《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》017 CAKES


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Mashiro's voice spoke out from the hallway, Keiko got off her bed and went out her room to see her mother holding up the phone for her.

"Who is it?" Keiko asked, taking to phone.

"Talk to them and find out." Mashiro smiled, bopping her daughters nose before walking away into the living room "Daisuke! Get your grubby feet of the table, I've just cleaned it!" her voice was muffled as she shut the door.

Keiko held the phone up to her ear "Hello?" she asked.

"Oh Mochizuki dear." Saiki's mothers voice spoke through the phone "How are you? Wait is it okay if I call you Keiko?"

Keiko was pleasantly surprised to hear from her "Not at all Kurumi, how are you?"

"I'm very well thank you. I was calling to see if you wanted to come over today? I haven't told Ku but I haven't seen you in so long and he always seems much happier when your over."

"Oh- I'd love to but I need to ask my mum-"

"Don't worry dear. I just asked her about that now and she was fine with it, she said you'd either walk or your father would drop you off, I just thought it would be nice for you to come over for a bit."

"That's perfect then." Keiko smiled "I'll be over soon, thank you for the invite."


Keiko rang the doorbell of the Saiki residence, the door opened to reveal Saiki "Hi Saiki, your mum invited me over."

Saiki opened the door further and let her in

"Oh this? Since your mum was kind enough to invite me over, I thought I would bring this strawberry flavoured cake my family had left over."

she opened the box for him to show it

"How'd you know?"

Sheblushed from the compliment and was about to take off her coat until "Oh Keiko, I'm glad you made it here safely." Kurumi greeted, walking up to the girl and pulling her into a warm hug.

"Lovely seeing you. I brought some left over cake, here." Keiko said, handing her the box.

Kurumi opened it and smiled "Wow this looks beautiful, I'll put this on the side and make you some tea, please take off your coat and make yourself comfortable. Ku, keep her company." she sternly told her son before walking off into the kitchen.


"I forgot how nice your mother was." Keiko told Saiki as she took off her coat, he grabbed it from her and put it on the coat hanger for her as she took off her shoes.

he told her, she let out a small laugh and he led her into the living room.

Kurumi came into the living room with three cups of tea "There you are Keiko." she said handing her the cup, the three sat together and slowly drank their tea "Saiki, why don't you bring Yuuta over as well, I'd love for him to meet Keiko." she said which was a great help for Saiki since Teruhashi was approaching the house now, he left the room and quickly teleported.

A few minutes later the door opened which revealed Saiki with a little boy with hair like Keiko in his arms and Teruhashi who stood next to them "Welcome Kokomi!" Kurumi smiled.

"It has been a long time!" Teruhashi bowed, she then noticed Keiko "Mochizuki... I didn't know you were here."

"I got invited, hope you don't mind."

"Not at all."

Kurumi then smiled at the boy in Saiki's arms "Welcome, Yuuta. Keiko this Yuuta, his parents are our neighbors, he's got lovely green hair like you." she beamed.

Keiko smiled "Yes, I've just noticed." she then walked closer to Saiki and looked down at Yuuta "It's lovely to meet you Yuuta."

He looked at her in awe before saying "Are you bubbly lime soda lady?" he asked.

"Huh?" Keiko gave him a confused look He thinks she looks like one of the hero's in the TV show he watches, both her and the character have long curly green hair.

"She's Cyborg Cider-man #2's love interest." Yuuta told her then pointed at Saiki, Keiko looked up and gave Saiki a lost look.

"Oh, I see." Keiko smiled "Well Yuuta, right now I'm in disguise so you mustn't tell anyone I'm bubbly lime soda lady, okay?" she winked.

"I promise I wont bubble lime soda lady." he grinned.

Kurumi gasped and pointed at the three "From this angle, you two look like a married couple."

Keiko's eyes widened along with Teruhashi's "Or really? What makes you say that?"

"I think it's the green hair, you could pass off as relatives." she smiled Quit it, I know what you're trying to do.


Kurumi then looked over at Teruhashi "So Kokomi, what brings you here? Are you going and Kusuo going on a date?" she asked, Keiko then felt a small pang in a stomach, she wasn't sure what came over her but she chose to ignore it.

Teruhashi waved her arms frantically "No! You said that you would teach me how to cook before."

"You came here to see me? I'm so glad. I'll get ready." Kurumi smiled before heading into the kitchen.

"Sorry for barging in." Teruhashi said, now pulling her bag off her shoulder and then started to remove her scarf and coat.

"Can you hold me bubbly lime soda lady?" Yuuta asked, reaching his hands out to her.

"Of course." Keiko said, Saiki past him over and she was now holding the boy against her hip.

Yuuta gave her an innocent look "You smell really nice, like puddings and flowers!"

"Thank you Yuuta. Your such a polite boy."

A few moments later he was now staring at Teruhashi as they all waited for Saiki's mother, Teruhashi leaned down and cooed at the boy "Hello, Yuuta." however the boy let out a frail nose and dug his head into Keiko's chest, hiding away from the blue haired girl.

Teruhashi gave a glare but soon went back into character when she brought out a box from her bag "I brought some cake. Do you want some?"

Yuuta's eyes sparkled and was now bribed by the sound of a sugary desert "Cake?" he asked excitedly.

Kurumi came back in and set it on the table "I thought I would have enough cake for everyone but I only have four pieces."

"That's fine. Keiko made some cake, so someone can have a slice of hers." Kurumi said, 'She... made some?!' Teruhashi thought, Keiko was always one step ahead of her.

"They look delicious." she then pulled out the biggest cake which said love on it and handed it to Saiki "This one must be for Ku."

"No!" Teruhashi panicked "The chef picked them out! It doesn't mean anything."

"Is that so?" Kurumi asked, before going into the kitchen and bringing Keiko's cake in, everyone sat at the table while Teruhashi pulled out the cakes "Please take whichever you want."

Yuuta obviously picked the largest cake which was the last one, Kurumi and Keiko took a slice of the vanilla cakes Saiki asked.

"Of course Saiki! The slices are already cut." she smiled, that means Teruhashi was either left with a cupcake or a slice of Keiko's cake, her pride was too high so she took the cupcake and swallowed it down.

Everyone complimented the cakes and Teruhashi smile "I am glad you like them." she said, she then turned to Saiki "What did you think of Mochizuki's cake."

he replied instantly making her face go palm.

Kurumi smiled down at Yuuta "Did you like yours, Yuuta?"

"Yes! I like that flavour."

"You need to say thanks to Kokomi then." she told him.

He smiled and turned to the girl "Thanks, ma'am!"

Before Teruhashi could reply the phone rang so Kurumi went to answer it, Saiki and Keiko noticed the Teruhashi was then caught in her own fantasy land, Kurumi came back in "Sorry, Kokomi! I forgot that I had a town council meeting!"

"I will come again." Teruhashi replied before bowing.

"You can wait here if you want to. It should end in 30 minutes." Kurumi then told her son to keep both girls company as she went out.

Yuuta looked up at Saiki "Can I watch TV?" he asked.

Keiko smiled "Of course Yuuta, what would you like to watch?" she then noticed the plates on the table "Actually, I should wash up. I shouldn't take too long."

Keiko went into the kitchen only to realize that Saiki went with her, they both watched as Teruhashi tried to make conversation with the boy who told her to be quiet, she clenched her fists and walked up to the two and looked down "I just remembered something. I need to go home." she went to get her coat "Tell your mother I'm sorry." she said to Saiki.

Yuuta then saw bubbly lime soda lady on the TV who had just saved Cyborg Cider-man #2 "Look, bubble lime soda lady. It's you on the TV." he beamed.

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