《Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid Oneshots》Slipped


The wooden doors swung open to reveal the most majestic place you've ever known: the ice arena. The atmosphere was always cold, but it wasn't a harsh cold - it was a welcoming cold that didn't sting your skin and kept the ice nice and slick.

Speaking of slick ice, the Zamboni drove across the ice, smoothing it out and filling in any holes that were made from the previous people that were here. Now, only two people were going to be skating around: you and Spencer Reid.

"Are you sure this is safe, (Y/N)? This looks increasingly dangers and my skates can barely help me stand up."

Reid's worry is just adorable in your eyes. "Yes, it's safe. Sure, you might fall once or twice, but you don't majorly hurt yourself on the ice. The worst that could happen is a broken bone."

Spencer's eyes widen and his body tenses up a little. You laugh at him and watch the Zamboni tuck itself away into its corner. As soon as the buzzer sounds that allows skaters to get on the ice, you open the gate and pull yourself onto the ice. You push off with the pick and skate around the rink, doing little spins and skating backwards and whatnot.

As you're skating, Spencer watches you from the side and is completely shocked at what you can do. His eyes widen even more than before as you spin and twirl and just skate in general. He examines your face as you skate close to him and sees that you're at peace on the ice.

That hunch of Reid's is correct. When you're skating on the ice, you don't think of anything else. Not your job, not your bills, not anything. It's just you and the ice.

Oh, and Spencer.


Speaking of which, you stop in front of the gate and lock eyes with him. He looks at you and claps, wowed.

"Wow! You did really good just then. I didn't know you could do that," he exclaims, looking at you intently.

You smile and hold out your hand. "Come on, let's see you do it."

"What?" he asks.

"Let's see you skate!" you respond, your hand still waiting for his.

Spencer would've said no, but he had skates on - skates that you rented for him - so he kind of is obliged to go and skate. Grabbing your hand, he places both feet on the ice and immediately starts internally panicking.

"It's okay," you say, comforting him, grabbing his other hand with your other hand. "You have both of my hands. I'm going to skate backwards, and you're going to skate with me, okay?"

Reid nods, panicking still.

You start to skate backwards, as promised, and bring Reid along with you. At first, he starts getting a little scared about moving, but once you two get halfway around the rink, he starts to calm down and actually starts to smile and enjoy himself.

"Wow," he says, "we're actually moving. Like actually moving!"

You laugh at Spencer before stopping on the ice and letting go of his left hand. You both are holding your right hands. "Now, I'm going to show you how to move by yourself."

Reid nods as he watches your feet.

"Push your pick into the ice, and then push off of that foot." You demonstrate for him and push off, skating a small distance before stopping. "Now, it's your turn."

Nervously, Spencer copies your movements and successfully pushes off of the ice, gliding a smaller distance before coming to a complete stop. The victorious look on his face resembles that of a child's happy face.


"I did it!" he says, the smile on his face reaching his ears.

"You did!" you say, laughing at him slightly. "Simply put, ice skating is just that patter repeated over and over again. Try it!"

This time, you let go of Reid's hand, and he looks at you nervously. "A-Are you sure you want me to do this?"

You nod, firmly believing that he will do great. At first, he does do great. Spencer skates a little bit less than halfway around the rink and you skate backwards, not too far in front of him. But then something happens and he trips. He goes to fall face first, but his fall was broken by you. By that, you mean that he's fallen on you in a way that your lips are directly on his.

You both look at each other in this position, eyes wide open, until you realize that you're technically kissing him. Your eyes flutter shut as you start to lean into his kiss and engage in it. He must do the same, because he stands himself upright and snakes his hands around your waist as your fingers entangle themselves in his hair.

You two must kiss for a long time before he pulls away, gasping for air. You don't know if his cheeks are red from the cold or from embarrassment, but it's safe to assume that it's a little bit of both.

"I didn't know the ice was so, uh, slippery," mutters Spencer, a little embarrassed by what just happened.

You smile at him and respond, "So you just slipped?"

"Yup," Reid says, sarcastically brushing it off as if it was nothing. "I definitely just slipped and didn't want any of that to happen at all."

You laugh as you kiss him quickly. "I love you, Spencer."

"I love you, too."

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