《The Alpha's House ✔️》Chapter 20


Penelope's POV

It's been two months since our first time, and every time since has felt just as magical as the first. I never thought that I would escape Percy, and never once did I think I would meet the love of my life. The past two months have been intense with the threat of a possible war looming over our heads. I am worried, of course, but I have been trying not to let Percy ruin anymore of my life. I can sense how worried James has been, and I have been trying to calm him down as much as possible. When I woke up this morning, James' side of the bed was untouched, which means he probably spent all night working in the office. He's been spending a lot of time working in the office trying to organize support from neighboring packs. I know as the alpha he has to do everything he can to protect the pack, but both me and my wolf miss him.

After showering I slipped on some lingerie I bought with Ella, and threw a robe on top. I tip toe to his office, and find James sleeping on his couch with papers all over his chest and the floor. Carefully I brush off the papers from his chest, then I climb on top of him. Straddling him, I lean forward wrapping my arms around his neck. Kissing his mark I feel him stir underneath me.

"Good morning baby!" He whispers in my ear.

"Good morning. I missed you last night."

"Sorry, I had a conference call, and must have fallen asleep while review the paperwork."

"That's okay" I whisper, but can feel my eyes tearing up.

He notices right away and quickly sits up hugging me close to him, "What's the matter," I start to shake my head, "Penny please tell me."


"I'm sorry I don't know why I am so emotional. It's just that I miss you so much, and I feel like we haven't been able to spend any time together."

"Don't apologize for telling me how you feel. I was waiting to tell you, but I had planned a special evening for us. However," my heart begins to sink, "I'm going to mind link Noah, and he will take care of my morning duties, and I can spend my morning with my gorgeous mate," my smile grows, "in bed" he growls looking down as my now opened robe.

I can't help, but giggle as I think about what he has planned. I see his eyes glaze over as he mindlinks Noah. I feel butterflies in my stomach as I think about us spending the day together. After he finishes talking to Noah, he throws me over his shoulder, and we make our way to the bedroom.

We spent the morning together in bed then in the shower. We just finished our shower, and James told me to get dressed up while he checks in on how everything is going with Noah. I am currently doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom when I hear a noise coming from the bedroom. James must be back so I finish doing my mascara before walking into the room. The smile falls from my face when I see that the room is empty. The window however must have blown open creating the noise. The weather has been getting colder, so I hurry to close the window before I walk to the closet finding a long black dress.

After slipping on the dress, I walk out when a slip of paper on the bed catches my eye. Walking over I pick up the note, with a smile on my face. As I read the note, I quickly realize it is not from James.


Good evening Love,

I cannot wait to spend time with you. My love for you is truer than you will ever know. I promise to show you my love everyday until you feel the same way. I love you Pippa.

As soon as I see the nickname Pippa my heart rate picks up. Flashbacks races through my mind, and my knees feel weak. I jump as I hear the door open, but relax when I realize it is James. I shove the note under my pillow before I turn around and hug him tightly.

"Is everything alright? I could sense you in distress."

"Every things alright, I am just... I am just nervous I am not dressed right." I feel him relax.

"You look beautiful, as always." I force a smile trying to forget about the note.

I know I should tell him, but I want to spend the night together, not with him worrying in his office. We walk outside and he guides me to a sleek black car. He drives to the outer edge of the pack to a beautiful little restaurant. We are escorted to a private room in the back. The majority of the pack know I am the Luna, but we are waiting to have the public ceremony until everything with the rouge army is figured out.

We enjoy appetizers, and talk about small things like our favorite books, and movies. I just enjoy spending time with him. Everything is going great until they brought out the main course. As soon as they brought James' shrimp pasta into the room, I felt extremely nauseous.

"James, I am going to the bathroom real quick." I excuse myself rushing to the bathroom.

I throw up into the toilet and spend a few minutes just dry heaving. When I am finally done, I rinse my mouth out at the sink. After collecting myself, I walk out of the bathroom. I am pulled into a pair of arms, and am immediately tense as I know it isn't James. I am about to scream when a feel something cold pressed against my neck.

"Don't scream Pippa, I won't hesitate to slit your throat." he hisses in my ear. Before I can react, a rag is pressed to my mouth and I find myself passing out.

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