《The Bad Boy's Toy | ✔️》Surprise!


"Ashley!" I sigh and rub the sleep from my eyes.

Why must I be woken up?

I cover my head with my pillow trying to block out the noise of my name being called. Suddenly I feel the bed dip and a heavy weight lay on top of me. The pillow is snatched from my hands and I see my green eyed blonde beast on top of me his thousand watt smile on full display.

"Can I help you?"

"I don't know." He raises an eyebrow and looks down at my lips. "Can you?" He leans in slowly his lips softly connecting with mine and all thoughts of sleep are forgotten.

I'd much rather do this.

His warm body slips under my blankets his body against mine his touch igniting my skin. His kiss deepens and he flips us so I'm on top of him straddling his waist and his hands sliding up my back.

They say not all habits are good. Bain is the one bad habit I want to keep around for as long as I can.

I adore him, but I would never actually admit it out loud to him.

He pulls from the kiss and I pout. He chuckles lifting me off his waist and he sits up. "If I could spend the rest of the day in our apartment just making out you know I wouldn't think twice. But I have something nice planned, so get dressed."

Something so random, Bain isn't the romantic surprise type. Since I moved away from home for college and got an apartment with Ryan, Trip and Bain make the occasional visit. So, Bain has definitely been going out his way to show me he loves me even more so that we don't spend every day together like in high school.

Still though, surprises aren't really his style.

I get dressed in a pretty lace black dress leaving my hair long in it's natural waves with some cute flats to match my dress.

Walking out to the living room to see Bain dressed in a black button down shirt his hair done nice and his groomed beard looking sexy as ever. Dark jeans do this man justice and he looks delicious.


When he sees me in the reflection of the mirror he turns and smiles looking at me from my top to bottom and he shakes his head.

"Damn. I'm a lucky man."

I blush and he walks to me taking my hand and he stands back to take another look at me. He does this a lot and sometimes the attention makes me want to burst into flames from how adorable he was. "You are an absolute queen."

"Stop." I smile and grab my clutch from the couch. "Where are we going?"

"Don't worry. Just trust me."

I raise a brow and follow him outside. We get into his truck and get on the road towards my surprise I'm guessing.

We drive and drive and finally after an hour and a half drive we pull up to a very familiar restaurant.

"Bain?" I look at him questioning what we were doing. He smiles and hops out the truck. I raise my brown and follow him out.

Why are we here?

"Do you know where we are?" He asks me.

"Yes... the same restaurant I went on a date with Ben two years ago. The same night-,"

"I confessed how much I loved you. I know." He smiles.

Another car pulls up behind us and I turn to see Luke and his beautiful newlywed read head wife Kira along with Ryan, Trip, Sammy and Isabella. They climb out of the car and Ryan smiles. "Sorry we're late. Traffic."

I squint my eyes out of habit when I'm confused and I look at Bain. He just shrugs. "I invited them."

Luke hugs Bain and hands him a black gift bag. Luke winks at me and I raise another curious brow.

What the hell is going on?

"I had Luke pick up your gift." Bain hands me the black bag and I open it.

"A gift?" I smile. "Bain, you shouldn't have."

He chuckles. "Shut up and open it before I kiss those beautiful lips to keep them closed myself."

I roll my eyes and I pull out a men's white T-shirt.


"Wow... thanks?" I raise a brow.

Bain smirks. "What is it?"

"I'm pretty sure I know what a T-shirt looks like Bain." Our friends behind us laugh and it makes me smile.

"Just any T-shirt?" I knit my brows together in confusion. "Look again." He says and this time I unfold the men's t- shirt taking another look.

And sure enough right on it, was a red drink stain on the shirt. Suddenly my mouth dropped open and my heart swelled.

"Is this..?"

"The shirt I wore when we first met. You bumped into me and made me spill my drink while also giving me a nice bruise on my face where your elbow connected with my cheek."

"Let me see!" Ryan calls behind me so I turn towards her behind me and turn the shirt around to show her the stain, she grins and puts her hands over her heart. Something else I didn't see before was two words written in sharpie on the back,

Turn around.

My eyebrows scrunch together again, "Bain, what does this me-," I turn around to show him and I see him.

On the ground, in this parking lot, at this restaurant, while I'm holding this shirt, on one knee.

Holy shit.

"Oh my god." I breath and our friends bursts into an abundance of cheers and laughter.

"Told you that would work!" Ryan calls from behind me and Trip chuckles. "Be quiet honey, this isn't your moment."

Bain smiles and rubs the back of his neck. "I know I'm really shitty at expressing how I feel with words and I've probably already fucked this up by starting like this so, let me start again. Ashley Airwood, I'm crazy about you.

"You drive me insane, you're a perfectionist, super pickey, bossy. but most of all you're sweet and honest and sexy as sin. There's nothing more that I want in this world for you to be mine, forever. I know that's a long time, but hell I promise I'll make it worth every second. Especially in the bedroom."

I turn red and Luke yells, "There's children present you sick fuck!"

"Yeah, that's disgusting!" Sammy cringes and everyone laughs and my face is just as red as a tomato.

"Anyways," Bain continues and sighs. "Ashley I promised you you'll never be the bad boy's toy again, but to insure you that a life with me will be as incredible as I promise it will be, I also promise that the bad boy will be your toy. I'll do anything, as long as I have you by my side. So.... what do you say? Will you marry me?"

Is this a good time for me to pitch in? I think it's a good time.

Inner me, shut the hell up I'm trying to think.

Seriously? I am helping you think! We should say yes.... especially with the bedroom part. And he makes really good bacon...

Damn. Good point.

Bain White the monster I've come to love and know has tried so hard to remove his mask and change his persona. He's still the man I love but loyal and honest.

He's proven his worth, and then some. He's a nervous and put his heart on the line to ask me to change my life and make him a part of mine forever.

Do I want that? Forever with my bad boy that has shown me both heaven and hell?

"Yes. Absolutely, yes." I grin and our friends behind me scream in excitement Bain jumping up and enveloping me into a hug.

My feet lifted off the grown and this moment, time slowed down.

I didn't have to worry about a thing because I was with him. And it was more than that because, I stuck to myself all this time, I haven't worried about what other people think or shying away from things that could show me excitement and adventure. I conquered the bad boy and now here I have him on his knee asking for forever with me. There's nothing I could want more.

Oh Ashley Airwood, future Mrs. White, we did it bitch. We won at life.

Shut up inner me.

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