《All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]》Reconnection


The team watched the strange exchange with interest. A woman they had no knowledge of was working in the building, hugging a man that they had never met, who had apparently provided intel on a Hydra base. They all thought it was incredibly odd until Tony piped up again.

"Nick Bradshaw is a Navy Commander. Back when Stark Industries sold...other things, his regiment was our primary contact for that branch of the military. Of course, he was a lowly Ensign back in those days." Tony explained as Nick eventually let you down. Nick then turned to the room, although Bucky did not miss the fact that his arms were still wrapped around you.

"Well the only reason I climbed the ranks so quickly was from your interference, Stark." Nick laughed, finally releasing you and walking over to Tony, shaking his hand once he reached him. "This guy seemed to spot my potential quicker than the Admiral."

Tony shrugged humbly, as if he didn't know that he probably changed this kid's life completely. But Tony was too self-aware to not know that.

"So how do you know about this base?" Steve asked, interrupting the apparent reconnection between old friends.

"We were running some practice drills around the Peruvian coast actually, testing out some new equipment-" Nick started.

"You didn't buy that from me?!" Stark gasped in feign offence.

"Well someone decided not to sell military weapons anymore." Nick teased, with a smile. The team seemed to be relaxing in his presence; he came across as incredibly charming. Bucky wasn't fooled. "One of our radars picked up the heat signature, once me and the Captain looked into the building's history a bit more, it seemed the right thing to do to send the recording over to Stark." Nick said coolly, clapping a hand on Tony's shoulder, making the billionaire return the gesture. "Plus, I fancied making the trip to see some old friends." He added, winking over at you, who had been watching the presentation from the side.

Bucky whipped his head over to you to see you smile back. He felt like his blood was boiling inside him.

The meeting continued in the background while Bucky was analysing the interactions in front of him. You didn't shy away from Nick's touch. You weren't making sarcastic remarks. You weren't even glancing at Bucky anymore.

Old friend? He wasn't sure that was entirely true. But then again, it's not like he knew much about you to begin with.

At some point, the team started warming up to Nick as well. They'd moved from their seats to all huddling around the display, listening to Nick's detailed explanation of the area surrounding the building as they planned a route in to investigate. Bucky stayed in his seat.

He heard someone take the seat next to him, the back of the chair squeaking a little with the movement. He looked to see Nat holding out her tablet.

"He checks out." She said, as Bucky took the tablet, seeing a Navy file on Nick open. "Been in the Navy for 10 years, which crosses over with the time Stark would have still been in that business. His regiment is currently stationed in Trujilo on the coast of Peru."


Bucky hummed to let her know he was listening as he scrolled through the documents on the screen.

"Also found out her real name."

Bucky's eyes shot up to Nat's. She was smiling.

"You're interested?" Nat asked, nodding knowingly when Bucky was silent. "She was his emergency contact when he first signed up. Strange, considering his connection to Stark. Maybe she's been working with him since then and just kept it quiet. She still doesn't have a file though, even under her real name."

Bucky looked back at the tablet, desperately trying to find the page that Nat was talking about. Nat sighed, rolling her eyes when she saw he was failing miserably to locate it. She took the tablet off him, swiping in all the right places to bring up Nick's enrollment form. She scrolled down, then showed the screen to Bucky.

He looked back up at you, practising your real name in his head. It was gorgeous. It was a name he had never heard before, but it suited you perfectly. He watched you laughing next to Nick, already planning how to get you on your own. Already planning what he had been thinking about for days. Bucky needed to speed up this whole game that you had going between you. And he intended to put it into motion straight after this meeting.

Once it was finally over, and everyone started heading back to their chairs to grab their respective folders, Bucky headed over to you. You were still talking away with Nick and Stark, not noticing him approaching until he was right beside you.

"Do you need to go anywhere?" Bucky asked, and it took you a few seconds to process his words, process his meaning, and realise that he was talking about the deal that Tony made you both agree to.

You were still very much aware that you hadn't mentally gotten past your last interaction with Bucky. You could feel your body tense, and your stomach thrumming with anticipation at whether you would once again feel his mouth on yours, despite your best efforts to dampen it down. But there were too many people around. He wouldn't try anything here.

Although a tiny part of you wanted him to.

"Back to the lab." You said stiffly. Then you looked to Nick, and got an idea. "Although I'm sure Nick would be happy to take your place for now."

You narrowed your eyes at Bucky when you said the words 'take your place'. Hoping it would annoy him. Hoping it would make him realise that you were still angry at how he left you unsatisfied. Hoping he would take the hint that he was replaceable.

You wanted human touch. You didn't care if it was Bucky or not. Right?

Bucky glared back at you, but Tony answered instead, clearly ignoring the silent battle going on between you.

"That's a great idea, give you two the chance to catch up properly." Tony grinned, herding you and Nick towards the door. "Bucky, you've got the night off. Start reading up with Nat, I'll need you two to lead the exit strategy." Tony called over his shoulder at Bucky, who was left standing there, speechless at the whole interaction.


Bucky breathed in deeply. His body was brimming with ugly emotions. He felt angry, jealous, undermined. After a few minutes of standing in silence, while the others filtered out of the room unaware of his brain running a million miles an hour with all of his possible options, only one was taking over.

He headed to the lab.

His feet carried him there in a matter of minutes, his brain completely focused on you. What to say to you. What to do with you. He knew that moment in the gym wasn't one sided.You kissing him back wasn't his imagination. That memory had wormed its way deep into Bucky's brain, and he was desperate to make it happen again.

But the way you had acted around Nick made him panic that his progress with you had been halted.

He felt like he was jogging the last few steps, and knocked on the door, trying to bite the anxiety away as he chewed his lip. He waited.

He knocked again.

You had to be in there, because you just said that's where you were headed, plus it was the only place you were allowed, unless he was with you. Although, he thought, that's never stopped you before. And apparently that wasn't an issue now that Nick was around.

Just as he was about to give up, you opened the door.

"Ugh are you fucking kidding me?" You groaned, wiping your lips before continuing. "What?"

"Hey princess." He smiled, pushing all his anger to the side and leaning on the doorframe with his shoulder and crossing his arms over his chest. "Thought I'd come and see how you are."

You stared at him suspiciously.

"Fine." You replied bluntly.

"Oh really, not even going to try and entertain a conversation?" He said with a mocking pout on his lips. He felt an increased sense of confidence now, standing in front of you, trying to catch your captivating eyes that seemed to be shimmering as they stared back at him.


"Interesting meeting wasn't it?" He tried to prompt. You held his gaze. "You look really good today."

You swallowed, trying to not get sucked into his compliment, into the way he was looking you up and down.

"Right. Now if you don't mind, I'm a little busy -"

He stopped the door you were trying to close with one hand. The metal hand. You froze. He was looking at you weirdly. Then he stepped closer. You heard him inhale slowly.

"Someone's here?" He said, his voice lowering. Warning you that he already knew. He could smell Nick's cologne on your clothes. It made his blood ripple in jealousy.

"Yes." You answered honestly. "Now fuck off."

His hand went to your chin, and he tilted it up so that you were forced to look at him. His touch made your spine tingle.

"What did I say about using that language around me?"

Before you could say anything back, he came out from the back of the lab.

"Hey what's taking so - Oh, hey mate."

You both separated and turned round to see Nick standing there very awkwardly looking between the two of you.

"Nick," You squeaked. "You remember Bucky, from the meeting." Nick nodded at Bucky. "He's just leaving." You gestured for Nick to go back to your room, which he did, incredibly slowly. You were holding your breath, not wanting to look round at Bucky, who you could tell was simmering with something beside you.

"Look at me." Came his order. You clenched your jaw. "Now."

You turned around. Then you raised your eyes to Bucky. His chest was moving slowly. Too slowly. Like he was purposefully trying to control it. His eyes were almost black, glaring at you. It reminded you of when he had you against the gym wall.

"Why is he here?" Bucky growled.

"I don't need to explain myself to you." You snapped, going to grab the door and usher him out. He stepped in the way, making you pause. "He walked me back, remember?"

"You let him in." Bucky growled, and his words held a deeper meaning.

"I didn't let anything. I chose it." You argued, feeling yourself get angrier and angrier at him. "I needed something after...After..."

Your words trailed off as he leant closer to you, enveloping you in a haze of memories of the other day, as the only thing you could suddenly think about was Bucky kissing you.

"After what?" He asked, knowing full well what the answer was. You stayed silent. "You should have asked me." He finally said.

"Ask you? No chance." You huffed, but his finger suddenly trailing down your neck made your body tell a different story.

"I know for a fact that he won't be able to give you what you need. You're trying to pretend you don't want me."

You felt like your brain was about to explode. All you could do was breathe heavily under his touch, and stare up at him as he spoke. You didn't want to admit it, but he was right. You were pretending that you didn't want him.

"He will never be the same." Bucky whispered, almost against your lips, before there was a sudden breeze over your face, and he was gone.

You blinked back to reality, your heart thumping hard in your chest. Your stomach zipping with want.

That fucking bastard.

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