《The Wrong Twin》Chapter 8:The Agreement


After the wedding,me and Mr.Romano sat in a room waiting for our contract.

I crossed my arms on my chest while I wander my eyes around.

The moment my eyes passed by the sight of Mr.Romano it stopped seeing him smiling,his chin on his hand.

"You know Andrea we're alone—"

"You know Mr.Romano you're pushing me to wring your neck and just kill you"

"I hope your not pertaining to me"Mr.Romano's father came in chuckling

He looked nothing like Niccolo.He had thesame dark look but it's more gentle.

"Oh no sir I was pertaining to Mr.Ro—Niccolo"

Niccolo smiled

"I like it when you call me by my name"

I glared at him seeing other people enter the room.

After a moment,I faced Mr.Romano who sat across me.Between us is the lawyer.

He wore a gray suit.He was tall and very very very masculine.

"Here are your divorce papers.Please sign your names agreeing to be automatically divorced after a year"he said presenting papers before us.

Behind me were Dafil and Louie eyeing the lawyer.They're supposed to be here to be a witness of this agreement and provide support for me but now it seems they are busy supporting and witnessing the lawyer.

Behind Mr.Romano was his father and Adriano.

We both signed.

I felt relief.I am saved and my way out is sealed open.

"Now its sealed"Mr.Romano said looking at me

After,the lawyer took the papers and left.

Louie and Dafil followed outside.

My Romano spoke to his father and Adriano for a moment.I havent realized I was staring at him.There's a feeling I get seeing his eyes.There's something dark.

Mr.Romano and Adriano left.Niccolo looked back at me.

Now we are left alone in the room.


"You were looking at me"he said walking close in a smile

He knew I was looking?

"Can we shake hands on our rules?"I asked

A verbal contract.

"Rules?what were yours again"he asked

He forgot?

"lets keep it purely business,don't touch me unless it's needed.You sleep with any woman you want"I reminded

"What happens if I dont?"he asked

I was silent for a short moment

"you'll find out"I said not having any punishment thought out.

He smiled

"Yours is to not fall inlove with you right?"

"Yes,Don't fall inlove with me,don't meddle with my business with other women."

I nodded

And extended my hand.He took it and we shook hands.

But as we shook hands,he pulled me close and circled my waist.

"didn't we just agreed on our rules?!"I asked feeling my blood boil while I try to get out of his arms

He leaned close to kiss me but I kicked his knee

He groaned and let go of me

"I was curious of the punishment"he said


Now here I am in my apartment packing my clothes.

Mr.Romano said we'll be staying in Italy for this agreement.

Me and Louie are folding my clothes while Dafil lay face down on my pillow not showing a sign of life

"Dafil ,you alive over there?"Louie asked

She sobbed then slowly raised her face.

I saw Louie's face wrinkled seeing her hair stuck to her face while it shone with her tears and sweat.

I never saw Dafil cry before

"Dafil she's not gonna die"Louie said

"She's married to a man she doesn't love!like what kind of father is Mr.Frause?Daughters are supposed to be treated with love not like a money pass"She wiped her tears.

"It's fine.It's just for a year"I smiled assuringly at Dafil though there was worry in my chest.



I tearily bid goodbye to my friends at the airport.

"Call me okay"Louie said holding me tightly

I shifted my eyes to Dafil who wore her scary expression.

She has now recovered from crying

"I don't like that Niccolo guy"she said looking far

"Call me when he does something to you.I would be happy to finish him"

I laughed

After ,I finally brought my legs to move.

I entered his private jet.It was colored red and dark brown.

"Good you're here.I thought I'd have to book a hotel and fly tomorrow maybe by then you'll be finished bidding goodbye to your friends"he sighed putting the magazine down.

"Excuse me?"I glared

He sighed

"Get in and take your seat"


I looked at the blueprint of my new restaurant while Mr.Romano speaks on the phone in Italian

I think I should hire an Italian tutor

I thought,for it to be easier to talk to my employees

While I was busy planning I didn't notice the man who sat across me

I gave him a short glance then shifted back to the blueprint

"What is it Mr.Romano?" I asked

"I just wanted to know if we arrive in Italy,can we have our wedding night?"In a raspy seductive voice he asked making me shot a glare at him

Did he not hear my rules?

"Mr Romano..." I warned

He rose his hands in surrender then laughed.


8 and maybe more hours later we have arrived.I kept my gaze out the window looking at the beautiful city of Italy.

We entered place with trees and the sound of waves is audible

"Wow" I whispered to myself seeing a big house which stood above the sea.Its is old designed but it shows just how wealthy the owner is,and I must say very wealthy!this place is amazing!

The car halted before the house and I immediately walked out keeping my gaze on the house,I lived for 16 years in my parent's mansion but this house is truely beautiful!hence my reaction

I looked at the man beside and was shocked to see his eyes looking at me with amusement

I returned his look with a glare then I marched in the house.

"Where's my room?" I asked him

"With me" he answered in a smile,a smile Im guessing that makes women crazy

"Mr.Romano..." I warned

He let out a laugh

"Im only joking,amore"

"Amore?" I repeated his endearment

The devil just merely smiled

"Niccolo!" A woman Im guessing 45 years of age,she has brown eyes deep eyes and long black hair that is twisted in a bun on top of her head.

She walked to Mr.Romano and kissed his cheeks

"Mama Saphia" he returned and hugged her

She gasped when she finally noticed me

"Oh my ,Niccolo!" She said happily

"Mama meet my wife Andrea" he said holding my hand,I felt my hand cells disagree with his touch but I kept it in.

I have to pretend to be inlove with him .That's how I pay him back for saving me.

I smiled at the lady

"So beautiful!" She beamed looking at me

"Andrea this is Mama Saphia my house keeper"

"Nice to meet you maam"

"Call me mama" she said and gave me an eye popping tight hug

"You must be hungry,come I prepared something" she said and pulled us to the dinning room.

While we enter the dining room I looked behind me and saw Niccolo standing holding a phone on his ear.

He let out a smirk then his eyes showed strong darkness.Then there it goes again,the peculiar feeling in my guts.

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