《He Has Changed》Chapter 16~ Pregnant
"Ew don't touch it, I peed on that" Ivy gags holding the test out and I roll my eyes as I try and look at it, my eyes widen when I see the test.
There's two lines, just like the last 4 tests she took, the first one was negative and I made her do the rest only for them all to come out positive...
"Honestly..." I trail off as she eats her ice cream sitting on my bed and I look at the test on the paper on my night table. She whines before hugging the ice cream closer to her "...I'm team girl"
She face palms and groans into her hands, I sigh before walking to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her to me. "I think you should tell him" I whisper and she leans into my body resting her head on my shoulder.
"I'm scared, this is scaring me more then ducks Abby" she murmurs and I roll my eyes, ain't no way. She stuffs ice cream into her mouth and we both let out a deep sigh, well fucking shit my best friend is pregnant.
"What if I get fat and don't fit into my wedding dress!" she gasps, exclaiming suddenly and I flinch from her sudden frightful gasp. Of course that's on her top list of worries.
Would be mine too, it was like a hundred grand...
"Ares and you can move the wedding date forward, and normally people don't start showing until 20 weeks, maybe even till the end of the second trimester" I explain and she looks at me with two raised eyebrows but I know she only meant to raise one, "What? I listened in Ms. Cami's class, she was hot" I grin at her, in med school we had a teacher. Her name was Ms. Cami and god damn was she fucking pretty, I never skipped that class and Ivy knows that perfectly. We both loved her class, Ivy because she loved the subject she taught and me because...Well we already know why.
"Of course you did," she says and offers me some ice cream before I shake my head.
"How're you going to tell him?" I ask laying in my bed and pulling the sheets up, getting up a bit and pulling off my hoodie leaving me in a comfortable sports bra and some shorts I changed into.
She shrugs, pulling the covers over her legs, "It all makes sense, no wonder I randomly craved Ice cream at three am last night." She shakes her head and I don't tell her that's just normal Ivy.
"Just give him the tes-" she cuts me off before gasping and slapping my arm, I groan and rub the sore spot as she talks. "What if I write some corny shit like 'we're preggo' or 'get ready for fathers day' on my belly and show him?" She says with a grin just staring at my wall.
"Or 'you shouda wrapped it before you tapped it'" she sighs, shaking her head, her mood changing completely as she eats her ice cream and I try my best not to laugh.
I like this one the best
"I like the 'we're preggo' maybe it's because I like corny shit but yeah" I say, covering my yawn with the back of my hand and she hums eating her cookie dough ice cream.
"You sleeping here?" I ask, looking at her and she smiles before nodding and putting her bowl on the night table and turning off the small lamp that illuminated the room before getting under the covers.
"I think I'm team boy though" she mutters and I roll my eyes, I cannot bare see another mini Ares running around all arrogant and 'don't touch me' fucking shit. Fuck no.
Her arms wrap around me and she spoons me, I smile when her face nuzzles into my neck. "I missed cuddling you" she whispers and I hum agreeing. When we lived in our dorm for uni the heater broke so many times we resorted to cuddling the shit out of each other for warmth because the winter of Vancouver and snow storms kept everyone inside...
I missed this so much
"Ivy, stop fucking giggling" I grit and she just giggles harder when the marker touches her skin again, it's been two days since we did the tests. And she says it's time to tell assface but she won't stop giggling when I try to write on her tummy.
Sebastian has completely been ignoring me, he doesn't even stay for dinner, comes over and doesn't even look at me, seems annoyed by my overall presence.
And guess what! We have dance practice tomorrow! Yay-
Good, I missed Natalia. She was cool.
"I-I can't help it, you're tickling m-me" Ivy stutters on her giggles as I try to write as neatly as I can with the crazy lady giggling and moving around.
"Stop stop-break tim-" she cuts herself off with another fit of laughter, grabbing a pillow to muffle her laughs as I roll my eyes and grab her thigh and hold it down while writing 'we're preggo!!!' She said she 'needed' three exclamation marks.
"I will give you ice cream if you stop moving" I snap and she freezes before grinning at me with a sly look and lays back stuffing her face in the pillow as I keep writing on her flat stomach. I wonder when she'll start showing-well I know but like it was a stupid question.
You're a stupid bitch, suits you
You called yourself a whore, slut
"Done" I sigh moving back when I'm finally all done and the words look nice and pretty, when I move back she giggles before getting up and looking at the mirror.
I put the cap on the marker before tossing it onto the bed, "You think we should add another exclamation mar-" I groan, cutting her off, her giggles will not allow me to do anything.
She thinks about it for a second before waving me off and fixing her hair, "Alright, I'll let ya know how it goes" she grins at me and I smile back seeing her smile, why is she always so god damn happy?
"Good luck" I sing as she walks off, I grab a water bottle and put my hair up into a ponytail. I was getting ready for a workout before she barged into my room with a white marker and told me what to write.
Pulling down my shorts and zipping up the cropped zip up, I have over my sports bra a bit more before grabbing my bottle and phone as I walk out and head towards the gym.
She's telling Ares in private, I mean she's right to because I feel like he should have been the first to know but she panicked and told me. Which is fine, but now they can have their cute moment. Y'know, first born and shit.
Last night I ate a small bowl of pasta. Talking to Ivy while doing it made me not feel like throwing up after which I was happy about it, so I feel a lot better this week since I've been eating a whole lot more.
I walk down to the gym that no one really uses in the house. I really want to do boxing today. I did it with Akira last time and it was fun. Sadly, I'll have to do it alone though. That punching bag better watch out I guess.
Opening the doors of the gym and as soon as I walk in I freeze, he's here. Of course he is, I should turn and leave but when I see his back towards me as he punches the red punching bag in front of him, airpods in his ears and his shirt discarded on the ground.
My eyes fall down to his muscular back, with every punch his muscles flex and I bite on the inside of my cheek.
I can hear his pants, his grunts as he punches the bag without gloves or hand wraps on. His knuckles are bruised and bloody as he keeps punching, leave Abby I tell myself but I seem frozen.
I look at the tattoos scattered across his back, the snake that circles around the back of his necks and leaves the two heads of the two snakes to end at his collar bones, the dagger that runs along the left side of his back with vines and thorns wrapped around it, A burning rose placed on the other side of his torso with fire and flames above it.
Some other smaller tattoos I'm not able to make out before he stops, my eyes widen and I turn on my heel. When I go to run he speaks, "Hope you're done staring"
My eyes close and I sigh, well shit Abby you should have ran while you had the chance...
I turn back around slowly and turn down my music, "I wasn't staring" I blurt and he scoffs lightly as he leans down grabbing his water bottle nodding sarcastically.
"I'm serious, I was waiting for you to be done with the punching bag" good save bitch, he raises an eyebrow and my eyes fall to his bloody knuckles when he runs a hand through his damp hair. Pointing that it's free and I can use it now.
He walks towards the bench press and I try to ignore how his eyes drop to my legs for a hot second, and in that second it felt like my whole body heated up.
He ignores my whole presence as he sits on the bench press bench, just work out, you do this all the time it's no different now.
I put my bottle and phone on the small bench before looking around for the hand wrap, my eyes fall to the small room where all the extra equipment is kept and I walk into the room pushing the door open.
Looking around until I see the hand wraps on the small table, I grab them and start wrapping my one hand. Looping the thumb loop around my thumb and twisting the wrap over the back of my hand as I walk out.
I wrap around the wrist about three times, then I make my way to the knuckles then carefully wrap it between my fingers and before I know it my hand is tightly wrapped and I look at the other hand wrap as I sit on the small bench grabbing it.
I loop the thumb loop around my thumb, but seeing that I'm using my non-dominant hand it's a bit harder.
Biting down on my bottom lip as I try wrapping it but I sigh when the wrap I did around my wrist falls right off from it being way too loose.
I go to try again but before I could I see Sebastian standing in front of me, my eyes don't even make it to his fucking face when his naked torso is right in front of me. His abs covered in tattoos and ink as he puts forward his hand.
My eyes snap up to meet his blue ones and I raise an eyebrow, "Give me your hand" he mutters and I hesitantly put my hand up, when he grabs the wrap from me his hand brushes against mine and I bite harder on my lip.
I stand up and immediately regret it when there's barely any space between us, his chest brushes my sweater as he carefully wraps my hand. "Do you know how to box?" he asks, his eyes are on my hand and mine are on him.
See, here is my explanation for my next words. I'm surrounded by a man with the body of a greek god, his touch is sending butterflies through my stomach, my hair colour is blond and he really affects everything I say and do for some reason. "No"
He mutters something under his breath and I curse myself for lying, yes I know how to box. Akira and I hired this really tall dude to teach us like a year ago. And ever since I've loved boxing.
"Turn around and face the bag" he says when he finishes wrapping my hand, his warm hands leave my cold ones and suddenly it gets a lot colder in here.
I do as he said and I turn my body from him facing the red boxing bag, why the hell would I lie? I wish I could get popcorn.
My eyes widen a bit when I feel his hands on my waist, "move one foot back" he whispers, sliding his hand down to my left thigh telling me to move it back. It feels like my heart beats 20 times faster when his hands are on me as I move my foot back slightly.
His leg kicks my left foot a bit moving it to a bit of angle and he leaves his leg between my legs, god dammit.
"Bend your knees slightly and be comfortable" he mutters and I suck in a small breath when I feel his breath hitting my neck. Josh was not this touchy when he taught me and Akira...
His hand wraps around my wrist bringing both my hands up a bit, "When you throw the jab, turn your arm a bit. Like this..." he trails off showing me how to jab with my hand. "Got it?" he asks and I hum nodding.
Instead of moving back his hands just slide back to my waist only to sink down to my hips and his front presses against my back. His body heat radiating through my hoodie as his thumbs hook into the waistband of my shorts a bit.
Fucking duck fucks
That's Ivy's line
When I go to jab the bag my phone rings, he ignores it and so do I. I use my left hand for the first jab, you use your less dominant hand for the jabs and then your dominant hand for your power moves because obviously they're stronger. Josh told me that.
I feel his chin about to rest on the top of my head but suddenly he freezes and moves back a bit, his hands leave my hips and I sigh out of annoyance when my phone fucking rings again.
"One second" I mutter, turning and grabbing my phone, I feel like groaning when I see John's contact. What the fuck does this asshole want now?
I lock eyes with him and his eyes flicker from my phone and me as I acept the call, he grits and my eyebrows furrow.
"What?" I ask confused, moving my curtain bangs away from my face as John talks again. he explains and it seems as if he's in some crowded room.
My eyes widen and I open my mouth to speak but he beats me to it, he spits at me with disgust and I try breathing in and out through my nose. Stay calm Abby, it's fine, everything is fine.
I turn to Sebastian who's standing there with confusion and narrow eyes trying to read me, "Can I use your phone for a second?" I ask him and he pulls it out of the pocket of his basketball shorts and hands it to me unlocked.
"Where is it leaked?" I ask John and he scoffs,
My jaw clenches as I type my name in at a random google search bar, the first thing that comes up is the scandal, then under it is the same, I scroll only to see this and Hunter's confession is everywhere. I didn't sleep with him, I swear.
"I didn't do it" I whisper clicking on a website to see Rachel crying with the headlines saying 'Abby Madden first broke her friend's engagement and now is carrying the baby of her ex? She has ruined her own career, and Rachel's life along with it' I read the comments and see all the hateful things people are saying to me.
John yells at me and it feels like all the air in the room is being sucked out slowly, I didn't do it, I didn't do it, why does no one believe me?
'Hunter Wesley agrees to the accusations of him sleeping with her girlfriend's best friend. He got Abby Madden pregnant' the headline of another website says with a video of Hunter crying under it. My eyes widen when I read the title of the video 'How Abby touched me when I was drunk'
He's lying. I can't breathe, why can't I breathe? Fuck, why are they doing this to me? Why are they ruining my life even more?
"John, I swear I-I didn't do it" I whisper, choking on my words and before he could answer someone rips the phones out of my hands and I look up to Sebastian cups my cheeks and tosses the phones on the bench carelessly.
"Breathe Abby" he whispers and before I could say I can't he hugs me to him, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his torso.
"You're okay, countdown from ten with me?" he asks lightly, his hand slides up to the back of my neck and his thumb rubs small circles and I hum.
He starts at ten and slowly we both take turns counting down from ten with him, he whispers the numbers as he counts down with me into my ears and leaves his lips to brush against my temple.
He just holds me without even knowing what happened, and he doesn't ask. Which I am thankful for, every one thinks that I sexually assaulted Hunter, I swear to fucking god I didn't. The night he claims I did whatever I did, I was with Akira and her mom helping them cook for a family event far from New York all the way in Boston.
He and Rachel planned this ever since that one day someone chose me to end and start the show instead of Rachel, she was supposed to be happy for me not bring me down because she's jealous.
"Just like that hermosa, keep breathing" Seb's voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I nod, closing my eyes and holding onto him tighter, valuing this for every second it lasts for.
I'd never ruin my friend's life, and that too for a guy. I never looked at anyone else for three years, all because this man was on my mind and I just couldn't. I've always wanted to be his, no one else's.
But I'm not good for him, and what's to say he hasn't lost feelings?
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It just like how it happens before 21-12-2012. A group of paranormal state that a big event would happen to this world. But rather than an apocalypse, they said it’s a transformation, ‘Holy Friday’. The day when a total solar eclipse occurs but then the sun direction would be different, earth rotation reversed. The sun would be rise from the west. Furthermore, human would receive ‘grace’ from the higher realm. To compete, to improve, to develop, to adapt. How will the human and high-human respond to it?
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Perhaps, deep down, Pat always knew it had been a bad idea. Truly, what had he been thinking that night. Did Patrick Alixa really think that a party hosted by those... monsters would go well? Of course he didn't, he wasn't a fool. Despite what the Ferins may believe, Humans knew all too well the dangers of this world. But while he wasn't a fool, he was lonely. Patrick had just wanted a friend, going to a new school was scary, especially to one who'd never been to one before. But, in the end... Patrick had made three mistakes that damned night. Well, more then three, but three major ones. The first was showing up in the first place, Patrick hadn't belonged there, not in the slightest. He knew it, everyone knew it. The other two were much more deadly, and proved truly foolish. But then again, how could he have known, he was just a stupid, weak human... right? (1 Chapter Every whenever I get them done)
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credit to og author - i'm only MTLing the storysynposis:I reincarnated as Luna, a supporting character who is accused of ruining the heroine and hero's relationship, and is murdered.I'm not interested in someone else's man, but the heroine's friends bully me every day."Why are you trying to get close to someone who's already taken?""That's right, please stop! Why are doing this?""Stop doing such terrible things!"So Luna decides to announce it in front of everyone."I don't want someone like Fersen even if you beg me to take him so stop bothering me. I'd rather date Anthes Vincent, who's rumored to be insane."And soon she meets someone who she never expected to meet......"I heard you have an interest in me? The truth is, I do too. Is it a coincidence?"
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My Princess
"Do you realize this is what you do to me." He says wrapping his arms around me. One of his hands slid up into my shirt, sitting right under my breast. His breath gave my goosebumps as I felt my skin ignite. I could see Grayson behind me in the mirror. His nose skimmed my neck as his breathing deepened. "You don't understand...how much control you have of my body and soul Isabella. I would do...be anything for you. All you have to do is snap your little fingers and it's done. Anything princess." Graysons says darkly pulling at my panty line. --------------------------This story isn't finished and I'm not sure if it will ever be finished Mature Scenes and bad language. Cliche and definitely not real.THIS STORY IS RATED R AND IS VERY SEXUAL.This story is not for everyone so if you don't like it, stop reading it.----------------June 3, 2021 #1: Wolf #10: Mate #8: Powerful #9: Beast #21: Alpha
8 145 - In Serial42 Chapters
I pulled on my beige puff jacket as I opened the door. Just as I turn to the door, Elijah is standing right in front of me. "I've missed you so much." He tilted his head towards me, yearning for one of my kisses. I placed my hand against his face and pulled away. "Don't you have to go skiing?"He removed my hand. "And didn't you just see me this morning?" I asked, tilting my head and placing my hands on my hips. He bites his lips and pulls me closer. "I wanted to see you before we leave." He quickly pecked my lips and gripped my bottom. I lightly pushed him off and giggled. ✘✘✘✘✘𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘢𝘩 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯. 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘺𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴?(The pictures within this book aren't mine. I edit details and change a few things.)
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