《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 23


I smirked as I remove my helmet and hopped off my bike. Another bike stops right in front of me. I could practically feel the owner's glare right through the helmet. I run my hand through my hair in order to tame it while he hops off his own bike and takes off his helmet.

"Try to keep up next time, yeah Parker?" I say, still smirking

"You cheated." He glares at me playfully

"Of course not! You're just a sucky biker." I say

"It's not fair! This is one of the most expensive bike's money can buy, and you still beat me." He huffs

"Don't blame the ride, blame the rider" I say

"Is that a quote from somewhere?" He furrows his brows

"I think so" I shrug my shoulders

I look around and see many students stopping and staring at us. I sigh and give Jaxon a push.

"This is what I don't like about beeing your friend. You bring attention everywhere you go." I say

"Well that's what happens when you're so good looking" He smirks and winks at a girl nearby. Her eyes widen and she waves at him. She then rushes to her friends to mist likely squeal about it.

"Your ego is suffocating." I roll my eyes. I grab my bag and walk off. He takes his and follows me.

"You know, you don't have to be my friend in school too. I wouldn't want to tarnish your reputation." I say

"1. I don't give a fuck what other peopls think. Their opinions can fuck off; and 2. Your reputation has actually gone up pretty high, so it won't really tarnish my reputation." He says

"Yeah, well, people might think we're...yeah." I tried to hide the blush that is creeping up my neck and to my cheeks

"Think we're what?" He asks

"You know...like...a couple or something like that" I mutter



It might not matter to him, but it does to me. I might act like I don't like anymore, but that's a lie. I am still hopelessly in love with him. I just know how to control my emotions and lock up my heart. If he associates with me,a girl, then rumours will spread around that we're together or something. It might not be a big deal, but it is to me. Just the thought of us together makes my heart want to burst.

"Nevermind" I shake my hand and continue my way to my locker. Emma was already waiting there with Mali by her side. I smiled at them.

"Hey guys!!" I greet them cheerfully

"Hey Harley!!" They say back

"So...what happened between you and Jaxon?" Emma immediately asks

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, since when did you two start hanging out? Do you really expect that we won't hear the rumors about The bad boy and the bad ass girl. Even if you just arrived at school, word travels fast." She says

"Jeez. All we did was hang out for the weekend. Chris had to finish up a project for school, so Jaxon and I hung out. He wanted to make it up to me for being such an asshole." I explain to them the truth

"Ohhh" They say in unison. I roll my eyes at them and grab my necessary books. We walked to our next subjects. I didn't have Emma or Mali at this period, so I sat alone at my seat near the window. I chuckled to myself as I remember the days where I used to just look out the window everyday and listen to the chit chat of the people.

Nowadays, my peace and quiet gets interrupted a lot. To prove my point:

"Heya Harley!" Reece sits in front of me, Kaden sits next to him, and Jaxon sits next to me.


You see what I mean? I'm not annoyed. I just wish I had some more quiet time for myself. Who knew having friends made you so busy all the time?

"Hey guys" I smile lightly at them

I felt the gazes of my classmates looking directly at us. I groaned and glared at the three. They look at me in confusion.

"Why must you bring so much attention?" I gesture to the many people staring

"They can't help it. We're just that hot." Jaxon shrugs his shoulder

"I said it once, and I'll say it again. Your ego is suffocating." I roll my eyes at him

"It's not ego. It's confidence." He says

"No. It's ego"

"Wait wait wait" Reece interrupts our little debate

"Since when have you guys been talking? Just last week, you didn't talk to each other at all. Heck, Kaden talked to Harley more than you Jax" Reece says

Kaden smiles lightly at me, and I smile back. Yeah it is true. Sometimes when I'd talk to Kaden about stuff. He sat next to me in the classes that only he and I had. We'd talk and whisper quietly. He's quiet, but he has a lot to say.

"Well, I recently decided to stop being a dick to her. That's why I hung out with her over the weekend. I'm gonna start making it up to her." He says with a proud look on his face

"Yeah. He JUST RECENTLY decided to stop being a dick. He thought for a few months until he decided to stop." I say. His proud look turned into a grimace.

"At least he stopped" Kaden says

"...that's true." I nod my head. I glance at Jaxon to see him already looking at me. He turns to me and mouths 'I'm sorry'. I smile and mouth that it's fine.




During lunch time, Emma came up to me upset. She looked sad and mad at the same time. She dragged me all the way to the tree. No one was there yet, so we were all alone.

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"Lennon" She huffs

"What about him?"

"We kinda fought..." she says now looking more sad than man

"What happened?"

"He came up to me after class. He asked me why I've become so distant and why I don't talk to him anymore. I told him that it's not me. He was the one who left me in the first place. He left me for his girlfriend." She tugs on her hair in frustration

"I knew this would happen...I knew that he'd leave me one day..." Her frustration suddenly switches into sadness as she sighs.

"Har...I miss him." Tears start to fall from her eyes. I immediately grab her into a tight hug. She cries on my shirt and I let her.

"And then what happened?" I ask as I pat her softly in the back

"I told him all that, and I told him that I liked him...a lot. I told him every single thing that I had to say to him then I ran away when he didn't respond." She says through her sobs.

"Oh Em..."

All I could do was hug her and try to calm her down. I wish I could give her advice but I've never been in that kind of situation before. Yes, I had best friends leave me, but I didn't care for them like how Emma cared for Lennon. I've also never fallen in love with my best friend before.

I'm pathetic. I couldn't do much to help-I probably didn't help at all. All I could do was hug her and comfort her. I did my best to let her know that even though Lennon may be gone, I'm still here.

Hopefully that would be enough for her. I've never had a friend to leave me for their relationship, but I have had a friend to leave because I didn't know how to comfort them.


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