《17》1. Intern


I can't mess this up. Yesterday, my first day, went so well and my mentor is absolutely wonderful. My colleagues are great, and the activities that I will be doing are very fun and exciting. This internship is going to change my life, I can just feel it.

Silverstein Research Center is all about Biophysics. West Grove is a not much of a big city, but the laboratory sure makes up for the size. It is a seven-story building, full of underpaid, intelligent scientists. I hope to get a job here one day. It's always been a dream of mine to contribute to science. Something big. I want to be one of those people that students learn about, like Marie Curie, Mary Jackson, Rosalind Franklin, Dorothy Vaughan, Mae Jemison, Katherine Johnson --

"Ow!" I came face to face with glass door.

My face heats up as I rub my forehead and nose to ease the pain. I awkwardly checked my surroundings and was very glad that no one but a lazy security guard had witnessed that. Shaking my head, I opened the transparent door and scanned my intern ID on the machine by the elevator.

I pressed on the 6th floor and vigorously pressed on the close button, not wanting to share the lift with anyone else. While going up, I straightened up my black skirt, blue buttoned up shirt and black blazer, appearing to look more professional than I did yesterday. Everyone showed up with formal clothing while I was the only one wearing a stupid nerdy graphic shirt with a science joke printed in it, along with black pants and sneakers. Only two people appreciated my shirt.

"Good morning, miss." A man wearing a lab coat greeted, entering the elevator as I exited. I gave him a smile in return before walking to the left, where Doctor Maxine's office is located. It is a bit strange to see almost no one as I walk through the hall, because yesterday it was quite packed. Now there is only a couple of two old men. Also, as I am walking, I hear growls coming from Doctor Maxine's lab. Sounds like we will be working with something exciting today! I wonder what it'll be.


Where are all the damn interns? Did they all leave me? I swear, if they did, I'm going to cry. I don't want to be by myself.

"Lab 223B, here we go." I scanned my intern ID once again, which allowed me to unlock the room. I glanced at my wristwatch and saw the time. 4:29. "Yo, I'm a minute early." I grinned, closing the door. The loud grows I was hearing from earlier had stopped completely and now I am swallowed in silence. As I turned around, I was expecting the very awesome Doctor Maxine smiling at me, an animal that is the source of the growling, and at least one intern shaking their head with disapproval, but instead I see about ten men surrounding one shirtless young man.

My eyes widened at the sight of him.

Holy shit.

Tall, muscular, tattooed, dark hair, grey eyes. Staring back at me with confusion, shock and a sea of emotion I cannot read, especially with my heart racing, both in embarrassment and for whatever the hell reaction this guy gave me. What the hell is happening?! Where am I?! Where is Doctor Maxine?!

"Miss?" One man frowned at me, obviously angry. Another man stares at me with perplexity and curiosity while the rest had blank faces. "You are not welcome here." The angry man sneered. He is holding a syringe and a knife, which makes me wonder what they are doing in this room and that intimidating man making me shrink with his gaze.

I gulped and clutched on my ID hanging by my neck. "I'm so sorry!" I squealed in panic. "I got lost!" With that, I ran out of the room faster than anyone can say the word 'fucked'. Hopefully those men don't say anything that can get me in trouble or get me out of this internship.

As I anxiously waited for the elevator, I heard that loud growl once again, this time more vicious. It sent chills down my spine.

What the hell did I just accidentally walk into?

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