《The Bad Boy's Toy | ✔️》(16) Don't you knock?


"'Cause every night she studies hard in her room, at least that's what her parents assume, but she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend.Here's what she told me the time that I caught her," I sang at the top of my lungs my beats player at the highest volume.

I jump on my bed like i'm wild and free with my air guitar and sing, "Forget what you thought, 'cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught! So just turn around and forget what you saw, 'cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught!"

Suddenly my music stops and I whip around my bed to yell at whoever it was, only to fall off the bed and land on the floor. Hard.

Smooth move.

Shut up inner me!

So rude....

I bring my arms up on my bed and lift myself up on top of it moving my hair out of view. "Don't you knock?" I ask him.

"Of course not," Bain grins, "Otherwise I wouldn't have been so entertained by your lack of coordination and dancing. I mean if you can even call that dancing."

I roll my eyes and turn around to walk in my closet for nothing, but to quickly check if i'm wearing a bra. When everything is checked cleared I nod and walk back out of my closet as if nothing happened.

"So," I cross my arms and watch as Bain lays down on my bed, "What do you want? You only come when you need something so go ahead come out with it."

Bain shakes his head and puts his hand to his chest over his heart in fake pain, "I can't believe what I'm hearing. Can't a guy just randomly climb through a girls window and chill on her bed no questions asked? I mean it's not like I'm going to rape you or something."


I raise my eyebrow as if taking in the possibility and Bain sighs, "You can already get that thought out of your head. A- I have no time for that and, B- I don't need to rape someone to have sex. I get it anyways, women line up to volunteer." He smirks proudly and lifts his hands up behind his head laying back.

I cringe in disgust. "If you are going to be in my room, don't normalize an awful thing like that. That's disgusting and so are you if you think I'm going to put up with you talking like that." Sometimes with whatever comes out of Bain's mouth it reminds me just how disgusting Bain really was. He doesn't care about anyone else but himself. Too bad I could never see him changing in the future.

And yes, I totally just talked out of my butt. My threats were empty because yes I in fact am I'm scared of him, but I was truly livid about the way he didn't care about what came out of his mouth or how badly it affected the people around him.

Hey we finally agreed on something.

Go us.

Bain sighs. "I'm ..... whatever you're right. I'm sorry." The apology was unexpected but of course he didn't even give me time to process it before he opened his mouth and ruined everything yet again.

"So what would you know about being a bad girl that's never been caught, Mrs. Perfect?"

"It's 'haven't been caught'." Bain rolls his eyes and I shake my head. "For your information, I know quite a bit about it. Last time you came I hid you well didn't I? My parents never found out you were here."

Ha! Take that grasshole.

Bain stands up, "You can't be serious? If it wasn't for me hiding we would have been caught immediately. Especially because with every move you made, you screamed. " He shakes his head and walks over to my dresser.


Jerk. I'm a great bad girl....

"What are you doing?" I say when he opens my drawer and takes out one of my bras then looks at me.

"How is it that your bras are perfect for nice big boobs, but when I look at you it just," I cross my arms when he looks over my breasts, "I just can't see it."

I blush hard, "Your not supposed to."

"Well," Bain starts and puts my bra back in the drawer closing it, "Maybe I've solved the mystery on why your single. You hide your body under all that nerdy weird nun crap you wear."

My jaw drops. I can't believe this. "So to get a guy, what, am I just supposed to wear the slutty crap the girls you like wear?"

Oh crap.

I just realized what I said... also quite surprised something so clever cane out of my mouth.

If we get out of this alive, we should celebrate for how far we've come.


Bain turns around and looks me up and down. "Wouldn't hurt."

I have no words.

Bain chuckles and sits in my bean bag chair, "Anyways getting back to earlier. I actually am here for a favor."

Surprise, surprise.

"What's the favor?" I ask taking my water bottle and sitting on my bed.

Bain bites his lip and I decide right then and there that, that is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. He's got some stubble growing along his sharp sexy jaw line and I feel my heart start to pick up pace.



I said no.

But just look-

No! Hes bad.....

This is true.... but so sexy just look a the way his plump pink lip just trapped between his teeth and that jaw just, "Ash?" I hear and I look up to see Bain no sitting on the bed next to me and my eyes widen.

How did he get there?!

"Did you even listen?" he said annoyance clear in his voice and I sighed.

"N-no sorry go ahead I'm listening now."

Bain shakes his head, "I need you to come stay at my house for the weekend."

Excuse me, what?

"I'm sorry you said what now?"

Bain sighs and rolls his eyes, "You damn well heard what i said. Your going to tell your parents that your staying with Ryan for the weekend and ill be here at 4 o'clock to pick you up."

"But that's right after school tomorrow!" I can't believe what he's asking me, or more like commanding me.

Bain shrugs, "Figure it out. I'll explain more about why later." I sigh and sit there thinking everything over expecting him to leave but he doesn't. He's just sitting there staring at me.

All of a sudden, "Ash?"

I look up and my brown eyes meet his green eyes. Something, I don't know what, passes between us and he says, "Can I stay the night?"

Did he just ask me?

"Uh," I say not sure how to answer, "Y-yeah sure."

He nods and gets up walking to the light switch on the wall the only light coming from the moon outside my window lighting up the room enough for me to watch as Bain walks to the other side of my bed and takes his shirt off.

Lord have mercy this boy is a god.

I couldn't stop my jaw from falling open and he lays on the bed wrapping his arms around my other pillow and mumbles, "Can't sleep with it on. Goodnight."

I pull the covers over me and try to ignore the heat coming from his body across the small bed to my body i murmur, "Goodnight."

How am I supposed to sleep tonight?

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