《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 24


Emma has been depressed recently. All she wants is for things to go back to normal. She wants to spend time with her best friend. Her best friend that has turned into a dick head.

It's been a month since that happened. After that day, things between Lennon and her got awkward. He doesn't talk to her or even glance her direction anymore. He spends all of his time with his girlfriend and his new friends, leaving Emma a sad mess.

But guess what? That's not the best part. 3 weeks ago, he came crawling back to her. He wanted forgiveness. He said that he was stupid to let her go. He said a lot of other bullshit lines, but I honestly didn't listen or even care. Ever since then, he's been calling and texting her. He visits her home and tries to talk to her after school. Emphasis on after school. He doesn't associate with her inside school or if he is with his girlfriend and friends.

Emma wanted to forgive him, but I am not allowing that. If he wanted forgiveness, then he should ditch everyone else for her. If their life long friendship ment anything to him, then no girlfriend or popularity status should get in the way.

We informed Mali, and she and I work together on trying to help Emma. None of us is experienced in the love area since none of us have ever even been on a date. We pretty much just take tips from the internet.

As of right now, we were getting ready to go to a club nearby. We were gonna have a girls night out as another attempt to get Emma's mind off of Lennon.

"I really don't understand how you guys have the patience to just sit there and do your make up for an hour." I say as I watch the two put on the make up.

"It doesn't take THAT long" Mali says as she finishes putting on her lipstick

"Uh huh...sure." I roll my eyes

They finally finish and I suddenly feel plain.

Mali wore a long sleeved black laced dress. The dress flattered her body well. Her makeup, as always, was on point, and her hair was straightened to perfection.

Emma wore a tight fitting dark blue dress that went mid thigh. Her make up was all smoky and she looked super ready to party. She curled her hair into light waves.

I was dressed in a sleeveless lacy maroon crop top, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black lace up heels. I had no make up on and I didn't do anything to my hair.

"Now I see why it took a whole lifetime" I chuckle


"You're really not gonna put on makeup?" Mali asks

"Nope! Let's go!!" I say

We took an uber there because Mali and Emma are planning on getting drunk, and I have no idea how to drive a car. If you're wondering how we're going to get in, then here's how. Chris is actually good friends with the younger brother of the bouncer. The younger brother was able to get Chris in, so now Chris is gonna get the three of us in.

We arrive there and Chris greets us with a smile. He hugs me tightly and smiles at the girls.

"Hello girls!! Glad you could make it!!! Unfortunately, I can't stay because I have a test first thing in the morning. I'll just get you in and head out. You be careful girls, okay?" He tells us. We nod our heads and follow Chris.

"Be careful, Har." He whispers in my ear

"Of course. I still gotta beat your ass in Mario Kart" I whisper back. He laughs and ruffles my hair.

"Not happening." He says

The bouncer nods at Chris and lets us in. I flinch at the loud noise. My poor ears...

Chris hugs me goodbye and leaves. The girls and I head to the bar immediately. I don't know about them, but I have drunk alcohol before. I watched a YouTube video of some guy makig this really cool looking drink, so I had to try it. I did, and it tasted amazing. Sometimes it tasted bad or it tasted painful, but you get used to it.

"What do you girls want?" I ask them. They look at each other and shrug.

"You order for us." Mali says

"Two martinis and One mojito" I tell the bartender. He nods and gets on with making our drinks. I pull out the needed money from my pocket and place it on the table.

"Welcome to the party girls!" I say to them.

The bartender soon arrives with our drinks. We drink, laugh, and chat. We had a few drinks so far and were having a great time until Emma froze. Mali and I look at her in confusion. We turned to her direction and saw what she was staring at.

Lennon and his girlfriend were dancing in the crowd. All of the popular people were here. My eyes widen as I spot Hannah grinding on Jaxon.

My heart breaks a little. I thought he was done with her?

"Just don't look at them." I say to the girls. Emma looks down at her drink sadly. Mali side hugs her to comfort her.

"Come on! Let's not let this ruin our night. They're here, so what? Who cares? Definitely not us." I say as I stand up. I grab the girls hands and we make our way to the dance floor. I made sure we put a distance from any of our classmates.


"Harley, I don't know how to dance" Emma says over the music

"Just let loose!! Have fun!!!" I yell at her. Mali and her exchange looks before they start jumping up and down wildly. I laugh and join them.

The alcohol must have gotten into our system because soon we're a pro at this. We're dancing and swaying our hips to the beat. We were rocking the dance floor. We went crazy and because of that people started to glance at us. I noticed some people from school looking at us, but I didn't mind them.

I did mind when Jaxon and the other guys came to us.

"Harley? What are you girls doing here?? How'd you get in???" Reece asks us

"We just did. How'd you guys get in?" I ask them

"I own this club." Jaxon says

"We come here a lot." Kaden says


"Emma??" Lennon says from behind us. Emma turns around and looks at him. She groans as she sees him.

"I need another drink to blur his face" She says. Mali and I laugh and high five her.

"Emma, what are you doing here? You never go out to parties or something." He furrows his brows in confusion.

"It's none of your business." She says

"Can you all just leave us alone." She snaps at the guys and at Lennon

"Ugh. Girls, the slut is here." Hannah says as she walks up beside Jaxon. She was wearing a dress that covered up just her stomach. The other two were wearing similar to hers.

"I bet she works here as a stripper." Kim sneers

"They're not hiring right now. They have three slutty strippers right here. I bet you do it for free too, huh, slut?" I say to them

Oh I love making these girls angry.

"Ugh. This club is shit." Mali rolls her eyes

"Just like your outfit" Annabeth says

I snap. I walk up to Annabeth and slap her super hard. I shove her to the ground and slap her one more time on the same cheek. Everyone was now looking at us. The music stopped and some lights were on.

"You can say shit about me all you want, but DO NOT mess with my friends. You got that, whore?"

I felt someone yank my hair back. I was shoved to the ground by Hannah.

"How dare you? You've done way too much already, bitch. You've had your fun, but now it's time to back the fuck off." She says

"Bitch..." I stood up and dusted off my pants. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my videos. I marched up to the dj and plugged in my phone to the speakers.

"Do you have some place that I can show a video?" I ask him. He nods and connects my phone to the TV by the bar.

"Everyone please turn your attention to the TV" I say in the microphone

I play the video of Hannah sleeping during one of our field trips. She was snoring loudly and had drool going down her lips. Her snors were loud and almost like pig snorts. At one point, her hair falls onto her face and into her mouth. Everyone laughs at this. I smirk at Hannah. This wasn't even that bad. I know worse secrets, but I'm not that much of a bitch.

"Slutty by day and pig by night." I say into the microphone. People burst into more fits of laughter

"Is it a pig or Hannah? 100% of people can't tell." I keep up the insults. This makes the crowd laugh and Hannah angrier.

" Was that a drool earlier? Really? I thought it was Niagra Falls."

"Oh wait, the Niagra Falls is water. It's not made of saliva."

"It's the great saliva falls! It's NiHannah Falls!!!"

Hannah storms out of the club with her minions following close behind.

"Hey! You forgot your clothes!! Oh you weren't even wearing any? That's expected from a slut" I say before they leave. I thank the dj and go back down to my friends.

"Can we get this party back in swing please?let's pretend that those walking STD'S didn't just breathe this beautiful clear air." I say. The lights turn back off and the music plays. Everyone rushes to the bar to get more drunk.

I see one of the popular cheerleader girls on her phone. I assume she was posting a video of what just happened.

Well, time to get even more famous.


Helllo everybody!!! I'm doing an update spree that is dedicated toooo:

and and

Thank you guys for always voting and commenting on this book! I dedicate this coming update spree to you guys! I love y'all so much!!

I love comments and I see your comments a lot, so thank you very much. I really really love and appreciate comments. I update faster and I update better chapters if I get lots of comments.

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