《Coder Girl /Dreamwastaken/》՞՞5՞՞


I didn't bother to turn the lights on before accepting the call. The dim lighting coming from my laptop screen was the only thing keeping my face features visible.

"Boo." He teased the dark and spooky mood of my surroundings.

His setup looked almost the same. The only thing different from the last call was the presence of a few empty coffee cups on the table, and a half-eaten donut.

"Haha funny," I spoke with an unamused voice, "now run the command so I can get some sleep."

"Whoa chill, Lizzy," I could hear the smirk in his voice, "no one forced you to stay up."

I thought him calling me by my full name was annoying. But my opinion is fully changed by now. Him calling me Lizzy was the most disgusting thing I've heard in a while.

"Alright, Cleo," I didn't know if he was really that annoying or I was sleep deprived, "test the code."

"I swear if you call me Cleo once again I'll..." I watched his minecraft character crouch and hang its head low, "I'll... cry."

I forced a straight face, thankful for the dim lighting for not giving away the smile that was trying to slowly emerge. Seconds after that he was already aggressively typing and clicking, trying to get the code going. And when it did, he quickly poured some water to see how it would behave.

"Uhm- almost.." he zoomed it to see that the animation of the water particles were now going upwards, while the water itself was going down.

What the fuck have I created.

I went on my laptop once again to see where I went wrong while he was testing the sand and gravel. There was a certain part in the code that I knew was gonna cause problems and had a backup plan in mind, but instead of changing it on my laptop and going through the extra hustle of sending it to him once again and waiting for him to run it, I thought asking him to change it on the spot would be a better option.


"Just go to the.. wait a second," I started counting the lines, "16th line, delete it completely and I'll tell you what to write in a second."

"That is too much effort.." He whined.

"You know what is too much effort? Eyeballing the code without seeing how it actually works, sending to a faceless man, just to see him complain about having to press the backspace key for 2 seconds."

He went silent for a few seconds. Even his minecraft character stopped moving.

"Damn, chill." The way he said that sounded funny to me but I kept a straight face.

Next thing I saw was him deleting the line I told him to delete, while I quickly typed the alternative version of it, copied it and dm'd the text to him.

I watched his camera move as he grabbed the phone in his hands to probably check the dm.

"Now I have to close the image of your beautiful face for a line of stupid characters that are not gonna work."

He sounded so sarcastic that I barely even took the word "beautiful" as a compliment.

"Oh shut up.." I rolled my eyes.

I heard him chuckle before he started typing the content on his phone screen with the keyboard of his PC. After a few seconds he was done.

"Alright, let's run it." He propped the phone back on its place and typed some more.

I held my breath. This could be it, putting an end not only to my sleepless night but also to my forced communication with the green man.

He restarted the game.

The game crashed.

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