《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》010 A KITTY


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shehad just just been to the shop for her mum to get some ingredients for dinner that night. She swung the bag in a bored manner while she was lost in her own world, she still had a few more blocks to pass until she got home.

As she looked around the nearly empty street, she turned to face the front only to see a pair of three cats in front of her, a chubby ginger cat with a red bandanna as a sort of collar, a grey cat with a pink heart collar and for some reason also had heart shaped spots on it's fur, and finally a white fluffy cat, it had two little anteaters on it's collar and was also wearing green sunglasses (but because it's Saiki K, it's natural in this world.)

Keiko did what any other normal person would do when they saw a cute animal, she placed her hands together "Aww what a cute little kitty." she cooed, staring at the white cat. Of course I had to run into Mochizuki, and as a cat.

Saiki looked up in his cat form at Keiko as she bent down and started to stroke his head while the ginger cat was trying to grab her attention which she didn't seem to notice "You're such a cute little thing, aren't you?" she put on a child-like voice when talking to the cat.

She then looked around "But where's your owner?" she asked, she looked down at the collar to see it was from the Saiki's residence "Oh? Your Saiki's cat? I didn't know he had a pet." she smiled, "Your quite far away from home little one." she then picked up the cat who seemed to not react to her At least I can get away from those two Saiki thought looking down smugly at the other two cats who were calling for him to come back.

Keiko snuggled the cat into her chest, not wanting to easily drop it "Your so warm and fluffy, I could hug you forever~" she sighed "Saiki doesn't seem like the type to have a pet..." she trailed off, not sure what her next explanation could be.

Keiko went over to Saiki's house and knocked on the door to which Kuniharu, Saiki's father answered "Oh hello there Mochizuki! Are you here for Kusuo?" he asked.

"No, I'm actually here to return your cat. He was a few blocks away and I was afraid it might of gotten lost." she smiled, holding to cat up for him.

"Huh? We don't own a cat, but I can take him from you anyway." Kuniharu replied, now reaching his hands out. Saiki told his father making him pause his movements.

Keiko's brows furrowed "You don't own a cat? But it's collar says it belongs to your residence..." she said.

"I-I mean, yes! That cat is ours!" Kuniharu shouted abruptly now taking Saiki out of Keiko's arms, who just stood there with a lost poker face.


"Well... if that's all I best be going now, by Kuniharu." she said, now turning away and walking off.

"Bye Mochizuki." Saiki's father waved, 'Saiki's father sure is a strange man.'


"Soon, this world will be soaked in blood." Kaidou said in some sort of superhero tone. Keiko, Saiki and Nendou where walking behind him in confusion but didn't question what he just said and carried on walking silently behind him "Saiki, Mochizuki, the awakening draws near."

"That's nice, Kaidou." Keiko said.

Kaidou then turned around "All right, Saiki, Mochizuki, see you tomorrow." he said, not even paying attention to Nendou who didn't really seem to notice "Well, that's only if there's a tomorrow." he then laughed on walked forwards.

"Oh, shun!" a voice spoke out, Kaidou paused and let out a girly gasp only to see it was his mother standing there, she wore purple glasses and had grey mid-length hair, "Heading home?" she asked.

"Welcome back, mummy!" he asked in a high pitched voice, Keiko had to stifle a laughter after what she just heard Kaidou call his mother.

"'Mummy'?" Nendou questioned seeming surprised.

Kaidou's mother looked at the three and gave her son a smile "Are these your friends?" without giving him time to answer she turned to the three again "Hi, I'm Shun's mother." she introduced herself.

Kaidou jumped forwards nervously "Let's just go home!" he demanded grabbing onto her shoulder.

"What's wrong? We live nearby. Why don't you invite them over for tea?"

Kaidou exaggeratedly gestured towards Nendou "What? Well, he's busy. Right?" he asked, obviously trying to make an excuse.

Nendou thought for a moment "Yeah, today's a little... that, that, and..." he then looked forwards towards Kaidou's mother "Well, I can skip all of them."

Kaidou glared at Nendou and then turned to Keiko "Well my friend Mochizuki needs to get home and feed her cat!"

"I don't have a cat, Kaidou." Kaidou's eyes went white and his skin went pale at how quickly Keiko disregarded his lie.

Kaidou's mother smiled and then finally turned to Saiki "How about you? Are you free?" before Saiki could reject the offer she spoke again "I got some coffee jelly earlier from the town hall meeting. Would you like some?" she added asking the three.

Saiki, Keiko and Nendou soon turned around and walked into the direction of Kaidou's house while he helplessly looked at the three backstabbing traitors.

They were now stood outside Kaidou's house which was a lot bigger than Keiko thought it was going to be "Please come in." Kaidou's mother smiled.

Kaidou's mother let the three in and she brought them to Kaidou's room "This is shun's room."

"Wow Kaidou, I wasn't expecting your bedroom to look like this. I thought it would have posters of that superhero show you-" Keiko started but was cut off by Kaidou quickly covering her mouth with his hands so his mum wouldn't hear.


"Mochizuki." he whispered, he watched as his mum lead Saiki and Nendou to the table in the room "Please don't say anything about stuff like that, she doesn't know about it and she would be really mad if she found out." he told her.

She moved his hands from her face "Oh, is that why you didn't want us over? In case we exposed your interests?" she placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled "Don't worry Kaidou I wont say anything."

"Your not the main issue, it's Nendou that I'm worried about. That idiot speaks without thinking-"

"Shun honey, don't be rude and keep Mochizuki to yourself, come bring her over to the table." his mother told him sternly.

"Yes, mummy!" he jumped, he stiffly dragged her to the table and sat her down.

His mother smiled at his friends "I'll go make some tea." she said, as she walked away Nendou looked up at Kaidou giving him a mocking look.

"Hey, little guy. You call your mother 'mummy'?" he grinned, "Are you a good boy at home?" he asked as Kaidou gave him a coy look "Does she treat you like a little boy?"

"Shut up!"

"Now Nendou, leave him alone. We all get treated differently by our parents, there's no shame in what he calls her." Keiko scolded the taller boy.

"It's not that I act like a good son. I just don't want to involve civilians." some dramatic music started playing as Kaidou still rambled on "In this world, I love not as the jet-black wings, but as Shun Kaidou. And my mother is actually a monster. In my past life-" he cut himself off when he saw that Nendou had moved from his seat and was now looking under his bed "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Looking for porn magazines, obviously."

"I don't have any!" Kaidou screeched.

"For goodness sake Nendou! You shouldn't pry into his stuff." Keiko scolded, he didn't listen as he picked someone she couldn't see properly up.

"Oh, this is suspicious." A few notepads then soon dropped out "What's this?" he asked, he picked up the top notebook only to find out it was Kaidou's diary.

Kaidou's cheeks went red and he pointed a shaky finger up at Nendou "Don't touch that diary. I won't forgive you if you look inside." Kaidou leaped towards Nendou and snatched his diary back. He was now crouching on the floor holding a firm grip on his secret book.

"Come on." Nendou wined, trying to convince the boy to give the diary back for him to peek through and read, Nendou sighed and turned away "Boring. I'll just look for other stuff."

"Stop it already!" Kaidou was about to say something else but was interrupted with his mother coming into the room with tea.

"Here's some tea." she said while Kaidou moved onto something completely different so it didn't look like he was previously shouting. She placed the tea and coffee jelly on the table "I'm a little worried about my son because he's a bit shy, so I hope you'll take care of him."

"Cut it out, mum... mother." Kaidou corrected himself, in fear that he might get shouted at.

His mother ignored him and turned back to his friends "So, where do you three want to go to college?" 'That's a strange question to be asking to people you've just met.' Keiko thought.

"Mother, that's for another time."

"What are you talking about? Now is the most important time. You're almost done with high school, so you're studying for exams now, right? Which college-"

"That's a funny joke, Madame!" Nendou laughed "Why would we study for college? Anyone can make it easily." Keiko watched as Kaidou's mothers face went stiff now staring at Nendou in shock? Anger? Distastefulness? "I'm not going to college. I'm going to start my own business."

Kaidou's mother then shot her head towards Saiki "How about you?" Saiki shrugged his shoulders and picked up his coffee jelly. She grimaced at the two and finally turned to Keiko "And... you?"

"I'm thinking of interior design..." Keiko muttered nervously, Kaidou's mothers eyes lit up ever so slightly.

"At least one of you has an idea about what they want to do." she then turned to Saiki and Nendou "Don't you both think you should think about your futures. You should have started thinking about college applications years ago! My Shun goes to cram school three days a week and studies at home everyday. The three of you at least go to cram school and study, right?"

Nendou and Saiki gave her a blank look "My parents say that's overworking your child if you make them study everyday." Keiko said, she flinched when a hand slammed down on the table.

"Shun! We need to talk!" his mother shouted, she then placed down a bunch of workbooks on the table "The three of you should work on these workbooks. Snacks come after!"

"How rude... She has no right to make us do that. She's not even our guardian." Keiko said, crossing her arms and staring at the pile of books. Nendou got back up and tried looking for the porn magazines again.

Saiki knew it would be difficult to finish all these books with his powers without Keiko knowing, Nendou wouldn't care because he's an idiot but Keiko would definitely notice.

Saiki flicked the back of her head and knocked her out making it look like he was asleep, Nendou turned the tv on while Saiki used his powers to finish through the notebooks, Kaidou's mother walked in and looked through the books now thinking the sleeping girl, the idiot and the boy eating coffee jelly were geniuses. She now wanted these three to spend all their time with Kaidou as his friends.

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