《The Fighter》Chapter 16


The police came within minutes and they asked us what happened. We answered all of their questions and they said after taking him to the hospital they would be arresting Jason. They forced Ryan and me to go to the hospital and Titus stayed with Megan's body instead of going with me. I didn't want this to hurt my feelings but it really did as Ryan and I were loading into the ambulance.

"He is just in shock, give him some time to process," Ryan said to me as we drove and I nodded my head at him.

Once we both got to the hospital we were separated in different rooms. I was given ice for my cheek and they said nothing was broken. They also decided to do just a blood test because it was too early to do an ultrasound.

I sat there alone for an hour waiting to hear if my baby was alive or not. I waited for Titus to walk through the door and hold my hand but he never came. The doctor came back and said that I was still pregnant and not to worry unless there was severe cramping or bleeding. He also said I could leave.

The issue was I didn't have my phone or a car, and I had expected Titus to be here by now and he wasn't. I ended up finding Ryan and I sat with him while he got his nose reset and some stitches near his eyes. Once the doctor left the room I allowed some tears to fall.

I know I wasn't being fair, and I know I was being selfish. But I needed Titus. I had always been there for when he needed me and the one time I needed him and he wasn't here.

"Quinn," Ryan said as he saw me crying. He opened up his arms and I pulled myself into them and let the waterworks go. I cried thinking about being alone in the hospital, and the fact that I was almost sexually assaulted, and that Mason's mother was dead.

"Isn't this cozy," I heard from the doorway and Titus was there with a tight look on his face. His jaw was tight and I could tell he had been crying because of the red in his eyes. Ryan let go of me and I looked at him confused. Titus walked away and I chased after him.

"Where are you going," I said to him, as I chased him out into the snow.

"I am leaving you and Ryan together, you seemed comfortable," Titus said with a pissed look on his face as he looked at me.

"He was hugging me because I was sad, you know because I had to sit in a hospital room for an hour by myself," I said to him, equally as pissed at Titus. Titus did a humorless laugh and he turned his back on me for a second. He then turned back around and looked at me.

"I am sorry I am grieving the mother of my child and I didn't give you enough attention for an hour," Titus said viciously to me and I looked at him shocked.

"Well grieve another one because I want nothing to do with you right now," I screamed at him and he looked like I had slapped him. I could see guilt in his eyes but I knew he was too proud to apologize to me.


"Fine," He said, before sticking his hands in his pockets and walking away.

"Fine," I whispered to his retreating back wishing I could take every single word back I had just said. I turned back to the entrance and Ryan was standing there frowning at us. I turned to him trying to wipe the neverending stream of tears.

"I called Kate to come and grab you," he said, pulling me in for a side hug.

"Are you coming with us?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"I got my own ride," He said, winking at me before running over and stopping Titus before he could leave the parking lot. Titus yelled at him and Ryan laughed hopping into the passenger door and they sped off. I noticed right away Kate pulled in and I walked over to her car.

She got out and she wrapped her arms around me. I cried in her arms and she held me for a while before she brought me to the car. We drove to Taco Bell which was my favorite fast food place and she got us a 12 taco box and she parked the car.

"What happened?" She asked and I filled her in on everything I said, crying all over again as I shoved my face with tacos.

"He is an ass," She said when I talked about Titus pretty much calling me an attention whore.

"I told him to grieve for another mother of his children. I am such a bitch," I said and she smiled up at me.

"I never said you weren't a bitch," she said and I laughed as I looked at her, still letting some tears fall.

"I think we broke up," I said, finally frowning again.

"People fight and sometimes we say dumb shit when we are hurt," Kate said to me and I nodded my head.

"Can I stay with you tonight," I said, not wanting to have to go to the apartment and face him.

"How about Mason? It isn't just about you and Titus," Kate said to me and I realized she was right.

"Marie is watching him at the apartment," I said to her and she nodded her head.

"Go home if not for Titus then at least for Mason," she said and I remember promising Mason that I would never leave him.

"You are right, take me home," I said and she hugged me before she drove to my apartment. She hugged me and then she handed me the 6 other tacos we hadn't finished.

"I love you, and if you need me to, I will pick you up. I only live five minutes away," She reminded me and I smiled at her.

"I love you too, thank you, Kate," I said, and she winked at me before driving away. I walked up to the apartment and I smiled at Marie who seemed surprised to see me.

"Mason just went to bed, Titus called... I didn't think you would be back tonight," She said and I simply nodded my head.

"I wanted to see Mason," I said and Marie surprised me by pulling me into a hug.

"You are the best thing to happen to both of my boys. Titus will apologize for being a jerk," she said and I smiled up at her.


"Thank you," I said and she helped clean up a bit, and then she left. I took a deep breath and then I hopped into the shower. I wiped off the feeling of Jason's slimy hands off me.

When I was finished I looked in the mirror. My cheek was turning a purplish red color and I had a small red mark on my neck from Jason choking me. I threw my hair up in a towel and I put on one of Titus's sweatshirts and some pajama shorts.

I went into the kitchen and I decided to eat my feelings. I grabbed the Oreos I had bought yesterday and the Twizzlers. I also grabbed the container of washed grapes and I finally grabbed the rest of my tacos and I walked into the bedroom.

I turned on Coco deciding that would be the perfect mix of happy and sad. As I was biting into my taco the bedroom door opened. I looked up and I saw Mason. He had a smile on his face showing the gap he had from the tooth he lost a few days ago. His hair was messy but I could tell he wasn't sleeping.

"I missed you," he said to me and I held out my arms and he ran over and hugged me.

"I missed you too," I said, truly meaning it.

"Why do you have so much food?" He asked me and I smiled at him as I finished my taco.

"I missed dinner, let's get you back to bed," I said, standing up and grabbing his hand to lead him to the bedroom. I tucked him in his bed and I read him a bedtime story.

"Is Dad okay? He was supposed to tuck me in," Mason asked me and I looked at him.

"Dad had something come up but he will be back tomorrow," I promised and Mason nodded his head.

"I love you," Mason said to me and I kissed his forehead.

"I love you too buddy," I said, wanting to remember this moment forever. I waited until he fell asleep, just so he felt safe, and then I turned on his nightlight.

"Goodnight," I whispered as I turned off the lights and closed the door. As I turned to leave Mason's room Titus had walked through the front door and he seemed shocked to see me. I ignored him and went straight into the bedroom.

I grabbed the grapes and I ate a few, trying to keep my heart steady, unsure if I was about to get into another fight or if we were going to makeup, or maybe even ignore each other. I grabbed an oreo and Titus closed the door behind him as he entered the room. He looked at all my food and I would like to say he almost smiled.

I ate my oreo and stared back at the movie, hoping he could just not say anything to ruin the neutral mood I had gotten myself to. He went into the bathroom and I could hear the shower running. I continued to eat my food and finally, when I was full I put all of the leftovers away.

I walked back into the room and he walked out in just a towel, water dripping down his delicious abs, his hair dripping and disheveled. I went into the bathroom and I brushed my teeth. Titus joined me, wearing only sweatpants, and he brushed his teeth as well. We both did this in silence and I made sure not to look in his direction.

I spit out my toothpaste and then I slowly braided my hair into one giant braid. Titus put face lotion on and he then walked past me and I watched his delicious back as he walked out of the room. I ignored the fact that I was slightly turned on by him and I turned off the bathroom light.

I walked out into the bedroom and Titus was doing pushups, something he did right before bed no matter how injured he was. I walked around him and I decided my course of action. I grabbed my pillow and a blanket off the bed and I went to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" I heard Titus ask me, and he had fallen right into my trap. I put on the innocent face I make when starting trouble and I turned to look at him.

"I was going to sleep on the couch, wouldn't want to get too much of your attention by sleeping on the bed next to you," I said before leaving the room and I could hear him groan.

I walked myself to the couch and made myself a little bed and I faced the inside of the couch waiting for Titus to break and come out and get me. Less than a minute later I could hear his heavy footsteps down the hall.

I felt myself being lifted into Titus's arms and I looked up at him. He didn't say anything until we were behind a closed door. He placed me on the bed and I looked up at him, waiting for him to speak first.

"I was upset about everything that happened and I took it out on you and Ryan. I was wrong to say that because you never have complained about my attention and I know you weren't doing anything with Ryan. I should have been there with you at the hospital and I am sorry," Titus said sitting next to me.

"I am sorry too, it wasn't fair of me to expect you to move on from Megan's death and not want a moment to process everything," I said, sitting up throwing my arms around him.

"I love you so much, and I am so sorry," he said to me as he held me tightly.

"I love you too," I said and we pulled away.

"Hey Titus," I said in a small voice and he looked at me worried.

"What is wrong," he said and I looked up at him.

"Could you go get my pillow," I said and he laughed and kissed me before going to get it for me.

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