《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》027 LATE NIGHT CHATS


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, it soon rounded to the second night of being stuck on this tiny island. The group had finally managed to convince Saiko to eat something for once, this seemed to have brought them all closer and he was now becoming more willing to help with getting home.

Keiko wasn't sure what time it was but she couldn't sleep. Everyone else was already knocked out so she got up from her spot and sat by the shore, she held her knees tightly into her chest as she watched the swish of the dark waves come closer to her but fall into a puddle before it could reach her feet. The moon was out tonight and its reflection bounced onto the dark liquid making it sparkle. The sound of the earthy beach was calming, Keiko could be lost in her own thoughts in the peace between her and the ocean.

a familiar voice called out to her, she turned her head around, her green messy locks covering part of her face as she faced the strawberry-haired boy who walked over to the girl and sat down with his legs crossed.

She placed her head in her arms, her face hitting the warm jumper he gave her a day before "Not really... worried about unknown bugs jumping on me in the night." she gave a tired smile "What about you? Couldn't sleep either?" she asked, she noticed the circles under his eyes, when was the last time he slept?

Saiki turned to look down at his green-haired beauty, he couldn't tell her he was making the raft more secure by using his powers, he wasn't sure when he would tell Keiko he was a psychic, she was trustworthy but it would be safer for her not knowing so he just told her he then turned away he added which made her giggle.

"I understand, I miss my parents too. But... I'm glad you're here with me." she gave him a tight smile, he gave her a small one in return and then sat in comfortable silence with each other.

Keiko turned to face the ocean "At night, it's beautiful here, isn't it?" she asked.

She didn't realise that Saiki was staring at her when he replied He then realised what he was doing and shook his head turning to face the ocean.

Keiko was about to ask something when turning to face Saiki but all she could do was look at his features. His pink hair was messy and fell over his forehead. She didn't realise that he actually had quite long lashes, she noticed that his jaw was slightly clenched until he licked his lips which made her lick hers unconsciously.

Saiki knew she watching him and knew she was observing his features, which made him nervous on the inside, something had dropped down to his stomach and a tingling sensation appeared there.


"Saiki... I have something to tell you." he sweet voice called to him, his flushed face turned to face her dazed face, his breathing got heavier as she adjusted herself closer to him "I l-" she cut herself off when she realised what she about to say, she wasn't thinking at all. "I... Nevermind." she told him nervously.

He looked at her for a few moments he asked.

"No, no." she replied quickly "Just a silly thought that's all. I'm actually quite tired now so I think I might head to bed." she stood up quickly and before he could say anything she said good night and walked away.


The next morning everyone had their own roles with finishing the raft, due to Saiko joining as well, the group had gotten closer and it was much easier working together now.

Everything was going smoothly until Saiko asked "Who will ride on the raft?"

"What?" Aren asked confused "All of us will." he replied.

"Why does everyone need to go?" Saiko asked with a smirk.

Nendou didn't seem to like the idea and he approached Saiko with great rage "What? Are you saying you want to leave someone behind?" Kaidou tried calming him down but the big brute pushed him out of the way "You've got to be kidding me! How could you even say that?" he then grabbed onto Saiko's collar "We all worked hard together to get this far."

Keiko placed a hand on his shoulder "I don't think that's what he meant, Nendou. I think he is suggesting the raft may not be strong enough to carry us all, so some go and get help who will come back and rescue the others." Keiko, no. Don't help him ruin my plan.

"Precisely. Thank you for defending me, Keiko." Saiko said smugly.

"I wasn't."

"Anyways, also, what if help reaches the island first while we're all on the raft?" he asked "Leaving a group in both places ensures our odds."

Nendou's mood had suddenly changed "I get it! You're smart."

"You're right. We don't need everyone to go." Aren agreed with Saiko for once.

"I wonder why we thought we all had to go." Yumehara thought, everyone else didn't seem opposed to the idea, except Saiki who had a sour look on his face once he realised his plan was ruined.


Over lunch, the group decided to plan who was going to find help, and who was getting left behind, Kaidou asked if there was anyone who wanted to go.

It was silent for a moment until Keiko raised her hand with a smile on her face "I'll go!" No. If you're going then I'm going "I just want to get home soon so I volunteer on finding help."


Kaidou smiled brightly "Keiko, you're amazing." he cheered.

Nendou then raised his hand shouting "Me! I want to go on the raft!"

Kaidou didn't seem impressed as he was with Keiko "Then, you're definitely on, Nendou." his tone was less enthusiastic.

Nendou wrapped an arm over Keiko's shoulder "Well greeny, it seems me and you are off on an adventure." he smiled.

"I'm quite excited actually." she grinned.

Aren sighed and pushed his glasses up "Well, I should probably go too. I don't mind going."

Kaidou then suggested an idea "How about all the guys go to be fair? Three people should be enough to be left behind."

Keiko's smile dropped and she looked confused "But... I volunteered." she said.

Saiko gave Kaidou a stern look "No, that's too many people on the raft. Weight will be an issue. You only need four people on the raft. So I'll stay." he said, of course, he was too much of a wimp to go on the raft.

"You just want to stay together with the girls!" Aren shouted.

Saiko ignored him and carried on speaking "This way, my lineage is protected if you don't make it back. If anyone's DNA should survive, it would be mine."

"You're going with us!"

"Then what? We don't need five people on the raft, and the girls won't be safe."

"They've got Mera. She's a beast." Kaidou said.

"And I want to go on the raft! So I can swap with someone." Keiko shouted out "I want to be useful and help get everyone back to safety." she said.

"Maybe Kaidou can swap with you?" Yumehara suggested, Kaidou then asked why which made her nearly expose herself "Why? Well... You know, you're weak like a girl, and you get seasick. You probably won't be any use on the raft."

Kaidou then started to cry "I'm getting on the raft." Yumehara tried apologising until she shouted that she will get on the raft too.

"Right, so if Keiko also stays and you six go, I think that's the perfect plan." Saiko said snapping his fingers.

"I don't think so!" Aren shouted, "This is going nowhere, so I'll decide. Nendou and Keiko take the raft. You too, Saiko! Shun gets seasick like Yumehara says, so you stay on the island. And then the rest is..."

The raft group was Nendou, Saiko, Aren, and Keiko while the Island group was Teruhashi, Saiki, Yumehara, Mera, and Kaidou.

Saiki needed to come up with a plan soon, he didn't want Keiko getting hurt. Oh yeah, and the rest of the raft group.

By the time it was the evening the raft was finally complete "We finished the raft!"

"At first, I thought a raft was a stupid idea." Kaidou started "But I'm glad we built it. We were divided at first when we came to this island. I was really worried. But now, we worked together to build a raft, and I'm not worried anymore. I know it's weird to say, but I'm glad we came to this island. We learned Aren is a surprisingly good leader. Nendou is the same as ever, but that's pretty amazing considering our situation." Kaidou then smiled "In fact, I'm certain now that we're all going to make it!"

Nendou then spoke up "You're right, little guy. I feel like we're all going to make it too." he then pulled his face into an ugly smile, running the moment "'In fact, I'm certain now. Nendou is the same as ever, but that's pretty amazing considering out situation'." he mocked Kaidou.

"Are you making fun of me?"

Nendou then laughed at him "Why are you trying to act all cool? Obviously, I'm not going to die here! Greeny's on the raft group, she always brings us luck!"

"I hope you die!" Kaidou shouted.

"Let's eat already." Aren suggested "I'm hungry."

"Good idea." Keiko replied.

"I'm hungry too." Mera said.


The two groups said goodbye to each other the next morning, Keiko rushed to Saiki but before she gave him a big hug, she remembered her liked personal space so she patted him on the shoulder "I'll see you later." she smiled she then saw how tired her looked "Saiki, did you not sleep well?" she asked.

Before she knew it he had brought her into a hug he said, his nose dug into her hair and he held her tightly.

"I promise." she said, when they released Keiko noticed that Saiki had dirt all over him "Did you fall in a ditch?" she asked.

Aren then spoke up to the group "Now, let's see if this raft can hold up to four people." he didn't seem to notice that he was standing on a smaller boat which was from help now arriving. He stepped on the boat "Nice, it's holding up well! It's super stable!"

"We found nine castaways!" one of the men who came to rescue them called out on the radio.

A male voice was then heard from the radio "That matches our report. Rescue them all."

Keiko jumped for joy "Yay! We've been saved!"

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