《My Unwanted Child》Chapter 9


Mia POV:

It's finally Thursday! I already packed all our bags last night and made David load the truck. I talked to Jack who was almost here as well. As we were getting a few last minute items Ethan ran into my arms. "Mommy I can't wait to go to the beach!" I kissed his head, "I know baby. We're going to have so much fun. Did you grab your beach toys?" He nodded over enthusiastically. Once we got the last of our stuff Jack was here as well. "Babygirl, you want me to drive?" I shook my head. "No way. You're a horrible driver!" He scoffed but Jack and Ethan were in the backseat both nodding in agreement. I heard David murmur "traders" which just made me laugh before we pulled out.

I was playing my playlist which contains a mix of everything from oldies, classic rock, metal, hip hop, dance, pop well you get the picture. Jack was laughing at me cause my playlist went from brown eyed girl to Biggie. "Whatever dude." Then I heard Ethan "yeah dude, my mom plays the best music. She should be a DJ!" I nodded my head. "See, I'm the best. Thank you baby." Ethan smiled triumphantly. "Anything to make my mommy smile." I heard jack say "suck up" under his breath which then my son elbowed Jack. I swear I am surrounded by children.

Traffic sucked, but we were all having so much fun that we didn't care. We pulled up into the rental house and I was surprised. I thought we would be getting a bungalow or a little cottage not a mansion on the beach. "Damn boss lady." Jack whistled. "I feel like this can't be right, did you double check the address David?" He nodded and showed me the confirmation. We parked the car in front of the house and I was happy to see the real estate agent waiting for us.

"Mrs. Constantine?" She asked. "Ms. Actually." She looked down at my son and the two guys following me and just smiled. "Of course Ms. Constantine. I'm so sorry to tell you this but my firm made a mistake. The owner will be here during the weekend and someone failed to mark it on the calendar." You've go to be kidding me. "Okay, is their other accommodations we can rent for the next four nights?" She looked down. "Unfortunately everything is booked solid with it being Labor Day weekend." I instantly pinched the bridge of my nose. "Then what do we do exactly?" She seemed nervous but finally spoke. "The owner has been made aware of the situation. He is willing to allow you all to stay. The master bedroom would have been off limits anyway. There are 7 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. Also, since the owner will be here his staff will be as well and they would be happy to accommodate to any need you like. It's a large house, if you would be okay he is happy to allow you and your guests to stay.


I looked over at David who just shrugged his shoulders. Then I looked at Ethan who was eyeing out the beach with so much excitement. "Okay I guess we will stay. The realtor clapped her hands. "Wonderful, I do apologize again but I promise the owner agreed to stay out of your way and you have full use of the home. The only rooms that are prohibitive is the master and the study." I just nodded. "Thanks." Then I signaled the guys to start grabbing the bags. The butler met us at the entrance and recommended some guest rooms for us. I was in utter awe at the house. It was huge. To be honest though, it's not my taste, everything felt so staged. I prefer a smaller more homey feel. But who am I to complain when we are staying here for free.

We all went to our rooms and started unpacking. Ethan was with me "helping". As he calls it. After I was finished we went to Ethan's room which was right next door. What shocked me was the room was set up for a child. The walls were blue and the ceiling was covered in clouds. There were also translucent stars lining the ceiling. There were toys galore around the room as well and everything was setup for a little boy. Maybe the owner has a young son. I just shrugged it off. Ethan was ecstatic and that's all that matters.

We all decided to take a dip in the pool since it was just noon now. The butler was nice enough to bring drinks and snacks for us even though I insisted that wasn't necessary and I could grab everything myself. Ethan was like a little fish swimming around. Jack taught Ethan how to swim by 10 months old, apparently Jack was a life guard and swim teacher while he was in college. Now Ethan is honestly a better swimmer then me. We swam and ate lunch by the pool then went back to swimming.

By 4:30 we all decided to go shower and change. I threw on a long flowing summer dress and sandals. I put my hair up into a high ponytail and like always kept my makeup simple. I told David and Jack they were free to do whatever but they wanted us all to hangout together which made Ethan very happy. Once we were all ready we headed into town. We walked around and did some shopping and then decided to grab dinner.


As we were eating I ran into a business associate. "Ms. Constantine?" I turned and stood up to shake his hand. "How are you Mr. Russel?" He chuckled, "please call me Gus." I nodded "then please call me Mia." His smile brightened. "It's so nice to see you out of a conference room. Is this your family?" He asked while looking at our table. "Yes, this is my son Ethan, my brother David and a very close family friend Jack." He said his hellos to everyone. "Well Mia, I would love for you to come to the white party on Saturday as my guest. Of course your family is invited as well" Then he leaned in, "I know some wonderful babysitters, the party isn't exactly child friendly but on Sunday we have a family friendly party that your son would love." I smiled. "Thank you Gus, that's very nice, but.." he cut me off. "No buts, I insist, I'll add your name to the guest list. Have a wonderful night Mia." Then he walked away.

I sat back down. "Guess we're going to a party Saturday night?" David squealed. I saw Jack looking uncomfortable. "No, you guys go. I'll stay back with my little man." I smiled at Ethan who was oblivious to our conversation cause he was eating. Jack was about to say something when i glared at him. "Jack, don't even. You're off duty remember? You came as my guess and friend." He tried to say a word but I held my hand up shaking my head. "Not one word." He finally gave into defeat.

Once we finished our dinner we walked around some more and found a great ice cream shop for dessert. Then we headed back to the mansion cause I refuse to call it a beach house, it's a damn mansion. Ethan was already asleep and Jack being Jack insisted on carrying him to bed. I decided to change into something more comfortable. I threw on some yoga shorts and a white tank top. I opted for no bra cause my tank top has a built in sports bra and I wanted to be comfortable.

I made my way downstairs to find the guys raiding the fridge and bar. "Didn't we just eat like an hour and half ago and we had ice cream what, thirty minutes ago?" The boys looked over at me and just shrugged in unison. They both ate while I just grabbed a beer. Yeah I know, not classy but I don't care. I like beer. We decided to sit out back and hang out since we had an amazing view of the ocean.

Jack and David where whispering and they both started laughing. "What? What's so funny?" Jack couldn't contain his laughter but David calmed down a little. "You cold Mia?" I was confused. "No, why?" He looked down at my chest then said "you could cut diamonds with those." Then he burst out laughing and Jack was basically rolling on the floor in tears from laughing. I looked down and saw my nipples sticking out. "You guys are so juvenile!" They still kept laughing. I got up and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed another beer and sighed.

I was about to head back outside when someone cleared their throat. I looked up and froze. What the actual fuck?

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