《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 8


After school, I saw a familiar face waiting for me outside school. I squealed and ran over to him. If you're thinking it's Jaxon, it's not. It's my Uncle Connell. He is my dad's brother. He runs a repair shop nearby. I could've stayed with him all these years, but he has three children and money is a struggle for them. I couldn't burden them even more.

I remember mentioning how I usually took my motorcycle to school. Well he has had it and has been repairing it. Harley Davidson was my father's dream motorcycle. My mother was against naming their first child after a motorcycle, but she was overwhelmed. My grandfather and father shared the same passion about motorcycles. My grandmother said that Harley was actually a nice name, so that was how I ended up with the name Harley . My dad loved motorcycles so much, but he was never able to own his own Harley Davidson. That's why when I found out about his love for it, I immediately bought one and learned how to drive a motorcycle. I wanted my father to live out his dream through me.

"Here you go, Harley!! She's as good as new!!!" He says proudly

"Thank you so much Uncle Connell!!!" I beam at him. He hands me the keys and we talk for a while before he leaves. Just as he leaves, I hear Lennon and Reece calling out to me. Makes sense. Those two are the most talkative people ever.

"HARRRLLLEEEEYYYY!!!!" Lennon runs up to me. He takes one look at my motorcycle and gasps.

"NO FRICKIN WAY" He yells. This makes the others speed up. The guy all widen their eyes and drop their jaws.

"What the hell?!?!" Reece yells

"You ride a fucking Harley!!!" Jaxon exclaims

"Heh...Harley rides a Harley" Kaden chuckles

"Are you serious? You actually ride this?" Reece says

"Yup!" I dangle the keys in front of them to show my point

"That is so bad ass" Lennon says

"That's so cool" Jaxon says


"That's hot." Reece smirks. My eyes widen and a blush immediately makes it's way on my face. I look up when I hear skin against skin. By the looks of it, Jaxon hit Reece upside the head.

"Let's see how good you are swee-Harley" Jaxon corrects himself for the second time today.

Jaxon gets into his sports car, and I hop onto my bike. I start it up and smile widely as the engines roar. I put on my helmet and we zoomed off. I recognized where we were headed, so I sped off without him. I took a shortcut to my apartment. I pulled up in just a few minutes.

I got off my bike and took off my helmet. As I waited for Jaxon, I ran my hand through my hair to untangle all the knots. It didn't take long for Jaxon to arrive. I smirk at him.

"Took you long enough" I say as I approach his window.

"Yeah. Yeah. You're really good. Put your motorcycle in and let's go. I'm taking you somewhere" He says

"Okay, bossy" I say

I parked my bike and got in Jaxon's car. We drove in awkward silence.

"So, uhm, where are we going" I spoke up

"It's a surprise" He smiles lightly

"Uhm...okay...by the way, your shirt is inside out." I finally tell him. It was obvious that he had a little quicky during last period. His shirt was inside out, his hair was all messed up, and he had lipstick on his face and neck. It was pretty obvious. I swear when he came out of the janitor's closet with the Queen S, I heard many hearts break in unison. Mine being the loudest.

Yes, by the way, I meant Queen S. No, not Queen B. See, in our school, we have a Queen B, S,and F. We have the Queen Bitch, Queen Slut,and Queen Fake. I like to call them the BFS, the Best Fake Sluts.

Hm...I should probably tell Jaxon about one of them...

"Hey Jaxon?"


"Between the BFS, who have you slept with before?" I straight up ask him the question with no hesitation.

"Who?" He asks in confusion

"Hannah is the Queen Bitch, Annabeth is Queen Fake, Kim is the Queen Slut. Together they are BFS or Best Fake Sluts. Now among all of them, who have you been with?" I ask

"Uhm...that's a weird question" He shifts uncomfortably in his seat

"Just answer it" I roll my eyes

"All of them" He mutters lowly. Ouch...okay. Nice to know you fucked not one or two, but all three of them. Actually, I should have expected that. He's the player and the bad boy, and they're his little toys.

"...you do know that Annabeth has STD's right? Something called Gonorrhea and Chlamydia" I spilled her secret. I overheard her crying about it

The car immediately pulled over to a stop. He looks at me with wide eyes. He looked as if he doesn't believe me.

"I'm not lying. You, of all people, should know that I know everyone's secrets. That's hers." I say

"Fuck...I was with her just yesterday..."He mutters lowly

He doesn't say anything else. He just stares at me with a horror stricken face. I start to laugh at his expression. After a few minutes, he snaps back into reality.

"Welcome back" I say sarcastically

"I need to get tested tomorrow..." He whispers to himself.

"Yeah you should" I chuckled

He starts up the car and we continue driving.

"Where are we going anyway?" I whine

"Patience." Is his only reply

A few minutes later, we arrive in front of a small cozy home. I raise my eyebrow at him, but he just smiles at me. We walk up to the door and he knocks on it. An old woman opens it and smiles widely at us.

"You must be Jaxon and Harley! Come in, Come in." She ushers us inside.

A mixed breed dog looks cautiously at us. My eyes widen and I try to fight off a smile. I hesitantly approach him. I shut out the conversation that the old woman and Jaxon were having. I put my hand in front of me for him to smell. He hesitantly does so. He soon starts to relax, so I take this opportunity to rub his head. In no time, he lets me rub his tummy.

So caught up in the dog, I didn't notice Jaxon next to me.

"Having fun?" He chuckles next to me

"He's so adorable" I coo

"He seems to like you." He says

"I love him" I gush as I get up

"He's a mix of a Labrador and a German Shepherd." The old lady says

"Unfortunately, I'm getting too old to take care of him." She continues

"Since he seems to really like you, maybe you could take care of him?"

My eyes widen at her offering. I couldn't control the smile on my face.

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief

"Sure! He's only 10 months old. He needs an owner" She says

"Thank you!!! Thank you Thank you Thank You!!!!" I hug her. She laughs and hugs me back

"Let me just give you all his stuff" She smiles kindly before walking out

"I thought you needed some company in your house" Jaxon says. I turn around to face him

"You're house is really lonely. Nobody, except you, lives there. I thought that you should get a pet to have some company" He continues

"You took me out here to get me a pet?" I clarify with him


And you expect me to move on and not fall more in love with him when he does things like these? Yeah. That's impossible.

"Thanks Jaxon." I smile at him

"Does that mean I'm forgiven? For being an asshole?" He asks

"Yeah...sure." I say

I don't know who the real Jaxon is, but I can't stop my heart anymore. He won't leave me alone, and he won't stop being so sweet to me. It's only natural that I keep falling for him.

This is going to be hard.

Moving on is going to be harder than I thought.


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