《The Wrong Twin》Extra Chapter
Heyyy, so this chapter is requested by one of y'all.I just wanna say thank you for requesting and for all of you reading my story!❤ it means a lot.I apologize it took a while to write this chapter because I am currently juggling with my mental health.I would also like to leave a note that I wrote this story years ago and things might not be aligned and stuff but I hope you enjoy it still.Thank you so much again for taking the time to read this storyyy!!❤❤💕
The alarm clock rang while sitting still on the bedside table.
A large hand, escaped from the warm blanket and feel the cold while silencing the buzzing box.
There was silence for a short moment then Adriano sat up and slowly blinked for a moment as if he's savoring per blink.
He turned his head and saw it was 4 in the morning
He stood and put on his clothes for running.
He reside in a house just beside Niccolo's along with other members.
He walked and gulped a big glass of water.He then made a smoothie then on to running.After the run, he went on to training.
Since Niccolo stayed in Russia, Adriano haven't had a proper fight.Being a person raised in constant violence, it is making him restless being at peace.
After, he proceeded to taking a shower and then into Niccolo's house.
Andrea sat in Niccolo's office.
The office sat in the city but the noise outside were unaudible, the room was peaceful.
She sat in a very unatural posture, her back was so straight. Her eyes patrolled the table. All the papers and books were perfectly aligned and organized.
All the work she had for the day were done and to kill a bit of time, she arranged everything to perfect alignment.
She didn't get the hand of the job, she still worked awkwardly.She didnt work quickly nor showed improvement in doing the tasks, she usually do it a slow pace but recently, she would purposely slow her working to stretch the time however, the work to be done were little today, so she now rest in boredom.She doesnt want to go home while Dominic was awake, so she had a plan to stretch the time she's at the office.
She clasped her hands together then looked at the double door before her as if expecting a person to walk in.
She took a quick glance at the clock and saw it is only 9 in the evening
About a minute passed and she felt her boredom concuring her again.
Adriano stood outside the office looking at the darkened sky of Italy.His hands behind him.
With Niccolo gone, his sole assignment was to keep Andrea safe.And so far no threat has come and that leaves him in constant boredom.
He enetered the office feeling the urge to go home and have a session with the punching bag.
He found Andrea laying down lazily on the couch.The boredom hidden in Adriano seemed to be plastered on her face.
"Are you done?Shall I drive you home?"he asked
As he expected, she answered to decline him
"No ,I have so much work left"she dragged herself up
He looked at the table and was astonished as to how neat it was.Too neat.Everything was aligned and into place.He never saw the table that neat since it was just purchased.
"Well the table says otherwise"he said
He can see it in her face, she hated going home and seeing Dominic hence the difficulty of taking her home
"Would you want to sleep here?"Andriano asked
"I can do that?"her eyes was shining in interest
"This is Niccolo's second home"Adriano answered walking to a bookshelf then pushed it revealing a closet with suits and blankets.
He pulled a blanket and put it beside her
He can read her like an open book, signaling she trusts him completely that all her guards were down.Her face showed a second thought
"Am I alone in this whole building?"
She's scared
"We'll not quite.You have Devon, the security guy,he watches the security cameras,he stays in a secret room on the first floor near the exit"he explained in a blank face
"So only two of us here and he's on the first floor?"She asked
"Not quite, you have Niccolo's girlfriend"
"Who?"she asked
"We call her Niccolo's girlfriend, a girl appears here sometimes.She keeps running around and sometines sings"Adriano explained again in a straight face not showing any signs that can be interpreted of him joking
Andrea looked at him for a moment, searching for something imposible— a sign Adrino is bluffing.
"Oh"she said hiding her fear
"Then I shall get going then"Adriano said and before ge could exit "just to let you know, she usually stays in that closet"
Her head instantly snapped to the closet where the blanket was taken from
Andrea grasped the blanket tight looking at the closet, she haven't noticed Adriano has lready left.
He's joking...right?
She thought laying down
But...he doesn't have it in him to joke around...he has no sense of humor like that...
Time passed and she found herself still contemplating. It was quiet...too quiet.The noise outside is not audible.
Then something made her spine jump out of her body.There was a soft knock on the door.
Her senses were heightened
"Adriano?"She called, hoping he would answer and all her fear was ridiculous
There was silence
"He doesn't have it in him..."she whispered and believed Niccolo's girlfriend is real and that made every thought of opening the door or even approaching the door demolished
She squeaked hearing a loud thud on the door
Then there were foots steps.
She ran to the furthest corner of the room holding a pillow not removing her eyes from the door.
There was silence. Then the lights started to flicker
Her breathing became heavy looking at the light.
She screamed when the lights were off.
She ran to grab her phone while touching everthing around her.She quickly grabbed her phone.
The light came back
She didn't waste a second and dialed Adriano's number
She pressed the phone firmly on her ears ready to talk but there was no answer
Then there footsteps once more but it is getting louder and louder
Her knees started to weaken.
The door bursted open
She screamed throwing her phone
Adriano stood and caught the phone
"Gotcha"he said in a serious voice and face
Andrea was in shock
A person that doesn't laugh does not exist...however,a person who can restrain their laugher is posible
"Adriano!you asshole!"Andrea found her tongue and shouted
She had relief that it was Adriano but seeing him keep a straight face after a prank is almost magical to her
"I was so scared!"she said gaining her breath while irritation filled her blood
"I came to tell you that sleeping here is not allowed"
"Why didn't you just tell me that!?"she glared in annoyance"And you were the one who suggested the idea of sleeping here!"
"It looked fun to mess with you"He confessed, his boredom led him to do it
"It looked fun huh?shouldn't you be laughing?"she asked
Adriano was silent
"Bara"A man called looking at the kitchen in a certain horror
"What is it?"Bara asked walking towards Lio to look at what is terrifying him
"W-why is sir Adriano laughing alone in the kitchen?"he asked
Bara looked at Adriano then looked at Lio
"He's usually like that, he had a lot of supressed laughter that cause him to laugh alone. What a retard "Bara scoffed looking at Adriano but Bara's scoff led to laugh too
Lio looked at Bara laughing
"You too"
Bara put his hand in Lio's shoulder
"You'll find yourself laughing with your coffee in no time "Bara said then left laughing
"Retards"Lio said
Andrea sat on her bed ready for revenge.
She simply can not accept it, she has to get him back.Though her plan seemed weak compared to what he did but she's still comitted
After talking to everyone in the house, she is ready.She looked at her watch, 2 am...perfect.
She tiptoed inside and upon the other's instructions, she reached Adriano's room.
She enetered and cautiously poured oil outside sbifting her gaze to Adriano and to the floor.
Her chest pounded in excitement as well as fear.
She looked at him still looking very serious even in his sleep.
She raised a thin pot then banged it with a metal spoon.
The loud bangs jolted Adrino awake
Andrea was shocked to see him jump out of bed immediately and run outside slipping on the floor covered in oil that sent him on the ground
Back in Russia, they would play a game at night, one would bang a pot and everyone would gather where the sound came from, the late one would get beat up by everyone.
The moment he hit the floor,he realized he was reliving a memory.
Andrea blinked not expecting her plan would go so smoothly
Adriano moved his gaze to his feet and saw Andrea in shock
She didn't exepect to succeed
He silently concluded
Seriously, she came here with no confidence that it would work?
The other men listened in their rooms, picturing what could have happened. A small laugh emerged from their lips hearing the thud.They can not go and have a look even if they are itching to, Adriano could kill them. Andrea indeed informed them, no one sniched and told him, they all stood by their word to her and also they wanted to even listen to someone mess with him. They could not dare do what Andrea did, they know because she was protected by Niccolo, no one can touch her,even Adriano, and that gives her freedom to do things like these.
"Gotcha!"Andrea found her tongue and laughed pointing at Adriano
"Do you know what you just did?..."Adriano asked sitting up"...you just declared war"he said
Andrea felt fear
"I am suprised you are not angry"Andrea voiced one of her genuine concerns shifting the topic a bit,maybe he'll forget what he just said
"Well I am filled with ragealready, what's a little more"he replied then extended his arm
"Can you help me up?"
Andrea put down the pot gently then went to help him but Adriano pulled her making her fall unto the slippery floor
"War Miss Frause...War"he saud then stood up
The morning came and Andrea sat in the dining room with a plate of pancakes before her and a cup of coffee
"I already served her a plate"Adriano said seeing Mama Saphia about to make a plate for Andrea
"you did?"she askwd looking at Andrea and as he said a plate sat before her
" my my where did where did you get that light bruise on your cheek? did you get it last night?who did you fight that evening ? "mama saphia asked in concern as if she haven't seen him in so much worse state
"A wooden creature" he said looking at Andrea who looked guilty seeing it has bruised, she didn't think he would bruise
Andrea took a bite out of her pancake but then she tasted intense spice that made her run spit it out and sipped her coffee to ease the spice but she spit it out tasting her coffee was salty. She ran to the fridge and poured herself some water but she spit it out tasting it was white vinegar
The basic tricks...
Adriano merely sipped his coffee enjoying the sight of Andrea running around while Mama Saphia helped her
She instantly turned to Adriano
"As I said war..."he said
"What do you mean war?did you do this to her?"Mama Saphia asked
Adriano sipped his coffee
Adriano stood outside on the watch for something as if anyone would dare enter Niccolo's house
His concentration was shattered when a bucket of water drenched his body from above
Without looking, he figured who it was.No one would dare to do that but one person. So he did not bother look up because as he expected,she will throw another thing.
Andrea poured flour on him then proceeded with eggs.
Everyone with him kept a strong serious face while they witness Adriano slowly turn into a cake.
"Having fun there? I see you have combo attacks"he asked
Andrea laughed
After showering, he used he blow drier, it was filled with flour.
He let out a breath going back into the shower
The next day, Adriano was missing in the morning
Bara had to drive Andrea to Niccolo's office
She wore jeans and a blouse while her hair tied in a tight pony tail.
UShe looked outside the window unable to stop thinking of where Adriano is.He is the only person she seemed to trust completely.
Did he get angry with what I did yesterday? Imposible.He's not that childish
She silently argued in her head
Later that day he appeared looking tense and more serious than normal
"I will not be driving you home today"he said putting the keys on the table "You do remember the way back home right?"he asked
"Y-yes. Is everything okay?"Andrea asked
"I dont know" he said "get home at 8 remember that"he said firmly
then looked at his phone and walked away
As she was instructed, Andrea drove home
She pulled over before the house and saw the lights inside the house were all off.
She was confused.Her mind instantly made scenarios of why the lights are off.
She walked inside, it was not completely black, the moon gave a slight brightness as well as very few bulbs
The complete silence sent an eerie feeling to her
Am I in the right house?
She silently asked
"Adriano?"she called out looking arround for anything that will come towards her
There was a thud upstairs.She ran up the stairs thinking it was Adriano or someone repairing the bulbs.She faced the dark hall and a brightly lit room at the end of the hall
She opened the door and a liquid from above bathed her.
She looked at her clothes and noticed the liquid was colored red.The first thought that popped on her head was that it was blood making her scream and run out.She was put in a halt seeing everything was a bit darkened that it was before
She then ran with the goal of running straight to the door, but she slipped on something and landed on a matress
She gasped hearing a noise.She slowly turned her head like a rusty doll towards the hall and saw a silhouette of a lady running from one door to the other.
Her eyes circled to its limit and her voice seemed to be lost.She was frozen. She saw the figure in a dress and long hair run.
She started to crawl out of the mattress without taking her eyes from where the lady was.
She held something sticky on the floor.She shifted her eyes to what her hands were on, but due to the darkness, and only the brightness of the moon she was not able to determine what it was.
She returned her gaze to the hallway and saw a man standing there
She screamed and got on her feet then ran but she saw the girl waiting for her at the end of the stairs.
She screamed once again. She shifted her gaze to the girl then to the man
"Adriano!"she cried
The man took out something from behind him. It looked like a rod.
She pinned herself on the wall then screamed.She moved but something seemed to touch her foot that made her fall on soft something that slid her down the stairs towards the girl quickly but painless
She screamed loudly then all the lights opened bright
She looked at the ceiling. She was indeed in the right house
She looked above her head and saw a petite man wearing a cheap wig and a dress over his suit looking down at her, and she noticed he wore ear plugs
He then shifted his eyes around.
She looked at where her legs are then to the stairs and saw Adriano looking confused
Everyone looked like the light opening was not expected
Adriano holding a baguette walked and looked downstairs by the stair railings
"What is happening here!?"Mama Saphia came in visible concerned and confusion
"Goodness!child are you okay?"she asked seeing Andrea laying still on a matress looking awful.
"I-I dont know"Andrea said
"The house is a mess!"Mama Saphia saud walking hurriedly to Andrea
"Lio what are you wearing?"She asked the man while helping Andrea up
"I was forced to do this"He answered
Adriano walked down then sat on stairs holding the baguette
Andrea with teary eyes looked at her still processing that it was all a prank pulled by Adriano
The moment everything was processed she walked to Adriano
"War"Adriano shrugged
"I nearly lost my life there! This is not fair my pranks were harmless!"she said
"This is harmless, what are you talking about?" He asked
"Harmless?"Andrea asked in complete disbelief
"I nearly vomitted my heart and I fell 2 times!"
"I've thought about that so I set up matresses"
"Wgat if the matresses weren't there or they didnt catch me?"
"But they did, I calculated everything"
"What if you calculated wrong?"
"My calculations are never wrong"
She realized he was not playing innocent, his level of things to be considered harmless is different from hers
"Whats with the baguette?"she suddenly asked
so that was the thing he pulled behind him
"I dont plan to harm you so I used a baguette" he shrugged then took a bite out of it
"You scared the hell out if me, you are awful "Andrea said
"You should've thought of that before turning me into a cake"Adriano said
"You know what bugs me more?it's that you dont show any reaction at all!"Andrea said
Adrino looked at her in a serious face
"Goodness you made Niccolo's house a scare house"Mama saphia said looking around
"come dear you should get cleaned up "she said holding her shoulders
"I'll get you back. I'll make you scream so bad and feel so scared"Andrea warned
"I doubt it"He said
They walked pass him on the stairs
He took out his phone hearing it ring
"Sir"he said
"I need your report"Selo asked
"Everything is stable"
"Good, Is Davide's twin obeying?"
"Not completely but don't worry I get him in line"
"How about the girl?Anything threatening her life or something that can make her quit this agreement?"
"Nothing Sir"Adriano said
Andrea paced her room in her pajamas.
She stopped when Dominic bursted her door open
He was breathing hard and looked drenched in sweat
"Where were you?And why are there a lot of cleaners downstairs?"He asked
"What?'she asked
"The bodyguard said you were lost in some woods, I can't recall the name.I was looking for you!"He said collapsing to the floor
"I—"Andrea looked for the words to tell him
"I found her and took her home"Adriano said helping him up then closed Andrea'as door
Thats why he wasn't here when all the scaring happened...
She returned to thinking
What can I do that's so terrtifying and awful that but is still a joke?
If i hurt him, I figure he will not scream, he's used to pain already
She was thinking for too long, she didnt realize it was late at night
She went downstairs to drink water, she opened the fridge and saw Adriano enter the kitchen
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