《Coder Girl /Dreamwastaken/》՞՞189՞՞


It's been a while. A long, chaotic month to be exact.

Clay's tweet overwhelmed the internet - just as we expected. At first everyone was so taken aback from the context of the tweet - or the lack of it - that their attention completely switched from the screenshots of the already deleted folder to the conspiracies revolving around the not so wise yet already iconic words.

But the confusion lasted for minutes, seconds even, before they realized the connection between the two tweets. And within a day, the girl that knew way more than everyone else due to her stalking habits, announced the world with a long thread that she actually met me and Nick a month ago and found out that I was Dream team's "coder girl".

Considering the fact that the girl had quite the amount of followers, the rumor spread like a wildfire.

But as the days passed and none of the boys announced or addressed anything, more and more theories surfaced.

One of them suggested that I was Nick's girlfriend and Clay was just trying to change the epicenter of the rumors by tweeting something dumb. The other one was about me being Clay's girlfriend. Some of the fans were sure I'm Drista, while the others believed I could be George's sister.

I even saw a tweet that was trying to prove that I'm Patches.

There was a lot going on.

And even though we tried to ignore those rumors until they'd miraculously disappear, as more time passed, more and more of them formed. It came to a critical point. To the point where Clay had to do a face reveal and eventually address some things.

At the end of the day it happened. He finally did a face reveal through a Dream Team meetup photoshoot (to mention, I took the pictures and Nick kept blaming me for the angle that made him look shorter).


The event totally was a big deal, but I don't really want to overemphasize the obvious. As expected, the internet got flooded with news, articles and most importantly edits, fanarts and thirst traps of him.

Everyone forgot about me.

For a while.

And then they realized that the facemask was not the only thing that was "Clay" in that picture.

"Girlfriend reveal soon?" Nick pushed the boxes with his foot farther and farther towards the corner of the freshly polished floors of the new house.

Forgot to mention. We finally moved and had a shit ton of unpacking to do.

"Everyone knows." Clay chuckled.

"All they know is that you're the daddy." Nick brought back the tweet that was somewhy still up and became a meme.

"People are still tweeting at me, calling me "daddy's good boy". I'd very much appreciate if you addressed it." George jumped in. It's hilarious how many theories were circling around something that obnoxiously stupid.

The sound of Clay's knife slicing the cardboard box open was a good enough transition for me to start talking.

"I'm still getting follower requests on instagram. It's getting ridiculous."

I decided to private my instagram over a month ago for no reason at all. And seeing that it came in handy, brought a twinkle of joy. Maybe I wasn't that unlucky afterall.

"How did they find your instagram anyway?" George rolled his eyes. I honestly couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or what.

"I don't know, maybe cause my account is one of the few unverified ones that all three of you are following?" Shrugging, l continued dusting off the souvenirs we brought. Most of them were Youtooz figures of Sapnap. ...dont ask.

"Well, I needed a reason to unfollow you." Pulling out his phone, George unlocked it with a determined look on his face.


"You're so annoying recently." I chuckled, shaking my head at George.

"He's just jealous. He wants all the attention he can get, and you stole some of it." Clay was obviously trying to piss him off, but the way George reacted, made it seem like those words triggered something deep inside. And they started attacking each other. Verbally.

Before their quarrel could turn into a full on fight, Clay decided that it's better for us to leave their house and go to our own. Which wasn't that dramatic of a decision, considering that now we were only a few feet apart - with only a pair of walls as a barrier. It didn't stop them though, they started screaming at eachother from the balconies.

Anyways. They did calm down eventually, and that's all that matters. Even though I had to sit through long minutes of them screaming at eachother like literal 8 year olds.

"How do you keep a straight face while arguing about the dumbest shit?" I shook my head as Clay eventually closed the balcony door and revealed himself.

"It's not dumb, why would you say that?" And he sounds offended.

"Yeah, of course, arguing about which one of you is "gayer" is a topic that needed to be discussed with extreme seriousness." Pointing out the context of it was even dumber.

"But like isn't he so gay for me?" He sounded desperate for approval.

"Not this conversation again..."

"Just be honest!"

I sighed, finally letting out a chuckle when he pouted and raised his brows. And when he finally broke his character and leaned in for a peck on the lips, I decided to compliment him.

"I'm gay for you."

And it came out.. exactly the way I came out. Randomly.

"Aww, thank you!" Leaning all the way in, he finally was about to reach that long waited kiss. Then it hit. "Wait.."

"You get what I mean." I tried to convince Clay to let it slide.

"No I don't.. you're an idiot." he laughed, shaking his head in disapproval, "But I love you."

"Love you more." With a wide smile, I was finally ready to get up and continue the dreadful adventure of trying to transform this boxy looking room into something that would feel like home.

And that's when Nick sent me something. I checked my phone out of curiosity. Oh boy, it took a while to load.


He linked a folder. And looks like it has over 190 photos and videos of just me and Clay.

Why the fuck is it named "Clizzy"?

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