《The Hot Doctor》BONUS SCENES ♡
Here are some additional scenes that I wrote, but didn't make it in the actual story. I didn't want these scenes to go to waste, so I'm sharing them with you all.
Enjoy! :)
Today's been a pretty normal day at the hospital. Not too busy, but it isn't extremely slow either. Currently, I stand at a desk, entering some information about a patient into the computer. I feel a large hand clap me on the back, startling me.
"Dr. Peterson." Dr. Raymond says, and I smile.
"How can I help you?" I ask politely.
Dr. Raymond is our Chief of Staff, and I'm always on my best behavior around him. Not saying that I'm normally slacking and not doing my job when he isn't around, but I make sure that I'm even more professional when he's around.
"You're needed in the emergency room. There's a patient with a pretty serious knee injury." He informs me, and I nod.
"How serious is it?" I ask, and he sighs.
"Let's walk and talk, shall we?"
Before I step away from the desk, I make sure that the work I was getting close to finishing won't be tampered with and save it a few times just to be safe. Dr. Raymond hands me a clipboard as we walk side by side to the ER.
"One of the men who were in the ambulance had asked the patient a few questions and they put the information on this sheet."
We slow our pace as I take the time to scan the information, and the image is glued to my eyeballs until I can get to a computer. A nurse exits a room nearby, and orders us to follow her.
We look at the x-rays, all gasping in unison. Alexandrianna or Alex, the patient, has completely dislocated her knee. She has lateral displacement and dislocation of her patella. I wince just looking at the MRI and x-rays because I know that cannot be pleasant at all.
"This is really serious." I say, continuing to look at the x-rays.
"Yeah, she's obviously in a lot of pain." The nurse says, and she takes me out of the room.
We walk side by side, and we finally get to the ER.
"So this patient has a knee dislocation and is going to need a reduction. You're the best doctor that we know that can complete this task." The nurse says.
I'm one of the youngest doctors here at this hospital being at the tender age of twenty four. Sometimes, I can tell that some of the older doctors are a bit envious of how much success and achievements I've already had.
I'm not arrogant or haughty, because that's not how I was raised. My parents are both humble and respectable, and they taught myself and my siblings how to be that same way.
We finally reach the patients room, but before I go in, the nurse stops me.
"What?" I demand.
"Are you a hundred percent sure that you're ready to perform another reduction? It's a pretty serious procedure." She asks.
"I know what I'm doing."
"Just be sure to tell her everything that's going to happen, okay?"
"Okay, okay. I'll tell her." I say.
I push the curtains back, and the young woman in the bed automatically looks up at me. I take a look at her, and I find myself already admiring her features.
She's gorgeous.
Alexandrianna has long brown hair that flows down to her breasts, and her eyes match. That chocolate brown is something that I could stare into for hours and let it consume me.
Rian, stop.
This is a patient.
Alex's cheeks become noticeably pink, and I stop myself from grinning.
Why is she blushing?
Is she nervous?
That's so adorable.
I shake the thoughts from my mind, clearing my throat before beginning to speak to her.
"We've taken a look at your x-Rays, and your knee is definitely dislocated." I inform her.
Her eyes widen, and she looks overwhelmed with worrying thoughts. I want to try and calm her down, but I don't really know if that would be appropriate.
"What's gonna happen to me?" Alex asks, hyperventilating.
"It's okay, Alex. We're going to perform a reduction in about an hour or so." I reply with a chuckle, trying to assuage her worries.
I don't want her to be afraid.
"I'm Dr. Rian Peterson, by the way. Nice to meet you, Alex." I politely say, holding out my hand.
I notice the slight tremble in her hand as she's reaching out. I firmly shake her hand to mask how nervous I am. As I begin to feel this unfamiliar warmth spread throughout my bones and my veins, our eyes lock, and I feel my heartbeat accelerate.
Why do I feel nervous? She's just a patient!
All of these thoughts swim around my brain, overwhelming me. Alex is a patient and nothing more, it's not like I'd even have a chance with the girl anyway.
I inform her about everything that's going to happen without freaking her out even more, and I can't help but listen to this voice in my head.
You're losing it, Rian.
Something's seriously wrong with me if I'm romantically interested in a patient.
After my shift is finished, I go home, extremely confused as to what's going on with my mind. Alexandrianna is a beautiful girl, nice girl, and I can tell she's trying to move past her tragic upbringing.
She deserves so much more than that.
I want to give her something that makes her realize that not everyone is going to hurt her.
Whether I have a chance with her or not, there's no denying that she deserves a lot.
Maybe I am falling for a patient, and I don't necessarily care anymore about rules against fraternization or if it's considered inappropriate to have a relationship with a patient.
I have to be there for her.
After I bathe Rosie, I begin to dress her and begin to prepare her for an examination at the hospital.
It blow my mind that our little girl is already six months old. I can still see her being handed to Rian and I after she finally made her entrance into this world. The piercing cries from that night still ring in my ears, and I definitely know that they always will.
Rosie squirms around as I fumble with the buttons on her little sweater that Vanessa bought for her. Once I've finished dressing her, I put Rosie down inside of her little play area that Rian and I created. The door opens, and Rian stands there, smirking at me.
"Yes?" I say, looking at him with an arched brow.
Rian's tall figure slowly walks over to me, towering over mine. He leans down, and he kisses me. It's a fleeting, small kiss, but it still sends shockwaves through my veins.
"What was that for?" I ask, grinning like an idiot.
"Nothing." Rian shrugs, and I kiss him again.
Our mouths are perfectly entwining, and I slide my hands down his muscular back. I smirk when I feel his skin heat up through his shirt, kissing him even more. We stop once we hear Rosie begin to whine, and I crouch down and reach underneath the table for a toy that she was trying to reach.
"I see you got her dressed. Where are you guys going?" Rian curiously asks.
"Her six month examination." I reply, and he furrows his eyebrows.
"Why take her to the hospital? I can do it here, if you'd like." Rian offers, and I mentally smack myself.
"If you want to, baby." I say, and he smiles.
Rian rushes out of the room, I'm assuming to retrieve his medical instruments. While he does this, Rosie and I play with the mini piano that we bought for her. She bangs on the keys, and I giggle at how excited she looks when she hears the sound.
"Yeah! You're doing it, Rosie!" I exclaim, and her smile widens before she continues to play for me.
Rosie stops, reaching for her teething ring. She slobbers all over it, but it's still so adorable that I don't even care about the drool.
Rian comes back, his stethoscope is around his neck, and a metal box in his hands. He sets it on the table before opening it, and inside of it is a plethora of different things that you'd see in the hospital. An otoscope, some empty syringes, a pair of latex gloves, etcetera.
I lift Rosie off the ground, and Rian places her on the table. He puts the stethoscope in his ears, placing it against Rosie's chest and concentration covers his entire face.
"I love seeing you in Doctor mode, it's so cute." I say, smiling at him.
He turns around and smiles at me before continuing the examination. Everything about Rosie is completely normal, thank God. There's nothing that indicates that there may be a problem with her health, which is a huge relief.
Rian also tests Rosie's motor skills and her hearing, which she excels at. It's much quicker than going to the hospital and waiting for what seems like an eternity for a doctor to come and attend to us.
I can definitely depend on Rian when it comes to things like this.
"I don't know what I was thinking. You're definitely way more trustworthy than another doctor."
"Of course. She's our daughter, and I wouldn't lie about her health. Some doctors have been fired because they lied about a patients health and it got worse or the patient even died." Rian informs me, and my eyebrows shoot up.
"That's crazy." I exclaim, and he chuckles.
"You'll never have to worry about that with me, though." Rian says, and I smile.
"I know that I won't." I reply with a smirk.
Rian hands Rosie over to me, and we both smile at each other before resuming our days as parents.
"Alrighty, I think we're done here." I say, clapping my hands together.
"Thank you so much, Dr. Peterson." The woman says gratefully, shaking my hand.
"Of course. Just make sure to call me if you have any more of the same symptoms, okay?"
The woman leaves the room, and after a few more minutes I do the same. As I'm walking down the corridors, some colleagues stop to make small conversation with me before resuming their daily duties. My phone begins to vibrate in my pocket, and I look at the screen.
I see Alex's name, and there's a picture. I open it, but I put my phone back in my pocket because the picture is inappropriate and my brightness is all the way up.
I speed walk to the break room, and luckily nobody is in there. I close the door, and I take a seat in one of the chairs at the table.
I open it, and the picture is of Alex's breasts, and she has a satisfied look on her face as well. My entire body begins to throb just looking at the picture, and then she sends another one. This one is a full picture of her bare body on the bed, and her hand is in between her legs.
Alex: I miss you, baby. ;)
My heart pounds so hard that it feels like it could pop out of my chest. I bite my lip, continuing to gawk at the two pictures.
Alex: Rosie's asleep, why don't you come home and relieve some stress? ;)
I know exactly what she's trying to do, and it's working. This time, she sends a video, and I turn the volume up just a little. It's just Alex moaning while she's touching herself, and I feel my self control draining itself from my body.
God damn, Alex. You always manage to seduce me, even at the most inconvenient times.
Alex: I know you've been craving me all day, I could tell by that look in your eyes this morning.
Alex: Come home, baby. I'll show you what's been waiting here for you all day. ;)
I stand up, rushing out of the room. I see Jordan at the end of the hallway, smirking at a nurse before turning away from her.
"Jordan!" I call out.
We walk towards each other, and I place my hands on his shoulders.
"What?" He demands.
"I need you to tell Dr. Raymond that I have to leave early, okay?"
"Woah, why? What happened?" Jordan asks, and my mind goes blank for a few seconds.
I'm not very good when it comes to lying or making up an excuse for something.
"Something happened with Rosie, and it's pretty important. Alex needs me like right now." I say a little too quickly, and he furrows his eyebrows.
"Rian, you're not a very good liar." He replies, chuckling.
He caught me in a lie, again.
"Okay, maybe I am lying. But please just tell him that I have to go."
"You bout to go get some, aren't you?" He says bluntly, and I laugh before nodding.
"Don't tell anyone else that I'm leaving for that particular reason. Just go with what I told you, okay?" I beg, and he nods.
"Alright!" Jordan exclaims, giving me another smile before walking off.
I thank him again before rushing out of the door and speeding home.
I peek inside of Rosie's room, watching her sleep peacefully in her bed while clutching onto her stuffed unicorn. Rosie is unlike most children because she's a very heavy sleeper, and almost nothing can wake her up.
As a baby, obviously it wasn't that way, but now that she's two years old, she sleeps a lot better now.
I carefully close the door before strolling to the bedroom. I stand in the walk in closet, looking for the perfect lingerie to wear when Rian comes in. A devilish smirk spreads across my face once I see the lingerie that Savannah got me.
I put it on, admiringly staring at myself as I play with my hair until it looks perfect. I put on a pair of black pumps, and adjust my stockings before spraying on reasonable amount of perfume. I can hear the sound of his footsteps downstairs, and I create a beat in my head that I can walk to.
"Alex?" Rian calls out.
"Yes?" I say flirtatiously, walking down the stairs leisurely.
Rian's gaze wraps around my entire body as I get closer and closer to him. Once I stand in front of Rian, my hands rest on his broad chest. His warm breath fans across my face, and I lick my lips.
"It's about time that you got here."
My hands begin to move upward until they rest against his neck, and his skin is flaming hot to touch. Rian's easily losing his composure, and my smirk continues to grow.
Just the potency of his presence is intoxicating, and I'm more than glad that he decided to follow my orders and come home to me.
"Tempting me while I'm at work, huh?" Rian asks, rasping.
Before I can answer him, I let out a small laugh because he almost sounds intimidated at how much power I have over him.
"You've been gone for so long, I've wanted nothing more than this." I whisper.
I abruptly grab him by the shirt, pulling him closer so that our lips meet. He moans into my mouth, causing the concupiscence in my blood to boil even more than it already was.
All of a sudden, he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He slams me against the wall, hard, sending a gasp out of my mouth. Rian gently kisses my jaw, making me moan in response. He soon begins to nibble on my neck and my earlobe, and I begin to whisper in his ear.
"I've been waiting to do this all day." I sigh, and he moans against my neck.
It sends a chill up and down my spine, and I bite my lip before putting my mouth to his ear again.
"Take me upstairs." I shakily demand, and he smirks before moving us away from the wall.
Rian carries me up the stairs, and once we're in the bedroom, he casually throws me on the bed before grabbing my hands and holding them above my head so I cannot move. He kisses me again, leaving me breathless as my body quivers with excitement underneath his.
I nibble on his lower lip, causing him to let out a low moan. Rian moves his mouth to my neck, sucking on multiple areas.
I know for sure that I'll have a few hickies in the morning.
He literally rips the lingerie off of me, leaving me completely naked on the bed. Rian leaves tender kisses on my breasts, and my heart races as he moves slower. His mouth trails downward, and I'm growing antsy as he takes his time.
Just when I think he's about to start kissing on my inner thighs, he stands up and looks me dead in the eyes. Rian takes his shirt off in one swift motion, as well as his pants, leaving him in just his underwear.
Rian lowers his mouth, and I gasp once I feel his tongue dip and swirl wildly. His tongue moves in long strokes, driving me crazy. He reaches for one of my hands, and I grab it before he begins to suck on my most sensitive nub. My back arches off of the bed, and my moans progressively get louder and louder as he continues to stimulate me.
"Don't stop!" I beg, breathing rapidly as I reach my orgasm.
My body collapses, and I twitch in absolute pleasure as Rian continues. My breathing is labored as I somehow manage to lift myself up to kiss him. He shoves me back down, and his piercing blue eyes make my body combust.
Every muscle in my legs begin to tighten, and I have a desperate grip on his hair.
"Right there, Rian! Oh sh—" I moan, but before I can finish the sentence, my whole world is spinning around me.
The blood rushes to my head, my heart is beating so fast that it could explode. My legs spasm uncontrollably as I'm moaning like crazy, and I manage to shove his head away because the sensation was getting too much to handle.
Rian switches places with me, and he's on his back as I kiss down his entire body. I eagerly pull his boxer briefs off and throw them to the side. I swirl my tongue around the base of his length multiple times before dragging my tongue all the way up, and our eyes stay glued on each other.
Rian holds my head in his hands, slowly moving my head down until all of his erection is in my mouth. A tear falls from one of my eyes before I gag, and I pull away for air and manually arouse him with my hand.
Rian chuckles softly before I continue, a lot slower and softer. He moans as his fingers make their way through my hair, and my mouth takes all of him in again.
"Yeah, that's it, baby." Rian says through a moan.
Rian reaches for my arm, and he lifts me up so that I'm on top of him. We kiss until our lips become numb, and I simultaneously grind against him. Another moan comes from his mouth as I do this, and we place our foreheads together as I continue to grind against his throbbing shaft.
"You're such a tease." Rian breathlessly says, and I smirk.
I reach down, aligning myself with him before he slips inside of me. I moan as I slowly move up and down as his hands rest on my waist.
"Faster, baby. Bounce." Rian demands.
I gyrate back and forth, and the bed begins to shake and rattle as I pick up the pace. Rian's face and abdomen begins to glisten with sweat as this moment gets hotter by the second. Rian watches me taking complete control of our motion and he has a naughty grin on his face.
His hands move up until he's caressing my breasts, and I moan loudly as I feel that feeling creep up my spine again. I grind, bounce, and move my hips in circles, and I grunt before I keep going.
"Yeah, just like that, Alex. Give it to me." Rian moans, smiling up at me.
"Rian!" I scream, and my eyes roll to the back of my head.
My entire body is trembling, and I finally fall and moan into the pillow. Rian's hands caress my back before he runs them over my butt. Rian continues to thrust into me, and I kiss on his neck and his temple as he does this.
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