《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》019 LIKING YOU


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Keiko could feel her body waking herself up, her eyes was still closed but she could hear muffled voices around her, that's when she heard a snap and her eyes shot open, she looked towards the sound to see Kurumi and her mother standing over where she was sleeping with Kurumi holding a camera.

That's when Keiko realised she was leaning against something which wasn't as soft as a mattress, her eyes darted to whatever was next to her and saw that her right arm and leg had wrapped themselves around Saiki meaning she had obviously hugged him while she was fast asleep in the middle of the night.

Saiki's eyes were open but he seemed to make no reaction while his mother and grandmother were cooing at the two, Keiko jumped back now falling off the mattress "Oh my goodness Saiki, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I was hugging you!" she rambled out an apology. 

Kurumi grinned at the two "You two looked so cute together, I feel bad for waking you both up so early but we need to all be ready since we are going to an amusement park today."

It turned out that the amusement park they went to was sort of abandoned but people still came, it was just sort of dangerous, Kuniharu nearly died on a roller coaster because his seat came undone and Saiki, Keiko and his grandfather then went on a ferris wheel which nearly snapped off so Keiko and Saiki's grandfather kept on clinging to him.

On the way back the next day Keiko fell asleep in the car, as Saiki's grandfather was driving the car was stopped as there was a massive pile of rocks which were blocking the road, everyone but Keiko got out the car since she was still asleep "You need to tell us something about Kusuo, don't you?" Kurumi's mother asked, "I know that much. Since yesterday... No, I knew something was strange since long ago." she then mentioned to her daughter how she always hides her thumbs when she lies, "We won't be shocked y most things."


Kurumi sweat dropped "I see. I'll tell you. Kusuo has psychic powers." that's when Saiki used his powers to lift the rocks, both grandparents let out a shocked sound and stared at their grandson flabbergasted, it was at the point that they were screaming without making a sound, after they calmed down and Saiki showed them the powers he could do.

That's when his grandmother spoke up "So does Keiko know about your powers."

Saiki glanced at the sleeping girl in the car

"But say she did find out, could you trust her to keep it a secret?" 

Saiki thought for a moment, Keiko's never made him feel uncomfortable before and she's always been calm and understanding, he remembered how she became protective over him at the theatre's when that man knocked him over and realised that Keiko holds a great care for Saiki and would always be a loyal person towards him. He looked back at his grandmother and nodded


When Keiko got back from the trip school was just around the corner and had shortly started again for another term, she was sitting in the classrooms which was a kitchen since today the class were making crepes.

"In today's training, we will be making crepes!" Matsuzaki said, he was the schools gym teacher so Keiko didn't really know why he was teaching them how to bake, not like she didn't know how to make crepes (she was amazing at making crepes.) the whole class turned to Keiko who was glowing as she was the dessert master in the school, everyone knew that "I don't know how to cook, but I have the recipe!" Keiko was wearing her favourite apron from home, it was a cream colour and had a pooh bear on it who was eating a pot of hunny.


Keiko raised her hand "What is it, Mochizuki?" Matsuzaki asked.

"Am I allowed to make a crepe cake?" she asked, the whole's class went wide with hearts forming their eyes in hopes they could try Keiko's crepe cake.

The gym teacher coughed "I don't see why not... But I'm expecting big things from you Mochizuki! I'm expecting a crepe that will be at the top of the class!" ingredients where then set on the tables where everyone was stationed "All right! Let's get cooking!"

Keiko was in a group with Nendou and Kuboyasu, the three seemed to be a pretty good team, they all worked well together and didn't make too much mess, Nendou was good at cooking since he had to make his own meals at home which was the same with Kuboyasu, Keiko had just taught herself how to bake.

Kuboyasu then looked over to Keiko "What flavoured crepes are you doing?" he asked.

Keiko smiled while stirring her green mixture "I thought about doing matcha, I love the green colour on crepes, it makes them look beautiful." she beamed.

"Like you then?" he asked but then he realised it came out wrong, Keiko's cheeks reddened as did his and he started to panic "I didn't mean it like that, what I meant was that you chose green like your hair, not that you're not beautiful or anything, because you are very lovely too look at but what I meant was is that you chose green because you're hair is green!" he said all in one go, also repeating himself a bit.

Nendou just laughed at him while Keiko was blushing, Saiki had turned around who was a few tables behind them and kept on giving scoring looks towards Kuboyasu.

Keiko then started to cook her crepes as Nendou gave Kaidou and Kinekshi a lesson on how to cook them, she stacked up her crepes and when finished she then made the cream that went with it and cut up some strawberries, after layering it all, she dusted some icing sugar over the top and stared at her masterpiece.

Keiko noticed that Saiki's group didn't really do too well on making the crepes so she cut up small three slices and went over to their table "I noticed you guys seemed to be struggling, so... would you like some of my crepe cake?" she asked.

Saiki took a plate without hesitation while the other two stared at the beautiful crepe cake in awe "You're the best Mochizuki!" Kaidou cried tears of joy.

The class then surrounded Keiko, begging if they could try a bit of her crepe cake.

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