《Always Him.》𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22


"Sophia, darling you look beautiful!" Eleanor pulls me into a warm hug.

"So do you, happy birthday!" I reply, greeting her.

"Happy birthday!" Amyra hugs her. We give her, her gifts, and walk into the crowded space.

"So, is there a plan?" Myra asks as she links for arms together.

"Yes. You'll see. " I smile as Amyra smirks.

"I knew not moving back to India would do me good, look at me now, a smart-ass best friend by my side." I chuckle.

"Hello, darling!" Mom grabs my hand.

"Hi mom! You look stunning!" I tell her and she smiles.

"Sophia, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry for not supporting you, I'm proud of your career. Always will be." She will never know how much that meant to me.

"Thank you, mom." I hug her.

"Where's Sebastian and Shyla?" I ask, looking around the crowded room.

"Sebastian is with his girlfriend, he has a girlfriend. Amanda, she's such a sweet person." Mom smiles and I chuckle.

"I've met her." I nod.

"Oh, you have? That's great!" Mom seems happy. Free from the man that has held her back her entire life, since college. I'm so glad she chose to divorce him.

"Mrs. Rivera! Allow me to steal your daughter, please?" Jace asks my mom with that all so innocent sweet smile he has.

"Of course Jace! You look very handsome! Where is your mom?" they get into a conversation about why Jace's mom missed the party because of some emergency surgery.

My focus shifts from their conversation, to how beautiful the space looked, there were pictures of Eleanor and the McKay family, pictures of her and mom when they were younger. I smile at their friendship.

"Sophia, I want you to meet someone," Jace tells me as he pulls me through the crowd of people.

A girl, dressed in a black dress stood talking to Amyra.

"Hi, I'm Sophia." I smile at her, and she shyly returns the smile.


"I'm Kiara," she tells me. Definitely a shy one.

"So, you're the mystery girl Jace has been wanting to introduce us to?" I chuckle and she smiles nodding her head.

We make casual talk, but she barely says much. She seems like a nice girl though.

From the far corner of my eyes, I see Piper walk-in, with her parents. I look at Jace and he nods. Where's Axton? I haven't seen him since I arrived. I hope he's not on top of a building this time.

I excuse myself from the conversation, making my way to find Axton, yes I'm pretty upset with him but I just need to know he's okay. I struggle to walk through the crowded space of famous people that I have no intentions of speaking to. I suddenly bump into someone. I look up to see Corbin, not the McKay I was looking for.

"Sophia!" he sends me his disgusting smile.

"Corbin, a disgraceful honour, as always." I flash him a sarcastic smile.

"Where are you off to?" he asks me, downing whatever was in his glass.

"I'm looking for Axton, but I'm sure you won't know where he is since he doesn't want to hear your name."

"Still running after him huh? Trying to push your way into his heart. News flash, he doesn't want you so stop trying to be a faithful wife."

"You're just mad because cause you didn't have anyone to stick by your side, oh wait you did, but you screwed it up. Now if you excuse me I'd like to enjoy the party and that requires me to be away from you."

I walk away, making my way up the stairs, Axton walks down, holding his hand out. I stare at him, dark blue suit, his hair, normal but so cute! God, how does he manage to look so good without trying?

"Coming or do you want to stand on the staircase forever?" I roll my eyes, taking his hand, walking down the stairs as everyone watches below us. I see Amyra smirking but I ignore it.


"Axton! You look, good dear." Eleanor walks up to him, passing her hand over his shoulder, something she always does. Apparently, that's passing her love over him. It's kind of sweet.

"Happy birthday mom." he kisses her cheek and I smile at how sweet he is with his mom.

"Sophia and Axton look so good together!" someone yells from the crowd and the room erupts into laughter and several agreed responses.

"Of course they do. Let's get a picture together." Eleanor stands between us as the photographer takes a few shots of the three of us. Even though she stood between us, Axton never let my hand go.

"Oh my! It is beautiful!" she squeals as she watches the pictures. Suddenly my hand slips out from Axton's hand. I miss the warmth of his hand. Which is now being given to Piper's hand. Of course, she'll ruin the moment. I step away, allowing Piper and Axton to have their pictures taken.

She ruined my moment, I should ruin hers.

Okay, Sophia, this jealousy of yours is getting out of control.

"Can I steal your future daughter-in-law for a quick second?" I ask Eleanor and she chuckles, nodding. I look at Axton and she mouths me 'You did us a favor.'

I grab Piper's hand, pulling her into one of the empty rooms. A specific one.

"What the hell bitch?" she asks as I close the door.

"You obviously didn't receive that box of clothing from my company, so just tell me where you got it."

She chuckles.

"I had one of your fans make a rip off, it was pretty cheap don't worry."

"Why would you do that? I never did you bad Piper, so please explain why you would try to sabotage my company?"

"I told you to stay away from Axton! I am marrying him and I will do anything to keep you far from him, even exposing to the media why your mom and dad are getting divorced." Oh okay, I didn't expect that part.

The door burst open and Axton walks in.

"That's enough. Leave." he tells Piper. She scoffs walking out the room, I head after her, still needing the fake clothing.

We walk out the door, and the dirty looks of all the guests fall onto Piper.

Let me explain, Jace hooked up a camera that displayed everything onto the screen in the living room, which was originally placed there to display a birthday video for Eleanor. I feel bad for ruining her party.

Technically, everyone heard Piper.

"You bitch!" she whisper-yells next to me.

"Yeah, I'm going to need the fake clothing."

"You''re not getting shit!" she yells,gaining even more attention.

"Lower your Godamn voice Piper." Axton walks up, placing himself between Piper and I.

"Piper, I'm going to need you to leave, immediately." Eleanor mumbles.

"Sophia, can you help keep these guests here?" she asks, clearly stressed and I nod.

Eleanor is a fan of speeches, so we all wrote one for her, I guess I'll read mines first.

I walk up, grabbing the microphone, standing in the middle of all the guests.

"Can I please have your attention? Tonight we celebrate the life of one of the strongest woman I know, Eleanor McKay, if I dare call her Mrs. McKay, she'd lecture me for hours." I chuckle as so do the crowd.

"This wonderful woman, took me in as family, when mines was out of town. As much as I avoided birthday celebrations, she celebrated my birthdays, she held me when I was in pain, she gave me advice when I was lost. She supported me through my failed attempts at becoming a designer, she blessed me with her amazing food. She has always been there. I'm honored to know you and I hope one day, when I become, a mom, I do as great of a job as you did with Axton. " Everyone chuckles when they realize I left Corbin out.

"Happy birthday Eleanor!" An applause quickly fills the air as I walk to her.

"Sophia that was beautiful!" she wipes away her tears and I chuckle.

"Trying to steal my mom now Soph?" Axton says and I roll my eyes.

"I already did." I smile at him as he chuckles.

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