《Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid Oneshots》Summer Programs


Every year, the FBI asks for certain agents to host certain summer programs for that year. Some of the programs are about what agents do in the field, some are about the requirements needed, and the really lucky agents get assigned the one about the guns.

This year? You got assigned the one about STEM in the bureau. And while it is one of the more boring ones, that's okay! You had a particular liking of STEM anyways, so you weren't too bummed about it.

Today was your first day, and let's just say you were extremely nervous. Don't get anybody wrong, you liked talking about your job, and getting paid a little bit extra for it seemed great. But teaching to a bunch of teenagers seemed scary. Some were there because they wanted to pursue a career in the FBI and that's great! But others? They were just there to work off a sentence given by the Quantico Court.

Still, you were determined to make the most of it.

Walking into the classroom, you made sure to get there fifteen minutes early, for planning and set-up. However, upon arrival, you were shocked to see that you had been given a teaching partner. A particular teaching partner that probably knew more on the subject than you.

Spencer Reid.

Thank Jesus.

Having Reid as a teaching partner may have been dooming to some, but to you? It almost took a weight off your shoulders. At least you weren't teaching half-great students and half-borderline juvenile delinquents alone!

"Oh thank the Lord they let you teach with me!" you say as you run up to Reid.

"Hm?" he says in response. "Oh, yeah! I was worried about teaching alone too, but—" Reid cut off when you hugged him. For what reason? You don't know, you just felt so relieved that you were only fifty percent of the team that was going to bore kids.


You could feel Reid tense up as you hugged him. Is that what being a germaphobe does to you?

Luckily, he decides to awkwardly hug you back. Good thing you two shared a job and were very close friends already.

Pulling away from the hug, you look up and notice that Reid's face is very close to yours. If you had been only a very little closer to him, your lips would have brushed together.

Just the thought of that made you blush.

Awkwardly, Spencer pulls out of the hug, looking down for a moment. He definitely had the same realization that you did, because he cleared his throat afterwards. Perhaps to diffuse the tension.

"So..." Reid began, "I was thinking we could start off with the basics of STEM today. You know, what the acronym means, who coined the phrase, et cetera, and then we could go more in depth if time allows? It should, if we talk fast enough."

You nod and open your mouth to speak, but as soon as you do, those heavy metal doors swing open and teenagers, ages thirteen to seventeen, shuffle into the auditorium-like seats.

You turn to Reid, who has already taken center stage. For someone with very little social skills, you didn't expect him to be good at this. But then again, what isn't Reid good at.

"Good morning everyone!" his voice rings through the room. "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid, half of who will be teaching you here today. The other half is my very good colleague and friend, Supervisory Special Agent (Y/N) (L/N)."

He winked at you, and you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat.

"So," he said, walking over to the whiteboard with an expo marker in his hand. "Shall we begin?"


The lesson went beautifully. You were initially worried that Reid was going to do most of the talking, but you did your fair share too. And some of the kids were practically falling asleep, but others actually seemed very interested in the topic at hand, which only made you and Reid even happier.

At the end of the lesson, you both took some time for questions, and there was a good amount of those. You got most of the questions, and although some were about STEM itself, most were questions about your line of work. Why did you choose to go into the BAU? What motivated you to even consider working for the FBI? What's the scariest part of your job? And as much as you loved answering those questions, time passed quickly, and the program was soon over.

Waving your goodbyes to everyone in the room, you waited until the doors were shut and you and Reid were alone.

"Reid!" you say, turning to him with an ecstatic look on your face. "We did it! We taught a bunch of teenagers! We did it!"

A smile curved onto Reid's lips. "We did!" he exclaimed, maybe not with the same energy as you, but the same amount of pride in the both of you.

You couldn't help but run up to Reid and give him the biggest hug ever. Never had any of your summer programs been as successful as the one today, so you couldn't help but let your excitement bubble over.

This time, Reid didn't hesitate to hug you back, his arms holding you in a secure fashion that definitely made your heart rate go up.

Pulling away from this hug was different than the first hug, however. The first time, Reid just stood there when he noticed how close your faces were. The second time, Reid actually kissed you.

And boy were you glad he did. His lips felt like a soft cloud against your own, and the way his hands travelled up and down your back gave you butterflies. Your hands found their way into his hair, getting tangled up in them before pulling away slightly.

Still very close, you both look at each other and laugh a little bit.

"I'd say today was pretty successful," he said, that smile still on his face.

"Yeah," you answer, "I agree."

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