《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》037 EPILOGUE


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on the side closest laid the figure of a sleeping woman with sprawled out green hair on the fluffy pillow.

She inhaled and exhaled softly as the sounds of birds chirping out the window woke her up. She let out a groan and rubbed her eyes, switching her body to lay on her back.

Keiko's head turned to her left side to see a mess of pink hair on the pillow next to her, soft breathing was heard from him.

She smiled tiredly at his sleeping form, Kusuo's back was facing her and his side was rising up and down ever so slightly.

Her body moved to face him, she shuffled closer and sneaked her arm around his lower waist and dug her head into his back, snuggling into him.

She groaned, softly slapping his chest, "You know I don't like it when you talk to me telepathically, Kusuo."

Kusuo suddenly shifted, he faced her and wrapped both his arms around her body in a protective manner, snuggling into her making his cheek rub against her head, "It's almost scary how you know when I'm not speaking out loud." He told her.

"It's your tone, that's why." She grumbled before lifting her head and giving him a soft peck on the lips. Before she could move away, he leaned in, giving her a much longer kiss.

However, the kiss was interrupted by the sounds of crying down the hallway.

"If I remember correctly." Kusuo started, "It's your turn to change Hotaru's nappy."

"Bastard..." Keiko muttered teasingly, "I won't be long," she picked up her phone on the side to look at the time, "Ugh, it's 5 in the morning. She will definitely fall asleep straight after I feed her, could make it darker in here so I can go back to sleep after?"


He pecked her nose, "Yes. I'll make you a tea too."

Keiko nodded and rolled out of bed, after leaving her bedroom she walked down the corridor and opened the door to her daughter room, she popped her head in to see Hotaru crying softly.

"Now, Now..." she cooed softly, she picked up her baby, gently holding the bundle of joy in her arms, "You want your nappy changed, don't you?" She asked in a sweet voice.

After changing Hotaru, she sat in the comfy rocking chair near the crib, she slipped down her shirt and fed her baby. After she was finished she patted her back and placed her back in her crib.

Keiko turned around and got out a set of clothes she was going to put on Hotaru later after she bathed her. She turned around and her eyes shot open when Hotaru was no longer in her crib, Keiko then looked up.

Hotaru had floated to the ceiling.

"Damn, not again..." Keiko muttered, she does this often after being fed and falling straight asleep after.

"Kusuo, she's on the ceiling again!" She shouted, placing her hands on her hips. She didn't need to worry about Hotaru waking up anytime soon, give her about 4 hours.

Footsteps could be heard outside the bedroom and the door opened showing a tired-looking Kusuo. He looked up blankly at the ceiling, "this is the third time this week..." he muttered before floating up, his feet and right and stood in the ceiling while he reached at, gently retrieving his daughter.

He moved back to the floor and held Hotaru in his arms before kissing her forehead and placing her back in her cot.

Keiko came up next to him and she wrapped her arm around his waist while he did the same around her shoulder, "It's safe to say your genes are stronger than mine." she said.


Kusuo leaned down to kiss Keiko's head, "maybe, but she definitely got your looks. I'm not complaining, my wife is beautiful."

"Don't be silly." She lightly shoved him, "Did you sort out the lighting in our bedroom?"

"Of course I did. I also put your tea on the bedside."

She hummed before retreating back to their bedroom, "I love you lots, Ku." she smiled at him playfully before moving out of sight.

He smiled and walked out of the room, following his wife down the corridor, "I love you too."


"Hotaru, no!"

Keiko was running around all over the kitchen, launching to grab her daughter who kept teleporting to different areas. The woman groaned in frustration but before she could relax just a tiny bit, Hotaru landed on the stove, her foot knocking it on.

"AH!" The green-haired woman lept over and grabbed the baby before she was hurt. She quickly turned the cooker off and sighed down at the mischievous baby, "You're a right pain in the ass..." she grumbled. Hotaru squealed and reached her hands up to grab her mothers face.

Keiko's eyes softened, "But I love you too much to be mad at you." she squished her cheek against her daughters.

"I finally got them."

Keiko turned and saw Kusuo rushing into the kitchen with a box in his hand, "Perfect. Hopefully, they'll keep her under control before she explodes the universe."

Kusuo nodded and opened the box, retrieving two antennas inside. They both looked like his except for the colour of the two balls, one being green while the other was pink. He attached them to his daughters head. Only the two spheres stuck out due to the rest being hidden in her curly locks.

"Thank you for getting them, you're the best." Keiko grinned up at her husband, giving him a quick kiss.

"You can thank Kusuke for making them, I chose the colours though." he replied proudly.

"Thank you wonder boy." She then passed Hotaru over to him, "Now take her from me, I need a nap from chasing her around the house all day." she sighed dramatically.

Saiki stood like a statue with an emotionless look on his face as his daughter instantly went crawling up around his back, neck and head like she was a spider, "She'll grow out of it once she's older." he said, following his wife into the living room with Hotaru crawling around him. He watched as his wife fell headfirst onto the sofa.

"You could've warned me how quickly powers developed before shooting a baby inside me." she joked.

He took hold of Hotaru and sat on the sofa next to Keiko, "You make it sound like I'm from a different planet."

She lifted her head and grinned up at him, "And I wouldn't change either of you for the world." she then wrapped her arms around the two, "My lovely Kusuo and Hotaru."

Kusuo's lips curved upwards into a small smile, moving one hand off Hotaru and wrapping it around Keiko's waist.

Keiko looked up at Kusuo who was already smiling down at her, her soft face pulled into a wide grin. Turns out Kusuo was right.

She did have the power of luck and right now she felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

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