《He Has Changed》Chapter 7~ Mason


I punch the punching bag harder, fucking asshole made me feel like crap and then becomes a peice of crap and leaves? I mean could he be any ruder?

Want me actually answer that?

First of all, he is a grown ass man and if he can't deal with the fact I left to make myself a life and prove something to myself then he needs to mature the fuck up. And I know that me leaving did not do all this alone, so now I am beyond curious of what else happened to make him this cruel.

Because I know as immature the Seb I knew was, he'd never go that far to become this cold just because I left...

It's 3am and you're working out, for fun. Why?

It helps me think, y'know punching something and not getting arrested for it?

I took self defense classes with Akira after we both got attacked, and I mean literally attacked by haters. We were walking to our cars after blowing our bank accounts at the mall and heard a gunshot, pretty much almost got held hostage by a crazy man. And then Akira signed us up for the classes, not lying they were pretty fun...

But the moral is I know how to fight...Somewhat. And I might as well make use of the gym Ares and Ivy have in their house. I pause when my airpods lower the volume of my music and they read me Akira's message.

it reads to me and I raise an eyebrow as I pant, which out of the five she's currently reading?

I pick up my phone and message her

Which book?

: Ugly love, I might cry if I'm speaking facts




That's on you

Miles pisses me off

Spoil it any more then you already have and I will gut you

I kinda want to read it ends with us, everyone says it's hella good.

You really wanna break your heart, huh?

you told me to read it

Bye whore I'm working out

ah, right, your first love. Bye bitch

I put down my phone and sigh, I told her not to read it ever since I heard about it but no she goes and fucking reads it. And that too without me, we always read together but nope she said fuck you.

I quickly finish the rest of my workout doing three sets of hip thrusts, three sets of pulse squats, three sets of the dumbbell squats, three sets of the split squats and lay on the mat faced down once I'm done.

I feel dead, but I love working out.

"Proud to announce I am back" Mason walks into the room and me and Ivy both grin before throwing ourselves at our friend, he grunts taking a small step back as he hugs us back.

"We missed you" me and Ivy squealed at the same time and he chuckled.

But his laughs die when he scoffs, "I would have gotten here last night but someone needed to kill someone and land his ass in jail" he says and I move back raising an eyebrow, I'm assuming Dawson ran into some...Trouble?

"Where is D?" Ivy asks and Mason shrugs, throwing his jacket in my face and I roll my eyes, "Talking about security with the guys" he answers and I pull the jacket off of me throwing it on the bed before Mason sits himself down and smirks at me.

"Sebastian seems...Different, have you noticed Abby?" he asks and Ivy snorts while eating her ice cream, I cross my arms over my chest and put my weight on one leg looking at him with a look. "Got something to say? Perra"


He narrows his eyes at me and I narrow mine at him, he's right. Sebastian looks nothing like he did years ago. That's for sure...

"Your ass looks fatter" he compliments with a glare and I scoff, "Your biceps look good" I roll my eyes and he follows copying my scoff before we both look at Ivy who is giving the bowl of ice cream in front of her all her attention.

"You're going to be late" I state, she and Ares are going to look at venues today and then we'll all move forward from there. Athena, Mason and I are in charge of the bachelorette party and I am beyond excited to plan that...

I have a few things in mind...

"Right" she hums while eating her ice cream and I make eye contact with Mason before we both sigh.

I nod and he grabs the bowl from her and she gasps, before she could speak Mason does "Make your husband buy you some on the way" he says and she blushes so hard I should tease her calling her a tomato.

She's always blushing, nothing new but she looks freaking adorable

"Not husband, yet" she mutters standing up off the bed and looks in the mirror fixing her pretty sundress, I smirk leaning against the wall before she walks out giving us both a look.

"He buys her an ice cream shop" mason says and I scoff, "bet?" I ask raising an eyebrow and he looks at me with a smirk. He's crazy for her but I don't think his brain is developed enough to think of that idea...So I'm willing to bet on it.

"Five grand" he crosses his arms over his chest and I let out a shaky breath, woah with the big ass amounts. "Four" I negotiate and he shrugs putting his hand out and I take a deep breath. I hope I don't regret this.

I lean forward and shake his hand, "No backing out now, be ready to lose" he says and I roll my eyes before sitting on the bed next to him and falling on my back. "I need alcohol in my system." I mutter.

There's a knock on the door and we both look at it before Athena walks in, "so, got any ideas for her bachelorette party?" she asks, closing the door behind her and they both look at me before I grin.

"I can think of a thing or two" I say, Ivy be ready because the wrath of Abby Ximena Madden is about to hit you harder then any of the dumb things I've done. It might be basic but for the mindset of Ivy, she'll be blown away and regret putting me in charge of this...


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