《Violet》«Chapter 24 - Confession.»
I can't do this anymore.
Adrian and I were sitting on the long couch in the living room with Alora with us. She was keeping herself busy by playing on the carpet that was positioned in front of the tv, with some plastic toys from a toy box. As for now, she was frolicking a doll up and down on the wooden floor, making a clattering sound.
Adrian sat right beside me, a laugh escaped his lips when he reacted to a joke that was played on the tv. His sapphire colored eyes glowed whenever he was smiling or laughing, which made me want to stare at them for the rest of my life. The sharp angle of his jaw, straight nose and the delicate complexion of his skin only added to his handsomeness.
Stop. Now I'm staring at him.
I blinked my eyes several times to avert or tear my gaze and regain consciousness of the world that surrounded me, other than Adrian. My mind was completely distracted by Adrian that I barely paid attention to anything throughout the past few days.
I was all over the place on my 24th birthday that we celebrated with Darcy and Lexie a couple days ago. I kept looking at Adrian the entire time.
Oh no... I really do love him.
Just the thought of love had me shuddering with fear. What would I do with loving someone? Tell them, and expect them to love me back? Maybe that would be possible between an actual couple, but not between me and Adrian. I believe that if I confess my love for him, he would laugh at me and I would be completely humiliated.
But another small part of me says the contrary. Maybe Adrian would understand my love and love me back. Or worst case scenario, he would kindly decline my love.
No. That'll be more of a heartbreak than my heart can actually undergo. Although, I could just keep my feelings to myself and pretend that I never fell in love with Adrian. But I couldn't help but accept to the truth that I might drive myself insane thinking about Adrian all the time.
Maybe I should just tell him and get over with my trapped feelings. Regardless of his reaction, I would still feel free by some means.
Though... I still think that I would break if he turns my love down. Thinking about all of this makes me want to pull my hair and scream. I didn't know what to do anymore.
"Violet? You alright?"
I was so tangled with my thoughts that when I heard Adrian ask me a question, I jumped. I placed a hand to my chest, sensing my hastily thumping heart beneath.
Everything suddenly felt too hot and it caused me to breathe difficultly. I gaped at him for a while, my eyes perusing every inch of his ravishing face. I, clearly caught in a thick web of embarrassment, nodded my head. "Y-yeah."
Adrian slowly arched his left eyebrow and shifted himself closer to me so that he was an arms length away from me. His lips were pursed as if he were contemplating about what I was doing and why I was acting vigorously when he asked me a simple question. Those blue eyes examined me firmly, and all I could do was stare back at him.
"Really? I was speaking to you for some time before you jumped and I don't think you heard a word. Are you seriously okay?" Adrian stated and asked me suspiciously at the same time.
The most obvious answer was no. I was too busy trying to not ogle at his handsome self and distracting myself with my thoughts. But I couldn't say that to Adrian.
"I'm fine. Sorry, I wasn't listening. Um... d-did you want to tell me something?" I asked attempting to change the topic. My cheeks were probably as red as tomatoes, which only added to the skeptical opinion that Adrian had on me.
Luckily he complied with my question, but not before throwing curious nod at me. Adrian then moved even more closer to me so that we sat only centimeters away from each other.
He swept my loose hair from my shoulder behind my ear with his supple fingers. "My parents' anniversary is coming up and they invited us both for dinner at their house. I wanted to tell you beforehand, just incase." He whispered in my ear, causing a trail of goosebumps to rise on the skin near my neck.
I wasn't entirely sure why he had to whisper it in my ear but I knew that it had an immediate effect on me. "Oh, I'm o-okay with t-that."
I chuckled nervously at the end of my sentence as I knew I was screwed.
From the corner of my eyes, I watched Adrian's lips tilt up into a smirk, and I instantly knew.
He was teasing me!
He knew that I was somewhat distracted and so he decided to tease me for my attention. I internally groaned at the situation that I was enduring. What do I do?
I felt a light pressure pulling at my jeans, followed by a giggle. Alora's tiny head poked out from under my knee, a big smile evident on her face. "Mama!" She squealed and patted my knee, letting me know that she wanted to be lifted. I took that as a chance to escape from Adrian and his teasing. I leaned forward in my seat and grabbed ahold of Alora around her waist and pulled her up on my lap.
I made sure to change my previous, vulnerable position to a more comfortable position away from Adrian, even if it was a meter between us.
I glimpsed down at my lap and all my thoughts disappeared for a while. My baby, Alora, was growing. She would be two years old soon and I couldn't have been more prouder of my baby.
Her brown hair grew thicker and her hands and legs grew longer. Her beautiful brown eyes made her look like an angel.
During the time I was keeping myself busy by examining Alora, I forgot about Adrian's presence. This was the only way that I could've diverted my mind off of him, but he still found a way to repossess my awareness.
His muscular arm enclosed around my waist and I unexpectedly felt my self being tugged backwards, into a warm embrace. I wanted to turn around and push myself away but I decided to stay. It felt safe with my back pressed against him.
I stared at Alora in a way to calm my leaping nerves. This wasn't good, this was terrible. On one hand I was trying to analyze my feelings for Adrian and tell him about them, but on the other hand, I just wanted to avoid his presence which claimed to be difficult.
The worst thing was that I could feel his feather like breaths tickle at the skin near my neck whilst his fingers drew circles on my waist. I forbid myself from even gulping, incase I chocked on it out of my timid nature.
Alora giggled and hugged Adrian's arms whilst resting her head under my chest. From a strangers point of view, we'd look like happy family, which we were, but I was far from happy and more on the anxious side.
My heart was beating so loud that I was pretty sure that Adrian could hear it. "You seem to be thinking a lot lately Violet... Is it anything important?" I heard Adrian whisper in my left ear, his voice sounded velvety.
"N-no." I lied as I struggled to form a sentence. My breaths grew short and my throat became dried. Adrian hummed in a disapproving tone, clearly sensing my lie. He kissed my left cheek delicately, provoking the fireworks of sparks within in me.
"You sure?" He murmured gently.
Using the courage that was left in me, I turned around till his face was in my view. As soon as my eyes met his, my whole world shifted beneath my feet, again.
"It's nothing Adrian."
It's everything about you.
I dug my spoon into my slice of vanilla flavored cake and scooped a tablespoon in advance before submerging it within my mouth. My tongue engulfed the strong taste of sugared icing and cake, forging my tastebuds to sigh in satisfaction.
I drew my attention around me and noticed everyone else sitting at the dining table doing the same, including Alora who sat atop a high chair beside me and helped herself to the dessert with her own hands, to which she smeared icing all over her mouth.
We were at Mr and Mrs Hayes' house and we were celebrating their anniversary with a delicious vanilla cake as dessert after we had feasted upon our dinner. Adrian had congratulated them with some gifts, consisting of two bracelets for either one of his parents that had a connecting heart attached to them.
I was feeling sad that I only made them a card, but Adrian assured to me that they would love it, and they surprisingly accepted my card joyously. I thought that they were too happy celebrating their anniversary with us that they didn't care about anything else.
I reached over to Alora in my seat and wiped her mouth and palms using a napkin, before she got icing all over the place. A cheeky smile settled on her face as she eyed the cake on my plate, which made me chuckle. I mashed a part of my cake and scooped it using my spoon and then pushed it toward her mouth to which she eagerly welcomed by opening her mouth.
"Look at who's hungry." I turned my head to my left and found Mrs Hayes with a smile on her face, expressing her thoughts. Mr and Mrs Hayes have seen Alora before, although it was briefly.
Today they finally got to see her and their impressions on her seemed very gleeful. I chuckled lightly at Mrs Hayes' comment. "Alora's got quite a sweet tooth. I don't wanna complain though, both of us can munch on sweets together." Adrian joked from beside me, earning laughter from all of us.
Adrian was dressed up in a black suit with a white button up shirt, a black tie, black trousers along with black shoes. He looked strikingly handsome, his blond hair was pushed back, his jawline was sharp and his eyes were as radiant as always. Every time I locked gazes with him I couldn't help but swoon over him. He looked perfect.
I dressed up in a purple colored dress and black high heels. It had a V-neck design which wasn't too deep, and it ended near my mid thigh. My hair was set loose and trailed down to my waist. I dressed Alora in a white dress and white shoes, which created a cute appearance for her.
"Still haven't gotten over your addiction for sweets son?" Mr Hayes asked with a laugh. "No dad, and I will make sure not to." Adrian answered as he brought his glass of wine to his lips and sipped it, a smirk surfacing his lips.
Mr Hayes nodded and clapped his hands in response to his son's bold answer. Mrs Hayes and I were laughing the entire time that followed their conversation.
"I'm still at awe by looking at my grandchild." Mrs Hayes planted her eyes carefully on Alora, who was staring wide at her with a giggle. "She's truly a grace, isn't she?" She gushed, turning toward Adrian and me. "I'm very glad to see you all as a family... I feel blessed each time I think about Adrian and you."
The candles that burned around the table illuminated a soft look on Mrs Hayes' face, and I could make out a small tear trailing down her cheek as she wiped it away gingerly.
My heart cracked as I saw her come undone of her emotions. Mr Hayes placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Dola has always been emotional," He pointed at Adrian and me with a comedic look on his face. "So don't you mind her." In response, Mrs Hayes frowned and slapped his hand that was on her shoulder. "You're too mean. I'm beginning to hate you Henry."
Mr Hayes laughed and hugged his wife dearly in his arms. "I love you too." My heart eased up after watching them joking back and forth, and
I grinned. It was heartwarming to see their strong bond of love after many years of staying together. I kept on replaying Mrs Hayes' words in my mind.
Adrian and you... you all as a family.
Would Adrian and I ever be like that? Loving and caring? I turned my head towards my right. My eyes immediately met his observant ones. Was he thinking the same thing that I was thinking?
Did he love me too?
Questions blasted through my mind like a firework show, one after the other. Each question had its own special features as would each firework have. I didn't know for how long I stared at Adrian, but I did know that my feelings for him were pure. I loved him, and there's nothing that could stop me from doing so.
"Mama! Dada!" Alora squealed, hauling me out of my daydreaming land and into reality. I switched my attention onto her, and saw her tiny fingers pointed at Mr and Mrs Hayes who were busy smearing cake over each other's faces. I threw a perplexed expression on my face as I watched them giggle like children.
"It's a ridiculous tradition they follow. On their first anniversary, they spread their anniversary cake all over their faces. It's been part of their anniversary ever since." I heard Adrian whisper from beside me, the corners of his mouth tilted up into a smile as he watched his parents. I chuckled.
Would Adrian and I turn out like this?
I laid Alora down in her crib and pulled her fluffy blanket up until her chin. The journey back her took us a while and it was almost twelve in the morning. Alora fell asleep halfway through the drive and once we arrived.
I swapped her dress for a comfy onesie that had miniature unicorns imprinted on it. I was still in my dress and didn't bother to change cause I was going to do something beyond my capability.
I placed a kiss on her forehead before I straightened my back and walked to my door. I shiver of trepidation went down my spine as I took in a deep breath, facing the closed wooden door. I was going to do it. I was going to tell him how I felt, or else the feeling that was obsessing my mind would end up killing me.
It was now or never.
Following my optimistic thoughts, I placed my right hand firmly on the door's handle and pressed down till the door unlocked itself from the doorframe. I pushed the door open and allowed myself to tiptoe out of my room as soundlessly as possible. Then I proceeded to tiptoe across the corridor till I reached Adrian's door.
My heart was performing summersaults when I thought about knocking on his door. I reached my hand up to knock but couldn't. My nervousness overpowered my confidence and I found myself slowly sinking away into my thoughts once again. Why couldn't I do it? I just needed to push my fist against the door a couple of times and wait for Adrian to open the door, it was easy.
Unexpectedly, the door swung open and I froze. My eyes were probably at the widest length that they could ever be. My vision grew blurry and I blinked several times to regain my posture. Adrian stood at the foot of his door and stared at me, a little shocked. He had on a white t-shirt and black shorts, clearly meaning that he was getting ready for bed. A sense of guilt washed over me for trying to disturb him from his sleep.
"Violet? What are you doing? I thought that you'd be asleep... is everything alright?" Adrian frowned at me, curiosity lacing his voice. His eyes were completely shadowed by the lack of light and I found it more intimidating to speak to him. My heart pounded loudly in my ears as I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly to try and make out an actual sentence.
"W-w need to t-t-talk." I stuttered and anxiously avoided feeling the burn of his stare. A few seconds that felt like minutes passed by of silence and I was starting to think that he didn't hear me.
His lips were pressed into a thin line as I felt him scrutinizing my face for a reason as to why I was behaving like this. I saw him nod his head confusedly and move aside from his doorframe, inviting me into his room.
I gave him a small smile before stepping into his room. I heard him close the door behind me as I walked up to his window. I peered out the window and realized how dark the night was. I was beyond terrified now. Was I making the right choice about confessing my love to Adrian. Maybe I should jump out the window and escape?
Although the idea was appealing, I knew that I wouldn't have been able to do it. But it wasn't that that stopped me, it was Adrian. "You wanted to speak?"
I spun around and came to close contact with Adrian. His bed lamp was switched on so it brightened up the room enough that I could visibly see his face. His body was only inches away from mine, I could feel his cold breath on my face. "Um... y-yeah." I responded to his question in a slow pace, considering each of my words carefully.
Adrian moved closer to me and leaned down till he was in a face to face level with me and placed his hands on either one of my shoulders gently. The tension between the two of us felt thick and I quivered slightly when his hands touched my skin. "What is it, Violet?" He whispered whilst he gazed deeply into my eyes, a chill went up my spine. It was blue against brown and I defeatedly shook my head, strands of my hair fluttering past as I did so.
This was it.
My words were struggling to be voiced due to how jittery I felt in this intense moment. "Adrian... I-" Tears brimmed my eyes as I tried to confess. "I... I love you."
As soon as I revealed my feelings to Adrian, I felt a huge weight lifting off my shoulders. I did it. The emotion of joy spread throughout me.
But silence followed my admission. My heart sank for a moment in realization. I peeked at Adrian from behind my lashes and found his eyebrows furrowed together, as if he were in a battle of thoughts.
His eyes were tinted bluer than usual and his mouth agape. He didn't love me, did he? I was too fast in addressing my love that I didn't acknowledge if he even loved me.
I stepped back and pushed his hands off of me, coldly. "I'm sorry..." I dawdled up till I reached him and then circled around him in order to leave his room immediately while ignoring the humiliation and heartache I had perceived.
I hadn't walked away for long before two arms drew and caged me against a hard surface.
"I-I'm sorry Adrian, but I love you. I didn't mean to fall in love with you, i-it just happened..." I sobbed as tears cascaded down my cheeks. "I love you Addie..." His hold tightened around me and I trembled.
Why did I fall in love with him?
This was a mistake. I shouldn't have listened to my heart. I began to break apart the grip he had around me but found it difficult to do. "Let m-me go." I tried to break his connected arms away again, but it was no use, he wouldn't budge. "I love you too, Violet." Those five words that escaped from his lips made me freeze in my tracks. He loved me too?
I was turned around and faced up with Adrian, a heartwarming smile spreading across his lips. "I have loved you for a while now, Violet. I never knew if you felt the same and... you do." He extended his hands up to my face and cupped either one of my cheeks, causing warmth to escalate through my body.
"The more time we spent together, the more I fell for you. I couldn't stop myself from falling for you, even though I knew how much you hated my existence." He whispered ardently whilst maintaining eye contact with me. "I will always love you, till the day I die, Violet." Adrian dipped his head lower towards my lips then whispered. "I love you Violet."
His lips met mine and I moved my lips in sync with his. Happiness was rippling within me. I loved him and he loved me back. This was all that I had wanted since the past few days, and I got it. Our love was a success. My heart swelled at the thought of Adrian and me in love. This was perfect.
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