《The Alpha's House ✔️》Chapter 18


Moaning I wake up to the feeling a warm kisses on my neck. I lean my head to the side giving him more access. The kisses trailed from my neck down to my chest. I suck in a deep breath when he sucked my nipple into his mouth. I moan as the sucking sensation sends a hot jolt to my core. I begin thrusting my hips, moaning in need. His mouth moved from my chest down my stomach. The trail neared the one place I wanted them most. His mouth met my core-

Gasping I sit upright in bed; covered in sweat my pajama shirt was clinging to my back. Groaning I realize it was all a dream that must be caused by my heat cycle. It had been a month since my last heat, and I must have lost track of time with everything that has been going on. Apparently Percy is a part of some rouge army, that is planning an attack on our pack. James and Noah have been busy preparing the pack for war with training and strategizing. Since both our mates have been so busy, Ella and I have been spending all of our time together. Her and Ryan, Owen's mate, have become my best friends. Not only have we been hanging out, Ella has also been able to help me and Ryan work through our problems caused by Percy. Lately I have been talking to Ella about taking the next step in the mating process, but I have yet to tell James, not wanting to get his hopes up.

I turn to look at James to see if I had disturbed him, but his side of the bed remained untouched. Sighing I get out of bed and wrap myself in a robe. I wipe the sleeve across my sweaty forehead, hoping to look less sweaty. I stumble down the hall to James' office. I quietly open the door to find him asleep on a stack of papers looking exhausted. Walking over I lean in and kiss his check. He stirs slightly, so I begin rubbing his shoulders. He moans and sits up. With his eyes still closed he pulls me into his lap and buries his face into my neck. He growls, and his grip on me tightens as he smells my heat.


"Penelope," he growls, "You shouldn't be here, I won't be able to control myself. I can't control myself. Ezra wants control, baby I won't be able to stop him if you stay here."

"Maybe you shouldn't stop him." I whisper.

Before he could react I feel a blush spread across my face, and I quickly hide against his chest. James lets out a growl before pulling me back, so we were looking eye-to-eye.

"Penny, you know what you are saying, right? This is serious, we will reach a point of no return, and I won't be able to stop even if you change your mind."

I nod as I feel something poking me.

"In the future I would be able to stop if you change your mind, but your wolf is in heat, and so Ezra is taking over. I will be in a primal state, with no control."

My heart flutters, I know Ezra is killing him right now to just shut up and take me, but he wants to make sure it is what I want. He is putting me and my needs before his wolf, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"I have been talking with Ella and Owen, and I have wanted this, and now I am ready. Plus Storm has been going crazy, and I feel like if we don't do this now then our wolves will just take over."

"Okay, if you are sure, sweetie."

"Yes-" he cuts me off by kissing me with a passion and love I have never experienced before. I lift his shirt, and he only breaks the kiss to take it off over his head. He begins kissing me again grabbing my hips firmly with his large hands. Something shift, and we begin scrambling to take each other's clothes off. Once we were both naked he steps back staring at me up and down. I find myself becoming self-conscious, and my eyes well-up with tears. All of my scars are on display, but instead of having disgust in my eyes, they shone with love.


"You are perfect." He says before pulling me back in for another kiss.

I pull back and take a look at him. I gasp as I look at his length, I have seen him shirtless, but nothing could prepare me for the perfection in front of me. Before I could do anything immense pain took over. I scream falling to the floor on my hands and knees. The sound a bones breaking joins my screaming. I look down and see paws in place of my hands. All of the sudden, I am running through the hall to our room. I turn around and saw Ezra's black wolf running behind me playfully nipping at my tail.

"Our first shift is amazing! Look at our mate!" Storm says in my mind.

Before I could respond another voice shocks me, "Are you alright Penny? I think us acting on your heat gave your wolf enough strength to shift for the first time. I think we now have to take a backseat to our wolves because there is no way Ezra is giving me back control."

Storm nods before playfully lunging at Ezra. Ezra quickly has Storm pinned beneath him, and growls. He buries his snout into Storm's neck.

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