《The Greek God》4


A few days later

As the days went by, I grew closer to the girls, we confessed our secrets and personal details. All except me. I wasn't ready.

I learnt that Stephanie came from a drug addict family, and luckily, by the age of six, she was adopted to a white bohemian family, who accepted her sexual liking to girls. Gigi came from a conservative family with a racist attitude. Thankfully she was different from the rest. She told me that the reason why she dyed her hair red was to piss her mother off as her mother believed that it would conjure the devil. She also had a secret boyfriend for nine months. Chelsea was more conservative than the rest. She was an only child and her parents spoiled her.

During lunchtime, Stephanie, Chelsea, Gigi and I sat on a table near the door. Minding our own business, the door bursted open and the four guys came in. Again slow mo.

What's with the slo mo?

All the girls drooled and all the guys were intimidated.

"What's the big deal with these guys?"

Both looked at me and then to each other. "Ok, let's fill you up." Stephanie sighed whilst finishing her juice box.

"So you know their names, but not who they are. They are the bad boys, this means that they sleep with anything that has two legs, tits and a vagina. They call themselves the Greeks."

"Let me guess." I ask raising a brow "Greeks as in Greek Gods?"

"Exactly, well they received the name." Gigi commented whilst looking at her phone.

"Anyways," Stephanie continued "each and every single one of them have a different trait, but, they have one thing in common, they all hump and dump. All except Jack, he has a girlfriend-"

"Going pretty strong though." Chelsea added.

"True. Jack has always been the moody one, like the Hades of the group. Had to have anger management classes to deal with his temperament, but ever since he's been dating Lori, his girl, he's seems pretty chill. Alex, is the funny one, always fools around, pranks people you get it. He uses his charm and humour to get girls. He's the Dionysus. He normally doesn't wear a man bun though." She sighs as though it was a relief.


Which is.

"Moving on to Mason, Daniel's best friend. And by that I mean, best-friends-since-they-were-babies type, Jack and Alex came along later in their lives. But these two, they know everything about each other. Mason's pretty chill and super nice. He's a gentleman, but still a player. People refer to him as Poseidon"

"Finally, we have the Greek God himself. Daniel. Aka Zeus. He is the epitome of Prince Charming. All guys want to be him, and all girls want to be with him. He has humped and dumped almost every girl in this high school and treats them like trash. Hell he can't even remember when or who!"

Just as I expected, all of them, have incredible physiques but awful personalities. Well, except Jack, but still I'm not sure.

Gigi's phone chimed and she let out a tiny squeal.

"Guess who got invited to Alex's party?" Gigi sang with the brightest smile.

"Hmmmm, surprise me?" I teased. Laughing she pointed us four and danced victory whilst we all laughed at her terrible moves.

"Okay, my brother will lend me his car and I'll go and pick you guys up." Stephanie pointed at me "I need your address." Nodding, I send my address through messages.

"The party starts at eleven, so pick us up at ten thirty." Gigi said.


After applying the dark nude lipstick, I stood back and scanned the reflection. I decided to go with a short scarlet velvet cocktail dress which exposed the tattoo on my, rib cage, a thin black choker, black boots and a few rings. My make up was simple, just eyeliner and a nude lip.

What can I say? Slutty yet Classy.

I could hear a car horn outside, and since it was still August, I just grabbed my phone, tucked it in my bra and left a note to Oliver that I was at a party.

Gigi, Chelsea and Stephanie waited for me outside, and as soon as I walked out, all three girls started to whistle, making me twirl and laugh.

Gigi straightened her fiery red hair, reaching her butt, she looked good in her tight leather dress. Stephanie led out her wild black curls and chose a white top and some metallic shorts. Chelsea on the other hand, exposed less skin and she decided to go with a blue dress that reached a bit over her knees, her blonde locks curled.


We reached the right house. I mean, it was the only house filled with weed, horny teens and alcohol in the neighbourhood. Once we got into the house, I scanned the whole area for exits.

I didn't want to end up like the last time. That was unforgettable.

"Hey come one let's dance!" Gigi interrupted my dark thoughts and pulled me into the dance floor. Kanye West blared through the speakers whilst she and I danced whilst screaming the lyrics. Stephanie and Chelsea came towards us with two cups on each hand, Gigi chugged hers down whilst I kindly declined. Still scanning the room, I noticed the Greek gods were in the room. Both Mason and Alex were walking around the room, talking and laughing with everyone as the stopped, holding their cups. Jack was talking to some guys whilst an arm placed over a girls shoulders. I squinted to see who the girl was, but the only think I got was that she had long black hair.

"That's Lori, Jack's girlfriend." Stephanie motioned.

I realised that the mighty Greek god himself wasn't there with them. Shrugging, I began to listen to the girls.

"I hope Daniel's here." Chelsea chirped "I mean, I'm not wearing this dress for nothing!"

"You spent 15o dollars on that?" Stephanie shrieked.

"I know right? I just hope he sees me and drools." She sighed.

Gigi and I looked at each other. "She is so obsessed with him." I laughed and agreed.

It wasn't until my throat was begging for water, so the four of us went to the kitchen for water.

There he was.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge, he wasn't wearing his beanie, but still looked attractive. I stood on the side where the sink was and filled my cup. As soon as I turned around, I saw Daniel talking to Chelsea. Well that dress didn't go to waste.

The rest of the girls left Chelsea and sat on the coach, well, the only space where there weren't any horny teens. We laughed and talked, and the girls drank their cups.

Seconds later, Gigi was talking about going to college to surprise her boyfriend until she gasped at mid sentence and pointed towards the crowd, the two of us followed her gaze and screamed. Chelsea was making out with Daniel. The crowd cheered and we joined.

"What the fuck?" A girl screamed. Shit. It was Mikaela. The three of us stood up and grabbed our stuff. I noticed the girl got closer to Chelsea and Daniel, whilst they were still making out, so I quickly made my way through and pulled Chelsea away.

"Psycho bitch is coming. Let's go." Whilst I handed her coat. Nodding, I pulled her away from Daniel, only for him to shrug and leave.


We managed to get into the car and within five seconds, Chelsea and Gigi passed out.

"God they drank tonight." I chuckled.

"I've gotten used to Gigi, but not Chelsea, though she got wild!" She laughed and I joined.

Silence took over for the rest of the journey

"Daniel is a bad boy, Chelsea is too innocent." She sighed, breaking the silence.

"I know, I don't want her to get hurt also. But if he does, I'll kick his bloody arse." I tried lightening up.

"God you're too British!" Mission completed.

Once the car stopped at my house, Stephanie called me out once I got out of the car.

"Hey!" I turned around "how come you didn't drink?"

I froze.

Flashbacks began to replay in my mind, causing shivers to run down my spine.

I'm not ready.

"Long story." I sighed, hoping she'll understand.

She knew I was keeping something.

"Well, whatever it is, I won't pressure you. You'll tell me when you're ready. I understand." she smiled at me. But it wasn't a sympathetic smile, nor it was filled with pity. Her smile was filled with warmth and love. As if she would wait for me to be ready.

I never witnessed such a smile.

I nodded and turned towards the house. As I entered, Oliver entered into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Fun night?"

"The best." And for the very first time, a true genuine smile appeared on my face.

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