《The Wrong Twin》Chapter 24:His return


"So are we gonna be expecting a small Romano very soon?"Mr.Saleh asked

I did not pay attention to the question instead I am focused to waiting for his head to turn and look at me

Look at me...

then he turned to look at me holding my hand with a smile

"Why not"He laughed

my eyes widened seeing it was Romano

I felt very happy yet very angry

"Your eyes wife it looked like it could swallow a person"He whispered as he innocently kissed my cheek

I quickly blinked looking at him

"I heard you are very talented at singing and playing piano"Mr.Saleh stated removing my eyes from Romano

"The rumors are too nice Mr."I smiled

he shook his head

"Maybe you would play for us after dinner?"

"I will"I smiled and started to eat in relief taking glances at the man beside me

He's Back...


I am sitting before a piano my fingers played.My lips sang the words but my eyes stayed on the man watching me with a smile

I am not dreaming right?

I noticed he was wearing different clothes from Domenic

He wore a turtle neck black shirt,his eyes wore something as he looked back at me

I finished the song and the room was filled with aplause

I walked my way down to my seat giving a nod to the people with smile on their faces

"Bravo!the rumors did no justice to how good you are"Mr.Saleh clapped

I smiled sat down feeling Romano's arm circle my shoulder.His scent sent a peculiar secured feeling


Adriano drove us home and I sat at the furthest end of my seat but no longer wedging myself further

I was silent...I didnt know what to say.

And so was he

The car stopped with a loud screech as a black car blocked our path

Adriano stepped out of the car and Romano just watched with an irritated expression

Then Domenic rushed out of the black car making Romano step out of the car

"stay in the car" he said

I watched them speak for a while then Domenic threw a punch at Romano making me open the door

Romano grunted on the floor wrinkling his face


Adriano helped him up

I was looking at Romano then I felt a hand grab my wrist and started hauling me to the black car

"Domenic!"I shouted stopping him from taking quick steps

"you have to come with me now "he said without waiting for my reply,he started to walk

"no"I whispered then looked at him"No I will not"I said out loud removing my wrist from his grip

"Andrea this is not the time to be stubborn"he said"he is not a good person"

"Why do you keep on saying that?while your here hauling a woman against her will?"I asked in irritation


"I hate you Domenic I hated everything you did to me in those past weeks and If I have to go with this bad man then I'd rather do that than have another day with you"I said then walked to Romano with his arm hooked on Adriano's shoulders


"We have arrived"Adriano's voice removed my eye contact with my shoes

I looked at the man beside me and he showed thesame empty expression

We exited the car and into the house I walked before him clutching my purse.

"Andrea..."I felt his hand gently held my arm

I swiveled around and glared at him

"Where the hell have you been?huh?"Then I realized something"You know what actually dont tell me Its none of my business"I said raising my hands and continued to walked up to my room

I was expecting him to explain still but he was silent

Why do I care anyways?

My shoes clicked as I quickly climb the stairs I jolted around feeling his hand catch my arm

"What Romano?"I asked

"What happened while I was away?"He asked in a worried face

I smirked

"Thats none of your business "I replied

"You are my business Frause"

I removed his hand from my mine and glared at him

"You are being too far away from your ground Romano,Did your touching and plays made you forget that I am just a person for the purpose of having the partnership with that man and it is done you now have it,that's the only business you have with me"I said and continued to walk


"You are being too far away from your ground Romano,Did your touching and plays made you forget that I am just a person for the porpuse of having the partnership with that man and it is done you now have it thats the only business you have with me"My jaw clenched hearing his words,she walked slamming her door

What the fuck happened?

I walked downstairs and layed down on the couch lighting a cigarrette

my body hurts from keeping my body up for a while but my legs gave in when that bastard punched me

"What happened?"I asked Adriano standing beside me

"He keeps on bugging Andrea to come with him,and constantly forcing himself---"I jolted up from the couch I felt my blood suddenly boil

I stood up hopped in my car and drove to Domenic's apartment

As soon as I reached the door a knocked clenching my fist

the door opened and saw his eyes showed shock


I threw a punch on his face making him take steps back holding his jaw

"How dare you touch her"

"What?we need to act "He explained

"Even at home?"I asked throwing another punch,red fluid streamed down his nosetrils

"why the sudden act as if you own her?"He asked"You were not really married right?I hate to break it to you but she liked me more before"

My fist flew and sent him on the floor

"Dont ever come near her again"I warned my eyes staring at his with great anger

"She is not yours Niccolo"He grunted"I will save her from you"

I smirked

"I'd love to see you try"

I exited his apartment and drove home gripping the stirring wheel very tightly feeling very unsatisfied

I arrived home and was greeted by mama Saphia and Rhius in the kitchen

I walked to the sink washing my hand red with Domenic's blood.Rhius handed a towel with a bow

" what is it?"I asked mama Saphia looking at me bothered

"Its just an odd woman kept on visiting Maam Andrea while you were away"

"A woman?"I asked

She nodded

"She had golden hair too,whats weird is that everytime she visited it left Maam Andrea stunned and very disturbed I was very worried"

I wiped my hands thinking nothing but Frause's biological mother

"You should go talk to her,she is very upset"

I nodded and went to my room first to change my shirt.I removed my shirt and saw my body wrapped with bandages,so I put on a black hoodie.

She would very much hate it for me to show my face rightnow but I have to know why her mother suddenly appeared.I must assure she is safe to visit my home with nothing connected to her

I knocked on her door and got no response

"Frause?"I asked and knocked again

I turned the knob and it is not locked.I looked inside and she is not in

I walked further the hall and saw her over looking the see on the terrace


"Go away Romano"She said in a cold tone

"Look Im sorry"I apologized

she turned around looking at me with her blazing glare crossing her arms before her chest

she looked very beautiful wearing a white plain shirt and a pajama pants,her hair tied in a messy bun

"How could you?"She asked"you left me here alone with that man!"she snapped

"I apologize"I said walking up to her but she stretched out her arm keeping the distance

"You know Romano the thing I made a deal with you and that means you cannot just let me live with a different man!"She screamed in fury and slapped me"you cruel son of a bitch"she gritted between her lips

I clenched my jaw and grabbed her hand pulling her close securing her in my arms.

she stuggled to break free while throwing a glare at me

"Let me go!"she screamed again

"The more you try to break free the more you are not gonna be freed wife"I said enjoying the view of her blazing golden eyes

"Bullshit"She glared and stuggled more

"Im sorry"I apologized once more

"Bull fucking shit"she gritted

"you wont accept my apology?"I asked

"oh thats an apology?it sonunds like you read it from a wall"she said struggling to break free

I smiled and clenched my jaw

I listened to my selfish desire and leaned against her

She tensed up looking at me

"Dont you dare..."she whispered

"I missed you too wife"I smiled and kissed her

as soon as I drawed back she slapped me on my cheeck and ran out the terrace

way to go Romano!why the fuck did I do that?

I silently asked looking at the door

I walked out and saw Mama Saphia

Shaking her head in disappointment

"How do I get her back?"I asked

"I think you just lost her boy"she replied

"That is not how to apologize to a woman hijo"

"I said sorry"

"Apologies needs to be sincere and sweet "

"You see..."I laughed nervously"I never did this before"

"I know"

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