《One Shot》Chaptor 23


*After I finished my work at my company

After hours at my company and I was Dian my done now the only thing i need to do was my street fight and "job" which I have been crazy ever since my fight 5 days ago .

I put my street fighting outfit on and put my mask in my bag since it was about time to go to my street fight which was at 7:00pm

Everyone was gone except Charlotte and Luca since I ask Charlotte to keep an eye on Luca and help him with everything he needed .

Charlotte you can leave now and thank you sk much for it helping out with Luca . I will definitely add something to your paycheck and have a nice night . I said to Charlotte

No problem boss and don't worry about it I'm happy to help when needed she said getting up and walking out the door .

Bye she said

Bye I said back

Okay Luca I have a street fight and a "job" tonight .

Do you want to come with me or -

No I'll come with you and can I come to your job too ? He asked

Idk about the job part but you can go to the street fight with me but you'll be in my manager room and just introduce yourself as your street fighter name and say your with me .

Please I wanna come to both he whined

Fine but your staying in the car , I don't need any distractions on this mission .

Okay he said

Let's go I said getting up and walking out as Luca trailed behind me .

*At the street fighting place

Merciless I said to the dude that I saw last time I came here who underestimated me but quickly learned not to .

Y-yes ma'am he said stuttering with fear laced in his eyes


I walked through and met Luca in my room , whilst I waited for my match .

Announcer- Okay we have the one and only , she's never been beat , Merciless the announcer said as j got into the ring hoping this fight would be over so I could hurry and do my job .

Next we have another champion here form a different area and he's also never been beat before ..... and blah blah blah

Okay ready ... start

We stayed throwing punches and this dude really was pissing me off . Like he didn't even land one and he supposedly a " champion " . Like come on I quickly knocked him out and got out the ring as the crowd cheered my name .

I got back to my room and Luca and Gabriella and her girlfriend congratulated me ( Gabriella is gay , and if you don't like it i don't care ) .

Alright here half I said to Gabriella who declined

Why I asked her as i put the other half in my bag

I ways bet on you and I can honestly retire , but I won't this is the easiest everyone thinks just because your a girl you'll loose a fight but you never do so boom bitches she said .

Damn right I said to her smirking as me and Luca snuck out of there considering we didn't want to be causing by our family since they were also there and watching me fight .

I changed my clothes at the club , since I needed to wear something a little revealing, well not really because I'm not really seducing him I'm just going to "accidentally " spill a drink on him , go to the bathroom with him and then kill him .

I made my way into the club , as all wyd were in me and grabbed a drink because I wanted this to be over already . I saw my target and got up with my drink " stumbling " a little bit and "accidentally " spilled it on him


Why the fuc- he said

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I said slurring a little and wiping my hand on his shirt

Oh it's no problem he said , just my shirt is a little bit messed up

Oh let me make it up to you I said a little seductively going he would get the hint

And how are you going to make it up to me he said grabbing my waist and feeling my ass a little bit

Well if I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise now wouldn't it I whispered in his ear while running my hand down to his dick and grabbing it softly as he gasped

Mmmmm he said

Come on let's go to the bathroom I said as he followed behind me looking and grabbing my ass

We went in the bathroom and he immediately tried to kiss me but I quickly stabbed him flowing in his chest whilst saying nasty messing with one shot .

And I quickly snapped a picture and put my signature to show I did that and walked out with no blood on me .

Alright Luca can you erase the footage from the club j said as we zoomed home

Yeah he said taking out his phone , what time is it by the wya I asks him

10:32pm he said

Good we're here only is said as we got out and walked into the house

I quickly snuck upstairs and past everyone because I had my club clothes and didn't want to lie , I hate lying

Anyways I take a shower and head to bed since I had a long day today

*In the morning

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