me to Sienna, but Sienna looks like she couldn't care less. And Zoe is sitting away from everyone and she looks like she is about to fall asleep.
"I don't want the night to end. This was amazing."
"It isn't" he says and the black Cadillac we came in here drives up and a guy helps everyone into the car. Issac holds me back so I won't follow everyone in. The car drives off and I look at Issac bewildered.
"What are we doing?"
"We are walking somewhere." he says and looks up at the sky that looks nearly dark, but not entirely. "Let's go." He says and holds my hand and leads me to the direction of some hill. The sun is slowly going down and it is a beautiful thing to see sunset in Alaska.
"We gotta hurry up." he says and starts jogging. I jog beside him trying not to get lost behind him. We reach to this mountain and right by the hill are two pair of boots.
"Hurry put these on." Issac says and helps me take off my heels. I put on the warm snow boots and hold my heels in my hand. Issac puts on the snow boots and then we starts climbing the small hill. At the top of the hill is a little cottage. When we reach to the top, we trudge to the cottage and Issac opens it with a key. He flips a switch in the place and the lights turn on revealing a homely cottage. The walls are wooden. Their are two couches in the living room area and a furnace as well that turned on when he flipped on the lights. There is a bedroom I am guessing to my right down the hall and a kitchen to the left. There are picture frames around the house of a young boy and an older woman and then some with that same older woman and Issac's mom.
"Whose house is this?"
"Mine. Well, my grandmothers when she lived in Alaska. I inherited it when she died."
"Oh I am so sorry Issac."
"It's okay." he looks down at his watch. "We have about 3 minutes. The bathroom is down the hall on the right."
"Issac it's like 10 p.m. What are we doing here? Are we staying overnight?"
"It's a surprise and yes."
"OK. Are there clothes here for me?"
"Yes. Zoe gave me a bag of some. It's in our room down the hall to the right." he says and I follow his directions, but then stop abruptly when one word registers in my mind.
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