《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》007 CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR
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and Keiko had gifts for all her friends which included, Saiki, Kaidou, Nendou, Kenekshi, Yumehara and Teruhashi (she wasn't really her friend but she wanted to be nice).
First she was going to Teruhashi who she found sitting in the library with a group of boys lurking behind the bookshelves, keeping a close eye on her as they usually do around school all day. Keiko smiled and walked over to the table in front of her, hearing the voices of the boys asking what she was doing approaching their goddess, Keiko cleared her throat, "Teruhashi."
The girl looked up from the book she was reading with a smile and saw who's melodic voice was calling her name, her smile then slightly dropped "Mochizuki... Is there something I can help you with?" she asked with a bitter tone.
Keiko put her hand in her bag and pulled out a neatly wrapped present, the wrapping paper was a minty green with little bells covering it and was finally tied together with a piece of soft ribbon, "I know you didn't ask, but I thought it would be nice getting you a gift." she said, handing it to Teruhashi who looked mildly surprised with the kind gesture "I hope you like it." Keiko smiled.
Teruhashi inspected the neatly wrapped gift "Oh... Thank you, Mochizuki, but I didn't get anything for you." she said.
"Oh it's really no problem, I'm not too worried about that." The green haired girl said, "I'll leave you be now." she stated before turning away and leaving the library. Teruhashi looked down at the gift and started to unwrapping the perfect gifting reveal a white box, she opened it and her eyes sparkled when she see six perfectly sized cupcakes, three with red piped icing and the other three with green instead, on top was a cherry each.
Keiko was now looking for Yumehara who was sitting on a bench outside of the school, she seemed to be writing some sort of letter to someone on pink paper, "Hi Yumehara!" Keiko beamed, now walking over to the bench.
Yumehara gasped and quickly hid the paper under where she was sitting "Hello Mochizuki, you didn't see anything!" she said before rambling on, Keiko sat on the bench next to her, placing her bag on top of her lap.
"Don't worry I saw nothing." Keiko lied saving the girl from embarrassment, "I got you a gift for Christmas, It's nothing special but I hope you like it." she said pulling out another neatly wrapped gift in the same wrapping paper, she passed it to the ginger haired girl who gladly accepted.
"Wow Mochizuki, thank you so much! I'll have to get you something in return, it's only fair." she smiled before unwrapping the gift, inside was a box with a label from a candle company "Wait... I love this company, they sell such amazing candles!" she cheered before hurriedly opening the box, inside she saw three bubbles candles in the colours, pink, purple and yellow. She picked up the pink candle and smelt the refreshing scent, "This smell wonderful, you're amazing Mochizuki." she said before bringing the girl into a hug.
Kinekeshi was next and he was obviously found running laps around the tracks, it was strange since it was winter but that boy works out all day everyday, "Kinekeshi, I have a gift for you!" Keiko shouted, waving her hand out as she was at the other side of the track, Kinekeshi turned his head to see the girl, he waved before running over to her.
"Wow a gift?! You really didn't have too." he said, now accepting the gift she handed over, he unwrapped it a saw he was given a CD of his favourite band which he never got the chance to get, at home he has a CD player with many CD's to play when he works out.
"Keiko you are amazing!" he shouted, he brought his sweaty body into a hug with hers, she cringed but nevertheless patted his back "It's okay Kinekeshi, don't worry about having to get me anything back.
Next was Nendou, Keiko wasn't really sure what to get the boy since he always seemed to be lost in thought all the time, she found him leaning against the lockers, not paying attention to his surroundings, "Hi there, Nendou." she smiled patting his arm to try and grab his attention.
He looked down and smiled "Hiya greeny, Oh? Whatchu got there?" he asked, looking down at the gift in her hand.
She lifted it towards him, "It's a gift for you." she said handing it to him, as he opened it she said "I wasn't sure what to get you so I-"
"No way!" His voice cut her off, he dropped the wrapping paper and held up a pair of black socks which where decorated in tiny bowls of ramen "I saw those when walking passed a shop the other day and I nearly got them! It's like you knew I wanted them." he said, now taking off his shoes and socks, replacing them with his new pair.
"I'm glad you like them Nendou, I'm sorry it's nothing special, maybe you can come over for dinner one night, my mum is really good at making ramen." she said.
"Aw thanks greeny for the invite."
'Two more left' Keiko thought, now looking for Kaidou, she walked around to and looked into her classroom to see him sitting in there, wrapping up the red bandages on his hands, "There you are Kaidou. I've been looking for you." she smiled, pulling the present out of her bag and sitting on the desk in front of him.
"Ah Mochizuki, nice to see you." he said, now placing his hands on the desk, his eyes dropped down to the gift in his hand and his eyes sparkled wondering what could be inside.
"I got you a gift, I feel like you'll like it." she said, passing it to him "Hopefully..." she said, watching him opening it, his eyes soon widened and his jaw hung low, he let out an amazed sound as he picked up the beautiful black material with golden patterns around the shoulder area.
"This... This..."
"It's a cape." she rubbed the back of her head "What's a superhero without his cape? Wait, but there's also a saying that not all hero's wear capes." she questioned her choice of words while Kaidou wrapped the cape around himself.
"How does it look?" he asked in a much more confident voice and posing in front of her.
"You look like you're ready to take down the Dark Reunion." she grinned, his eyes widened and dramatic tears fell from his eyes, happy that someone finally cared about his want for taking down the Dark Reunion.
Keiko soon left Kaidou as he cried into his cape, 'Finally, It's time to look for Saiki, I didn't see him around school and the only place I haven't checked is the roof' she thought now walking up the stairs to the roof, although she had already been outside she keeps on forgetting how chilly it was during winter, she rubbed her arms together and looked around only to see the pink haired boy leaning against the railing looking out in front.
Keiko walked over and leaned against the railing, although he noticed her presence he hadn't turned to face her "You alright up here alone?" she asked.
he told her, still not looking her way.
"Then I won't be a bother for too long then." she smiled, she grabbed his hands and held them out, that's when he looked down to see what she was doing, she placed the final neatly wrapped (quite big) gift on his hands, "I spoiled you a bit, I got you more than one thing." she smiled, now looking out in the distance like he did.
He opened it and the box that was wrapped and saw he was given a bracelet which had different dessert charms, a wrapped up baby blue blanket with cloud patterns, a box of coffee jelly and finally a snow globe,
Her cheeks and nose where red from the cold as she looked up at the boy "You don't have to say anything, I wanted to get a gift for you as a thanks for being my friend." she smiled, now feeling shy by how he was looking at her.
I think I know why you're so lucky Mochizuki, when you're kind you get something kind in return, you are one of a kind so you're one of God's favourites.
It was now New year's day, Christmas had flown pass quickly and it was soon time to go back to school, Keiko was off make a wish in the shrine until she encountered, Saiki and his parents with the rest of her friends "Oh! Hello everyone!" she said brightly as she walked towards them, Kurumi and Kuniharu's eyes sparkled at the sight of the girl coming over, now seeing that three of Saiki's friends had come to say hello.
The two smothered at her, now patting her head and hugging around her shoulders "Oh Mochizuki, we haven't see you in so long, we were worried that you and Ku weren't friends anymore." Kurumi beamed.
"Yes, it's so nice to meet you again." Kuniharu added.
Keiko giggled "I'm just hear to make a wish in the shrine, have any of you made a wish yet?" she asked the group.
"Just made a wish now." Kinekeshi replied, stretching his arms, everyone else seemed to of given her the same answer.
"Well I might as well do mine now." she smiled before going up, she lightly shook the bells and placed her hands together and closed her eyes 'I wish that my grandma's sickness will go away so she can be fit and healthy again' Saiki looked up to see where the girl was standing It seems she's the only one who hasn't made a wish for herself.
Nendou had also turned up and also made a wish which he seemed to do completely wrong by only ringing the bell and not making a wish, he walked over to the group and raised his arm "Okay, let's go get some ramen."
Kuniharu laughed "All you have done is ring the bell. Here, let me show you how to do it." he told the boy, now teaching him the steps of the ritual and made a wish hoping that Keiko will soon be Saiki's girlfriend which could only be heard from the boy himself.
"Oh, is that..." a voice said from behind "Wow! Saiki, what a coincidence." Teruhashi spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Oh! Teruhashi!" Nendou spoke, his cheeks tinted pink.
Kurumi smiled and placed her hands together "Who is it this time? Who is this?"
Both Kinekshi and Keiko said hello to the girl while Nendou asked what she was doing here, however Saiki's father butted in "Nice to meet you, I'm Kusuo's father."
"I'm Ku's mum!" Kurumi added.
Keiko noticed how Saiki started to walk away while everyone else conversed with the beautiful new comer 'Is Saiki okay? Maybe he's a bit overwhelmed with all the people here.' Kuniharu seemed to notice that Saiki was walking away as well "What? Are you going home, Kusuo?" he then turned back to the group "I know! Why don't you all come over? We have New Year's food."
"Yes! Please come!" Kurumi begged from behind her husband, everyone seemed to have wanted to go as they all agreed.
"That would be wonderful, thank you for the invite." Keiko smiled at the lovely parents.
Everyone had made it back to the Saiki household, they had taken off their jackets and where now sitting at the table eating together, minus Saiki who sat on a chair alone, everyone seemed to be sitting in pairs except Keiko who hopped that the boy would come and sit down soon.
There was small talk around the table, Keiko used her chopsticks to eat her rice while Teruhashi spoke to Saiki's parents "This is very good. Please teach me how to make it sometime." she asked Kurumi.
"Really? Of course I will!" she then looked over to see that Keiko was eating alone in silence "And what about you Mochizuki, are you enjoying the food, you're being awfully quiet." she smiled.
The day Keiko had met Kurumi, she had always felt comfortable towards her, she was so kind and a pleasure to be around, she swallowed her food before shyly smiling "It's wonderful thank you, and thank you for inviting us to stay for dinner, it was really kind of you."
Kurumi smiled before looking around the table"No thank you, everyone, for being Ku's friend."
Kinekshi jumped up "You don't have to thank us. We want to be his friends." he said enthusiastically making Kurumi give him a soft smile.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just so happy." she said, that's when Saiki paused as he was about to walk out of the room "Ku has never had many friends because he's a psychic." she said, that's when the five paused what they were doing as their eyes widened at what they just heard.
The room went silent and no one said anything, Kuniharu sat beside his wife and was the first to speak after her statement "Honey, I don't think you should have shared that bit." the five still sat there staring at Kurumi trying to process the words she has just told them before.
"What do you mean by psychic?" Teruhashi asked, that's when Kurumi's face went pale and she looked lost for words.
"Honey, you have to say something." her husband said.
"Well..." she started but couldn't form the correct words, Keiko, Kaidou, Kinekshi and Teruhashi all pulled the same awkward face as they weren't sure what to say as if they weren't sure if they should take her words seriously.
Kuniharu cleared his throat "Oh, do you guys know the Shonen Jump logo? You know, the pirate one." he asked the group.
"Oh, yes. I'm familiar." Kinekshi replied.
"If you turn that symbol by 90 degrees it looks like a girl's side profile. I just thought I would point that out." Kuniharu said randomly, trying to change the subject, the four then pulled the same confused face again and stayed silent, feeling the awkward tension.
That's when Nendou's voice suddenly shouted up "Oh, wow! I definitely see it! Here, take a look." he said showing the cover to everyone, soon voices started to pick up and it was less awkward than before that was until Nendou turned back to Saiki's parents "So, what;s this psychic you mentioned?" he asked casually.
Kuniharu's eyes went blank as he raised three fingers "Did you know that a female sunfish lays 300 million eggs at once?" he said, it went silent again until Teruhashi's glass of water miraculously tipped over.
"Oh, no! I'm so sorry!" she said, Keiko picked up some napkins and started to soak up the water.
"You didn't get any water on you, did you?" she asked the blue haired girl and the red head boy and the topic had now changed.
After the meal, the group said thank you and started to go home "His parents were surprisingly cheerful." Kaidou spoke, he then looked over at Nendou "Anyway do you not know what manners are?" the two started to argue until Keiko cut in.
"Now you two, let's not fight. It's getting late." the five then wondered about the psychic situation and wondered if it was just a joke. They all went their separate ways as they thought about Saiki being a psychic.
'That was some strange joke, Saiki being a psychic. I mean it could be true, maybe that's why he's so quite all the time. He wants to blend in so it doesn't look like he has secret powers.' Keiko laughed to herself. As she carried on walking she felt someone hit the back of her head, her first instinct was to grab it and look around only to realize that no one was there 'What... Hang on I forgot what I was thinking about earlier. Oh well, I better get home' and with that she turned around and walked to that direction.
She placed her hands on her coat pocket only to feel a small box in there, her eyes widened and she pulled it out "What's this...?" she muttered before opening it, inside there was a little note on top, she picked it up and looked at the neat written which said Mochizuki, sorry you got your present late but I said I would get one for you - S. Kusuo
Keiko looked down and saw a necklace which had a four-leaf clover charm with it, her eyes sparkled as she put it on, now admiring the piece of jewelry 'It's beautiful, thank you Saiki' she blushed.
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