《The Greek God》8


I woke up to the birds chirping outside my window as the sun kissed my cheeks.

Just kidding.

I woke up the bloody sound of my alarm clock blaring at full volume, causing me to fall from my bed.

A king sized bed.

I still don't know how the fuck I managed to do that.

Groaning, I got up and fixed myself as I made my way to the kitchen. Oliver was there making pancakes. I sat down and reached for one, but Oliver slapped my hand with the burning spatula.

"No touchie!"

"Why?" I whined.

"Cause they're for the hot guy that's in my room. Go and get yourself something." He gave me a few dollars and showed me away. Flipping him the finger, I rushed downstairs and got dressed up. I opted for the classic multi coloured cropped t shirt and leggings and tied my hair in a messy bun. Grabbing my phone and the money Oliver gave me, I rushed upstairs to be avoided. Once I got out, I went around town to find a good café.

It took me ten minutes to find one. So as soon as I got in, I paid for a hot chocolate and a big waffle.

Yes. Waffles over pancakes.

Don't you dare judge me.

As soon as I left the place, I bumped into someone.


"Oh sorry didn't see you!" I exclaimed.

"Hey it's ok" he looked up and squinted his eyes "Hey I know you."

"You're the girl that stood up to Daniel during lunch!" He recognised.

"Yup that's me." I chuckled.

"Mason. Mason Gonzalez." He stretched his arm.

"Astrid. Astrid Johnson" I shook his hand, eyeing him as I noticed that there was a Spanish hint in his accent.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He chuckled nervously.

"¿Hablas español?" I asked.

("Do you speak Spanish?")

"Si soy latino. De parte de mi madre." He smiled proudly.

("Yeah I'm Latino. From my mother's side").


"But how come you have a Spanish accent if your name's British?" He curiously asked.

"My mum's English and my dad's Spanish." I shrugged.

"Nice." He echoed.

We sat down on a bench and talked. I learnt that his mother's family was from Cuba and fled the country the revolution and moved to Mexico. As soon as his mother was an adult, she moved to America, got married and boom, this fine specimen was presented to the world.


I mean, I'm not even complaining.

"So if you can speak Spanish fluently, why'd you get it?" He asked.

"Just to see what you guys are teaching. Besides, I don't want to stop speaking the language." I shrugged and he nodded understanding.

Then, my phone started to vibrate. Picking it up, I noticed it was an unknown ID caller. I shrugged and cancelled the call. Before I could speak, the phone vibrated again and the same number appeared on the screen.

"You know he won't leave you alone."

"You know this person?"

"It's Daniel." He chuckled.

"Why is he calling me?" I exasperated.

"Well." He ran his hand through his hair "you're new and stuff. But, you're kinda the first girl to ever confront him. And using those words and comments, well, curiosity got him."

"Well there's nothing to be curious about. I'm just a bilingual girl!" I exclaimed.

"Did he ask you for 'Spanish' lessons?" He raised his brow hinting the innuendo.

"Yeah and I kindly declined." He bursted out laughing.

"W-Why are you laughing?" I stuttered.

"Apart from standing up to him, you declined his invitation for sex. Wow, now he will do anything!" He bursted out laughing again.

I playfully hit him on the shoulder.


God what have I gotten myself into?


"So I put an accent in avión. Is that right?" Gigi asked, coming out of the exam. I nodded as a response.

"Yes!" She shouted whilst I chuckled.

"Hey Astrid!" Someone called out. I turned around and saw Mason approaching towards me.

"Hey Mason what's up?" I casually asked.

"So theres a carnival this Friday and I was hoping you and your friends could come?" He looked at Gigi and a slight blush covered his cheeks.

Wait a minute...

"Hi I'm Mason, you're Geneva right?" He asked.

"Yeah but I go with Gigi instead." She smiled, but I know right at this moment, she's internally screaming by the fact that a hot guy was talking to her.

The bell rang and I, taking this opportunity (because I'm an amazing specimen) turned around and faced the two.

"Well, I have biology, so..." I turned around and quickly left the corridor.

Gigi will thank me later.

I sat down and five minutes later Mason came in, scanned the room until he stopped at the seat next to me.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked.

"What did I do?" I dumbly asked.


"The whole Gigi thing." He smirked.

"Well..." I stretched "I couldn't help but noticed that you blushed."

His cheeks got redder.

"It's nothing." He mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Oh really?" I smirked.

He looked around and lowered his voice.

"Ok yes, I like her. Happy now?" Gosh he was blushing hard!

"Yes, very!" I squealed "since when?"

"Since junior. Like, she's so different from the rest of the girls. I know she comes from a fucked up family with all the racism and shit, but, you can tell that she's not like them. That's what I like about her. Plus the red hair gives a few brownie points." He teased causing me to laugh.

"But she started dating Austin and that jackass never treated her right." He clenched his fists.

"What do you mean?"

"She was one of those girls that would wait to have sex until finding the perfect guy or marriage. He was a player. He always pressured her into having sex. Until she finally gave in." His voice saddened at the end, causing my heart to break.

"Well, at least you have a chance with her now!" I cheered.

"Look, I'm going to help Gigi with Spanish after school, if you want, I can say a few good words about you and stuff."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah, anything for a friend. Unless we aren't which is cool cause-"

"Astrid, it's ok, I'd like to be your friend." He chuckled at my rambling.

Laughing, I sat up straight and moved my neck, catching sight of Daniel at the back of the classroom with his eyes closed.

Gosh he does look cute when sleeping.

"Stop staring." Mason nudged.

"I wasn't staring, I was simply admiring from afar." I stuck my tongue out.

"You know, he won't give up until you answer his messages."

Shivers ran down my spine. For the last few days, Daniel couldn't stop sending me messages, or call me. It was very annoying.

"Well he must learn that not all girls want to have sex with him." I spat.

"Oh I don't think it's just sex." He mused.


"So answering my question. Are you going to the carnival yes or no?"

I pretended to think for a bit and I nodded my head.

"Cool, just give me your number and we can meet up with the groups"

"Cool beans!" I chirped.

"Oh and one thing" I said "you knew she likes to be called Gigi am I right?"

His cheeks got even redder.


"Why? What's so important about a guy that hallucinates with giants? I mean, was the author even high?" Gigi complained.

"Well its a Spanish classic. I'm sorry if Don Quijote doesn't meet your expectations." I chuckled.

My phone vibrated and I checked who it was.

I see that you're going to carnival. You won't get rid of me that easily ;)

I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone onto the bed, which landed next to Gigi. She picked it up and her eyes widened.

"Is Daniel talking to you?" I nodded.

"Anything you want to tell me? She teased.

"There's nothing between that Scumbag and I. He is repulsive and egotistical." I spat.

"Geez ok." She raised her hands as a sign of defeat.

"Hello ladies!" Oliver sang as he walked down the stairs.

"Hey!" We both said.

"Since I'm bored out of my mind, I decided to come down here and gossip. So, tell me, who got pregnant, who fucked who, was there a teacher involved, tell me now!"

"Well, Astrid has a certain someone-" I threw her a pillow, causing her to laugh out loud.

"Who is he!" Oliver squealed.

I sighed as a I ran my hand through my short hair "Daniel Matthews."

"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" Oliver gasped, Gigi looked confused.

"It's a British expression." I explained.

"Daniel Matthews. The Daniel Matthews. Oh my god what did you do. What did she do?"

"Well she stood up to him, basically insulting his childhood and his lack of hair in his balls."


"Told him to act like a human being and 'quit walking around like you're some fucking cliche' "

My cousin looked at me.

"You guys are so going to end up together." He slowly whispered.

"Ok ok enough!" I turned to Gigi "what about Mason! He seems like a good lad."

Her cheeks reddened.

"He's ok. I mean, he's hot as balls but, I don't think he sees me that way."

"Are you kidding me? He blushed when he saw you. And... I may have mentioned you to him."

"What did he say?"

I shrugged and shook my head, causing her to groan.

"Well that leads to one thing." Oliver concluded "you girls must look hot for the carnival on Friday."

He skipped to my wardrobe and started pulling out dresses.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?

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